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The Shadows Awaken (Guardians of the Night Book 1)

Page 26

by Robyn Wideman

  Jerod grinned maniacally at Dante. “It’s too late gargoyle!” Soon she will die and you will return to being an ugly stone ornament. The reign of humans is over, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

  Jerod sprang from the wall, hoping to escape out of the now broken window.

  Dante quickly grabbed Jerod, wrapping his stone hands around the vampire’s neck. “Perhaps, you are right, but you will not be around to find out,” yelled Dante as he strangled the life out of the vampire.

  Jerod gasped and gurgled trying to breathe as his neck was squeezed, but Dante was too strong. Jerod could do nothing to stop Dante from squeezing. HIs neck snapped under the extreme pressure. His body flopped to the ground as Dante released his neck and turned to check on Erica.


  When Dante turned to his gargoyle form and flew into the house, Jeffery had been on the tractor. He turned off the engine and ran into the house. Whatever had gotten Dante moving like that would be bad, really bad. Jeffery turned bear quickly. He could run faster as a bear than as a man.

  When Jeffery got to the library he found Dante crouched over Erica. Jeffery saw the body of Jerod and knew what had happened. The enemy had sent a mole among them. He stood on his hind legs and roared his anguish, shifting back to his human form.

  “Is she alive?” asked Jeffery, holding his breath as he waited with dread for Dante’s answer.

  “She is still breathing, but her pulse is really weak. He drank a lot of her blood before I got here,” answered Dante. He was pressing a torn piece of Erica’s shirt against her neck, plugging the two bite marks, making sure she lost no more blood.

  Jeffery ran to his room, grabbed his cell phone and dialed Terra.

  “Hello, Cutie,” said Terra with a flirty tone, as she answered the phone.

  “Erica has been bitten,” said Jeffery, wasting no time with hellos.

  Terra instantly was all business. “I’m at the farm with Brad. We will be there in five. Is she alive?”

  “Barely. Hurry!” said Jeffery. He headed back to the library to see if he could help Dante.



  When Brad and Terra arrived, Jeffery met them at the door.

  Terra had a large suitcase with her. She handed it to Jeffery. “Where is she?” she asked.

  Jeffery took the suitcase, which he knew was really a large medical supply stash that was kept on the farm in case of vampire attack. Jeffery admonished himself for not thinking to have similar kits at the mansion.

  As they got to the library, Terra moved Dante out of the way and took over treating Erica. She turned to Jeffery. “Put the case on the desk. I need the Hartmann’s solution and an IV.”

  Jeffery opened the case. He found three large clear bags of solution. They were clearly labeled ‘Hartmann’s Solution.’ Jeffery was grateful that Terra was so organized. No time would be lost getting setup. He easily found the rest of the supplies needed to setup the IV drip.

  Terra explained, “It’s more effective for vampire bites than normal saline solution. Once we have her stabilized, we can use donor blood to bring her levels up.” Terra turned to Brad, “You know what will happen if she survives, right?”

  Brad nodded, he turned to Dante. “Dante, she is very weak right now. She may not make it. She likely has enough vampire venom in her blood to start the turning, but not enough to survive it. Her body will reject the virus, but if it does she will likely die. The process is extremely taxing and drains the vitality of the victim.”

  Dante knew enough about vampires to understand what Brad was saying. Erica was poisoned. Vampire venom was coursing through her veins. If she didn’t die from shock from the loss of blood, the vampire venom would finish her off. “How long before the process begins?” asked Dante.

  “Hours,” said Brad. “First, we have to stabilize her, and then we will have a little time before we have to decide what to do.”

  Dante looked at Erica. He could not stand the idea of losing her. “Wait as long as you can. If she wakes in time, give her the options. If she doesn’t wake, just do it.”


  Erica’s eyes fluttered, and then opened. She slowly came to her senses. She was lying in her bed. An IV was attached to her arm. Erica could feel Dante holding her other hand. She turned her head to look at him. “Hey, you,” she said weakly.

  “Hello, beautiful,” said Dante, smiling at her. He squeezed her hand gently.

  “I’m not dead?” asked Erica, somewhat surprised.

  From the other side of the room, Brad spoke, “No, you’re not dead yet. But, you’re not out of the woods. I’m afraid you have vampire venom in your blood now.”

  Erica gave a weak smile, “So what is the prognosis? Am I going to make it?” Erica closed her eyes, fearing what Brad would say next.

  “There is a chance. However, it requires drastic action.” Brad paused for a second. He took a deep breath before continuing. “Erica, the only way you can survive is to be bitten by another vampire. If you are going to live, you have to become a vampire. Otherwise your body will reject the transformation and you will die.”

  “Lovely,” said Erica. “I don’t suppose you kept Jerod alive? He was the only vampire here.”

  “No, Jerod certainly did not survive his attack on you. However, he was not the only vampire here. I am a vampire, Erica.”

  Erica looked at Brad with instant understanding. Why had she not guessed it long ago?

  Erica thought about the revelation. It made sense. It was why Tomas had been targeted first. They went after the humans first and then the shifters and vampires. “I always thought you looked a little pale,” said Erica. “Why did you never tell me?” Her smile was weak. Her attempt at humor tugged at the heartstrings in the room.

  “I have been hiding my vampire heritage for a long time. I was once the worst type of vampire. I was the type that hunted humans for pleasure. Killing them just for the sake of the hunt. Brad hung his head in shame, and then continued with his painful confession. “I would probably have been on the vampire council if it were not for the incident that changed my life forever. I was hunting outside a small village. I terrorized them, hunting every night, killing randomly. Men, woman, children, it didn’t matter, I picked my targets by degree of difficulty. I made sure no one in the village felt safe. One night I entered the home of one of the village elders. She was old, but had a vitality to her that attracted me. When I made my presence known to her, she did not run in fear or try to fight me. She knew her time had come, that nothing she could do would change her fate. When I moved in for the kill, I looked into her eyes. No fear, only sadness and pity, the old woman was about to die and she felt pity for me. It enraged me. I asked her why she looked at me like that.

  The old woman answered, ‘Such a magnificent shell, powerful and cunning.’ She then put her hand on my chest, ‘A beautiful creature you are, but so empty inside. Instead of love and companionship, you feed off fear and death. It must be a lonely existence you live.’ I did not understand her words at the time. They stabbed into me like deadly little needles. In anger, I killed her, mutilating her corpse and destroying her home. After I retreated to my lair, I thought about her words. Every day, for months on end, I thought about her words. They haunted me. A mere human feeling sad and pity for me, a great vampire, was too much. I avoided her village after that. My thirst for their fear was gone. Her words had taken away my pleasure from terror. I moved away from the area of the village, and ran into another vampire I had known long ago, one I had been dismissive of because of his more tolerable attitude towards humans. When I spoke to him, he noted the change in me.

  He said I no longer had the look of blood lust on me. He stated that now I could use logic and intelligence to make my decisions instead of thirst. He was right. It was then I began to study humans. I learned to appreciate them. I found myself enjoying the company of humans more and more. One of my vampire powers, is the ability to mask my scent, I made myself s
eem human. Even my fellow vampires could not tell I wasn’t human. I moved to America, while it was still young, and began a new life. I ended up befriending a wolf shifter, one who lost his pack. I ended up helping him to adjust to his life without a pack, I helped him find a place among the humans. I enjoyed the satisfaction of doing that, and decided to keep doing it. I pretended I was one of the Enlightened, those who know of shifters and vampires, and became someone the shifters trusted to help them. I met your husband through another business venture. I immediately knew his skills as a researcher were exactly what I needed to increase the number of shifters I could help. I brought him into the small circle of humans who knew the truth, the Enlightened. It took Tomas about ten years before he confronted me about never seeming to grow older. When I told him my story, he agreed that continuing my guise as a human was the best course of action.”

  “That does explain a lot, Brad, but why tell me now?” asked Erica.

  “I can help you, Erica. If I do, you will become a vampire. I can bite you. You will be changed forever. It is not a horrible thing to become a vampire, but certain things will change. It is probably the only way for you to survive, but it comes with a great price.”

  “The price is not so high, Erica, let him turn you. It will be okay--” Dante could not risk losing the woman he had tried to resist caring for. Once again he was ready to sacrifice himself for a woman. Fate was being unusually cruel. History was repeating itself.

  Brad interrupted Dante. “No, Dante, she needs to know.” Brad turned back to Erica, “If you die, Dante will likely turn back to stone, and if you become a vampire Dante will still likely turn back to stone.”

  Erica absorbed Brad’s words. Tears started to roll down her face as she came to understand what was happening. “I don’t want to lose you, Dante.” Erica could not let him turn to stone without telling him what was in her heart. As much as he pushed her away physically, he had not been able to stop her feelings for him. “I love you.” Her eyes locked with his.

  Dante smiled and kissed her hand, “I know you do, and I love you. You’re the most amazing woman I have ever met. I have always had regrets about becoming a gargoyle … until I met you. Every moment I have spent with you has made the centuries of waiting worth every second. I am so glad to have gotten to know you, Erica. I would gladly return to stone so that I can watch you continue what you have started. Sanctuary is a good thing, and with the world falling apart around us, it will be needed now more than ever.

  “Oh, Dante, I can’t live forever without you.”

  “You must, and forever is a long time. I could rise again, someday. Now tell him to do it. Let Brad turn you.”

  Erica was terrified that she would never see Dante as a human again, that their time together would end, when she said yes. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Instead she closed her eyes, and nodded.

  Dante turned to Brad, making sure he had seen Erica’s nod.

  Brad walked up to the bed. He grabbed her arm with the IV in it. Gently he sunk his fangs into her. He did not ingest her blood. Instead he just let his venom flow into her body. He could taste her blood in his mouth. Like a drug, the blood called to him, begging him to let the thirst take over. Brad released his grip on Erica, and stood up.

  “It is done. Have Jeffery and Terra keep an eye on her. Terra will know what to do. I have to leave. I need to be alone for a while.” The temptation to start killing again was hard for Brad to ignore. He would return to the farm, and wait there to see what happened next.

  Dante grabbed Brad’s hand. “Thank you, Brad, I always knew you were a vampire, but I misjudged your reasons for hiding the fact. I apologize and thank you for saving Erica.”

  Brad accepted the apology, “It’s okay. I knew you would be able to tell. I took the risk when I arranged for your home to be moved. I felt you were the best chance for Erica. I only hope you don’t change back for too long. We are going to need you.”

  “You will have Erica. As a vampire she will have the strength to assist you. She is an incredibly smart woman. If anyone can thrive in the new world the vampires have created, it will be her.”

  Brad left the room. Jeffery and Terra, who had been standing back absorbing the entire conversation silently, also left. Dante and Erica were alone again.

  Dante lay down on the bed beside Erica. Cupping her chin, he stared into her grey eyes. “Get some sleep, my love, you need your rest. The transformation is hard on your body.”

  “Don’t leave me, Dante. I’m afraid,” said Erica. She was scared, not of becoming a vampire, but of losing Dante. The thought that he would revert to just being a gargoyle, until a new suitable human filled the house scared her.

  “You’re looking at this all wrong, my dear. Our love was cursed before, a short but bright flame that would blow out with the passing of time. Now our love can last for hundreds of years. When another, worthy of protecting arrives, I will be here. All you have to do is wait.”

  That thought had not occurred to Erica. Dante would not stay stone forever. She now could wait as long as necessary to be reunited with Dante. “I will wait as long as it takes, and I will search for a worthy person for you to protect,” Erica vowed. She then drifted off to sleep. Her exhaustion and the effects of the venom were taking their toll.

  Dante leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, “Till we meet again, my love.”

  Dante stood up and walked to the door. He took one last long look at Erica before heading to her room, and his familiar place on the balcony. He would wait there for his transformation to occur. At least from his perch there, he would see her every day. Once she turned, her human body would be dead. He did not want to watch her die. He could not watch her die. His heart would break, and the wait for his reactivation could take years, perhaps centuries if the Sanctuary failed to defend humans against the rogue vampires. Dante felt wetness in his eyes, and suddenly his disdain of humans who wept in fear of vampires was replaced with sympathy.



  VLADIMIR SAT AT THE BOARDROOM table with an arrogant look on his face. The attacks around the world were going according to plan. Serena sat directly to his right as the council watched the news. Only a few media and communications companies around the world had satellites left. Having the remaining media controlled by companies owned by vampires had also been part of the plan. This gave them the ability to further spread disinformation and lies at their convenience. The current broadcast was not being censored yet.

  “Things are progressing well,” Vladimir said as he looked around the table at the other members of the council.

  “Yes, exceedingly well,” said Ronaldo, the council’s resident computer and statistics guru. “My last reports indicate over a ninety-five percent success rate of destroying all nuclear-powered vessels, power stations and weapons. As of today, the world is almost nuclear weapon free.”

  “And what are the rates for conventional weapons?” asked Vladimir.

  “At last count, the ten largest armies in the world have all suffered greater than fifty percent damage rates. Some of the smaller countries have yet to suffer any damage, but we expect that to change soon.”

  “Excellent. Let’s begin the next stage then. Have all hydro power installations and major power plants targeted, and then destroy all oil refineries and all shipping vessels,” said Vladimir.

  “We are on target for the Middle East and Asia, but we ran into problems in America and Great Britain. So far, the war between Russia and America has not had much impact on American infrastructure, and our vampire hunter squads have had several casualties,” said Serena.

  Vladimir glared at Serena. “Why are we suffering such losses?”

  Serena shrugged off the misplaced anger directed at her and replied, “The attack on parliament in Great Britain happened at the same time that a pair of Jihadists blew themselves up. The hunter squad died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And in Ameri
ca, the attacks against Sanctuary and the Butler brothers have reduced our available assets.”

  “Are the Butlers not dead yet?” Vladimir asked with surprise. “Where’s Nickoli?”

  “Nickoli hasn’t reported back in the last twelve hours. It’s possible he hasn’t survived,” said Serena. She mentally crossed her fingers for his continued silence. Every minute that passed without hearing from him meant an increase in the possibility that Jaden had survived and Nickoli was dead.

  “And what of the Duvane woman?” asked Vladimir

  “I’ve activated a sleeper agent. If she isn’t already dead it shouldn’t be long,” said Serena. The sleeper agent was supposed to be kept in reserve, in case they needed a spy after the wars were finished, but Vladimir’s obsession with killing the woman despite her having a gargoyle protector had forced Serena to activate the agent. The vampire was sure to die, but Vladimir didn’t care.

  “Perhaps it was not wise to attack vampires and shifters,” said Petre Belan.

  Serena held her breath and waited for Vladimir to reply. Petre, one of the oldest vampires alive, was a powerful member of the council. His questioning of the attacks on other vampires was the first sign of dissent with Vladimir’s leadership. Even the hint that Nickoli, Vladimir’s feared enforcer, was gone would quickly create cracks in the council. Would Vladimir attack Petre or admit that he made a strategic mistake?

  “I have misjudged the strength of our vampire brethren, but our overall mission will not fail,” replied Vladimir with a casual wave of his hand. “Just look at the Guardians. They are supposed to be the protectors of the humans and shifters and we have almost wiped them out. No, I do not think a few loose ends will matter. Wu, what is the current state of China’s military?” he asked, changing the subject.


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