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La Patron's New Year

Page 2

by Sydney Addae

  Vanessa smiled. Her friend had more book knowledge than most and could probably instruct the doctor, Matt, on medical matters verbatim from certain texts.

  “I told him to relax. Mama told him to relax. I think even La Patron told him to relax. He wouldn’t stop until I promised to ask Jasmine a question or two later.” Shyla said. “He’s going to drive me crazy before I have these pups.”

  “I saw him talking to Gem this morning at breakfast,” Vanessa said grinning at Shyla’s groan.

  “Which means he had a lengthy conversation with her about what to expect during pregnancy. When he mentions it to me, should I remind him that I know this stuff or should I just tell him to stuff it?”

  “Don’t hurt his feelings, he’s waited a long time. This is big for both of you.” Vanessa squeezed Shyla’s hand and lowered her voice. “I’ve been having a hard time keeping food down lately. It’s like some days I am starving, eating everything and anything. Other days, the very thought of food makes me gag. Last week, I had an appointment with Dr. Green back home because Ethan’s having morning sickness, while I’m having all day sickness.”

  “That’s terrible,” Shyla murmured.

  “Alpha Jayden said he went through the same thing with his pups. He changed Ethan’s schedule so that we’re both in bed in the mornings. Are you guys having any of this stuff?”

  “Me not him. Doesn’t seem fair but girl it’s been a mess! I mean it’s like when I open my eyes, I have to be still for a minute and then slowly get out of the bed. I can’t think about food until at least 11:00 A.M. or I’ll be looking at the toilet up close and personal. And don’t get me started on how nothing fits anymore! Angus can’t eat around me most days. The smells from cooked food mess with me for several hours. I can’t wait for this part to end.”

  Understanding, Vanessa nodded and nibbled on some cheese crackers she kept in a plastic bag. She held the bag out the Shyla, who took a couple.

  “I plan on stopping by to talk to Gem after lunch before she and Damian head out. Want to go with me?” Shyla asked.

  “Most definitely,” Vanessa said, grateful her friend thought of it. “I can ask a few of my own questions at the same time.” She paused and sat back with her legs crossed at the ankles. “Last night we talked about how many babies we wanted.” She looked around and lowered her voice. “Ethan said he’d like a large den and I said that would depend how many makes a large den and how many I’m carrying now. Girl, he said six. At first I thought he meant over time like Lilly and Jasmine, so I’m like well okay, not too bad.” She shook her head and looked at Shyla. “He clarified it when he said that this might be a big litter. You think?”

  Shyla shook her head in commiseration. “That’s a lot at one time.”

  “My expression must’ve said get the hell out of here or something because the next thing I know he was saying ‘Bae, whatever you want is fine. If six is too many we can do whatever you want. You’re most important.’ Poor thing looked kind of panicky as if I’d change my mind about the whole thing.” She met Shyla’s amused gaze and smiled. “I let him stew for a minute and then told him six was fine with me just not all at once.”

  Shyla laughed. “Angus hasn’t gone there yet. But he probably will soon.” She reached in her shirt. “My bra size has gone up a full cup which makes him really happy.” Pausing she leaned forward. “When Angus was a small pup, his sire and mam, died early and his litter-mates died off, except La Patron. Angus was alone when La Patron came to this country. Although we haven’t really discussed how large a den we want, I can understand him wanting a large one.” Her stomach growled loudly and Vanessa’s stomach growled in response. They needed more than a few crackers.

  The women looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “Bae, what’s so funny?” Ethan asked Vanessa.

  “Shyla and I were talking and were interrupted by the babies demanding to be fed. What are you doing?”

  “Getting ready to feed my beloved mate and unborn pups. What do you want to eat? La Patron has lunch set out and I see a lot of your favorites. Should I bring you a little of everything?” Ethan’s love and care came through their link, stroking her skin like a feather.

  “Yes. Especially those cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches, bring a lot of those. I’ll meet you in our rooms. Can you get away after or does La Patron have something for you to do?

  “I’m all yours,” he said.

  “Good, I want to spend some time with you before Alpha calls us home.” Vanessa sent waves of love and desire through their link. She glanced over at Shyla’s faintly flushed face and realized she was talking with Angus.

  Shyla cleared her throat. “Um... Angus is coming for me. We’re eating lunch with Jasmine and La Patron. He um... he wants to make sure I’m fed and rested.”

  Vanessa laughed at her normally composed friend explaining lunch with her mate. “What the hell did he say to you to get you all confused and bothered?”

  Shyla placed her hands on her cheeks and shook her head. “He’s nasty, in a good no-holds barred- fucking way. I can’t begin to explain that man. He’s just... he’s damn good.”

  “As he should be,” Vanessa said happy for her friend. “Ethan’s on his way to take me to lunch. I don’t know when Gem and Damian are leaving but I heard possibly later today. I’ll ask Gem if we can meet up with her after we eat and call you.” She looked at Shyla’s face. “Or maybe not.

  Chapter 4

  Jasmine walked down the corridor headed to Silas’ office. He’d promised to take her on a sleigh ride around the Compound and she intended to call him on it today. White, pristine snow glistened on the ground and tree branches on a bright sunny day. She wanted to be outside, taking in nature’s beauty with him. Turning the corner, she saw Rose.

  “Mom, I was just coming to see you.” Color heightened Rose’s cheeks as she jogged forward. “It’s Lilly. She’s bleeding. Matt’s on his way to the Alpha house. She’s calling for me and asked me to bring you.”

  “Of course. Let me tell Silas.” Jasmine’s steps matched Rose’s as they headed toward the elevator. “I need to get my coat and boots.”

  “Same here.” Rose said. “I’ll have Rone pull the truck around and meet us out front.”

  Jasmine nodded and stepped into the elevator. “Silas, Lilly is bleeding. Rose and I are going to the Alpha house to be with her. The kids are playing in the nursery with Danielle and Rese. Can you let them know where I am?”

  “Yes. Cameron’s worried. I will be there as soon as I can. Tyrone is driving you?”

  Rose exited the elevator. “See you in a bit.”

  “Okay.” Jasmine pressed the button to her floor again.

  “Jasmine?” Silas said.

  “Yes, Rone is driving us to Lilly’s.” The door opened and she strode toward their rooms. “I’m getting my coat, boots and stuff.”

  “Good, stay warm. Don’t be fooled by the sun. It’s freezing cold outside. I’ll be there as soon as I finish here.”

  Lilly lay in bed with all seven of her children crowded around asking questions all at once.

  “What’s wrong with Mama?” Lilly’s youngest daughter Amari asked.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Nionis, Amari’s older sister asked while watching Lilly closely.

  Lilly waved her hand. “No, the doctor has me on bed rest that’s all. I need all of you to go eat your supper, then baths and then –”

  “We play!” Theo yelled raising his hands in the air.

  Lilly, Rose and Jasmine smiled at his antics. The kids had one more day of Christmas break and it was apparent Theo intended to make the most out of it. “Playing is fine, just watch out for each other,” Lilly said accepting kisses on her cheeks from each of her adopted children before they left the room.

  Rose released a long sigh when the door closed behind Pierre’s wheelchair. His disability caused him to move slower than the others. “How do you feel?”

  Curious, Jasm
ine waited for the answer. When they arrived, Matt had already been in the room with Cameron and Lilly for over an hour. The children rushed in when Matt left. Silas had come and left promising to return later to take her home. This was their first time alone with Lilly.

  “No pain, just uncomfortable. It’s hard finding a good position to get comfortable in.” Lilly turned on her side. “I’m not supposed to walk, not even to the bathroom.”

  “For how long?” Rose asked.

  “Until our pups are born.” Lilly bit her lip and met Jasmine’s gaze. “I’m scared.”

  Understanding and empathy flowed through Jasmine as she walked to the bed and took Lilly’s outstretched hand. “Matt’s the best, just follow his instructions –”

  “No. I should’ve let La Patron examine me last year when he offered to help. Cameron said I should but I was too embarrassed.”

  Sorrow rolled off Rose in waves.

  “Embarrassed?” Jasmine assumed Lilly wanted to talk about whatever bothered her and pulled one of the leather seats close.

  Lilly nodded and exhaled. Rose pulled up a chair on the other side and sat, holding her sister’s hand.

  “When I was younger, I was … raped by a guy I thought loved me.”

  Rose snorted. “That asshole only loved himself.”

  “Mom didn’t like him. She forbade me to see him, so I snuck out to be with him,” Lilly said in a low voice. “I won’t go into the details of that night but he turned into a monster, and it messed with me for years. I had a hard time trusting and opening up to people for a long time.” She paused. “That’s one of the main reasons I adopted so many kids, to make sure they were safe and never experienced that kind of assault.”

  “You were the victim,” Jasmine said striking a balance in her tone of support and understanding.

  “When it happened, he was made to be the victim,” Rose snapped. “That asshole convinced the police that Lilly had been after him, and attacked him in his room. Since she’d snuck out to see him and they were the same age nothing much was ever done about it.”

  Horrified over what Lilly must have gone through, Jasmine leaned over and hugged the woman. “I’m so sorry you went through that,” Jasmine said when she could talk. “Mom went ballistic when I got pregnant at 16 with the twins. I got lucky Davian had some principles and chose me and his kids over his family. At the time, I was embarrassed by what my classmates were saying behind my back and in my face. I wasn’t a whore. Davian had been my first and only but human society stigmatizes the mother and puts them down. We all make mistakes but they pick and choose who to penalize. We’re not like that here and I love that about pack.” She sat back down after wiping Lilly’s tears with her thumb.

  Lilly offered a shaky smile. “When Cam and I first mated, I couldn’t get past all that stuff. And then when I didn’t get pregnant immediately...” She shook her head.

  “That asshole had some friends jump her at school,” Rose said, her voice trembling with anger. “We found out in the hospital Lilly had been in her first trimester and lost the baby.” Rose looked at Lilly. “You stayed in the hospital a long time, had two surgeries I think.”

  Lilly nodded slowly. “There were complications. They weren’t sure if I could have more pups. If only I’d listened to Mom and left that asshole alone, I wouldn’t be going through this now.

  Recalling her conversation with Asia, Jasmine wondered if all the pregnant women were having moments like this one. “The past can’t be changed,” Jasmine said in a soft voice. “We’re all going to look forward and make life what we want it to be. In a month or two you’ll have a larger den and even though you may never forget what happened in your past, you survived it, and made it your stepping stone to happiness.”

  Lilly’s smile brightened. “Yes, that’s it exactly. Cameron, the kids, our Pack. I came here with nothing and the Goddess has blessed me with so much. I refuse to allow the past to steal… steal the happiness I have now.” She looked at Jasmine. “Thank you for saying what I needed to hear, to be reminded of.”

  “Thanks isn’t necessary because we’re family.” Jasmine returned the smile and placed a kiss on Lilly’s cheek while thinking of Asia. “Please let the test results say Asia can have kids,” she prayed.

  Chapter 5

  Silas looked around the gym with pride at the men around him. They each served him and would willingly lay down their lives for him, Jasmine, his pups and the Wolf Nation. These men were what Jasmine called family and he trusted them explicitly. Reaching the weight bench, Silas laid back and focused on the weights above him.

  “What’s the mark today?” Angus asked Silas, spotting him for the bench press.

  “Hmm, let’s go until someone says ‘La Patron’ and then check the weight.” Silas said before chuckling.

  “Rese, I’m stoked you’re finally going to be a dad.” Tyrone fist pounded his twin. “My pups are going crazy waiting for their cousins. Screw that. I can’t wait to be an uncle!!” Tyrone said heading to the other side of the room bouncing around like one of his twin pups.

  Everyone laughed at his antics.

  Cameron sipped water after hitting the speed bag. “I know what you mean, Rone. My pups are excited about the new litter, too. Every morning they ask Lilly if the pups are coming today, as if the pups are flying in or something. Lilly loves it. She has them touch and talk to her stomach. Listening to their promises to care, protect and love the new pups makes me damned proud.” Cameron threw his head back and howled. Soon each man in the gym joined in. They were pack!

  “Does this mean you’ll remove that mutt from my nursery to yours?” Silas asked Angus.

  Silas’ question about Byte, the blue-speckled animal that looked like a mix between a Rottweiler and something else stopped the noise in the building. Created by the Liege and left behind to die, Byte chose Angus during a search of one of the Liege’s abandoned labs. No one understood why the mutt made that connection but since he refused to leave Angus’ side, everyone left it alone. Equally mystifying was his unrivaled protection of Adam, Jackie, Renee and David.

  “If I can pry him away then yes.” Angus’s smile softened and then disappeared. “I’ve lived for over 300 years and in all that time…” He shook his head. “No mate. Truthfully, I never thought I’d have a mate or a den,” Angus said meeting Silas’ gaze. “Connecting with you and Jasmine... my life was full once again. Then I met my nieces and nephews and my heart overflowed. But, this... nothing prepared me for siring my own litter, my own den. Life is crazy good. I can’t sleep. I can’t stop thanking the Goddess. I can’t stop worrying something will happen. It’s like this crazy emotional train that goes up and down.” He shook his head and looked at Silas. “Crazy, right?”

  Silas understood, and he was certain Jacques did as well. Mates and pups changed everything. “Not crazy. Reality. I believe we... I received the mate I needed. Our pups are a reflection of Jasmine and I, just as Jacques’ and Rone’s are. That’s the true miracle, the gift. And it’s also terrifying because no one wants to steer them wrong.”

  Jacques and Tyrone nodded. Hawke remained silent and continued lifting. “You alright?” Silas asked through their link.

  “I’ve never experienced what Angus or the others have.”

  “True,” Silas said. Hawke never knew he had sired Damian or Sarita until much later. The Liege had stolen much from him. “As much as you’ve been blessed with a son and daughter, in time you and Asia may decide to have more pups. Have you thought to increase your den?”

  “No. We are content with what we have, I don’t want anymore. It’s just interesting to hear of these emotions regarding a new litter. I’ve never heard it before.” Hawke returned the bar to the cradle and wiped his face with a towel. “The idea of more pups doesn’t appeal to me. If the Liege hadn’t intervened, I would never have bred pups.”

  Surprised, Silas looked across the room at Hawke. “Never? Why?”

  Their gazes met. “As a pup, my si
re sold me into a life of servitude. I had no childhood and neither did my mate. I would never have procreated if the decision had been mine.” His tone had a level of hard finality that amazed Silas. He had no idea Hawke felt this way but he shouldn’t have been surprised.

  “Life can be a hard task master at times. The Goddess understood and blessed you beyond measure with Damian and Sarita to ease your pain. I hope in time you will reconsider,” Silas said. “Pups from you and Asia would be a tremendous blessing to our Nation.”

  Hawke nodded, returned to the bench and lifted the bar over his head.

  “I’m excited about Vanessa carrying our first litter. As a Cherokee, we follow certain traditions. I’m unsure how we’ll merge them with Vanessa’s traditions.” He glanced around the room.

  “Unsure?” Tyrese asked.

  Ethan nodded. “I need to present my tribal and pack traditions to her and then find a middle ground to combine them. Any ideas?” He looked them.

  “Sweet Bitch?”

  “Hey Wolfie.”

  “Please listen to this conversation and give suggestions to help Ethan.” He repeated what Ethan had said so far. “With Vanessa being human there are things he has to take into account. He needs your assistance.” Silas looked at Ethan.

  “Absolutely. I’m glad you asked me to help.” Jasmine’s voice took on a sensual quality that never failed to make him ache for her.

  “What are the traditions?” Jacques asked before Silas had a chance. Everyone watched Ethan.

  Ethan sat on the floor. “First, Cherokee society is a matriarchal society and we’re divided into seven Clans. My family belongs to the Wolf Clan. At birth, children are automatically members of the mother's clan.” He looked at Silas.

  “If the line is through the mother and Vanessa is not Cherokee what happens?” Angus asked.


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