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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 15

by Erin Trejo

  “I don’t want to do this.” Jada stomps slightly before I grab her around the waist. Spinning her in my arms, I slam my lips into hers.

  “I want to spend the next hour fuckin’ you like crazy. Then I want you two to order some pizza and watch TV. This shit will be over before you know it, then I’m fuckin’ you the rest of the night.” Her eyes light up as she looks up at me. There’s a fire burning inside of her, but it isn’t about sex. She’s scared, and she doesn’t know what’s going to happen. That makes two of us.

  “Please, Creed.” Her eyes beg me to not leave her, but I know in the end I have to. I just play that off like everything else.

  “You want me to fuck you in this parkin’ lot?” Jada slaps me as I yank her closer. I want to reassure her that everything is fine.

  “Jada, you have to understand my situation here. The closer you are, the easier it is for them to get to you if this shit doesn’t play out the way we planned.” Jada’s head drops to my chest as Tank and Cher walk up next to us.

  “Room 312. We’re taken a walk.” I grab the key card as I nod at Tank. I start toward the building with Jada hanging off me like she will never see me again. Maybe she won’t.

  Sliding the card, I walk us into the room before kicking the door closed. Within seconds Jada is ripping my clothes off in a frantic attempt to get me naked. I’m not complaining.

  “Damn, Jada.” The girl has me practically naked, and we just got in the room. I guess she’s making good use of that hour.

  I help her with the buckle on my belt before she yanks my jeans down. Her lips travel a heated path across my chest as her hand wraps around my dick, the little soft strokes making me harder by the second.

  I reach for the hem of her shirt dragging it over her head as her eyes fill with tears. I know this is hard for her, hell it’s killing me inside too.

  “Don’t do that. This isn’t goodbye.” I lean in and gently brush my lips across hers before taking her face in my hands.

  “We have forever, Jada.” Tears trickle down her cheeks before I lift her and carry her to the bed.

  Laying her down gently, I pull her jeans off throwing them to the side. If this is the last time I will ever be with her, I want to do it right.

  I slowly slide in between her thighs, kissing her lips as I go. Pushing inside of her is the gentlest I have ever touched anyone.

  “You’re so beautiful.” My thrusts are slow and deliberate. I need her to feel everything that we have missed in the past 5 years. Everything that I took away from us but now need.

  With my hands cupped around her face, I move slowly in and out. Tears keep falling from her eyes as I lean in and kiss them away.

  “Shh. Jada just let me love you.” More tears. I hate to see her cry—it rips my heart open.

  When I can’t take it anymore, I stop, but she shakes her head and pulls me closer.

  “Don’t stop. I need you Creed.” I give her what she needs. Me. All of me.


  6:03 Pm. That’s what time they left. 12 hours. That’s all that keeps playing over in my mind. Creed left a bag in the corner that he said I needed to take if they didn’t show up by 6:15 tomorrow morning. I don’t know what’s in it and I really don’t care. Creed stuffed cash in my hands before he walked out the door and said to eat and relax.

  “Food’s getting cold.” Shaking my head, I keep pacing the room. I can’t eat with my stomach in knots like it is. I hate this.

  “Jada, come sit with me.” Cher has been trying for hours to get me to sit and calm down a little, but there is no chance in hell for that, not until I have Creed back in my arms.

  “I can’t Cher.” Cher hops off the bed heading toward me before she grabs my arm.

  “Look, you aren’t doing him any good if you’re not eating. When he gets back, he’s going to need you.” Maybe she’s right, but my stomach is flipping and flopping along with my heart.

  “Ok. I will eat.” Finally, I just give in to her. I can nibble on it if that makes her happy.

  Sitting on the bed, I bite off a piece of pizza as thoughts swarm my head. I know how Kenny is and that scares me the most.

  “What made you go along with whatever Tank said?” I look over at Cher as her face turns red. She’s holding back on me, I can see it.

  “He said some things that hit home with me. He knew my dad too. Apparently, my dad was friends with his dad a long time ago. My dad snuck around on my mom which we all already know. It was a friend of the clubs. Tank heard stories about me when I was younger. I never knew my dad knew people like that.” My heart sinks in my chest. I had no idea that her father was like that.

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea.” Cher smiles over at me before grabbing another piece of pizza and taking a bite.

  “Anyway, he seems nice. I like him. He’s easy to talk to, and he understands me. The lifestyle is a little out there, but I’m actually happy around him. I haven’t been happy in a long time, Jada.” I get it now. She wasn’t happy when she was back home. Who the hell am I to judge her if he makes her happy.

  “I think it’s great that you like him. I just hate this lifestyle especially for you. I haven’t known the Fallen Angel’s, but I know how the Shadows were. They are ruthless and fierce. I wouldn’t wish that life on anyone.” Cher nods her head in understanding before she drops her head on my shoulder.

  “Then why stay in it?” A little giggle escapes my throat. That would be the question for a sane person I suppose.

  “I love Creed. I always have, and now that I have him back, there is nothing I would leave him for.” Cher’s head pops up as she smiles at me.

  “I know you do. You have always loved him, and I’m happy that you two are together.” I lean back against the headboard while Cher flips through the channels on the TV. There is nothing on there that can take my mind off things.

  “You know I think Tank really likes you.” I decide to talk a little about what she said earlier. I want her to know that I understand what she’s feeling.

  “He told me he did. I don’t know I’m not the biker chick type you know.” Laughing I throw my arm around her.

  “I wasn’t either! You learn as you go, but just be yourself. He likes you for you, don’t change that.”

  Cher smiles at me before she looks down.

  “You think they are ok?” Her tone changes, and it's back to the lost souls we are waiting on the men we care about to come back.

  “I don’t know. I hope so, Cher. I can’t live without him again. Every time I turned around my past with him hit me in the gut. I can’t do it—I just can’t.” Cher knows how much Creed meant to me when we were younger, so she understands now.

  “He has always loved you. I saw him a few times watching you after he left. He always looked so sad. I knew he didn’t want you to know, so I didn’t say anything to you.” A tear slides down my cheek before I wipe it quickly.

  “I hated him for leaving me. I never thought I would see him again and it hurt so badly. When I first left, I thought I saw him everywhere. The store, the club. I always thought I saw him, but it wasn’t. When I met Kenny, I thought he was perfect. I thought I finally found someone that could take his place, but I knew deep in my heart that there was no one else.” Cher puts her arm around me as she pulls me closer to her.

  “You have him now. He loves you more than anything. Tank told me that he was on a death mission when they first met. He said he always ran the shit runs to keep his mind busy. He never stopped loving you. I think he just needed the time to heal after Jason, we all did.” She’s right, and I know she is.

  We all needed time after Jason died, but I thought I would have Creed to lean on on the days that seemed to take all I had. My brother was my life, and when I lost him, I lost a piece of myself.

  “They have to come back.” I curl into Cher’s side and cry.

  Chapter 26


  Leaving her again was the last thing I had planned to do. Once I had her in my
arms, I swore she wouldn’t be out of them, and now I’m sitting here waiting for a shit storm to happen.

  “Talked to Strike and Greg. They are both in on it. Should play out just fine.” Sitting here looking through the binoculars is driving me crazy. I want to be in on this shit.

  “I want him, Tank. I want my hands around his neck.” I can hear Tank huff next to me. He knows what I feel.

  “Shit, brother. He runs, he’s yours. Just keep it off the radar.” I know what he means. For this to play out the way I want it to it has to look like Sharp took him out.

  “This is fuckin’ killin’ me, man.” Shaking my head, he knows what I mean.

  “I hear em’ comin’.” We sit back and listen to the rumble of the bikes as the Fallen Angel’s roll up outside the Shadow’s clubhouse. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I’m sweating bullets here.

  “It’s a solid plan Creed.” Tank whispers over to me as I watch the shit storm unfolding in front of us.

  Sharp is at the head of the group moving in as the Shadow’s are walking out of their clubhouse. Smiles are all over their faces like the Angel’s just fell into their laps. You’re welcome, motherfuckers.

  Tank and I make our way closer to the action as Sharp’s hands fly in the air. Once we are close enough, I can hear everything being said.

  “How you wanna handle this shit, Kenny? Brother on brother or club on club?” Sharp isn’t playing around which makes me smile. I knew that motherfucker wanted him as bad as I do.

  “You came up to my clubhouse and ask that?” Kenny looks around at his guys as they all laugh. Here it comes, I can feel it.

  “You got it.” Sharp growls before the Angel’s guns come out, Shadow’s guns not far behind.

  Shots are fired between the two groups as they each seek shelter from the bullets. My eyes stay trained on the three people that I worry about the most, Sharp, Kenny and Fly.

  “Shit look.” Tank slaps my shoulder as we watch Fly fall to the ground. I know a part of me should feel bad, but these motherfuckers have taken away from the club behind all the brother's backs for a long time.

  “He down?” Trying to keep my eyes on the other two I can’t focus on Fly.

  “He’s down.” Knowing that Fly is officially dead sends a jolt of pride through me.

  We watch as the rest of the show goes on. Shots ring through the night, but the two I want gone aren’t going. My chest tightens as I feel a wave of anxiety roll over me.

  “We need to do somethin’.” Growling I know this isn’t playing out how I want it to.

  “Fuck man! Follow the creek down to the old bridge. I’ll get the motherfuckers there.” Before I can protest or say a word, Tank has taken off.

  “Fuck!” I almost scream loud enough for everyone to hear me before I look around and take off. I hope this fucker knows what he’s doing.

  It takes me about 10 minutes to get down to the fucking bridge. I don’t know why I listened to that fucker anyways. My mind is a complete fucking mess as I cross the cold water in the creek.

  “Fuckin’ bullshit.” I bitch about the water in my boots when I hear laughter. I already have my gun drawn when I see Tank’s ugly face smiling at me.

  “Took you long enough. Come on—I brought gifts.” Motioning with his gun, I climb the small hill to see Sharp and Kenny both on their knees in front of him.

  “Well, fuck me.” I smile over at him making him chuckle.

  “You motherfuckers will pay for this.” Sharp growls as I smile at him. He doesn’t realize how happy he’s just made me.

  “You won’t get back to make me pay. You, I don’t want you.” I point at Sharp as Kenny’s eyes widen. Yeah, I want you motherfucker.

  “What the fuck did I do?” Kenny tries to act all nonchalant about the whole thing, but he won’t be walking out of here either.

  “You hurt somethin’ that belonged to me.” His eyes look shocked. He doesn’t get it.

  “You still hung up on that bitch?” My eyes turn to Sharp before looking at Tank.

  “Can I?” His little kiddy plea has me laughing again. I nod my head as he trains his gun on Sharp’s head.

  “You wouldn’t.” The slight snarl is snapped off Sharps face when Tank pulls the trigger—Sharp hits the ground.

  “What bitch he talkin’ about?” Kenny looks like he could care less that Tank just took out his brother.

  “Jada.” As the words leave my mouth his drops open. He looks back and forth between the two of us before he speaks again.

  “You got my leftovers?” He laughs. That will be the last laugh.

  “No, you had mine. She was always mine. This is for her.” Raising my gun, I place it to his temple and pull the trigger.

  Closing my eyes, I should be sickened by what I just did, but the pure satisfaction that pours through my veins says otherwise.

  “We need to move to the club.” Nodding over at Tank we move.

  It doesn’t take us long to meet back up with the other brothers at the clubhouse.

  “You see what happened?” Darby one of the other brothers looks at us as we walk in. Blood stains my clothes from shooting Kenny, but I don’t care.

  “We took Kenny down, but he got Sharp first.”

  “We vote, NOW!” Strike yells as everyone else nods.

  I follow behind Tank as we head into the room, unknown fates hanging in the balance.

  Strike talks and puts all the information on the table before hands fly up.

  “Vote Creed in as the new president say, I.” My eyes dart to his as he nods his head. I swallow hard as Tank slaps my shoulder. This wasn’t a part of the plan, but I know that Tank and I can lead this club in the right direction.

  Aye’s go up around the room. They all voted for me. Fucking Christ even the guys that have been here from the beginning voted for me.

  After Tank is voted in as VP, the club blows up into a party.

  “Shit! Tank, we gotta ride!”


  I watched the clock like a fucking hawk. I won’t run off—I can’t. Cher is standing behind me with the bag in her hand.

  “What do you think’s in it?” She finally speaks. I turn to face her now.

  “I don’t know. He didn’t say.” We both look at the bag before I nod. Cher sets it on the bed as we both eye it.

  “You do it.” Her hand flies away from the bag like it caught fire.

  I laugh slightly before I reach for the zipper. I pull it back slowly waiting for something to jump out at me.

  “It’s money. It’s a fucking bag full of money.” Shaking my head, I can’t believe this.

  “What’s that?” Cher points at a small envelope that I carefully pick up. It has my name scribbled on the front. Peeling it open slowly, it’s a letter from Creed.


  You know what happened if you’re readin’ this. God, I wish I was there holdin’ you right now. Just know that I will always be with you. I made a mistake when I left you on that roof top 5 years ago, but this time wasn’t a mistake. All I ever wanted for you was for you to be happy and safe. I can at least say I died tryin’ to make you as safe as possible. You mean everythin’ to me, Jada. When Jason died, I lost myself and so did you. It hurt me to see you like that but I was so fuckin’ broken myself I knew I couldn’t fix you. When you walked into my club, my world started spinnin’ again. You made me feel like I’ve never felt before and I fuckin’ love you more for that. You and Cher take this money and make a life. Don’t cry over me—I’ll always be in your heart. You are what made my heartbeat. I love you more than you could possibly know, Jada.

  You hold my heart,


  Tears slide down my cheeks. Creed doesn’t know how much he meant to me, but I know now what I meant to him. If he isn’t here, I need to respect what he wanted and go.

  As hard as this is going to be, I have to do it. He lost his life for me, and now I need to live out his last wish.

  “Are you ok?” Cher place
s her hand on my shoulder before I wipe my face quickly.

  “Yeah, we need to go.” Cher looks at the clock, and it’s already 6:46 Am. We should have left a long time ago but I couldn’t.

  “Ok.” Cher zips the bag throwing it over her shoulder.

  Walking out of the hotel room is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, even harder than watching Creed leave. This is like the final nail in the coffin. He’s gone, and it’s my fault.

  “Where are we going?” We walk toward the road before I answer her, but I’m clueless. I just know that Creed wanted us gone, so we’re going.

  “I don’t know.” As we take another step, hands wrap around my waist making me scream.

  “Where do you think you’re goin’?”

  “Creed!” Spinning around I throw my arms around his neck holding as tight as I can. I can’t believe he’s here! In my arms and safe.

  “You leavin’ me already?” His slight laughter does nothing but makes me cry harder. Creed pulls back gripping my face in his hands.

  “You’re here. You’re ok.” His smile melts my heart—he’s here. He really is here.

  “I’m ok.”

  “Are we good?” I hate to ask the obvious, but it still lingers at the back of my mind.

  “We’re good. You’re officially huggin’ the new president of the Fallen Angel’s MC.” Did he just say that? Of everything else that’s happened, he’s taking over?

  “You? Oh, my God! Creed.” I kiss him roughly before he pulls back again.

  “There’s just one more problem I need to take care of before we go back.” His face turns serious again, and my heart speeds up. I knew it couldn’t be over that easily. It was too good to be true.

  Creed drops to his knees in front of me as I look around confused.

  “I can’t go back there until you agree to be my wife. I can’t lose you again, Jada. Losin’ Jason hurt me but losin’ you again will kill me. I can’t take that chance anymore. Will you be with me?” My heart slams in my chest as I look into his eyes.

  Tears fall down my cheeks as I look into the eyes of the man I’ve loved since I was a kid. The man that holds every piece of me inside of him.


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