Vegas Surrender

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Vegas Surrender Page 7

by Sasha Peterson

  “Thanks. I owe you one.” I grabbed it from her.

  “I’m going to hold you to it.”

  Her words hit my back as I hurried out the door. The new era of Affordable Healthcare drummed in a fresh sea of clients. Small business owners needed guidance to balancing out their finances with the new policy. I’d stayed on top of the changes from the beginning. Most business needed to only raise their products by a few cents, and they’d be okay without having to reduce the amount of employees.

  The issue I encountered stemmed more from greed, and this client fared no different. After an hour and a half of debate and me showing them how they would actually turn a bigger profit with a slight increase, the owners were still intent on laying people off. I felt bad but what could I do? My business still needed to thrive, and I wasn’t the one doing the firing.

  By the time I stepped out their building, my body felt run down. All I wanted to do was spend time with my husband.

  I closed my car door and called his cell phone before firing up my engine.

  “You have reached the voicemail box of Daniel Ross. To leave a message, press one.”

  I pressed one.

  “I’m sorry. This voice box is full.”

  Laughing to myself, I entered his code—one, four, two and nine—to retrieve the messages. Daniel never was good at listening to his messages or clearing out his voicemail. I’d always chided him because he’d never know if there were important messages waiting.

  “First message,” the automatic voice continued.

  “Hey, Daniel, this is Greg. It’s been awhile, and we need to get together, man.”

  I smiled at hearing his best friend’s deep voice. He and Daniel did need to get together. That way, I’d get to spend time with his wife, and we’d make a trip out to California.

  Pushing seven, I saved the message.

  “Daniel, this is Nicole. If I’d have known your wife came to your office unannounced, I would have asked you to meet me somewhere else. I’m not sure if she saw me or not, but do you think she suspects?”

  The arms of my hair rose, and I felt sick to my stomach. So much for my faithful husband. More like the liar. No wonder he’d fucked me the way he did. That sure as hell didn’t count as making love. I smacked the steering wheel and fought back tears.

  I did this. I allowed another woman into our life under the guise of making my marriage work, and I’d unwittingly opened up the gates for him to cheat. Why would he feel guilty? After all, he watched her having her way with me. My head swam. I needed a drink and fast.

  I started my car and whipped out into the street. A green sign for Lucky’s Tavern flashed before me. It didn’t look like a dive so I turned my wheels to the right and parked.

  I took a seat at the first empty stool in the bar. A slender girl with black short spiked hair strolled over to me.

  “What can I get you?” She rested her hands on the bar and bobbed her head, awaiting my response.

  “A double shot of tequila.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “You sure?”


  “Coming right up.” She grabbed a shot glass and the Jose Cuervo. With a flick of the wrist, she poured my drink and brought it to me. “Here you go. It’ll be twelve fifty.”

  I slapped my card on the counter and waited for her to get to the register before downing my poison. The liquid singed my throat as it went down. I banged the small glass on the table and looked to her for another.

  She gave me a quizzical look but did my bidding. “You want to talk about it?” The bartender handed me another glass.

  “About my husband fucking a woman I didn’t stop from joining in with us? Nope.” I downed the second round.

  “This one’s on me. You need it. Sorry.” Her eyes saddened. She left me alone and walked off to deal with patrons on the other end of the bar.

  The drink did little to lesson my anger and the self-pity bubbling up. I dug my cell phone out my purse and dialed a number.


  “Tina.” My voice cracked.

  “What’s wrong, sis?” Her voice was void of all jokes and banter.

  “It’s Daniel. He’s cheating on me.”

  “What? No. Not Daniel. How do you know?”

  My chest heaved. “That woman. Cynthia. I saw her leaving his office. He denied it, but I heard a message she left questioning if I was on to them.”

  “This doesn’t make sense. Daniel loves you.”

  “I’m sure all the other men who cheat on their wives put on a big front too. I don’t think it’s about love. She offers something exciting and new.”

  “There has to be more to this.” Her tone remained calm and steady.

  “What? I thought you’d be doing a parade with the I told you so’s. The white man did what you thought he would.” My words slurred.

  “Come on. Yes, I’d admit it came to me as a shock at first, but I love Daniel. I’d never met a kinder or gentler man. His love for you knows no bounds.”

  “Well, apparently it does.” The tears flowed.

  The bartender handed me a tissue and went back to helping the other customers. I didn’t care how I looked. My appearance wouldn’t change the fact of my husband cheating on me.

  “Oh, Jen. I’m so sorry.”

  I grabbed my purse and got of the stool. “I’m coming over. I can’t face him.”

  “Are you okay to drive? You sound like you’ve been drinking.”

  “I’m fine.” I hung up.

  Through blurred, tear-stained eyes, I made the twenty minute drive to Stone Mountain. Tina greeted me with open arms. “I still can’t believe this. There has to be more to it.” She hugged me.

  I had no more words. My head pounded, and I needed a nap. In a daze, I stumble to her couch. I slumped down and dozed off.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I woke with a start. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. I stretched. Something pressed against my leg. The outline of a body formed.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I gave Daniel the hardest shove I could muster and pushed him away from me.

  He caught himself before falling all the way off the couch.

  “You didn’t come home so I was worried. Tina finally told me you were here.”

  “Hump. You were worried. You weren’t too worried when you were screwing that bitch in your office.” I sat upright on the couch. I’d deal with Tina for being a snitch later.

  “We’ve been through this. I thought we were okay.” He reached out to my leg, and I moved it away.

  “I believed your lies until I heard her message. Why should it matter to her if I showed up at my husband’s office unannounced?”

  “Dammit, Jennifer. I’m not messing around on you. You have to believe me.”

  “I don’t know what to believe. Maybe Dr. Patrick is wrong. We are headed for divorce.” I stood and put distance in between us.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying. I love you and will never do anything to hurt you.” The dim light from the cable box cast a low glow on him. His hazel eyes simmered. My heart told me to believe him, but my brain said I’d be a fool.

  “I used to believe that. Please leave. I need time to think.”

  He slowly rose of the couch. “I’ll give you some space, but I didn’t do anything and you will not ever say you’ll divorce me again.”

  His lips grazed my check. I resisted the urge to pull him closer, annoyed my body wanted to react to him. Daniel was a liar and a cheater. He left me standing there and stormed out the front door.

  I collapsed on the couch and finished off a fitful night of rest. Morning came, and I groaned as Tina messed around in her kitchen. Her apartment was so tiny I could hear and see almost everything she did.

  A fresh pot of coffee finally drew me from the couch.

  “What are you going to do?” She handed me a cup.

  “I’m going to go home and wash my ass and then go to work. Too many woman let their
lives stop because of a man. I won’t be one of them.”

  Tina rolled her eyes. “I mean about your husband. You guys need to talk.”

  “We did. I don’t believe him.”

  “He’s the love of your life.”

  “So?” I dumped two scoops of sugar in my mug and stirred.

  “Act like it and find out the truth first. If you don’t believe him, I don’t know. Talk to the Cynthia woman or something?”

  I narrowed my eyes at Tina. “As if she’d tell the truth or worse, what if she told me way more than I wanted to hear.” I gasped at the notion. What if Daniel had her the same way he’d had me? Did he lick her inner thighs until she begged for mercy? What if she’d allowed him to do something we’d never done—anal? He’d never asked for it but still. What if she were a woman who begged for it? What if he liked it?

  Tina snapped a finger. “Jennifer? Okay, let’s say he did cheat. Are you just going to let some hussy come and take your husband?”

  I hadn’t thought of it that way. Was I willing to give up everything and let another woman step in and take over my life? I knew first hand Cynthia was a gold digger. She all but said so herself, and she’d hinted to not being with her husband for much longer. Hell no that woman would not get my Daniel. Not without a fight.

  We finished up our coffee, and I headed out. My body reeked of liquor. I required a shower and good tooth brushing well before stepping in my office.

  The garage door creaked open, and I held my breath. I let it out when I realized his truck didn’t sit on the right side. In all my boldness about putting up a fight, I still hadn’t prepared myself for facing him just yet. Daniel would not get off easy. Hell could freeze over, and I still wouldn’t let him have sex with me again.

  Now that the gig was up, I doubted he’d continue to sneak around with her. From now on, he was on a short leash and had lots of making up to do.

  I went inside the house and warmed up the shower while giving myself the once over in the mirror. My caramel skin and brown eyes had many of men giving me the second glance. I kept my body in shape, which was a plus. Daniel better pray I never had the urge to step out on him. I’d have no problem pulling an attractive man.

  I shook the thought from my mind. I didn’t want another man. Daniel had my heart. He just needed to put in work in order to keep it that way.

  The water warmed my skin as I stepped in. It beat away my woes. I scrubbed away my funk and stepped out. Kathy hadn’t called yet, but she would. Any time I came late, it normally was on my calendar. Today I didn’t have a reason.

  I dressed and made the short commute to my office. Arriving after ten made the drive all the more bearable due to the lessened traffic.

  “Morning, Kathy.” Not in the mood for idle chit chatter, I continued past her desk.


  “We’ll talk later,” I said over my shoulder.

  “There something…”

  I ignored her and opened the door to my office. Green piercing eyes gazed up at me. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Cynthia stood and walked toward me with a smile plastered to her face. “Jennifer. Hi. I decided to come in early for my appointment.”

  This was my office. How dare she? I maintained my composure, not wanting her to see she’d gotten the best of me. “I’ve decided to no longer retain you as a client. I won’t take money from a two-bit man-stealing whore.”

  “Excuse me?” Her eyes widened. The appearance gave off the oh-no-she-didn’t look. Well, you man-stealing heifer, yes, I did.

  “You left a message for my husband wondering if I saw you. I did. From now on, if you dare come close to Daniel, I will carve those green eyes right out your pretty little skull.”

  “It’s not what you think. But I can see you’re clearly upset.” She picked up her purse and stood.

  My frame blocked the doorway. “Upset? Hardly. I’m mad as hell. Daniel is my husband whom I built a life with. I will not let him go for the likes of you.”

  “You don’t want me as a client, fine. I’m not going to take much more of your insults. If you’ll excuse me.” She brushed by me and covered the distance from my office to the front door in no time.

  I close my door and slumped down in one of my oversized chairs, burying my face in my hands. My body shook. I willed myself to calm down before I truly lost it. Where did those words come from? I came off like a sadistic lunatic. No matter. I saw it in her eyes. She knew better than to cross me again.

  A slight tapping sounded at my door.


  Kathy poked her head in. “Are you okay? That woman ran out of here as if she’s seen a ghost.”

  “Everything’s fine.”

  The sideways glance she gave me said she didn’t believe me. “Okay.” She backed out my office.

  I counted down from ten and got to work. Hours passed, and I buried myself in my clients’ affairs. Daniel called two or ten times, and I ignored him. If we spoke, I’d break down and I needed to concentrate.

  Six o’clock came around, and I finally called it a day. Kathy had ventured off an hour earlier. I closed up the office and went to play in traffic. The ride home would help clear my mind, or at least lesson my thoughts on committing murder.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Fridays in Atlanta were hectic. At six thirty-five, I’d barely moved four miles. I’d had enough of the celebrity gossip and turned off my radio. Who cares what Kanye and Kim K. were up to? I had my own drama.

  How in the world could I pretend everything would be okay between Daniel and me? Three years of marriage had boiled down to this. My marriage didn’t fare any better than anyone else’s. He was a good man and I knew it. But cheating. The tears fell again.

  I dabbed my eyes. In all my effort to put on the most expensive and complimenting outfit I owned, it couldn’t hide my pain. On Monday, I’d place a call to Dr. Patrick’s office. We’d get through this.

  My phone rang, interrupting my pity party.

  “Yes, Tina.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In traffic. Where else?” It came out more curt than it should have. To my credit, I’m stressed out and darn near sitting in a parking lot on I85 didn’t help.

  “You need to get to the W Hotel ASAP!”

  “What’s going on?” I didn’t feel like playing the guessing game.

  “Daniel and that Cynthia chick are here. I’m sitting outside and saw it with my own two eyes.”

  All the air in my car sucked out. I couldn’t breathe. My fingers fumbled across the panel in desperation until the window rolled down. “What?”

  “Get here. I’m going inside to see where they’re headed.” She hung up.

  Pains stung my chest. Damn him. Here I was, ready to work through his infidelity, and he gets a room with her.

  I whipped my car over to the shoulder and bypassed the other cars to get to the nearest exit. If it hadn’t been for the traffic, I’d have been at home and have to back track. From my location, I would be at the W Hotel in a few minutes.

  My head throbbed, and I found it hard to concentrate on the road, but my anger got me through. Screw finding a parking spot. I pulled up to the valet. He barely had a chance to hand me the ticket. I made a mad dash into the lobby.

  No sign of anyone. I called Tina. The phone rang several times and then went to voicemail. I hung up, and a text came through.

  They’re in the bar.

  I dropped my phone in my purse and changed my course. I’d planned on shaking the hotel clerk down for answers. My legs grew wobbly as I neared the door. I knew once I walked through, my life would change. The fear of actually seeing them two together set in. I hesitated. No. They would see me and Daniel would know without a shadow of a doubt that I’m leaving his no good ass. I forced my legs forward.

  They did the deed, and now it was time to pay. I burst through the doors.

  “Happy Anniversary!” a room full of people shouted.

flinched, and my eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights. My hands flew to my face. Tina stood next to Daniel. Both held huge grins on their face.

  “What’s going on?” My words came out barely above a whisper.

  Daniel pulled me into his arms. “It’s been four years since the day I met you in this very hotel. You won the battle for my heart, and I surrendered.”

  “I thought…”

  “That I’d actually cheat on the woman I love?” His eyes twinkled.

  Cynthia stepped from behind Tina and came forward. “Happy Anniversary.”

  “She helped me plan all of this for us. Cynthia has great connections. Closing down their bar just for us wasn’t an easy task.”

  My eyes lowered to the floor. All the names I’d called her.

  “It’s okay,” Cynthia said. “If I shared your love, I probably would have said worse. I’d never come between a happy couple.” She leaned closer. “My offer’s by invite only.”

  I blushed. Daniel’s lips found mine, and I accepted them willingly. I’d been silly to think the man who held me in his warm embrace would ever do anything to hurt me.

  “Get a room,” Tina said behind me.

  Daniel freed my lips. I turned to face her. “You.”

  “Yes, I was in on it.” She gave me a hug. “You’ll get over it.”

  I glanced around the room. Kathy waved from a corner. So many familiar faces mingled about as the hotel staff passed about trays filled with finger foods. My heart warmed, and I found myself overwhelmed. How in the world did I forget? I laughed to myself. Too busy being caught up in the hussy who wanted my man.

  Daniel’s arms wrapped around me from behind. “Go ahead and mingle.”

  “You sure?” Now that I knew for a hundred percent he wasn’t cheating, I didn’t want to leave his side.

  “Yes. We have plans later.”

  I cocked me head to the side.

  “Tina said get a room. I did, just in another state.” One side of his mouth curved up into a sly grin.

  “Please tell me it isn’t Vegas.”

  We both laughed. He gave me another small peck on the lips before ushering me along.


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