Vegas Surrender

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Vegas Surrender Page 6

by Sasha Peterson

  My fingers tapped the display causing it to light up. Three missed calls from an unknown number and no messages. Feeling like an idiot, I waited until the bright white light faded off the screen before entering our bedroom. For all I knew, it could have been Daniel’s friend in California. He’d had a bad habit of calling after midnight, thinking it was only nine.

  The bed shifted as a rejoined my husband.

  “I missed you.” He planted a kiss on my check and held me tight.

  The jealousy faded, and I allowed myself to relax. I absorbed his body heat and soon drifted off.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I think my work will soon be complete. There’s no denying the connection between you two. Whatever is missing, you’ve definitely found it.” Our counselor smiled at us.

  Her words danced in my ears, bringing joy to them as one listening to a symphony. I’d finally be free from the woman insisting Daniel and I were on the path to doom. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating, but I’d be finished with spilling out my sex life to a stranger.

  My sister’s words pushed forward. “Talk to her without Daniel.”

  And what? Admit to almost succumbing to a woman my husband I both slept with in Vegas?

  “That’s great news.” Daniel’s thumb caressed the top of my hand. “I never had a doubt we’d work it out.”

  Her lips formed a slight curve. “Neither did I, but I needed you to believe in the possibility.” She scribbled something on her notepad. “As of today, I’m no longer your counselor. However, if you need anything in the future, please feel free to contact me.”

  Ding. The timer went off.

  “Thank you so much.” I accepted her outstretched hand and whisked Daniel outside.

  “What’s the rush?” He searched my face for answers.

  “I wanted out of there before she changed her mind.” I gave him a gentle nudge. “You have time for lunch?”

  “No. I have a meeting.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll see you at home.”

  He opened my car door and made sure I was safely inside before heading to his vehicle. My back sunk into the soft interior. It was finally over. No more of that woman poking and prodding in my life until I questioned every decision I’d ever made about being with my husband. If I had my way, I would have never returned after the first day. How dare she question my love for him just because he was white and I’m not? Dr. Patrick just put it out there.

  “Is being with a man of another race I thrill for you? Is being with him something to upset your parents?”

  I had wanted to slap the smirk off her face. Who in their right mind would be with someone just to upset another person? Our life wasn’t an act, and it sure as heck didn’t come easy. Atlanta isn’t called Chocolate City for nothing. This city oozed with black professionals compared to other cities. Sure, there were interracial couples, but those were majority black men with white women.

  My mother didn’t care who I dated as long as the money kept flowing. From the time I I’d become and adult, I’d only been a paycheck to cover her living expenses. For all of my childhood she semi-raised me, my grandmother did most of the work until she passed away two years before my eighteenth birthday, I owed her the rest of my life. So she overcame a drug addiction. It didn’t negate her lack of parenting. I tried not to think of her at all.

  Daniel only met her on a few occasions. He understood my and Tina’s reluctance in being around her.

  “No, Dr. Patrick,” I’d answered. “I’m not getting back at anyone. In fact, I relish in the stares black men give me for thinking I sold out.”

  Daniel had nudged me for my sarcasm.

  “I’m with my husband because I love him.”

  My stomach growled, interrupting my funk.

  “Call Tina.”

  The phone rang twice before she answered. “You finished getting your head shrunk?”

  “Ha ha. Have you eaten lunch yet?”

  “I was getting ready to head out, why?”

  I switched my car in gear and pulled off. “I’ll be there in five.”

  From the counselor’s office, my sister’s building was a straight shot. I ended the call and navigated Ponce de Leon with ease.

  Her purple wrap dress stood out among the others coming and going from the law firm. She gave me a half smile as I pulled up.

  “What’s up?” She eased her body into the passenger seat.

  “Today was the last session. You want Italian or American?”

  “If you’re buying, then Italian.” She laughed. “So you two are fixed now. That’s awesome. Did it fix the way some of the white woman make you feel when you attend events together?”

  “Tina.” I kept my focus on the road. “It’s not as bad as you think.”

  “Is that why you didn’t bother telling me how the last one went?” She folded her arms. Her eyes bore into the side of my skull.

  “I didn’t tell you because Cynthia…” Oh crap I didn’t mean to let her name slip out.

  Her brow rose. I’d garnered her interest. “Who’s Cynthia?”

  “Nobody.” I pulled up to the valet. He held my door open and traded my keys for a ticket. I stepped ahead of my sister as we walked up the small path to the door. I bypassed the smiling hostess and went for a seat in the bar area.

  Tina’s chair scraped across the cobblestone floor as she adjusted her seat. “Nobody my ass. This is the first time you haven’t uttered a word after an event. Spill it.”

  I waited for the bar staff to fill our water glasses. “Sweet tea, thank you.” She walked off, and I turned to my sister. “Fine. I have to get it out because it’s driving me crazy.”

  “This is more serious than I thought.”

  I swallowed hard, giving way for my throat to allow the words to escape. “Cynthia is a woman we met in Vegas.”

  The lines in her forehead scrunched in confusion. “Vegas? I thought we were talking about the event.”

  A smile plastered to the face of the waitress interrupting us. “Are you ready to order?”

  I nodded. “Shrimp Alfredo.”

  “Same for me.”

  The pimply faced college-aged woman grinned. Her gesture caused her dried out makeup to crack in the corners of her mouth. “I’ll get this in.” She grabbed our menus and walked off.


  “She showed up at the event.”

  “Okay. This is silly. Some woman you met in Vegas showed up at an event. What’s the big deal?”

  I lowered my voice so the people at the next table couldn’t hear. “The big deal is we had a threesome. I was drunk and had been told over and over how I’m such a prude so I decided to please my husband. Now she’s here.” The words spilled out my mouth.

  Tina’s jaw fell slack. “You what?”

  “You heard me.” No way I wanted to repeat that.

  She stared at me long and hard. Her gaze curved up into a smile, and she let out a giggle “My sister’s a freak. Way to go.”

  “I’m confused.” The judgment I anticipated didn’t come. It was one thing to talk about the act but another to expect her to accept it. Somehow, I’d avoided the rapture. I’d put it all out there, and the response was just shy of a standing ovation.

  “Girl, hush. You’re not the first person to have a threesome. The world isn’t going to end.”

  Her approval didn’t settle well. It spat in the face of the guilt I felt for enjoying it. “What about her showing up here?”

  “What about it? It’s a free country. Did you speak to her?”

  “Of course. I’m not rude. It’s just…” Heat rose to my cheeks. “Vegas was Vegas. What if she enjoyed it so much that now she wants Daniel?”

  My sister gave me the side eye. “Really? This woman somehow knew where you are from, knew you would be at the event, and all to get Daniel? You’ve been watching too much TV.” She laughed.

  The way Tina said it did sound kind of farfetched. Cynthia living in the same city just happened to be a coin
cidence. Besides, Cynthia tried putting the moves on me again, not Daniel. The entire thing was silly. I did the deed with Daniel. It’s done and over with. “You’re right.”

  We finished our lunch, and I dropped her back at work before heading to my office. I needed to quit worrying about Cynthia and focus on my handsome husband whom I no longer have to attend counseling with.

  Chapter Twelve

  I tapped my pen on my desk. The end of the quarter always brought on these calls. I’d gone over the numbers three times before I sent them off.

  “Yes, Mr. Alexander. I’ve accounted for everything.” As I’ve always done. For two years, we’ve always had the same conversation. He’d overspend and bust his budget, and I’d get the blame for his finances not meeting their anticipated mark in the end. I’d rather be sitting in a dentist office having a root canal than listening to him.

  “I’ve hired you for this reason. I’m not seeing a profit,” he huffed.

  If you quit buying all your side pieces jewelry and then in turn feel guilty for committing adultery and also buy your wife high end items, this wouldn’t be an issue. “Mr. Alexander I’m only here to give advice. I can see your accounts, but I don’t have authorization to make withdrawals or purchases. The Remington account you acquired did yield a return.”


  “We both know it’s the extra spending. I set a limit, and each time you go over the amount.” I relaxed in my chair, trying to match my posture to the calm I wanted him to feel.

  “Because the amount you set is ridiculous.”

  Ten thousand dollars a month is ridiculous? Hardly but I’m not a millionaire so what do I know. “It’s one you agreed upon. How about fifteen for this next quarter?”



  The phone went dead. What a jerk. Thankfully, we’d never had another in person meeting outside of our initial one; otherwise, he’d find out how much of the Help I wasn’t.

  My head throbbed. A long hot bath with Daniel would cure my woes. It was close to four so I’d respond to a few more emails and swing by his office for date night. Tonight was lady’s choice.

  I fired off my last message and grabbed my purse. “Night, Kathy. Have a great weekend.” I gave her a wave and pushed the metal bar on the door for my exit.

  The drive to his office couldn’t come fast enough. Prior to dinner, I planned on having my dessert with him right on top of the desk, or in his chair. I hadn’t made up my mind yet. Either option will have his cock spreading my fragile walls.

  I parked and made the short walk inside. Daniel’s office was on the top floor, right up with the head honchos. People milled about the building as I waited for one of the three elevator doors to open. The light flashed across the floors, taking its time to get to the lower level.

  The middle elevator dinged, and the doors popped open. I stayed to the side as a rainbow of people stepped off. When the car emptied, I stepped on.

  Brunette hair passed in front of the doors just as they were closing. My head spun. I mashed the door open button and hopped out into the hall. Desperately, I searched through the wave a people trying to get another glimpse.

  I caught the brunette passing in front of the information desk. She glanced over her right shoulder and back at me. I felt a gut punch. The woman was Cynthia, no doubt about it.

  “Mrs. Ross, are you okay?” One of Daniel’s associate’s kind eyes looked at me with concern.

  “I’m fine. I…” I glanced back at the information desk. She was gone. “I’ve had a long day. Excuse me.” I sidestepped him and ran as best as I could in my high heels, out the front door.

  Cynthia didn’t appear in either direction. She’d disappeared. I had no doubt it was her. Daniel had some explaining to do. This wasn’t a coincidence. No way she’d come to his place of business to see anyone else.

  I marched back inside and jammed the button for the elevator. The doors slid open, and I stepped on. As the car lifted me to his floor, my mind raced. Did she try the little stunt she had with me? Spreading her legs for him to see.

  A wave of nausea hit me. I’d barely been able to resist her. How could my husband? The way his eyes lit up during our tryst, he’d yearned for more.

  The ride jerked to a halt. My shoulder caught on the door in my haste to get to Daniel’s office. Heat rose to my collar as I raced down the hall. Thankfully Marla, his personal assistant, had already called it a day or she’d be caught in the crossfire.

  “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

  His smile faded as I stormed in.

  “Jen? What are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  “What am I doing here? I’m your wife, and I can come and go as I damn well please!” I crossed my arms, daring him to tell me different. In that instant, it occurred to me that Daniel and I never had an argument, disagreement yes, but never a heated battle. He better hold on because here it comes.

  I held my breath as my heart pounded against my chest. The swinging of the metal pendulum on his clock hanging on the wall caught my attention. With each sway, the second had nudged forward. It neared the twelve. If this were the old west, I’d probably have drawn my pistol. I doubt if I’d kill him, but I’d surely make him dance. I let out the breath and waited.

  He covered the distance of the room and extended his arms for our usual embrace. “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s always fine for you to be here.”

  No. I needed to look into his eyes. They would show me the truth. I snatched away. “Why was Cynthia here?”

  One arm dropped to his side, and the other ran fingers through the soft tendrils on his head. His gaze never wavered. “Who’s Cynthia?”

  “Nicole, but I guess her real name is Cynthia. Whatever it doesn’t matter. Why was she here?”

  “She’s part owner of Ohio Live, remember? Normally her husband takes the meetings, but with him being out the country, she filled in.”

  I didn’t care how gentle those hazel eyes willed me to believe him. I wasn’t convinced. “So it just happens that we run into this woman in Vegas, and now she’s all into meeting with you?” My nostrils flared, and the raging bull inside of me huffed.

  “Yes.” His face scrunched. “Hold on. You don’t think that I…that we…no. Never.” He pulled me into his arms for a second try.

  The warmth of his arms around me gave me pause.

  “My door remained open while she was here, as it does for any female besides my lovely wife. If you need verification, feel free to call Marla. Her number is in my phone.” His head lowered, resting comfortably at the base of my collar bone.

  The temperature of my blood gradually simmered. I should have known better. “I’m sorry.”

  His hands traced the outline of my arms, sending a tingling sensation down my spine. “It’s okay. Seeing you upset is actually a turn on. You came in guns blazing.” Daniel’s tongue trailed the nape of my neck. “Now I ask again. Why are you here?”

  His mouth found mine. The kiss wasn’t gentle, but aggressive. He lifted me off the ground and carried me to the wall. My back rammed hard against it, shaking the clock. Hurried hands pushed my skirt back and moved my thong to the side.

  My fingers tugged at his zipper and belt buckle until his slacks fell to the floor. His manhood stood out, large and proud.

  With my one leg wrapped around his waist, he entered me.

  “Ah,” I moaned at is abruptness. Palming his ass, I pushed him in, urging him in deeper.

  He rocked me against the wall. Daniel attacked my mound, putting an end to the battle I started. He drilled inside me, pushing me over the edge.

  “Oh my! I’m about to come!” I cried.

  “That’s right. Come for me. Does this dick feel like it’s been in someone else?” His eyes darkened in lust.

  “What?” He’d never spoken to me this way.

  He pulled out slow then came back at me hard.

  “Answer me.” Daniel grabbed my hands and held
them above my head.

  “No. I know you haven’t been with anyone else.”

  One arm around me and he carried me to his desk. My back adjusted to the hardwood beneath me as he spread my legs wide. His eyes gleamed as he licked his lips before diving in face first.

  Daniel nipped and tugged on my bud. My juices spilled over. “Oh.” My body tensed.

  He lapped faster. “This is my pussy. All my pussy!”

  “Yes, baby, it’s yours!”

  “Raise your leg.” He didn’t wait for me to comply. My husband tossed the left one over his shoulder and stood to enter me again.

  His thumb massaged my clit while he thrust in me. I couldn’t hold back any longer. My body quivered and pulsated beneath him.

  He grabbed my shoulders and pushed in as far as he could. Harder and faster, he pumped inside. “Aargh!” His body tensed.

  My vaginal walls gripped him, thrusting as his hot liquid spilled out and my body released its own. Spent, Daniel collapsed on top of me.

  Heartbeat to heartbeat, our bodies calmed. Pants echoed around the room.

  “What was that?” I smiled at him.

  “Make up sex.”

  “Sheesh. If I’d had known it would be like that, I would have started a fight a long time ago.” I gave him a coy grin.

  We had another long passionate kiss before cleaning up and heading out. The night was young, and today still was date night.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My head jerked in Kathy’s direction. She stood in my doorway. “What? And why are you yelling?”

  “Your meeting. You need to get over to the King Tower. I’ve been calling you. You better get going before you’re late.”

  I’d been in a daze. Lost in the wonderland of Daniel and I. He’d taken me in ways I’d never experienced, and my mind couldn’t stop viewing the replay.

  I glanced at the time on my laptop. “Crap! I need the file.”

  “I already have everything right here.” She held up a folder.


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