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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 26

by Erin Trejo

  “I’m goin’ to find him.” Whispering into the top of her hair, she cries harder. I hate that she has to live with this pain and fear but I swear I will make it better. Somehow, some way I will if it takes the last breath from my body I will protect what’s mine. I will protect my girls. Cher cries for a while before she finally pulls back.

  “If you want me to I can talk to Bella.” My heart shifts in my chest with those words. She would lose herself to talk to my daughter. She has no idea what that means to me.

  “You’re too vulnerable darlin’. I appreciate it though. You haven’t healed from what he did to you.” Kissing her forehead, she leans into me.

  “I can be stronger Tank. I can.” My heart wants to burst inside of me. It’s taking everything I have to not break down and leave this house to hunt that motherfucker down.

  “I know you can with time. He broke you Cher, it takes time to rebuild. Just understand that I’m here to help you with that. When that weight becomes too much for you to carry, I’ll take it.” Saying those words to her makes me feel a little better. I need her to know that I’m not going anywhere while she works on herself. I’ll be here. Always.

  “If it comes down to it. Promise me that you will let me talk to her. I know what he can do to someone’s head. I know the games he played. Just promise me Tank. Please.” The begging and understanding rip at me.

  “I promise sweetheart. When that time comes, you can be the one to talk to her. I’ll be the one waitin’ to wipe both of your tears.” Cher snuggles into my chest as I hold her there. I run my hand up and down her back until I feel her relax.

  “I’ll always be there.” I know she’s asleep but a part of my heart knew it had to be said.

  Chapter 33

  Waking up to an empty bed wasn’t how I had the day planned out. I stretch out before I sit up when Cher walks back in.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Her little smile is adorable. I don’t know that I’ll ever get tired of seeing that.

  “I made breakfast. Don’t you want to eat?” eyeing her legs up and down the only thing I want to eat is her.

  “If you’re my breakfast.” Cher giggles as she walks over grabbing something off the dresser and ties her hair up.

  “You owe me a fantasy.” Wiggling her eyebrows, I almost lose it again. Damn this woman.

  “Oh yeah? Why don’t you tell me what it is.” Her eyes light up just like they did before I fucked her on my bike. Licking her lips, she stands there debating it.

  “Spit it out darlin’.” I smile over at her before she turns and grabs my belt off the chair.

  “Oh I think I know where this one’s goin’.” Her little shy look has me in knots. I watch her climb up the bed eyeing my body as she goes. Come to think of it, this isn’t the first time I’ve had her tied up.

  “You know I’ve done this to you before?” Seeing the look on her face it hits me. Oh, fuck me hard! She doesn’t want to be tied up she wants to tie my ass up!

  “Not happenin’.” I watch as she stops and looks at me. Yeah, that shit isn’t going to fly.

  “You promised.” Shaking my head, I did not!

  “Nope. Didn’t promise shit. You want me to tie you up and fuck you crazy, I’m game.” Shifting so I’m looking at her I see the defeat in her eyes. What the hell is this girl doing to me? Am I really sitting here debating letting her tie my ass to the bed? What in the hell is wrong with you Tank? That’s what’s swimming around in my head right next to how hot it would be to be at her mercy for a change.

  “I must be out of my god damn mind.” Climbing back up the bed, Cher watches me with a huge grin.

  “You better not try some freaky type shit on me.” Pointing at her she giggles before leaning in to kiss me.

  “You asked.” That I know and I’m mentally kicking my own ass for that one.

  “Where do you want me darlin’?”

  “Move up.” Her voice is sexy as hell and I can tell this is turning her on. Hell it might be turning me on. Cher wraps the belt around the headboard before tightening it around my wrists. Completely naked and at her mercy, she licks her lips again. I watch her stick a finger in her mouth sucking it roughly before sliding it out and down her chest. A hiss leaves my lips as she makes her way down to find her clit.

  “Fuck Cher!” Gritting my teeth I watch her slowly rub her own clit. Her mouth falls open and her head tips back exposing that neck that I want to lick so damn bad.

  “This your idea of a fantasy?” Her head comes up and her eyes shoot to mine as she rides her fingers faster. I swear to you my dick is so hard it may blow the fuck off if she doesn’t stop.

  “I want you to taste me.” Pulling her fingers out of herself she brings them to my lips where I gladly take them. Sucking them into my mouth, she sucks in a breath.

  “I want your mouth on me Tank.” Pulling her hand away, she climbs up the bed standing above me.

  “You want to ride my face darlin’?” Her little nod has my dick jerking. My eyes light up now as I watch her lower her body down to me. Sticking my tongue out she rides it slowly. Her hand sneaks down holding those sweet lips open for me to get all the way in. With my tongue out and ready she rides my face like a fucking bull in a rodeo. The faster she moves, the more she screams. I fucking love this view I have right here. I can see it all. As much as I want to reach up and grab that nipple in my fingers, there is something erotic about letting her take charge. A few more rough strokes over her clit, she pulls away. Standing she makes her way back down my body turning to face away from me.

  “You goin’ to untie me so I can fuck you hard?” Her head shakes side to side before she lowers herself down. Gripping my dick in one hand, she slides down onto it.

  “God damn!” The feel of her pussy hugging me envelopes me in warmth. Damn the things she can do to my body are out of this world. Cher starts to rock and ride me. I want nothing more than to grip her hips and fuck her hard but this is her fantasy. Hell, wait till we play mine out!

  “Fuck Cher. You’re goin’ to make me cum darlin’.” My stomach muscles tense up and my body locks down as she shoves her pussy down farther. I can’t hold back anymore. I come so hard I’m pulling at the damn belt but I can’t move. My hips flex into her bumping her up as I come.

  “God!” Her cries have me jerking more. I can’t believe I had that much in me. When she finally finishes riding out her climax, she climbs off of me and up to untie my hands.As soon as I’m free, I yank her into me.

  “You ever want to fuck me like that again. Your wish is my command. That was so fuckin’ sexy darlin’.” Smashing my lips to hers, I just want to hold her and never let go.

  Chapter 34

  After I got in a turn at eating her, we ate breakfast and are now just hanging out on the couch together.

  “Can’t we stay here?” Cher whines after I told her that we have to get back to the clubhouse. As much as I’d love to stay here forever I know it isn’t safe just yet.The one thing I know about rivals is that they never really go away. The threat is always there.

  “Wish we could sweetheart. Once this shit is all over with, I want to take you and Bella somewhere. Some kind of vacation.” Sighing, I run my hand down her naked back. Of all the things we’ve done I must say that this is the best. I love being able to just be here with her. No expectations, no reality. The idea of not having to worry about club business or who might walk in on us is like a dream.

  “Do you think you will stay in the club forever?” That is a good question.

  “I’ve asked myself that a lot. It’s all I know though. They are my family. I don’t think there will ever be anything else for me.” Have I thought about it? Yeah, I have, but the fact still remains that I have no idea how to live a life outside of the club.

  “I get it. I don’t know where I fit in anymore either.” I pull Cher closer to me before I kiss her neck.

  “I think you fit just fine right here.” Before I can say anything else explosions crash th
rough the room. Shots are being fired as I flip Cher off of me and onto the floor covering her with my body.

  “What is that?” Cher’s body shakes beneath me as I slide my hand up grabbing the gun that I have hidden under the couch cushion. Sitting up slightly, I pull my t-shirt off and toss it to her.

  “Put that on. Get your ass to the bathroom, lock the door.” Giving her a little push, she goes as I as I stand and head towards the door. I’ll be damned if these motherfuckers show up shooting at my house. This is my home, Bella’s home. As I make my way closer to the front door, my heart slams in my chest. They found my fucking home! Rage boils inside of me with that knowledge. Pulling the door open slightly more shots sound off.

  “Fuck!” Growling at the pain that radiates through my arm, I keep going. I fire off a few shots as I watch a blacked out truck take-off up my driveway.

  “Son of a bitch!” Screaming I rush back into the house.

  “Cher!” I yell as I rush back inside. She comes out of the bathroom in tears. I hate this, I hate every fucking thing about this.

  “Oh my god. You’re bleeding.” Cher grabs my arm as I shake her off.

  “Go get clothes on. We need to get out of here.” Cher doesn’t move. She stands there messing with my arm.

  “Cher!” Snapping one last time, she finally moves her ass. I don’t want to hurt her but shit just got real. Peeking out of the front window, I dial Creed.

  “Had enough already?” He chuckles into the phone.

  “Shit just blew up. Lock it down.”

  “Done.” I knew I wouldn’t need to explain to him. If I say lock it down, he does it.

  Chapter 35

  Cher hauled ass just like I told her to and I was happy about that. I didn’t want to have to coddle her. She stayed calm for the most part but she is so fucking tense that I don’t know if I can get her off the bike. Pulling up the clubhouse driveway, I see the guys that were put on guard. I’m fucking ecstatic that Creed locked it down that fast. As I park the bike, I notice all the cars and bikes. I’m glad everyone got their asses in here that fast. The last thing we need is those assholes going after someone else.

  “Come on.” Cher’s body shakes as I try to pull her along with me. Spinning around slightly pissed now I grip her shoulders roughly.

  “Enough! I need to get my head straight Cher! I can’t fuckin’ do that if you’re hysterical.” I can see the hurt in her eyes but this isn’t the time to deal with all that. I need to keep myself on track and level headed or I will go off the grid. The door flies open and Creed steps out looking between us before he sees my arm.

  “Is that bad?” Nodding towards my arm, I shake my head. Hell, I’ve had far worse than this.

  “She good?” Looking at Cher, I don’t know if she is or not but she has to be.

  “Yeah.” Gripping her around the waist, I lead her towards the door.

  “Please tell me Jada’s not busy.” Creed can see the look on my face plain as day.

  “She is now.” Creed walks off to go find Jada as I walk Cher back towards the room. Just like I knew it would be the place is loaded with people roaming around.

  “Dad! What’s going on?” Bella jumps off the bed as I lead Cher in.

  “Lockdown baby girl. We’ll get it figured out.” Bella’s eyes land on my arm as I sit a shaken Cher on the bed.

  “Dad, you’re bleeding!” Bella rushes to my side gripping my arm before I pull her into my chest.

  “I’m fine. I need you to keep an eye on her until Jada comes in.” Kissing her head, I walk back out towards the main room. As soon as I hit the main room, I make a straight line to Creed’s office.

  “This is bullshit brother!” Slamming the door Creed stands up and looks at me running his hand through his hair.

  “I know. I don’t know how the fuck they found you Tank.” Shaking my head, I need to wonder if this was personal.

  “What do we know?” Looking back up at him, he looks lost in his own world. That’s not a world anyone wants to be in.

  When Creed is lost, his mind wonders. You never know what kind of demons have slipped in and taken over. I stand there in silence since I know how this works with him. You let him reason it out before he will go any further.

  “I don’t think this shit is random anymore brother.” Nodding my head, this is what I thought.

  “I feel that. Who do you think they want? Me?” Creed shakes his head as his face falls. This isn’t one of those answers that I’m going to want.


  With my heart in my throat, I can’t do anything but agree. This isn’t about me as much as I’d like it to be. Thomas made the threats and now he wants to make good on them. This is one of the times that I have to thank god for having my brothers.

  Chapter 36

  The clubs buzzing but it seems fairly calm. I’m glad that this is at least under control for the most part. I sit at the bar with a beer in my hand trying to remain as calm as humanly possible with all the shit that’s running around in my head. I want to be out there hunting this motherfucker down but in reality I know we need to have a plan.

  “We got guys out. Called in a few favors with some of the older brothers. We’ll figure this out.” Piper sits down next to me with a beer in his hand.

  “I know brother. It was my fuckin’ house though man. It was supposed to be a safe place for Bella. This shit just goes to show how fucked up this life is.” Grabbing a cigarette, I light it up without looking back over. I know Piper understands, he has to. He’s been in this life for longer than half of us here.

  “You know I thought about leavin’ once too.” Glancing over, I’m not in the mood for this shit.

  “Not now.” Shaking his head, he laughs.

  “No better time than now. Look, Tank. Shit gets real. It hits home. This is the life that you choose to lead brother. When you stepped up to the plate as VP you knew what you were takin’ on. I get that you worry about your family brother. I know how that is. I lived it a long fuckin’ time but you need to sit back and take a look around you. Any one of these brothers would put themselves in front of a bullet for those girls.” Taking a drag off my cigarette, I blow it out as I look over at Piper now.

  “It’s hard to look at it like that when it’s your kid brother. I lost Bella for so fuckin’ long and I just got her back. What kind of life is it for her? How fuckin’ fair is it that she has to be afraid to be attacked?” When Piper chuckles I want to punch the son of a bitch. This shit isn’t funny.

  “I think she realizes what she’s in for. That girl knows more than you think brother. She knows where her family is.” Nodding his head I turn to follow his gaze as I see Bella hugging Torch with a giant smile on her face. My heart swells at the sight of her being so happy and carefree. Maybe Piper is right. Maybe this is where I’m supposed to be. Taking a few more drinks I watch the people around me and I have no doubts about what they would do for any of the kids in the club. I personally would take a bullet for any of these kids.

  “Hey, Doc wants to look at that arm.” Creed walks up slapping a hand on my shoulder.

  “It’s fine.” With a slap to the back of the head, I look over at him.

  “Let him see it asshole.” With a slight smile, I stand and walk towards the office. Doc is sitting inside at the table with all his shit set up.

  “Sit down Tank. I swear you’re turning into a pin cushion.” Doc smiles over at me as I nod.

  “I think I’m good.” The old grey haired man rolls his eyes before grabbing my arm.

  “You always say that.” With a slight huff I sit like a good boy and let him stitch up the hole that bullet made. I don’t know why everyone makes such a big deal out of one little hole.

  “You know what to do. We’ve been this route before.” Doc finishes up before he talks again.

  “Creed asked me to talk to Cher. I know what happened. She’s in shock. She’s a little rough son. Just wanted you to be aware.” I look back over at him as I stand

  “What do I do with that? I never had to deal with this shit.” Scrubbing my hand over my face he stands next to me.

  “Be there for her. Give her an outlet. She needs to talk through it. I’m around obviously.” He chuckles making me smile. Doc is a good guy that has been around for as long as I can remember. He does what he can but he is inching up there in age.

  “Thanks Doc. I’ll see what I can do.” Turning to walk out, he stops me again.

  “You’re a good man Tank. I’ve known you many years now. You’ll take care of her.” I don’t turn to look at him. I just drop my head as I think about what he just said. Can I really take care of her the way she deserves? I don’t know that I can take care of anyone anymore. I walk back into the main room with a million questions swarming my mind. My heart slams in my chest and my stomach clenches and knots. I fucking hate all of this shit. If they are really coming after Cher, I need to get my head right. I know what she means to me and I know I will lay my life out there for her.

  Chapter 37

  After my little talk with Doc and Piper I need to check on Cher. I know this isn’t what she’s used to and hell this is the second time she was shot at.

  “Dad. Is Cher going to be ok?” I can see the concern etched into her little face. It really tugs at my heart that she has to see this.

  “She will be. She just needs a little time.” I lean down to kiss Bella’s head when she smiles.

  “I really like her dad. She makes you smile.” Pulling her back into me, I hold her tight.

  “You make me smile too baby girl.” Bella jumps up and kisses my cheek before she steps back.

  “Go to her.” For such a young girl Bella has an old heart. She’s lived through a lot but she knows a lot more than I think. I can see it all over her face.


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