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Project: Rogue (Project Series Book 2)

Page 12

by J. L. Beck

  “If you would have opened your ears the first time and listened, then you would know that I already told you that.” He sounded frustrated, and I knew just how I was going to go about getting out of here.

  “Well, sometimes I like to make people repeat themselves.” I taunted from across the cell. I could see the anger forming on his face. I wanted to laugh at him, for feeding right into my hand as he came closer to the bars.

  One. Deep breath.

  Two. Feet planted on the ground.

  Three. I put everything into flying across the cell as fast as possible.

  As soon as I was in front of him I noticed the shock in his eyes and the fact that he had been fooled, following his frustrations by lingering too close to the bars. Just because something was imprisoned behind bars didn’t mean you were completely safe from harm, it still had the power to reach between the bars and get you.

  Shoving my dominant arm through the bars, I grabbed Xaiver by the throat, squeezing until my veins bulged. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body went limp in my grasp. I pulled him into the bars, searching his pockets with my other hand for the keys to the cell.

  As soon as my fingers skimmed across cold metal I knew I had the keys and relief flooded me as I pulled them out of Xaiver’s pocket, releasing the hold I had on him and letting his body fall limply to the ground.

  Did I feel bad for tricking him, for forcing him into an unconscious state and taking the keys? Nah, not really. Yeah, he would have a bad headache when he woke up and his ego would be slightly bruised, but I would be out of here and that’s all that mattered to me. Not what happened to him.

  I walked over to the entrance door of the cell and slipped my hands through the bars, placing the key inside the little keyhole. I turned the key, listening for the distinct click and when I heard it I pushed the door open, a low creaking noise bouncing off the walls of the room.

  My eyes drifted back to Xaiver and where he was laying out of it on the floor. I could hear his shallow inhales and exhales as small puffs of air continued to enter his lungs and I knew he would be fine. As soon as my hand touched the door handle to leave the dungeons I knew I should’ve asked more questions. Like if there were guards outside the room and how many were outside if any. If they were smart they would have guards.

  It was like giving a lunatic a loaded gun. It just wasn’t a smart fucking choice. I had to face these people one-way or another, though, how else was I supposed to reach Maggie? So having guards or not wouldn’t deter me, I was getting out of her and to Maggie regardless.

  Gripping the handle in my hand I twisted the knob, the door opening easily, casting light into the room. Popping my head out into the hallway I saw no one. I blew a breath out as I realized no one was on the other side of the door trying to stop me. I could get to Maggie even faster now and save her from whatever it was that Ty had let her walk into.

  My footsteps were heavy as I jogged down the hall. I had to figure out how to get out of this place before Xaiver woke up and could call for help, or better yet until someone noticed me and believe me it wouldn’t take long for that to happen.

  I had shown my darker side, killing four of my own kind. That wasn’t something looked at in the lightest way. That was something that would be talked about.

  “KILLER!!!!” Maggie screamed inside of my head, her voice so real and close that I stopped moving, my muscles refusing to move. I could hear the agony as she spoke and I could feel the twitches her body made as she endured whatever it was that was happening to her.

  “Maggie, talk to me!” I cried out. Trying to say the words in my head, but only ending up speaking them out loud. Throbbing aches flared behind my eyes. I could feel my own body growing weak, the strength it was taking to stay standing was monumental. I leaned against the wall for a moment to regain my strength, my eyes drifting closed for nothing more than a brief moment.

  “Please stop! I said I would do whatever you wanted.” Maggie’s screams resonated through our connection, her pain searing right through me like a fire blazing through the California Mountains. Fire roared across my skin, setting my body ablaze. There was so much pain, so much heartache.

  I clenched my fist, looking through Maggie’s eyes at the man I would rip to pieces. Her pain clenched me, grabbing me by the throat, I couldn’t run, nor could I stop it, and that was the worst fucking part.

  She fell to the flooring, her body going limp on the ground. I screamed again, my voice reaching for her through our connection.

  “Maggie! Tell me where you are. Tell me what I can do to help you. I will kill them for touching you.” Tears fell from my eyes, but she never spoke back; her line eventually going dead like a phone that had lost connection.

  When the connection was broken, I lost my fucking mind. My only thoughts being of getting Maggie out of that shit hole’s hands and watching him bleed out from the throat. I swiped the tears away, turning off any human emotions I was feeling.

  Every single fiber in me forced me to rush to Maggie’s aid, to bring hell down upon the assholes who were hurting her. I could feel nothing but the lingering feelings of her pain. All I could see as I looked around these halls was Maggie’s lifeless body on the ground.

  Revenge would be bittersweet as I extracted every last pint of blood from their bodies.

  I would crush their bones in my hands and rip their throats out without a thought.

  When you fucked with something that was mine, revenge wasn’t the only thing you should be scared of. It was me.

  My feet pounded against the tiled flooring. My body shook as sweat broke out all over my body. I would find out who was in second command and force him to tell me any and all information he knew, and then I would go to Maggie. I would get Maggie. I would reign death upon anyone who dared to interfere.


  Yes, death,

  I could see all of them in the throes of their own deaths; withering and begging me not to kill them, to spare their life. To show them mercy. Yet, I could see all of them drowning in their own blood has I caused death all around them.



  I heard a quote once, it went something like this. They say you die twice; once when you stop breathing and a second time when someone says your name for the last time. I believed that was true, far beyond words. I could practically feel Killer’s anger swirling deep inside of me, in the fragment of my soul that contained all my darkness.

  I had always been the light, the bright sun casting a shadow over Killer. I was the reason he was so dark, the reason he killed. It all started with a kiss, a love, a deep riveting love story that ended with one or both of us dying. I knew that much, I could sense a dooming future lingering over us like a cloud filled with rain water.

  “MAGGIE!!” His scream inside of my head was the only thing that kept me hanging on, it was also the only thing that reminded me that all this was my fault. Love had truly been our biggest downfall.

  “I never wanted this to happen to you, Maggie. I never wanted to have to bring you here, but I just knew that I couldn’t let you sit out there in society and be a danger to everyone including yourself.” Ty spoke so softly, that it almost soothed the burn wounds that covered my body.

  Blood had filled my mouth and I spat a small amount of it out and then spoke. “You did mean for this to happen and you knew it would when you brought me here. Don’t lie to me and don’t pretend like you’re sorry when we both know you aren’t. Save yourself the pity.” My voice was so weak, so frail that it was almost inaudible.

  I had no strength and with each passing minute, I could feel myself fading. Fading fast, fading slow, fading into nothing, but fading none the less.

  Would Jack really let me die? If I was truly the chosen one, then he couldn’t. right?

  The thought of never seeing Killer again only intensified the pain. I couldn’t even comprehend what would happen to him if I were no longer a permanent fixture in his life. A dull hum
ming sound filled my thoughts and the longer I focused on it the louder it seemed to get.

  “It was a selfish decision, one that I had to make on my own. You need Jack, he’s the only one that knows your potential. I know he can save you from the evil that’s to come.” Ty sounded so full of himself as if he had been rooting for Jack to kill me this whole time. He wasn’t my brother, a brother would never cross their sister, he would never put their life on the line. I wanted to hate him, and do so

  “Save?” I laughed hoarsely and then coughed, blood spilling from my mouth. “No one can save me. Not you. Not Jack. No one. You’re naïve to think that Jack could help either of us. We’re nothing but pawns in this giant genetic welfare war. Nothing but a means to violence.”

  I cut my eyes hard, meeting his across the room. Jack had moved both of us to cells, similar to the ones that I had been kept in with Killer previously. We were side by side and if I had the strength to get up and reach between the bars, I would wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze until his eyes bulged and he was choking on his last breath.

  “You’re just like him…” Ty spoke under his breath, turning away from me. I was furious. I grabbed onto the humming that had continued to play in my mind and pulled strength from it, my muscles aching less and my wounds feeling as if they were being healed.

  “You know nothing about Killer… I know that because if I was just like him you would already be dead.” I snarled, getting up onto my knees, the humming sound growing louder in my ears. I could practically feel it coursing throughout my body now, my legs slowly working enough for me to get to my feet.

  “Don’t act like you don’t want to kill me now.” He shot back at me, his eyes were growing darker with each word he said. This was a side of him I had never seen before and I knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to defend his actions. Make himself feel okay about what he had done.

  “Truthfully? I do want to kill you. The good in me outweighs the bad, but the darkness… I can feel it settling into my bones. I can feel it wanting to reach out and swallow me whole. I have never wanted to kill someone as much as I do you.” There was no reason for Ty to exist anymore. I didn’t care for his pity, his sob story, or anything he stood for. He had crossed me, exposing me to the creator of all of us. He had handed me over like nothing more than a trade.

  “You’re two sides of the same coin. Dark and light. It’s not surprising that they created him for you.” I narrowed my eyes at his confession. I wasn’t sure I could believe anything that was coming out of his mouth.

  “I was created for nothing more than the cure for cancer. They used my body, my mind, and my soul. They exposed me to things that should have killed me. I’m not a miracle, but an abomination.” I wasn’t going to explain any more to him. I was regaining my strength with each second that passed us by, there would be no stopping me from killing every single person here once I was fully capable of doing so.

  Ty smiled at me as he headed towards the bars that were closest to me. His eyes held a secret, his face was a mask, but when he spoke I knew that what he was going to say would end and begin everything for me.

  “Do you know why Jack wants you so bad?” Ty questioned me. I shook my head no, feeling my knees go weak as my stomach clenched tightly, I felt it was going to twist itself into a knot.

  “The cure is you, Maggie. The cure to everything runs through your veins. You have the cure needed to create more project members.”

  Any words I would’ve been able to speak were lodged in my throat. I would never truly be free. I would never live again and worst of all, I could never have Killer as my own.

  I was his very reason for existing and as long as I lived, they would have a way to create more of him, more of all of them.

  It starts and ends with you, Maggie.

  To Be Continued…

  To be continued…

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  I slapped a hand over the papers that covered my mahogany colored desk. I never expected in ten years to be where I was right now, divorced, unhappy and pushing papers around the local police station.

  Shoving a long strand of my auburn brown hair behind my ear I gathered up all the pieces of paper and neatly sorted them, placing them in alphabetical order at the corner of my desk. My eyes darted to the small clock placed next to my computer. Are you kidding me? Twenty single minutes had passed, and that was it.

  This day was dragging by, and I could feel the distinct dull ache behind my eyes forming, as I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment trying to catch a glimpse of silence.

  The police station was busseling today as numerous villains were brought in to face the consequences of their actions. Why had I chosen a job that ripped away at my insanity shred by, shred? Jeffery Daniel’s my boss, and head chief of police made his way across the room his dark brown eyes on me. I hated the way the air around me crackled as soon as he stepped in the room.

  Yeah, he should be feared, but not by his own employees. I gulped down the golf ball sized lump in my throat and waited for him to start ordering me around, or worse complaining about the shitty job I was doing as the county clerk.

  “Rae.” He drew my name out long, for it only being three letters. I lifted my eyes from his white pressed dress shirt, which was tucked into a pair of sleek black pants. My eyes not wavering from the gun or handcuffs that sat upon his hip.

  “Chief.” I tried the cool and assertive thing that Misty told me I should do since I had the type of personality that apparently always made me look guilty to some degree. Jefferies smirked as he grabbed the stack of papers that I had so nicely organized at the edge of my desk, his fingers flicking through the pages with minimal effort.

  “Why’re you so skittish?” He questioned, his eyes lifting from the papers in his hand and then down to me. I couldn’t truthfully answer him. I was merely a skittish person. Shy when need be. That’s why I wasn’t sure why I decided to work for Monroe County, to begin with.

  “I’m not skittish sir. Just unsure is all.” I kept my voice cool and tried to smile a little bit. Chief countered his own smile growing larger with each passing second and I knew the asshole was getting a hard on from causing me a mental breakdown. It wasn’t my fault I was an introvert at heart. Then the smug fucker did something that almost sent me over the edge. He sat his ass on the very edge of my desk. His ass cheek was on my motherfucking desk.

  “I need the paperwork on the Larson case, and I see it’s not currently in the pile of paperwork you already have done here.” Jefferies placed the stack of papers down in front of me with a thud, that same arrogant, smug look he always had on his face. Everyone else in the station walked by without a passing glance uncaring to what was taking place not that anything bad was taking place, but Jefferies was being the same asshole he always was.

  “I can get that to you tomorrow sir, as you see it’s nearly four and we close at four thirty.” I reminded him, gritting my teeth through the entire sentence all well knowing there was a bottle of beer, and a shot of tequila or two waiting for me down at Avenue Tap. Now all I had to do was find a way to get out of this office without screaming out loud.

  “How about we call it even if…” I could feel my patience growing thin the need to get out of this place and somewhere that I could breathe more freely almost undeniable. “You go on a date with me. One date. That’s all I’m asking for Rae.” I blinked. Then I blinked again, trying to decipher if what my ears had heard was really true? He didn’t just ask me on a date, did he?

  Everyone in this entire station, including this man, knew what I had gone through with my ex-less than a year ago. Being cheated on, and then told you’re the reason for the divorce really breaks you down. It breaks you enough, so much so that it takes just as much
time to build yourself back up as it did to break you down.

  I licked my lips and stared at Jefferies directly in the eyes. It wasn’t that he wasn’t handsome because he was. His slicked to the side black hair and dark eyes drew you in, that mixed with pretty boy smile he had, but honestly. I wasn’t ready and I probably wouldn’t be for a while. So for the sake of both of us, it was best, to be honest.

  “Thank you for the invite but, you and I both know that I’m not ready for the dating scene.” I pursued keeping my voice low. Yeah, everyone knew about the clusterfuck called my ex-husband but that didn’t mean it needed to be the talk of the police station or town again.

  Jefferies eye’s narrowed, but I couldn’t even see a trace of anger in them. “You know what, you’re probably right. Just whenever you feel ready, know that I’m here.” His ass slid off the desk, and his large body and handsome swag went with him. I was bit awestruck still, even as he walked away.

  His question caught me completely off guard. An invitation to go on a date? I should laugh, at his boldness. Then again at least he tried. I just wasn’t the dating type, not anymore. Not after being cheated on by the love of my life for years. Like my momma always told me, if it’s got testicles or tires it’s going to cause you trouble.

  With a flick of the wrist, I shut down the computer and placed my pen in the pull out drawer of my desk. Then I placed the papers that the Chief meandered through back on the edge of the desk in a neat pile and grabbed my purse at my feet to head out the door.

  I smoothed a hand over my gray pencil skirt as I stood, my eyes for some reason darting to Jeffery across the room. He had long moved on from me and onto Lily the newest intern for Monroe County. Annoyance filled my veins, then glee because I wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that.


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