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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

Page 53

by Karen Clow


  By the time he got up and showered the following morning, she had been up for over an hour and was already cooking breakfast. Walking up behind her in the kitchen, putting his arms around her waist; he kissed the back of her neck. Turning she kissed him. “Morning gorgeous,” he said. “Your breakfast is nearly ready,” she replied as she turned back round. With his arms still round her, he kissed her neck and said, “Babe last night was wonderful. I’m sorry if I got a bit carried away, it’s your fault for making me so fucking horny!” “Go and sit down Jimmy, I’ll bring your breakfast over.”

  Looking at her while he ate he said, “God I’m a lucky bastard, tomorrow I’ll be marrying the girl of my dreams. She’s beautiful, kind, loving, a great cook and sexually there’s no one in the world to better her!” Maria just looked at him and smiled. Even when he added, “Babe is everything ok,” she simply nodded. Sensing that something wasn’t right, he said, “Come on tell me what’s up?” Trying to brush it off she replied, “Nothing, I’m just tired.” “I know you better than that babe, come on tell me.” “Ok, but you won’t like it. Tell me the truth Jimmy did you have sex with Della last night?” Looking shocked at her question; he angrily replied, “What the fuck are you on about? No I didn’t have sex with anyone except you!” Needing to know if he was being truthful she replied, “Then why did you need to have sex like that last night? You’ve never needed it before, be fair Jimmy, look at it from my point of view it does seem like a bloody big coincidence that it should happen after what Della said to me. Oh, and let’s not forget last night you went to Sweet Cheeks.” Looking angry, he snapped back at her and said, “What exactly do you want from me Maria?” “Just the truth, I don’t want an argument.” Raising his voice and shouting at her he said, “Ok Maria, I’ll tell you the fucking truth. I did see Della last night, I told her if she ever said another word to you, I’d fucking kill her. I also told her that you’re the only woman I want, that you’re everything I desire and that I love you! Oh and I called her a slag and warned her to keep away from the wedding! Do you really think I would arse fuck her two days before our wedding, or any other fucking time for that matter! With all that we’ve been through in the last few days I can’t fucking believe you don’t trust me!” Feeling very humbled she just sat there looking at him as he pushed his plate away, leaving half of his meal. Feeling terrible for doubting him, she said, “I’m sorry Jimmy, please finish your breakfast.” “I’ve lost my fucking appetite!” Tearfully she said, “I’m so sorry I doubted you. We’re supposed to be getting married tomorrow, we shouldn’t be arguing.” Knowing she was right he said, “Come over here babe.”

  Sitting on his lap with her arms round his neck he kissed her and said, “Don’t you know how much I love you? I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise what we’ve got. I nearly lost you once; it’s never going to happen again. I’m sorry about last night; we don’t have to do that again if you don’t want to?” “No it’s ok, I just imagined terrible things that’s all, I’m sorry.” “Forget about it babe, tomorrow is our big day, then you’ll be Mrs Dixon.”

  Sitting on him she was aware that he would have sex again right then, but she wasn’t up for it. Despite all that he’d said she still wasn’t totally convinced about his account of the previous evening. Changing the topic she said, “Can you run me into town today. Only I want to check with the florist that everything’s running smoothly?”

  Standing up she started to walk back to the kitchen. Jokingly he said, “If I say yes, is there any chance of us going back to bed for an hour first?” Smiling she replied, “Not if you want us to get married tomorrow!”

  Later that morning he ran her into town. At the florist she chatted to the manager about the wedding flowers, while Jimmy talked to the young girl who was serving. Confident that Maria was out of earshot he said quietly, “Can you deliver two dozen red roses to this address this afternoon?” he wrote his address down on the back of a florist’s card.” Smiling she said, “Yes of course, do you want to write a card?” “Yeah, go on then.” He had only just finished writing it; when Maria came over to him. “You finished babe,” he said. “Yes.” “Great we best get going then.” When they turned to leave the shop; Jimmy winked at the young sales assistant, as she picked up the card.

  Walking back to the car he said “Fancy having lunch out babe?” “Something light like a sandwich would be nice.” They stopped at a small café for a sandwich and a cuppa. Before leaving the café, he said, “Do you need to go anywhere else, before we go home?” Wishing he’d never asked when she replied, “Actually I’d really like to drop in at the church to see Father Thomas.” Begrudgingly he smiled and nodded as he said, “That’ll be ok, providing we’re quick.” Kissing him on the cheek she thanked him. Maria knew it was always a struggle for him to go to church, especially as on this occasion she knew he was only doing it to please her.

  Father Thomas was as always pleased to see her, although they had spoken on the phone when she returned from Brighton; it was nicer for them to actually speak in person. Shaking hands with Jimmy he said, “Nice to see you both, how are things going between you?” Maria replied, “Things are good Father.” Grinning at Jimmy the priest said, “So Jimmy, are you ready to get married?” “I’ve been ready for the last two years Thomas!” “I’m glad to hear you two worked everything out.” Two minutes after Jimmy replied, “So are we Thomas,” the priest was giving them a lecture on the sanctity of marriage. Trying not to appear rude Jimmy said, “Sorry Thomas we’ll have to be going now, I’m expecting a delivery later this afternoon.” Maria thought it was simply a ruse so they could leave.

  Driving home she jokingly said to him, “It’s not wise to lie to a priest you know that don’t you?” Grinning he replied, “So you think I was lying? For your information mother superior, I am expecting a delivery.” “Really, you never mentioned it earlier. What is it?” “Nosey ain’t you?” She pinched his leg. Despite asking him again he remained secretive.

  Having arrived back at their apartment block they were just getting out of the lift on their floor as a young man was waiting to go down, he was carrying a huge bouquet of red roses. Looking at the bouquet Jimmy said, “Who’s the lucky girl then?” “No one, I’ve been trying to deliver them but she’s out and I couldn’t even leave them with a neighbour, no one was in.” Maria smiled and said, “Which apartment are they for, we might know them?” “Number sixteen.” “That can’t be right that’s our number, there must be some mistake.” “What’s your surname?” “Davies.” “Well that’s the name on the card” he replied as he grinned and handed her the flowers, before he stepped into the lift; to go back down. Admiring the roses she said, “Oh Jimmy thank you they’re beautiful!” With a blank expression on his face he replied, “They’re nothing to do with me.” “Who are they from then? I can’t think of anyone who’d send me flowers?” Without flinching he looked serious as he replied, “Perhaps you made an impression on someone during your hen night.” Shaking her head, she was beginning to feel a bit nervous. He could see by her face that she was worried. Opening the apartment door he said, “Why don’t you just read the card?” Nervously she opened the tiny envelope and began to read the card. A tear ran down her cheek when she read, ‘to my darling Maria can’t wait to marry you, don’t ever doubt my love. Forever yours J.’ Laughing he said, “I didn’t have enough room to fit Jimmy on.” Hugging him she tearfully said, “Oh thank you Jimmy, they’re absolutely beautiful. Will you still buy me flowers when I’m old and wrinkly?” “I’ll buy you flowers every week for ever if it makes you happy.” “You make me happy Jimmy.” Glancing at his watch he said, “What time are Mickey and Monica coming round?” “Not for ages yet, don’t you remember they said they were going to dinner with Mickey’s parents, it’s so they can meet Monica’s parents before the wedding. I wouldn’t imagine they’d get here until after ten, why did you want to know?” “Well this could be your last chance to have me while I’m single,
by this time tomorrow I’ll be a married man and as it’s not even four o’clock yet we’d have ample time.” She kissed him before leading him by the hand into the bedroom.

  After sex they laid and talked, they were both a little nervous about their big day. He confessed to her that his only fear was she wouldn’t turn up. Laughing she replied, “Don’t be so daft; I give you my word I’ll be there.” “What do you fear the most?” She didn’t answer him. “Babe I said what do you fear the most?” “I heard you the first time, I didn’t reply because you wouldn’t like what I said, I think you’ll be angry with me.” “I promise I won’t, come on tell me.” “Ok, when I used to watch weddings from the children’s home, I noticed lots of people kissing the bride. Sister Marjorie told us it was tradition, although being old and set in her ways she personally didn’t agree with it.” Jimmy interrupted her and said, “From what you told me about good old Margie, I’d imagine she’d find anything that meant showing affection to someone else very distasteful. Sounds to me babe like she needed a fucking good porking, most nuns are frigid old hags!” Although she thought what he’d said was disrespectful, she did giggle, before he added, “Why did you think I’d be angry?” Nervously she replied, “I’m worried that you’ll get angry with me if other men want to kiss me.” Squeezing her hand he said, “I’ll be surprised if there’s a man there tomorrow that doesn’t want to kiss you. It’ll be fine babe; surely you don’t think I’m that bad? I know everyone one will kiss you and I promise I won’t be jealous.” Gripping his hand and looking relieved she said, “Thank you.” “You don’t have to thank me babe.”

  They were talking more about the wedding when he looked at her and said, “Am I really that bad babe?” She didn’t answer, so he continued, “Let’s talk honestly babe, when you first moved in with me I hated the way you seemed frightened of me all the time. I told myself then I’d never want you to feel like that, now I know that’s exactly how I make you feel. A bride shouldn’t be worrying about kissing people on her wedding day.” Wanting to answer him she plucked up the courage and replied, “I’m always on edge even when another man speaks to me Jimmy, especially if I don’t know them and even more so when you’re with me. I will never want another man; I just wished you believed that.” Lifting her head gently with his hand he looked lovingly at her and replied, “I promise babe, in future I’ll try not to be so jealous. I can’t guarantee anything, but I give you my word I’ll try and I know you’ll never be unfaithful, it’s just the way I am.” Leaning over to kiss him she said, “Can I ask you something else?” “Anything babe, maybe we should talk about things more often.” Hesitating briefly before she replied, “When you had other girlfriends in the past were you jealous with them and did you always want sex like you do with me?” He didn’t answer her. Not wanting to annoy him she quickly said, “Sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” A few moments passed before he replied, “The reason I didn’t answer babe was because I was trying to remember, and the answer to both questions is no.” “Not even Della?” Laughing he said, “Especially Della! Why would I be jealous of anyone with her, she‘d already had everyone at the club.” “When you say everyone, does that include Mickey?” “Yeah even Mickey, although I was there at the time.” Shocked by his honesty she couldn’t believe what he had just said, questioning it she replied, “What you mean while you were at the club?” “No we were here in the apartment; I was fucking her when Mickey turned up. When he realised what was happening he apologised and turned to leave. Della told him he didn’t have to go and that the bed was big enough for three.” Feeling sick to the pit of her stomach Maria said, “Oh my God, promise me Jimmy that will never happen with me!” Immediately sitting up he snapped, “Are you fucking kidding me! Best friend or not I’d rip his fucking balls off if he ever so much as touched you!” Knowing she had offended him, she quickly replied, “I wasn’t actually referring to Mickey, I was referring to threesomes.” Stroking her face he kissed her then said, “You need never worry about that babe, it was a one off and if you think for one minute I could lay here while someone else fucked you then you don’t know me very well!” Having heard enough for one day she smiled and said, “Can we change the subject please?” Grabbing her and kissing her passionately he jokingly replied, “Definitely, shall we practice making babies?” “Why not, after all we’re already in bed!” “Fancy messing around with the handcuffs and stuff?” Playfully pinching him she replied, “As long as you’re gentle with me, I don’t want to walk up the aisle bow legged!”

  Taking the handcuffs from the bedside draw he grinned and said, “Lay on your back women, so I can have my wicked way with you!” “Yes Master” she laughingly replied. For almost two hours they made love, both enjoying it. Cuddled up together afterwards Jimmy dozed off, but Maria just laid there thinking about the conversation they’d had earlier. Despite being upset by his revelation about the threesome with Della, she could see why it happened, although she had always believed that Mickey would feel differently about such things. Maybe Monica was right about men in the club game; they simply couldn’t let an opportunity for sex pass them by. Snuggling her head onto Jimmy chest, he stirred and tightened his grip around her before dropping back off.

  It was almost half nine when they finally got up and took a shower, only dressing minutes before their friends arrived.

  The friends chatted about the wedding most of the evening. Several times the grooms had tried to change the topic of wedding, but the girls were relentless.

  Just before midnight; Monica said, “You two should be going, us girls need to get our beauty sleep.” “Neither of you need worry about that; you’re ready beautiful,” said Mickey. Monica looked over at her friends and said, “See Maria this is why I can’t wait to marry him!”

  Just as the men were getting ready to leave Maria said, “Have you remembered to take everything you need Jimmy? Only I won’t allow you back into the apartment tomorrow its bad luck to see the bride.” Hugging her he said, “I’ve got everything I need, just promise me you’ll turn up!” “I’ll see you at the church at two; just make sure you’re there.” They kissed each other then the men left.

  Monica said, “Thank God they’ve gone, pour us a drink.” “I thought we were going to bed Monica.” Laughing she replied, “Hell no! I’m far too nervous to sleep.” “Me too, but we should try, the bouquets are being delivered at nine in the morning, so just one drink, then bed.”

  Back at Mickey’s the two men were drinking. Jimmy talked about his fear of her changing her mind; he couldn’t bear the thought of being jilted. Mickey laughed and said, “No chance.” They talked about the times when Jimmy had treated her badly. “When I thought I’d lost her Mickey I wanted to die, even now I can’t believe the effect she has on me and I can’t get enough of her where sex is concerned.” Mickey knew that his friend needed reassurance so he replied, “It’s good you feel that way, everyone can see there’s a strong sexual chemistry between you. The only thing that bothers me is your temper and jealousy.” “I’m working on that.”

  It was turned three that morning when they finally turned in for the night. As Mickey walked towards his bedroom, Jimmy called over and with a sincere look said, “Thanks for everything Mick.” His friend smiled and replied, “You’re welcome mate, anytime.”

  Jimmy couldn’t get to sleep, everything was going through his mind, like the terrible way he had treated her, the argument he’d had with Della and knowing in his mind that if she ever tried to come between Maria and him, he would kill her. His mind took him back to Maria’s hen night when he attacked and raped her barely a week before. His stomach ached, if he was with her now he would need to have sex and tell her how much he loved and needed her.

  That night without her he would have to masturbate to relieve his tension.


  Both girls were up by half six the next morning. Their wedding dresses were hanging on the wardrobes. Maria said, “What would you like for breakfast Monica?” Nervo
usly she replied, “Oh I don’t think I could eat anything; my stomach’s churning.” “Mine too,” giggled Maria. They both settled for a slice of toast, eating it as they went over the time schedule for the day. Nine o’clock bouquets, half ten hair dresser arriving, half eleven bridesmaids, Ann was in charge of them. Half twelve manicurist, quarter past one get dressed, ten minutes to two, wedding limo picking them up. Everything planned to the last detail; hopefully the day would run like clockwork.


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