Amanda's Touch [ Women] (Siren Publishing Allure)
Page 44
“Mandy, are you sure you want to do this?” As much as he wanted her he was not going to take advantage of her drunken condition. His less noble side told him to Yes, please take advantage! You know you want to sink deep inside her until she forgets where you end and she begins. And he had to firmly tell himself to behave.
She pushed up on her tiptoes, raising her lips to his, and kissed him hungrily. “Yes, I’m sure,” she answered him.
“Do you know what you’re asking? What you are agreeing to do?” He pressed. “Say it, Mandy. Ask me, so I know you’re okay with this. I don’t want you to have regrets about this in the morning or say I took advantage of you.”
She groaned and turned away from him and he figured that was her answer. She didn’t want this, didn’t want him, at least not tonight. He didn’t like it but he could accept it. They did have a lot to straighten out between them. At least she was sober enough to realize it before she made a mistake.
She picked up the glass of water and carefully sat back down, sipping it slowly. After a moment Zack rejoined her, sitting in the other chair. She hadn’t asked him to leave. She just hadn’t invited him to her bed again. He said nothing to her, just waited to see where she’d take them. As a half hour passed he could feel her sober up a bit more, and he could read her feelings a little more clearly.
She was still slightly inebriated but her words were enunciated and back in their proper order when she got up and stood before him, offering him her hands and saying, “I want to take you to my bed. I want to make love with you. I want to spend the night with you holding me against you.” This time he could trust what she’d said.
“I know there’s a lot we need to talk about, Zack. But I’m tired of fighting with you. I just want to be with you. I like how I feel when I’m with you, and I’ve missed you like crazy all week. I’ll be honest. I don’t know how the hell we’re going to work this out. But I know how miserable I am without you. And you may not believe me right now, because I’m still tipsy, but I do love you.”
“I’m inviting you to my bed, Zack. Will you join me?” Her hands were still outstretched in front of him. He placed his hands in hers and stood up, wrapping his arms around her and more than eager to pick up where they’d left off. She led him to her bedside, taking charge of him this time. When he bent to touch and kiss her she dodged his hands and lips, pushing his arms away from her.
“My turn,” she told him huskily. She pulled his shirt over his head, with a little help from him since he was so much taller. Running her palms over his hairy chest and trailing her fingers teasingly up and down his well-toned abdomen she drew a moan from him and he reached for her again.
“No, Zack,” she told him firmly. “Give up control to me, for a change. You just might enjoy it.”
She smiled naughtily up at him causing him to laugh nervously. He looked down at her, his voice hesitant.
“Okay…this ought to be interesting.” He’d never let a woman take the lead in the bedroom before. Somehow it seemed all wrong, twisted.
“Are you sure you’re sober enough to know what you’re doing?” he asked her and then gasped as she drew circles around one nub on his chest with her slick hot tongue and then gently bit down. Once more he automatically reached to pull her against him.
“No, no, no,” she backed away and shook a finger at him. “If you want this, it’s going to happen my way or no way at all. Got it?” Grimly, he agreed. Oh God did he want her.
“Got it. Right. Whatever you want, Mandy. However you want it.”
He exerted an iron will to keep his hands at his sides and not touch her. He understood her need to be in control this time around, she felt a need to prove something. If he needed to give her this in order to keep her, he’d do it. He figured it wouldn’t be long before she turned control back over to him. She enjoyed his dominance of her too much not to, in the bedroom anyway.
When she began to run her tongue down his chest to his navel he jerked and gasped, keeping his hands fisted at his sides as a fire began to burn through his veins. When she moved down his side gently nibbling along the waistband of his jeans and across his hip he thought he’d go stark-raving mad as the tingling sensation washed over him. It had been a long week without her. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted to take her to bed, how much he craved her taste, the hot silky soft feel of her clasped tight around his cock.
Standing on tiptoe behind him she ran her mouth across his shoulder blades, lightly grazing him with her teeth, trailing her tongue teasingly down his spine as he groaned in frustration. Reaching around him she began to unbuckle his belt. He reached up to help her and again she forcefully pushed his hands away.
“Zack!” she scolded him, laughing. “Perhaps I should do this more often. It might teach you some valuable lessons about self-control.”
His heart stuttered in his chest. More often? Oh hell! Didn’t she have any idea of how much she already drove him wild? With great frequency? Simply by breathing! His self-control was a thing of the past if last weekend was any indicator.
He whispered hoarsely, trying to maintain control, “If I have to, Mandy, I’ll let you take control as often as you like, for as long as you want to share my bed,” which he prayed was the rest of her life. He groaned half in pain, half in pleasure, as she reached a hand into his unzipped jeans and rubbed his cock gently and slowly through his briefs.
When she tugged his jeans off his hips, and ran her fingertips slowly and teasingly down his legs, he kicked off his shoes, letting his jeans pool around his ankles. He watched helplessly as Amanda moved her mouth up the inside of one leg, just to his groin, and he began to tremble.
“Holy Christ, Amanda!” his breath was coming fast as the words were ripped from him.
With an impish smile she stood up and cupped her hands around his bottom and squeezed his ass, rubbing her belly against his hard-on, teasing him with the friction. He gasped as he felt a fire now catch in his groin and spread through his navel traveling further north tightening his abs. He couldn’t help but reach for her as he stepped out of his jeans. This time she allowed him to hold her against him and she raised her lips to his, kissing him deeply, twining their tongues. He jerked reflexively as he felt her soft hand stroke his balls ever so lightly, then he crushed her against him and lifted her off her feet. It was time to move to the bed, damn it. He was going to explode if she went much farther.
To his astonishment she squirmed and pushed him away, ordering him to put her down. He set her on her feet, his eyes wild with desire, his face a tormented grimace.
“You’re kidding, right, babe?” He was frenzied to be inside her.
“I’m nowhere near done with you, yet,” she told him seriously. He looked at her as if she was insane and she giggled at him. “My turn, remember?”
He closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. “Right,” he agreed, in near agony of want.
His eyes flew open as he felt her soft fingers slip inside the waistband and then slide south as they removed his briefs, pulling the waistband taut to work them over his long, throbbing rod. He couldn’t remember ever being this hard, not even last weekend when he’d worked her over with a fine-toothed comb to pleasure her in every way he could. He was so stiff in his desire of her his whole body ached with the need to release the tension coiling inside him.
Clenching his teeth he growled at her. “Mandy, I don’t know how much more I can take.”
She chuckled in her enjoyment of his torment and tsk’d him. “You’re a big boy. I’m betting you can take a lot more, and I intend to give it to you.” Again she ran her lips, teeth, and tongue down to his ankle and back up the inside of his other leg to his groin. Amanda’s touch was scintillating, electrifying, rejuvenating, and yet shattering all at once. How could that be? He didn’t know, couldn’t fathom it.
When he felt her tiny wet tongue caress his drawn and tightened balls he literally jumped, causing her to laugh evilly.
“Oh, Mandy, p
lease!” he groaned and shut his eyes, desperately hanging onto a tiny measure of control. Apparently, it was his turn to beg and plead with her. That was fine. He’d beg. He wasn’t too proud. His hands fisted at his sides as he struggled to hold on and he broke out in a fine sweat.
“Please, Mandy! I just want to be inside you! I’m not gonna last much longer, babe.”
“Nope,” she told him from her knees in front of him. “Watch me, Zack,” she ordered huskily.
He opened his eyes just as she delicately licked her soft, warm, lips with the tip of her tiny pink tongue and then used them to embrace his cock.
“Oh, fuuuuuck!” he groaned the words. There was no way he’d be able to hang on for much longer. Her hot moist mouth wrapped around him was an exquisite torture.
Amanda giggled and told him, “No, honey, that’s for later.”
Drawing him, again, deep into her hot warm recesses, she took him all the way to very back of her throat, making him emit a deep guttural growl as she began a rhythm that had him pressing her head against him as she swallowed on the tip of his dick every time he reached the back of her mouth.
“Shit, Mandy!” his response was a hoarse whisper of sound. Where the hell had she learned to deep throat a man so comfortably? He shook his head to clear it because he knew the answer, and as always it went directly back to David.
When he felt he would certainly explode into pieces she seemed to realize it, too, and drew out the moment even further. Taking her mouth from around his length she ran her tongue over his penis from the base and tonguing along the underside of his shaft before circling around the tip, drawing the now ever-present pre-cum moisture from it. He moaned and trembled when she placed the ball of her thumb on the head of his wet cock and lightly rubbed back and forth across it and then moved it more quickly in spiraling circles while she firmly shafted him with her other hand. He felt his knees begin to buckle and leaned heavily against the side of her bed. Then, his control completely snapped.
Fiercely tangling his fingers in her hair he forcefully tugged, tipping her head up to look at him and earning a pleasured groan from her at the small pain as her eyes slid halfway closed. He didn’t fail to notice, again, her pleasure at being lightly controlled. She apparently enjoyed at least a tiny bit of dominance play, though he was still sure it would never extend beyond the bedroom. He could handle that. It would be fun to play those games occasionally. He’d have to see what her thoughts, and limits, were. God knew he’d love to tie her pretty little ass to the bed and torture her with his tongue as she was currently doing to him, maybe spank her bottom until it glowed pink. Payback could be a bitch, he thought with a pained smile. He wondered how she’d react when he informed her she wasn’t allowed to come without his permission. Oh yes, he sure looked forward to that!
“No more teasing, Mandy. I need you to finish this. I want you to remain on your knees and swallow every damn drop I spend in your luscious little mouth,” he ordered raggedly. He placed a finger on her lips, tracing, then parting them, and hissed when she repeated the same actions on his finger as she had on his cock. Removing his finger from her mouth he replaced it with his rock hard member, this time dominantly pushing himself past her lips and teeth. She was a beautiful sight, on her knees before him, her mouth tightly suckling him.
He rocked himself, holding her head to him and fucking her mouth, shuttling in and out as she, alternately, gently palmed his balls and ran her hands over his ass. She teased between his cheeks and raked his butt with her nails and then more gently ran her fingers back down between his legs. As the suction of her mouth grew stronger and more rhythmic he finally lost all vestiges of control. He could feel himself begin to climax as tingles ran up his spine and fire erupted in his balls. He only just remembered to warn her of his impending release.
He assumed she was good with his previous order to swallow because she kept up the teasing, tormenting pleasure to the very last moment as he cried out, “Mandy! Oh baby! I love your wicked mouth!”
Waves of shattering pleasure, so extreme he saw stars, crashed over him. They left him weak and shaking. Breathing harshly, he let himself be carried away by long moments of the most intense feelings he’d ever experienced as he jettisoned to the back of her throat.
Collapsing, he lay back on the bed trying to gain his breath as his heart pounded so hard he thought it might leap from his chest. Oh Lord, she was good! It wasn’t as if he’d never had a blow job before but his pleasure in Amanda’s actions had been double or triple what he’d ever experienced previously. The fact that he could feel her enjoyment in pleasuring him, and submitting to him, had strengthened his own feelings.
He was so wrapped up in his own self-reflection and recuperation it took him a small while to realize Amanda was gone. He sat up, groaning at the effort. He just wanted to climb between her sheets and hold her for a while, then, when he’d regained his stamina, he was going to offer some serious payback.
“Mandy? Baby?” he called. Then he heard the water in the sink running. Staggering naked into her bathroom he found her hunched over the sink vigorously scrubbing her teeth and tongue. Leaning against the doorjamb he chuckled.
“I warned you,” he told her, hoping she wasn’t one of those women who was disgusted by what she’d just done for him, at his insistence. “You know, you didn’t really have to swallow, sweetheart, not if you didn’t want to. I’d never really force you to do something you didn’t like.”
He knew, though, that she liked to be “forced,” just a bit. She liked the fact that he was bigger, stronger, and more controlling. Still, he’d never really hurt her or make her do something abhorrent to her. He relaxed when she looked up at him in the mirror and smiled, wrinkling her nose.
“You did, and I didn’t mind,” she agreed. “I just needed to rinse. All better,” she declared, placing her toothbrush in the holder.
“Sure you’re all right?” he asked, trying to mask his nervousness, still unsure about her response to him. He felt selfish. He also felt really, really great, but predominantly selfish. But then, she’d brought out the dominant in him. What man could resist the allure of a submissive woman on her knees in front of him, ready and willing to service him?
She turned around and stepped into him, wrapping her arms around him and gently running her hands over his firm buttocks, caressing his naked backside. Looking up at him she laughed and turned the question on him.
“Are you all right?” Pushing up on her toes she offered her lips for a kiss, which he was more than happy to return, tasting the minty tang of toothpaste on her mouth.
He smiled contentedly down at her. Her face was flushed and her hair was a mess from him raking his fingers through it, and tugging on it. It was half-in and half-out of the ponytail it had originally been gathered in. He reached behind her head and gently untangled the elastic from her hair, freeing it to fall loosely around her shoulders and down her back. Gingerly, he combed his fingers through its length, trying to loosen any knots.
“I’ve never felt anything like that before,” he told her honestly. When she looked disbelieving he continued, “Mandy, my dear. You have no idea how strongly I feel about you. Everything is intensified with you, much more than anything I’ve ever experienced before. What you just did for me was mind-blowing!” When she blushed and looked away he gripped her chin making her look at him. “I mean it. Thank you.” He told her seriously, and gently kissed her again.
He broke into a devilish grin. “Now that’s cleared up. I have just one question for you.” When she looked at him in nervousness he stole another kiss, and around her mouth asked, “Why am I the only one naked?”
She started to laugh. “I think it has something to do with me being in charge. Well, such as it was anyway, until you steamrolled me there at the end. I was actually impressed you lasted as long as you did.”
“Well, babe, as much as I enjoyed the experience, I think it is someone else’s turn to take point this time.” He grinned
down at her, rubbing himself against her side. She looked down at his nether regions in surprise. “Wow! That was fast!” His hard presence let her know he was ready to uh…take point.
He pulled her up into his arms and, walking backwards, tumbled them down on top of her bed. She giggled breathlessly as he ruthlessly pulled up her shirt and began raining kisses across her midsection.
“Before we get too carried away,” he stopped and began to question her “How’s the wrist? I see you took the brace off. Is it feeling better, or did you just get tired of it and rip it off?”
Knowing her, she’d just arbitrarily decide that she’d had enough. She assured him it was fine, almost as good as new, and that she only got a twinge now and again. He sat up to examine her leg which held an ugly scar as he’d predicted. Too bad Diane hadn’t been able to rid Amanda of that, he thought errantly.
Raising her newly healed wrist to his lips he ran his mouth over it, administering tiny kisses. He could feel her pulse race as his tongue burned a trail up the inside of her forearm and he smiled in triumph. He moved to her breasts, circling and flicking his tongue over her areola and nipple on one side, and tweaking with his fingers and thumb on the other. Her nipples hardened for him immediately and she gasped his name as he murmured approvingly at her breast.
After a minute, though, she began to push him away telling him to Wait, wait! He raised his eyes to her with brows inclined. “What’s wrong?”
“Sorry, I wasn’t quite done in the bathroom, honey.”
He sighed dramatically and released her.
“If you must,” he agreed with mock surrender. Then his eyes narrowed determinedly. “But come right back to me, babe, because payback is definitely due. Return to bed naked,” he ordered.