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Her Protectors: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 7

by Victoria Belle

  We chuckled, although I still wasn’t convinced. “Still though, you didn’t have to do this.”

  He put his hand on mine. “I know I didn’t. I wanted to. Soon as I saw it, I knew you had to be the one wearing it.”

  I pulled my longing gaze off his hand on mine. “Thank you.”

  The drive back to my place was done mostly in silence. Mainly because I feared catching his eye, giving into the impulse rippling through me. To throw my lips on his and give into the sexual tension that had been building since that first night in the cruiser.

  When we pulled up to my place, I muttered another “thanks” and “see ya” before hurrying out.

  Wyatt stopped me: “Britt?”

  I paused, dipped my head in.

  “One more thing,” he said, as his lips captured mine.

  Oh. My. God. Talk about a full-body rush. This kiss was way better than I would’ve even expected. Passionate, longing, claiming.

  All of me sunk into that kiss, under its spell. Until Wyatt pulled away.


  “Goodnight,” I said, walking awkwardly away, as if re-learning how.

  I was in big trouble.



  Why hadn’t I invited her here?

  I frowned at the lush surroundings: the chandeliered ceiling, the other cops and city figures all dressed to the nines.

  “Think Wyatt’s skipping out?” Kingston asked, downing another drink.

  “Better not be,” I said. “The Chief made a specific announcement of the importance that we all be here.”

  “Scrap that,” Kingston said. “I see him.”

  I followed his blue-eyed gaze to the door where all I could do was stare. Wyatt wasn’t alone – no, he’d brought Britt with him. I stared at them, waiting for the rage I expected to come.

  But all I felt was disappointment that I wasn’t over there with them.

  “Bastard beat us to the punch,” Kingston was saying with a rueful smile. “I wondered what Britt had been doing when she said she had plans.”

  The next minute, the pair had reached us. Britt’s nervous gaze was on my face, while mine was enrapt on her body. Her dress was a skin-tight sheath of velvet hugging her curves, begging to be touched.

  “You look great,” I told her.

  “Thanks,” she said, with a smile. It had a physical force to it, one that I had to avoid feeling the full effects of. If I did what I wanted to right now, it would be to cover her little red lips with mine and – fuck the gala, fuck Kingston and Wyatt and everyone else in the room, take her here and now.

  “What are you doing without a drink?” Kingston asked, handing her his.

  “Isn’t your boss and a bunch of your colleagues here?” Britt asked, sipping at it gingerly.

  “Why?” – Kingston cracked a big grin – “Wanna meet them?”

  “He’s joking,” I said, glancing at the dance floor. It was fairly empty, but still. “Want to dance?”

  “Sure,” she said, and the next second I was whisking her away.

  The song was some classical composer I recognized from somewhere, although really, I couldn’t care less. All my attention was crowded with her.

  She smelled delicious and though I knew she tasted delicious too, some part of me wanted to find out.

  Back by the bar where we had all been standing, Kingston and Wyatt didn’t look pleased.

  “Sorry I didn’t call,” I said. “I was just trying to figure out things.”

  “It’s fine,” she said.

  And she genuinely sounded so un-pissy that I felt even more guilty.

  “I wanted to invite you to this,” I said, frowning. “Guess Wyatt beat me to the punch.”

  “You weren’t even going to punch at all, though,” Britt pointed out. “I mean, it’s not like you knew that I was coming with Wyatt until now.”

  “True,” I had to admit. My gaze cut to her face. “You and him a thing now, too?”

  Her cheeks tinged pink, then her gaze cut to mine. “That bother you?”

  “I’m not sure, to be honest,” I said. “My jealousy for this thing has been all over the place. Which is silly, seeing as we both agreed that we aren’t in a good place for a relationship. I guess… what I’m most afraid of, if things happen between you and my friends, is that things would change between us.”

  “Not at all,” Britt said immediately. “ I really like you, Bradley.”

  Checking around us to see that no one was watching, I gave her a quick peck on the forehead. “And I really like you.”

  Now she was eyeing me tentatively, as if something was still on her mind. “So, does that mean, if Wyatt and I did become a thing, that you’d be ok with it?”

  “I don’t know, honestly,” I said, frowning. Then, one look at her luminous face, and I sighed. “If it’s between that and losing you, then I’d know what I’d chose.”

  A smile brimmed face on her. “I know what I’d chose too.”

  We danced for a few more songs, until Britt had to go to the bathroom. Then, Kingston and Wyatt sauntered up.

  “Practicing your wedding vows?” Kingston quipped.

  “Hilarious,” I said.

  “No,” Kingston said. “What’s hilarious is that I haven’t seen Wyatt this pissed until I accidentally kicked his camera last fall.”

  “You don’t have to be pissed,” I told Wyatt. “I told Britt that I’m ok with it if you and her go out.”

  Wyatt gaped at me. “Really?”

  “Really,” I said. “You both mean too much to me to have our relationships ruined just over some petty jealously.”

  Wyatt clapped me on the back. “Color me shocked. Thank you.”

  Kingston cleared his throat. “Is this an open invitation?”

  I glared at him. “Not you too.”

  “C’mon, just look at her,” Kingston protested.

  I sighed, looking from Wyatt’s beaming face to Kingston’s expectant one. “Would you really hold back if I wanted you to?”

  Kingston shrugged.

  “Fine,” I said. “I’ll try to control my jealousy. We can see how this’ll work.”

  Kingston whooped. As Britt exited the bathroom, he swooped over, saying, “In light of this new decision, next dance is with me.”

  As they danced, an acrobatic show began on the stage behind us. Although neither Wyatt nor I turned to even glance at it. No, our gazes were plastered on the dark-haired girl who seemed to laugh every minute she danced with Kingston.

  For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was actually sort of happy to see the girl I liked and one of my best friends so happy together.



  “So what’s the problem?” Simone asked. “You have three hot cops who adore you. Not to mention they’re ok with sharing.”

  “Only Bradley said he was ok with it,” I reminded her. “Besides, I don’t know if I’m ok with it.”

  Simone squinted at me, as if trying to understand me was as difficult as figuring out hieroglyphics.

  I directed my attention back to the woman we were drawing. That was the reason Simone and I were supposedly in this Life Drawing session after all. Although getting immersed in my sketching didn’t help with Simone’s insistent stare.

  “If you don’t want them, I’ll take them,” she finally said.

  “I never said I didn’t want them,” I said. “Just that I wasn’t sure who I did want.”

  “If you can’t decide…” she grinned wickedly.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know,” I said, cutting her off.

  My phone went off, but I ignored it, focusing my attention on the woman’s shin, which I was trying to get just right.

  “Kingston’s the one with the shaved head, right?” Simone asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “He just invited you to some pool place.”

  “Seriously, Simone?” I said, though I didn’t lift my head fro
m my sketch. I was in full-on draw maniac mode and I wasn’t about to let myself get distracted by what had been distracting me for the past five minutes.

  “You do want to go though?”


  “’Cause I told him you would.”

  “Simone!” I cried, grabbing my phone away from her.

  One look found that she’d spoken the truth. To Kingston’s: Free for some nighttime pool fun tonight?, Simone had replied, Oh yes.

  “Seriously – ‘oh yes’?”

  “Why not?” she said, smiling evilly. “You know you want to.”

  “Whatever,” I said.

  Because Simone was right, damn her. Already, excitement was fluttering in my chest. Although Kingston was the one I’d spent the least amount of time with of the three, my attraction to him was as undeniable as it was for the others. He was easy to be around and funny as hell. I never laughed as much as I did at his quick wit and cutting humor.

  Leaning in Simone said quietly enough that no one around us could hear her, “You can thank me tonight – after your mind-blowingly pool sex.”

  I hit her with the wooden end of my paintbrush, while she cackled uncaringly. Her words had set off a new unwanted thrill through me. My last hangout with Wyatt hadn’t ended with sex, so this one with Kingston wasn’t necessarily going to, right?



  Nothing serious. That’s what this was, I reminded myself.

  So what if I was more excited than I’d been for my sure-thing tinder dates this past week? Didn’t mean much, other than that I was crazy-attracted to Britt. Which I could’ve told you already.

  Or my dick could’ve, at least. One look at her in that fuck-me tight black dress at the police gala, and I could’ve taken her right then.

  Except – I forced my dancing leg still – why was I so goddamn nervous?

  Seeing someone at the end of the walkway, I waved. “Enjoy your bus ride?”

  She frowned. “I told you. I was out, so it wouldn’t’ve made sense for me to go home for you to pick me up.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “You know I’m just messing with you. You’re cute when you’re mad.”

  Britt accepted my proffered arm with a sarcastic smile. “Said like a true seven-year-old boy.”

  I shrugged. “Never said maturity was one of my strong points.”

  Britt took a look around, her impressed eyes taking in the gold trim of our luxurious surroundings. “Clearly taste is, though.”

  “They don’t call it Hotel 1 for nothing. You brought your bathing suit, right?”

  As we stopped to wait for the elevator, Britt’s face assumed an oh-crap expression. “You were serious about the whole pool thing?”

  “Well, we could always go into the pool wearing nothing, but I think that might make the other guests jealous.”

  She smiled thinly. “Lucky for them, I did wear my bathing suit.”

  Or unlucky. Only time would tell whether tonight was going to be my lucky night.

  “Let me guess,” I said as we walked onto the newly-arrived elevator. “It’s black?”

  “How’d you know?”

  “You look hot as hell in black.”

  “Let me guess,” she said, turning to me with a smile. “You’re not just saying that to get in my-”

  “Oh no,” I said, letting my gaze rest of hers. “I’m totally saying that to get in your pants.”

  The boldness of my words sparked a light in her eyes, although already the whip-fast elevator doors were opening up.

  As we walked onto the smooth grey stone, I said, “I have a confession to make.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “I booked the whole pool for us for a few hours.”

  Her smile was halfway up her face when she asked, “Why?”

  “Wanted to have you all for myself.”

  That got a whole smile out of her, though sat herself down on a pool seat. “You know all the right things to say. Don’t you?”

  “Not always,” I said, sitting on the chair beside her so our legs were touching.

  For a minute or two, only the moon watched us silently.

  “I didn’t know what to say when the divorce went down,” I said.

  She said nothing, didn’t pry even with the slightest look. Maybe that was why I said what I did next.

  “Maybe it was because I didn’t care by then. I was just too tired. Tired of all the fights and blaming. How she brought out the worst in me.”

  “That’s what they never tell you about love,” Britt said quietly. “They go on and on about how transformative it can be, but never in the bad sense. How it can cripple you if you let it.”

  One look at her drawn face, and I knew. Britt had experienced the truth of her words.

  “I guess people figure it’s worth it,” I said quietly. “Worth all the risk and invariable disappointment. That the small possibility of the great good you can get.”

  “Is it, though?” Britt asked.

  The look in her eyes was heartbreaking. A pinprick of hope swathed by bitterness.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted.

  Her broken smile was what mine would’ve looked like if I had smiled. “Me neither.”

  “I don’t think anyone does,” she said. “But I think you could say that in a broader sense, too. Whether all the joys of life are worth the hurt, frustration and pain. Most people say yes to that.”

  “Most people,” I agreed, taking her hand.

  She was the one who lifted mine, looking it over as if there were writing on it. “It’s funny. You’re always joking, and yet….”

  “I’m a bit deeper than a one-foot pond?”

  She chuckled. “Not what I was going to say.”

  I shrugged. “It’s only certain people I’m like this with. People who seem to really listen. Some people I can’t talk to at all.”

  “Guess I learned it back in foster care. Every time, I learned that was the key for figuring it out – how my stay was going to be. I just had to hang around and listen to them – my new mom and dad. And within a few hours, sometimes even just a few minutes, I almost always had a pretty good idea.”

  “Anyone ever surprise you?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Most times badly, though. Although this one guy, Miguel – I’m still friends with him.”

  “And me?” I asked. “Have I surprised you?”

  “You know the answer to that,” she said, although she was smiling.

  “Maybe,” I said, rising.

  Britt responded by pulling off her floppy red and white dress. It took her a while to get the unwieldy thing off. Which suited me just fine, gave me the time I needed to visually enjoy her.

  Those curves of hers looked even hotter unbound. Generous hips and a bust that I could see myself dipping my face in between. Mmm.

  “We going swimming?”

  “What?” I said. “You don’t like being visually molested?”

  Britt responded by going over to the pool and dipping a foot in. “It’s nice and cool and… whoa.”

  As I stripped to my bathing suit shorts, Britt’s gaze was plastered on the cityscape right off the edge of the building. “I was so busy talking to you that…”

  “You didn’t realize the other beauty?” I said with a smirk, and hopping in. “That’s the best part of this place.”

  As she got in, I went on my back and motioned for her to do the same. “If you float long enough, and keep your gaze on the stars, it’s almost like you’re floating in them.”

  Silence as Britt assumed the same position as me. Her floating head nudged mine and stayed there.

  “You’re right,” she said softly after a minute.

  And so we floated there and I thought of all that I’d said and all that I hadn’t said yet. Like how I wanted to kiss her. Like how every time now I saw any piece of art anywhere – on mugs, on bags, on street corners, I thought of her. Like how I thought we’d be great together.

Nothing serious, I reminded myself

  When my side hit the side of the pool, I righted myself.

  “Hey, come see this,” I called to her.

  Britt waded over and stopped beside me, so that our arms were resting on the railing.

  “Amazing,” she said.

  “Hell yeah,” I said, though I wasn’t looking at the lit-up city skyline.

  The sight of her parted lips, as if ready and willing, tore at me.

  “Listen,” I said. “If you don’t want to do anything because of the whole Bradley situation, then I’m ok with that. I mean, we did talk while you were in the bathroom, and he did say it was ok, but-”

  She kissed the rest of the words right off my lips.

  Holy shit, was my next thought, as our lips swirled together. Hers were assertive, insistent, yet giving. Every one of my lip presses was met my hers, eager and ready. Her tongue tapped and played with mine, as if she knew just the movements I craved.

  My fingers linked under her bikini strap, played with it. Pulling it down slightly, I kissed the line where it had been on her flesh.

  “It’s too tight,” she explained with a little smile, as I traced it with the tip of my finger.

  What else would be tight?

  Only one way to find out…

  While her hands enjoyed my biceps, stroking and clasping, mine dared venture further. Through the thin wet fabric of her bikini, I could feel the nubs of her nipples poking out, as if begging to be freed.

  One look up at her face, seeing her parted lips and I knew.

  Pulling her top down, Britt took one look at me, gasped – and then disappeared under the surface of the water.

  Damnit. I’d known that was too much too fast. But just kissing her had gone straight to my head, making me forget my usual carefulness. The rules – go slow, pull away first – had gone straight out the door with her.

  When Britt broke free of the water, her top was still off, and she was grinning.

  “Who said you could do that?” she said, her eyes challenging.

  “Your face,” I said, filling my large hands with her heavy breasts.

  A groan peeled out of her lips, went straight to my erection, hardening by the second.


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