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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 34

by Erin Trejo

  “You must of lost your goddamn mind brother!” Throwing the blankets off I stand up quickly.

  “Goddamn Ryker! Put some fuckin’ clothes on!” Smiling over at Creed I think it’s funny that he has to stand there while my dick swings free.

  “You’re in my room brother. What the fuck is this shit?” Walking toward the closet I grab a pair of sweatpants and pull them on before coming back out.

  “Just what the fuck I said! You think I risked my club to throw her back out into that shit? You made that decision Ryker. I warned your ass that shit could get real and this is as real as it can get.” Holding his arms out to make his point I run my hand through my hair. This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

  “Creed, come on brother! I can’t marry that girl.” Pointing over at Jersey, I don’t even look at her. My eyes are trained on Creed.

  “Yeah, you can and you will. You brought this shit into the club, Ryker. You made it personal, now you need to deal with it.” Creed doesn’t turn away from me either. How the fuck is this even supposed to work anyway?

  “What if I don’t want to marry him?” I faintly hear Jersey’s voice but I can’t pull away from Creed.

  “This is crazy! What the fuck is that gonna prove? Who the fuck am I provin’ shit to anyway?” Grabbing the old beer off the dresser I take a long drink. Shit, I need more than this shit.

  “I don’t think it will work.” Jersey’s voice again. Shit I need a joint.

  “Look, the only way the club is goin’ to protect her is if she’s your old lady. We don’t fuck women over like most clubs, but her family is threatenin’ a whole shit load of trouble if she isn’t married to someone.” Jesus Christ! My mind is a complete fuck!

  “Fuck! I didn’t plan on this shit! I thought I’d get her out and let her move on!” Scrubbing my hand over my face I pace the room.

  “Well, she’s here now brother. Fuckin’ deal with it. We got the fuckin’ priest comin’ over now.” Shaking my head, I don’t know what the fuck to do here.

  “Is that going to work?” Jersey turns toward Creed but now isn’t the time for her to talk. I need to figure this shit out.

  “How long do I have to do this shit?” Screaming louder, I keep pacing.

  “Fuck if I know! Until we get the other girls cleared out and safe. Get the Dusts’ and Shifters’ off our asses. What the fuck does it matter?!” Creed looks pissed yet amused all at the same time. He would find this was funny.

  “Goddamn it!”

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Jersey’s screams pierce my goddamn ears. I look over at the same time as Creed. The girl is beyond pissed off right now.

  “What the fuck you screamin’ for?” Glaring at her she puts her hands on her hips.

  “Do I have a say in this? I don’t want to marry that asshole.” She points at me as she looks Creed in the face.

  “No. You don’t have a goddamn say in this. Now typically I’m not this much of an asshole, but my brother over there made it this way. He wanted you out of that motherfuckin’ house more than the fuckin’ air he breathes. Club got brought into it, now you deal with it. This is a fuckin’ win, win for you darlin’. You have all you need here. You’ll be taken care of and not auctioned off. You’ll have the protection of the club and your family won’t touch you.” Jersey looks down at her hands before Creed reaches in and lifts her chin. My blood boils as I watch his hand on her face. I want to snap that fucker’s wrist right now and I have no fucking idea why.

  “You’re safe here. As scary as that son of a bitch right there is, he feels somethin’ or you wouldn’t be here. Look at him, he wants to snap my goddamn neck right now.” He thought he was talking quietly, but I heard every word he just said.

  Jersey turns her face to look at me as the muscles in my jaw clench. He is right though; I want to kick his ass right now.

  “Are you sure they can’t get to me?” Turning back to Creed, he nods his head.

  “No one can get to you without goin’ through us.” His tone has calmed as he talks to her now. It seems to be what she needs though. I can’t do it. I feel like I’m about to explode.

  “Get your ass out here in ten minutes!” Creed snaps at me before turning and leaving the room. Jersey and I stand in an awkward silence as I let this play out in my head. No matter which way I play it, it ends badly.

  “I’m sorry I’m making this hard for you.” Looking up I see Jersey’s blue eyes saddened. I don’t like that look on her.

  “The only thing you’re makin’ hard is my dick. Everything else is on me.” Scrubbing my hand over my face I see the little smile cross hers. At least I made her smile once.

  “I mean it though. You wouldn’t have to deal with any of this if it wasn’t for me.” Jersey looks down again digging in her jean pocket. I set my bottle down and snuff out my cigarette before moving toward her.

  Her hand comes up with my patch in it again. Taking it in my hand I flip it over in my hands as I think this over. She’ll be safe. She will be out of harm’s way, no one buying her. That has to make it worth it, right?

  Reaching for her hand I slide my name patch back into it.

  “Creed’s right, darlin’. Hold onto this a little longer for me, yeah?” Nodding her head, I close her hand around the patch once more.

  “Goddamn it. Let’s go get fuckin’ married.”

  Chapter 20

  The guys are laughing as the girl’s fuss over Jersey. She seems to be attaching to Cher the easiest. I can see why though. Cher is a sweetheart and a good person.

  I sit at the bar with a line of shot glasses in front of me. What better way to celebrate your fucking marriage than to get wasted.

  “You gotta get her a ring brother.” Whipping my head to the side I look at Piper like he’s lost his mind. I see that look in his eyes, the old bastard is enjoying this shit.

  “The fuck? This ain’t no long term thing Piper. She doesn’t need a goddamn ring.” Piper chuckles as I throw back another shot. Piper is one of the older brothers here. He’s a good guy with a heart of gold. He’s good with the younger kids and even tutored Bella when she came back.

  “You know I’m the wise one, yeah? That girl isn’t goin’ anywhere. Get her a ring.” Chuckling I grab the next glass and tip it up.

  “You’re crazy as hell brother. That girl ain’t but 20 years old.” Piper looks over at Jersey before looking back at me.

  “Yeah, I can see that. You’re old as shit, too. That doesn’t mean a thing. You could put a hundred people in a room but the one that holds your soul will find you no matter what. Souls don’t look at age or race. Souls only look for each other.” Piper stands and walks away as I glance over at Jersey.

  Is that what she is? Is she the other part of me, of my soul?

  I watch as she smiles a little smile at the girls before it falls and her eyes drift to mine. I can’t pull them away from her either. Our eyes are connected and a fire burns between us. No words are needed.

  Jersey smiles slightly at me before Bella bounces over to her. I watch as they talk. Bella is so animated. Her smile tells it all, she’s happy to see the girl she knew about all those years ago.

  The girls talk a little more as I throw back a few more shots.

  “Hey.” Looking over I see Bella smiling at me.

  “Hey darlin’. You doin’ alright?” She sways slightly or at least that’s how she looks to me. Shit, I could be fairly drunk right now, too.

  “I am now. Jersey said that she saw Deb and Cassidy. They’re ok. She said they were moved to another house a few weeks ago.” I nod my head. That’s good news right? It has to be after this damn day.

  “We’ll find them Bella.” I don’t know what else to say to her. Shit, I told her I’d find them once and I didn’t.

  “I know. I just wanted to say thank you for pushing the issue with the club. If you didn’t I would have never known if they were alive and Jersey might not be alive right now.” The reality of what she’s saying drives a knife
into my stomach. Looking over I can’t stop eyeing her. It’s like when I can’t see her, be near her, I’m not at ease.

  “I couldn’t leave her there.” The words come out more as a reassurance to myself than for Bella.

  “I see how you look at her. Jersey has something about her that pulls people in. Just don’t hurt her Ryker. She has been through more hell than you know.” Bella’s hand lands on my shoulder as I look up at her.

  “I’m not gonna hurt her Bella. I’m gonna stay as far away from her as I can. I won’t let shit happen to her, but that’s where this shit ends.” Bella giggles making me shake my head.

  “What’s that for?” Bella drops on the stool next to me before she speaks.

  “I just said I see the way you look at her. You’re not fooling me. You like her. I’m a girl Ryker, I know these things.” Chuckling slightly, I look at her.

  “That’s right. You’re a girl. A child. So is she Bella. I’m too damn old for that girl.” Bella explodes into laughter as I pull out a joint and light it up. Females today are killing me.

  “Oh my God, Ryker! You aren’t old! Besides, age means nothing.” Oh good God please don’t let her go into one of Piper’s life lessons, I can’t take that right now.

  “Bella, if you fuckin’ quote Piper I will lose my goddamn mind.” Bella laughs before she stands and kisses my cheek, pulling at my beard.

  “You really should shave. Maybe you’d look younger.” Bella giggles as I swat at her before she walks away. That damn girl is just like her dad.

  “You gonna be ok with all this?” Tank walks up next to me as I nod.

  “Yeah, Bella set my ass straight.” Chuckling, I grab another shot and throw it back.

  “She has a way with words, yeah?” That’s a fucking understatement.

  “She has somethin’ brother. I don’t know how you do that father thing. I don’t think I’m cut out for that shit.” Tank laughs before he turns and walks away.

  I lean my arms against the bar as I watch my new wife smiling like she belongs here. A part of me wishes that she did. I could get used to the feelings I get when I’m near her.

  Chapter 21

  The last three days have been a living hell. Being in the same room with Jersey and not touching her is killing me. My dick practically screams in protest because of what I’m doing to him. Climbing out of the shower, today is the day. Creed has lifted the lock down and I’m taking Jersey back to the apartment. I’m not sure how any of this is going to work out but I know now that she’s safe and that’s what matters most. Walking into the bedroom my heart slams into me. I come to a dead stop when I see that sexy ass standing there in nothing but a thong and bra. Why the hell is she making this so damn hard for me? I did save her fucking life didn’t I? Clearing my throat, I can only hope that she takes the hint and covers up. Yeah, that would be great, right? Fuck no. Not for Ryker, that isn’t going to happen. Instead what does she do? She turns the fuck around with those blue eyes as big as the sun and stares at me.

  “You should put clothes on.” Nodding at her barely covered body, I know she can see the fucking hard on she’s giving me considering I didn’t wrap a towel around my waist.

  “I could say the same to you.” Her eyes travel my body but I don’t make a move to cover myself. Shit, I’m comfortable with every piece of my body.

  I walk over toward the dresser and grab out my boxers before pulling them on. I don’t miss the little groan she let out either. She really isn’t going to make this easy for me.

  “It’s movin’ day sweetheart. We’ll go pick you up some girly shit on the way home.” Jersey spins around to look at me with her shirt in her hands.

  “Home? We’re not staying here?” A new fear rises inside of her. Her hands tremble as she looks at me. Shit! Moving toward her I grab her hands in mine.

  “It’s ok. I have an apartment. Creed said people will be watchin’ so we can’t stay here. I’m not given those motherfuckers any extra ammo against us. I won’t let them near you. You’ll be safe with me sweetheart.” Kissing her forehead, she nods. Why the hell did I just do that?

  “I feel safe with you.” Something jumps inside of me. I’m glad she feels safe with me. She should have that right. She shouldn’t have to be afraid all the time, not anymore.

  “Good. I’m glad.” I give her a small smile before walking over and grabbing the brush off the dresser. I comb through my long hair before slicking it back. Grabbing my jeans and a clean t-shirt I dress quickly before throwing a few things into a bag.

  “Will we come back here?” God the way she says “we” like this shit is real just stirs something up inside of me. I scrub my hand over my face before I pull my boots and cut on.

  “Yeah. This is my club.” I know I need to be short with her. I need to keep her at arm’s length for this shit to work.

  Grabbing the bag, I head toward the door when someone knocks.

  “Yeah!” The door opens slowly when I see Bella’s head pop in.

  “What the hell are you doin’ stickin’ your head in like that?” The girl looks like a complete lunatic.

  “I don’t want to see you naked or something!” Her little laugh make me smile as she walks in with a bag.

  “You movin’, too?” Winking at her she smiles.

  “No. I brought Jersey some things.” Walking toward her Jersey smiles.

  “I’ll be out front.” With a quick nod, I head out the door. Blowing out a breath when I get into the hallway, this is going to be hell.

  I walk out into the main room and mostly everyone has gone home from the lock down. I’m glad Creed made it mandatory until we figured shit out though.

  “You ready to get your wife home?” Piper chuckles as he throws back a shot.

  “Ain’t it too early for your old ass to be drinkin’?” Grabbing a beer from behind the bar I snap the cap off and take a drink.

  “Looks that way, yeah? Fuck, I ain’t drivin’ nowhere. This is home for me brother.” I look at Piper and wonder what he was like when he was younger. I wonder if he ever had a love of his life?

  My world was blown to hell when Beth cheated on me. I thought I found my forever in her, but that blew back in my face.

  Shaking my head, I take another drink of my beer when I see Bella and Jersey walking down the hallway. They’re laughing and Jersey has the biggest smile on her face. She looks so angelic. Her hair drapes around her shoulders as her eyes sparkle.

  “Yeah, you ain’t feelin’ shit my ass, motherfucker.” Piper laughs until he chokes. I can’t stop the chuckle that rips through me.

  “See. That right there is what you get. Keep that old ass mouth of yours closed Piper.” Taking one last drink I toss the bottle into the trash before heading toward the door.

  “You ready?” Looking at Jersey, she nods slowly. She doesn’t know what the hell is going on. Shit, neither do I these days.

  “Let’s ride. Bella, tell your dad I’ll call him later.” Bella nods before I lean in and kiss her cheek. Turning toward Jersey I nod toward the door. The girl follows orders well; I guess that’s a good thing.

  Jersey follows me over to the bike before she stands there looking slightly nervous.

  Stuffing the bags down in the saddle bags, I grab the helmet I had Joey pick up for her. It’s black like mine with flaming pink skulls. I figured if she was going to riding with me now she needed her own helmet.

  “Pink skulls, huh?” She smiles up at me holding the helmet in her hands.

  “Hell yeah. You are all girly and shit. If you don’t like it, I can get you a different one.” Closing my eyes, I need to listen to myself. When did I become such a pussy?

  “No. I love it. Thank you.” Her hand comes to rest on my chest as I suck in a breath. Swallowing hard, I open my eyes before I grab her helmet and slide it on her head then doing the same with mine.

  I climb on before Jersey follows. Her little arms wrap around me so naturally. Fuck me! The way her little fingers drag over my stoma
ch, I can’t handle this shit. I reach down and grab her hands holding them tightly against me. If she keeps moving them, I’m bound to fuck her on this bike before we ever get to the apartment.

  Chapter 22

  Pulling into the parking lot I pull up in front of my apartment. I kill the engine before Jersey untangles her arms from around my waist. Climbing off I have a surreal feeling that surrounds me. I can’t believe that I’m bringing my so called wife in here.

  “You ok?” Jersey’s hand comes down on my arm as I look over at her.

  “Yeah, I’m good. It’s just a little strange.” Jersey nods her head and I know this has to be far worse for her than it is for me. Shaking myself out of the state I’m in, I pull the bags out and head toward the door.

  “It ain’t much but it’s home. No one knows that I live here, so it’s safe.” Jersey follows me inside as I flip on a few lights. I set the bags on the table before hearing her giggle behind me. I spin around to look at her as she looks around the room.

  “What’s funny?” Her eyes come up to meet mine. God the heat that radiates from her just knocks the breath out of me.

  “I didn’t expect it to be so clean.” Ok, I’ll give her that one. For the most part my room at the club is a fucking mess but in my house, I like to keep things in their place.

  “Am I that fuckin’ much of a pig?” Cracking a grin at her, she shakes her head.

  “I just didn’t expect a single biker to be this neat.” Chuckling a little I can see what she means by that.

  “Well, I can be a neat freak too. Depends on my mood. I just like knowing my shit is in place.” Grabbing the bags, I head down the hallway toward the bedroom. I didn’t hear Jersey follow behind me but when I put the bags down I feel her hands wrap around my waist. My dick instantly knows her touch, closing my eyes I blow out a breath. I need to stop this with her.

  “We can’t keep doin’ this sweetheart. You’re too young for me for one, and I need to make sure you’re safe.” Jersey doesn’t seem to care what I say though as her fingers find their way under my shirt. Shit, the fire that explodes on my skin from her touch is hypnotic.


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