Tom Zoellner
Page 39
Plowshare program
religious zealots
September 11 attacks
sharing atomic technology
terrorist groups
undercover nuclear sales
U.S. war in Iraq
Archer Films
Arches National Park
Arizona One mine
Arizona Strip
Arlit, Niger
Armstrong, Karen
Asahara, Shoko
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad
coining of word
fusion of
atomic, use of word
atomic bomb
basic architecture of
deployment of
and Einstein
“Fat Man,”
first use of term
ideas behind
“Little Boy,”
plutonium in
proliferation of, see apocalypse; atomic weapons
requirements for production of
U-235 in
use of uranium in
U.S. production of; see also Manhattan Project
atomic cocktails
atomic energy:
peaceful uses of
promise of
research on
sharing technology of
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
and radiation sickness
uranium bounties offered by
atomic power
as green technology
magazine articles about
atomic weapons:
arms race
barriers to building
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
see also atomic bomb
Atoms for Peace
Augur, Tracy
Augustine, Saint
Aum Shinrikyo
Aboriginals in
environmental activists in
Jabiluka uranium deposit
and Japan
Land Rights Act (1976)
Mary Kathleen mining operation in
Mount Brockman in, see Mount Brockman
national identity of
New South Wales
Northern Territory
nuclear tests in
Olympic Dam mining operation in
race issues in
Ranger Mine in, See Ranger Mine
Three Mines policy in
and Uranium Club conference
uranium in
and World War
and World War
yellowcake exported from
Australian Conservation Foundation
Baghdad, sack of
Bahran, Mustafa
Bainbridge, Kenneth
Baldwin, Hanson W.
Bankers Trust Company
Baruch, Bernard
Batie, Ralph
Baute, Jacques
Becquerel, Henri
Beleites, Michael
Congo as colony of
Force Publique of
radium sent to
and Union Minière
and World War
Ben-Gurion, David
Bergmann, Ernst David
Berlusconi, Silvio
beta rays
Bethe, Hans
Bhagavad Gita
Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
bin Laden, Osama
Black, John
Bloom, Murray Teigh
Blosser, Joe
Bohr, Niels
Booth, Eugene
Bowery Boys
Boyer, Paul
breccia pipes
Briggs, Lyman
Brinkley Mining
British government:
Atomic Energy Authority
atomic research in
in club of five
end of colonial era
and Iran
and Niger
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
and nuclear overproduction
nuclear testing by
and Rio Tinto
and Shinkolobwe uranium
and torbernite
wartime surveillance by
Broad, William J.
Brodie, Bernard
The Absolute Weapon
Brooks, Brenda
Buckley, Amanda
Bunn, Matthew
Burba, Elisabetta
Burchett, Wilfred
Bush, George W.
Bush, Vannevar
Cambon, Jim
Camus, Albert
National Instrument certificate
and Uranium Club conference
uranium companies in
uranium ore in
and atomic tests
of Diné
and nuclear accidents
and radiation sickness
and radium
at Wismut mines
Canyonlands National Park
Carleton, Paul H.
Carrington, Lord Peter
Carter, Ashton B.
Cassara, John
Cassidy, Butch
Catherine II, Empress
ceramic pellets
Chadwick, James
chain reactions:
in nuclear reactors
possibility of
research on
Chamberlain, Neville
Charter Consolidated
Chatwin, Bruce
Cheney, Dick
in club of five
coal in
electricity needed in
and Iran
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
and nuclear overproduction
nuclear plants in
nuclear weapons built in
Qing dynasty in
Churchill, Winston
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency):
and Israel
and Khan
and Niger
and Pakistan
and Shinkolobwe’s uranium
and Soviet capabilities
Clarity Investments
Clark, Dave
Clinton Engineer Works
Cohen, Avner
cold war:
and arms race
deterrence policy in
fallout shelters in
massive retaliation policy
mutually assured destruction (MAD)
national security in
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
“push-button war” in
Soviet bloc formed in
spread of uranium in
Colombia, illicit uranium in
Colorado Plateau, old mines in
Colorado River, radioactive wastes leaking into
coltan (columbite-tantalite)
Columbia University
Columbus, Christopher
Comstock Lode, Nevada
Article Fifteen in
Belgian rule of
and Brinkley Mining
cobalt from
Democratic Republic of
illegal mining in
independence of
Katanga Province in
nuclear reactor in
sharing technology with
Shinkolobwe mine in, see Shinkolobwe
Société Général of
Union Minière in
uranium smuggled out of
uranium supplies in
wartime surveillance in
as Zaire
“Congo caviar,”
Congo Free Stater />
Conrad, Joseph (Heart of Darkness)
Cooper, Jackie
Coupland, Douglas
Cousins, Norman
Cowan, George Cowger, Buddy
Craig, John R.
Creutz, Ed
Cruel Mountains, Czechoslovakia
Cunningham, Peter J.
Curie, Irène
Curie, Marie and Pierre
Masaryk in
St. Joachimsthal in
Dadayan, Garick
Dagwood Splits the Atom
Dalton, John
Darius III, king of Persia
Darwin, Australia
Darwin, Charles
De Beers
de Gaulle, Charles
Democratic Republic of the Congo, see Congo
Dempster, Arthur J.
Denison Mines
deuterium oxide (heavy water)
Devlin, Larry
Dewar, Graham
Didion, Joan
Dietel, Rudolf
Dig That Uranium (film)
Diné (Navajo people)
“Dirty Harry,”
Disney, Walt (Our Friend the Atom)
Domenici, Pete
Dönitz, Karl
Doomsday Book (Domesday Boke)
Dopel, Robert
Dubai, deal-making in
Duke Power
Duncan, Doug
Duncan, Sir Val
Dunning, John
Dyson, Freeman
Eden, Anthony
Eiffel Tower
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
and atomic bomb
and Atoms for Peace
and interstate highway system
and World War
Eisner, Peter
Ekker, Edna
Elisabeth, queen dowager of Belgium
Elizabeth II, queen of England
Energy Fuels Nuclear
Energy Resources of Australia
Enola Gay
Enrichment Technology of the United States
Enterprise Mine, Colorado
in Australia
and new reactor construction
and nuclear accidents
and uranium fission
Environment Center of the Northern Territory
ERA, Australia
Ert, Dan
Eshkol, Levi
Eunice, New Mexico
European Atomic Energy Commission
Faqih, Abdullah al-
Faulkner, William
Federation of American Scientists
Fehler, Johann
Feinberg, Abraham
Fermi, Enrico:
and atomic research
and Manhattan Project
Feynman, Richard
Fiesta Ware
Fisher, Joe
and Aboriginals
on antinuclear demonstrators
bridge named for
early years of
and El Sharana
on Kakadu park
and Ranger Mine
and United Uranium No Liability
Fonda, Henry
Ford, John
in club of five
and Israeli nuclear program
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
and nuclear overproduction
uranium archipelago of
and Uranium Club conference
yellowcake from Niger to
Frémont, John C.
Freud, Sigmund
Friedland, Robert
Friends of the Earth
Frisch, Otto:
and atomic research
and Manhattan Project
fuel rod assemblies
Gabon, French uranium in
Gadhafi, Mu’ammar al-
Gaia hypothesis
Gaillard, Slim
Galápagos Islands
Game of Life, The (Milton Bradley)
gamma rays
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garrett, Peter
Gavshon, Arthur
Geiger, Hans
Geiger counter
General Atomics
General Mining Act (1872) geology
Georgia (Eurasia)
German Democratic Republic, collapse of
new reactors in
Ore Mountains
scientific knowledge in
U-boats of
war matériel surrendered to U.S. by
Wismut mines in
in World War
Getty Oil
Gieges, Daniel
Global Uranium Symposium (2007)
Global Witness
Gobi Desert
Goldschmidt, Bernard
Goodman, Amy
Goodman, David
Gore, Al
Grand Canyon National Park
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grants, New Mexico
Gray, Tony
Great Britain, see British government
Great Slave Lake, Canada
greenhouse gases
Gregory, Pope
Gromyko, Andrei
Groves, Leslie R.:
and cold war
and Dagwood comic
and Hanford Site
and Laurence
and Manhattan Project
on radiation sickness
secrecy promoted by
on testing
uranium obtained by
on uranium sources
Guarin, Paul L.
Guillon, Father Luc
Gulf Oil Gunther, John
Hagiwara, Tokutaro
Hahn, Otto
Hanford Site, Washington
Harman, Father
Harper, Gerald
Hawke, Bob
Hayward, Alvinza
Hayward, Susan
Hayward Mine, California
Hearst, George
Heart of Darkness (Conrad)
heavy water (deuterium oxide)
Hegel, Georg
Hegenbart, Walter
Heisenberg, Werner
Hirohito, Emperor
and apocalypse
and Japanese surrender
radiation sickness in
Hitler, Adolf
Holaday, Duncan
Holgate, Laura
Holland, Robert
Hoodbhoy, Pervez
Hope, Bob
Hopi people
Hoskins, Richard
Howard, John
How to Survive an Atomic Attack
Hunt, George W. P.
Hus, Jan
Hussein, Saddam
hydrogen bomb
Ibn al-Haytham
electricity needed in
Mafia in
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
nuclear program of
and Pakistan
sharing technology with
Smiling Buddha
Indian Head, Maryland, navy ordnance laboratory
Indian Point station, New York
Institute for Science and International Security
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
author’s visit to
controls by
founding of
inspections by
nuclear losses tabulated by nuclear power promoted by
roles of
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
International Uranium Company
Islamic triumphalism in
and national prestige
nuclear pr
ogram of
war with Iraq
and IAEA inspections
uranium sales to
U.S. war in
war with Iran
civilization of
resentment of the West by
triumphalism of
worldly results valued in
Arab hostility toward
and Armageddon
independence of
Negev desert
and Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
nuclear program of
and Plumbat Affair
policy of opacity in
and Samson Option
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Israel Defense Forces
Issa, Abdoulaye
Ivanhoe Mines
Jabiru, Australia
James, Edwin
James, William
atomic bombs dropped on ; see also Hiroshima; Nagasaki
Aum Shinrikyo in
and Australia
German war matériel shipped to
scientific knowledge in
surrender of
Jesus of Nazareth
Johnson, Jesse
Johnson, Willie
Joliot-Curie, Frédéric
Jones, Ben
Jornada de Muerto, atomic tests at
Josiah, King
Jung, Carl
Kabila, Joseph
Kakadu National Park
Karlsch, Rainer
Karpin, Michael
Katone, Jacqui
Kelly, Ian
Kennedy, John F.
Keppers, Violet
Kessler, Ulrich
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali
Khan, Abdul Qadeer
A. Q. Khan Network
buying and selling by
and centrifuges
and Engineering Research Laboratories
and fame
house arrest of
materials stolen by
Khan, Genghis
Khan Research Laboratories
Khinsagov, Oleg
Kidd, Steve
Kim Il Sung
King, Emma
Kipese, Madame
Kistiakowsky, George B.
Klaproth, Martin
Knop, Werner
Kountché, Seyni
Kukhianidze, Alexandre
Kurchatov, Igor
Kutelia, Batu
Kyoto Treaty
Langewiesche, William
Lansdale, John D.
Las Vegas, as “A-Bomb Capital of the West,”
Laurence, William L.
birth and early years of
Dawn Over Zero
death of
influence of
as journalist
and Manhattan Project
name changed by
Pulitzer Prizes of
Lavender, David
Lawrence, David
Laxalt, Robert
Leichhardt, Ludwig
Leopold II, king of Belgium
Leventhal, Paul
Lewis, Bernard (What Went Wrong?)
Lewis, Jeffrey
Libby. Lewis
Libby, Willard
Libya, nuclear program of
Lifton, Robert Jay
Lilienthal, David
Liquid Sunshine