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Changing the Script (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 8

by Fae Mallory

  With one movement she plunged two fingers into his body and pulled him against her at the same moment, Robert sliding into her as she claimed him. His hoarse cry echoed through her apartment and even the blissful sensation of being filled by him at last came second to the awestruck look on his face. With her free hand, she cradled his jaw and bestowed a tender kiss on his lips. “I love how you feel inside of me,” she praised, using her inner muscles to embrace him.

  Robert’s eyes blazed with a desire so intense that it took her breath away. “I’ve dreamed of this for years,” he admitted, his voice rough, “I can’t believe… It’s too good.”

  “It’s real,” Izzy reminded him, curling her fingers within his body to touch that raised spot. In her arms, Robert jolted, his hips jerking in a thrust that drove every other thought from her mind. For four years they’d both been repressing their desire for each other in order to maintain their working relationship. Now the time for restraint was over.

  “Take me,” she encouraged, curling her fingers inside of him in an attempt to drive him out of his mind.

  It worked. Robert snarled and bucked his hips, pounding into her as Izzy clung to him, pressing her breasts against his chest, his hair-roughened skin providing delicious friction against her aching nipples. She matched the flicks and taps of her fingers against his prostate with the rhythm of his thrusts, urging him on. Robert buried his face against her throat, decorating her skin with messy kisses and desperate scrapes of his teeth as she reached down to slap his ass, demanding more.

  In this upright position, she couldn’t quite get enough pressure against her clitoris to climax, and her hands were quite happy where they were. Instead she leaned back against the futon, taking a moment to enjoy the view. Robert’s face was darkly flushed and contorted with ecstasy, his chest working like a bellows as he plunged into her again and again, her body quaking from the force of his thrusts. The dull pain of his wild slams sent a thrill of triumph through Izzy. Robert was completely out of control, a slave to his passions, and she’d done that to him.

  “Kiss me,” she commanded, and he let out a cry, following her down to slant his mouth over hers, his tongue plundering her. The change of angle gave her exactly the stimulation she needed, her tongue dueling with his until he submitted with a throaty groan, letting her take what she wanted.

  He tore his mouth from hers with a harsh groan, calling out, “Izzy, I’m going to—!”

  His thrusts grew erratic, his body jerking in her arms, clearly on edge. Taking pity on him, Izzy held her fingers still, depriving him of that extra sensation. “Together,” she rasped, wanting to take that final step with him.

  Canting her hips up, she wrapped her legs around him, drawing him into her to the hilt and holding him deep inside of her as she clenched her muscles, feeling the shimmering waves of pleasure that heralded her climax. With the last of her sanity, she raked her fingers over his prostate.

  Robert went rigid, arching his neck back as he dragged himself out of her with agonizing slowness, his lips drawn back in a snarl. Izzy repeated her action, and with a feral roar he slammed into her with such force that her entire body quaked, her climax breaking over her like a tidal wave as above her Robert grunted and keened, his hips jerking wildly as the heat of his release flooded her.

  It seemed to last an eternity, Izzy’s body tensing and jolting as Robert thrust in groaning spasms, making her see fireworks behind her eyelids. Just when she thought her body could take no more, he collapsed on top of her with a dazed moan, the warm weight of his body soothing her twitching muscles.

  Wriggling, Izzy managed to maneuver so that she was lying on the futon, Robert following like a puppy to drape himself over her and nuzzle against her throat. “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” she murmured, groping on the floor for the keys to the handcuffs. Once her fingers closed over the key ring, she reached around him to unfasten the lock, rubbing his arms to restore circulation.

  He burrowed against her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and Izzy stroked his back, running her hand tenderly over the welts she’d raised on his ass. “You’re not going to be able to sit for a week.”

  A faint chuckle answered her. “I deserved it,” he admitted.

  “Yes, you did,” Izzy agreed, placing a kiss on his damp forehead. Robert snuggled closer, a blissful smile on his lips as he pillowed his head against her breasts.

  “I’ll be good now,” he promised with a yawn.

  Smiling fondly, Izzy petted him. “You’d better be. You’re mine, and I won’t tolerate any nonsense.” In truth, she’d quite enjoyed disciplining him, which was for the best. Robert was accustomed to having everything his way, and that would be a hard habit for him to break. Izzy didn’t need a crystal ball to foresee many more punishments to come. It was a good thing she’d bought the handcuffs.

  “Yours,” he agreed, his voice slurred and content. “I love you, Izzy.”

  It was the first time he’d said it, and even though his actions had made his feelings quite clear, the words still sent a thrill through her. “I love you, too, Robert.”

  Tomorrow they would go back to work developing a new show. Once again, he would be her boss and she his efficient stage manager, but the balance of power had irrevocably shifted. Robert belonged to her now, and the power he wielded was only his because she allowed it. Izzy would take great pleasure in watching him play lord of the manor knowing that once rehearsal ended, he would be kneeling at her feet. Robert Mitchell, who answered to no one, answered to her.

  With a smile of satisfaction, she kissed his forehead and closed her eyes, following him into sleep.


  “That red needs to be brighter so it still reads with the lighting,” Robert instructed, tapping the handle of his cane against their table as he glared at the stage.

  Izzy’s pen flew as she jotted down a note for Ginny to dye the shirt. “Got it, boss.”

  Onstage, the actors went through their paces as the rehearsal progressed, half of them knocking into the furniture as they attempted to run the show with the intended stage lighting for the first time. To Izzy’s amusement, Robert had made good on his threat to mount a show that would be performed mostly in shadow, and it was going just as well as she’d anticipated, which meant that it wasn’t going well at all.

  A crash made her wince, and she looked up in time to see one of the actors make an impressive dive to save the vintage teapot from meeting the same fate as the sugar bowl that was now in fragments on the stage. “Thank you, Collin,” she called.

  “And get a new sugar bowl,” Robert ordered through clenched teeth.

  They took a brief break while Jon swept up the remains of the shattered sugar bowl, and Izzy put her hand on Robert’s knee, feeling him vibrating with tension. “We’re okay,” she soothed.

  “They’re cattle in a china shop,” he complained. “Cattle might actually be less destructive.”

  “At least we still have a teapot,” Izzy pointed out.

  The show continued unimpeded for another three minutes before Keith advanced to the next light cue, and Robert leapt to his feet. “That is not dim lighting. That is a blackout!” he bellowed into the darkened theater.

  “If I can’t see the actors we’d might as well pack it up and go do radio. Give me dim lighting!” At his shout, the stage lights brightened enough to reveal the frozen actors, and Robert slammed his cane down on the table.

  “I didn’t say blind me! This scene is supposed to reflect Joseph’s troubled state of mind. We’re in his head. Now give me something between black as a politician’s heart and bright enough to count Collin’s nose hairs!” During his diatribe, Robert’s voice gradually crescendoed until he was roaring the theater down.

  Izzy put her hand over her mouth as Keith played with the light levels, adding more blue into the mix which turned Colin’s red shirt a muddy brown. “This is ridiculous!” Robert exploded, brandishing his cane like a weapon as he turned to fix an evil glare
at the back of the theater where Keith was experimenting with the light board.

  “If you can’t accomplish even the most basic tasks, I will find someone more competent to replace you,” Robert snarled at Keith, who stood up from his work, opening his mouth to shout back.

  “Everybody take ten!” Izzy hopped to her feet before the other man had the chance to say anything. The actors disappeared quickly enough to qualify as a magic trick, but Robert and Keith continued to glare each other down across a dozen rows of seats.

  “Keith, go get yourself some coffee,” she suggested, her tone making it clear that it wasn’t a suggestion at all.

  With a grumble, the lanky man left the theater, and Izzy grabbed the back of Robert’s shirt when he moved to follow the lighting designer. “No.”

  “I can’t work with that man. Find a replacement,” he demanded.

  “Keith is a brilliant designer. This is a new style of show, so it’s going to take time to work out the kinks. Just be patient, and we’ll get it,” Izzy soothed, hoping that Keith would return when the break ended. He could be as temperamental as Robert sometimes.

  “I’m surrounded by idiots! The lighting is a disaster. The costumes don’t work, and the actors are a pack of blundering buffoons,” he ranted, his nostrils flaring. He was working himself into a full-scale breakdown, and if Izzy didn’t do something fast, he’d alienate everyone.

  Reaching out, she caught hold of his hip and pressed her fingers hard into the bruise she’d left there the previous night. Although it was hidden by his trousers, Izzy could clearly envision the vivid purple mark she’d made by cracking a ruler down on his ass while Robert was draped naked across her lap like a naughty schoolboy. “Enough.”

  Robert squirmed under her hand, sweat beading along his forehead as his eyes glazed over. “Please,” he hissed through gritted teeth.

  “You’re misbehaving,” Izzy reminded him, grabbing his arm and turning him roughly to face the table. “Bend over.”

  There was no time for anything fancy, so Izzy used her hand, careful to make sure her strikes landed squarely on his bruised skin. Robert pushed his hips back to demand more, and she could feel his muscles quivering under her fingers as she spanked him. “No. More. Shouting,” she commanded, interspersing her words with blows.

  His soft whimpers sounded like music to her, and Izzy smiled to herself as she raked her nails over his ass, reaching between his legs to give his cock a firm squeeze. With a choked grunt, Robert jerked into her hand, and she gave his burgeoning erection a few strokes, bringing him to full hardness before stepping back.

  “That’s for being a pain in my ass,” she informed him, smirking when he looked up at her with pleading eyes.

  “Sit down,” she ordered. With a wince, he complied, the material of his trousers drawn tight over his straining cock. That had to be terribly uncomfortable, but when he reached to adjust himself, she slapped his hand.

  “Now you are going to sit there and be a good boy for the rest of rehearsal. If you want changes, you will tell me, and I’ll relay the message. And if you’re very good, I might even let you come after you get down on your knees and apologize for being a raging diva. Am I making myself clear?” Izzy folded her arms across her chest, hearing the telltale clamor that heralded the rest of the cast and crew returning from break.

  “Crystal clear,” he agreed, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain control of himself.

  “Good boy,” she praised, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose before reclaiming her seat beside him. As the actors wandered back onstage, she reached down and gave Robert’s cock a gentle stroke, making sure that he was still fully hard before she picked up her pen and notebook, ready to get back to business.

  He squirmed, his hair falling into his eyes. “You’re cruel,” he accused in a whisper.

  “You love it,” she reminded him, smiling down at the diamond engagement ring that proved her words.

  Slumping back in his seat, he let out a noisy sigh and agreed, “I love it. I love you.”

  “I know you do,” she agreed, shooting him a teasing smile. “I’m going to let you prove it to me later, though. I bought us a little present.”

  “Oh?” he asked, not paying the slightest attention as Keith began playing with the lighting, bringing up a wash of blues and purples against the backdrop that would give Robert the atmosphere he wanted without sacrificing the detailing on the costumes.

  Izzy put down her notebook and tapped her ring with the tip of her pen. “You gave me a ring. I decided that you needed one, too.” Reaching down, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and squeezed firmly, making her meaning plain.

  Robert jolted, breathing like a freight train as she took her hand away. “Rehearsal’s over, let’s go,” he muttered to her.

  Chuckling, Izzy pushed him back into his seat, relishing his grunt of protest. “Patience is a virtue,” she reminded him with a sweet smile, waiting until he subsided with a frustrated growl. Satisfied that he was sufficiently distracted to let the rehearsal continue in peace, she picked up her notebook and called to the actors, “Places, please! Let’s get started.”

  His distraction wouldn’t last forever. By the end of the first scene, he’d have a laundry list of changes to be made, but Izzy had ensured he’d be diplomatic about it, if only because she’d reminded him of what would happen if he wasn’t. He would always be exacting and impossible to please, but she’d learned more than a few tricks for managing him since the first time she’d bent him over a sofa. Robert was a royal pain, but he was her royal pain, and Izzy wouldn’t want him any other way.



  Fae Mallory has been a costume designer and a teacher. Now she’s enjoying pursuing her dream of writing. She lives in Pennsylvania with two spoiled cats.

  For all titles by Fae Mallory, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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