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The Undead Day Sixteen Part Two

Page 14

by RR Haywood

  ‘I saw,’ Lilly says, ‘it’s gone up inches in the last minute.’

  Lani exhales and stares down at the inky water, ‘just got to wait now,’ she shakes her head with a slight smile.

  ‘Wait? What for?’ Lilly asks softly.

  ‘For them to come back,’ Lani says with a shrug then notices the pained look on Lilly’s face, ‘oh you think they’d get stuck down there? No. You’ve not worked with them. They’ll be somewhere bickering and arguing like normal…’

  ‘Do they bicker?’

  ‘All the time,’ Lani laughs, ‘like non-stop.’

  ‘I thought you were all really professional,’ Lilly says with another look down into the dark access hatch.

  ‘Ha! Us? Are you joking?’ Lani chuckles again, ‘We get the job done but…no, professional is not a word I would use…wait till I tell ‘em everyone thinks they’re professional. Come on, I need some clean clothes.’


  ‘I really don’t think that getting cigarettes and a new lighter is at the top of the list,’ Paula says for the third time.

  ‘That’s cos you don’t smoke, Paula,’ Nick explains, ‘if you did smoke you’d understand.’

  ‘So let me get this right, we’ve just almost drowned in a horrible…horrible tunnel, we are in our underwear with no weapons, no clothes in the middle of the night and you want to get cigarettes and a lighter first?’

  ‘Yes,’ Nick nods firmly.

  Paula pulls the sodden material of her top down to cover the exposed boob that everyone is actively avoiding looking at, ‘do we even know where we are?’ She asks round the group.

  ‘We’re here,’ Clarence groans, still laid flat out on the ground, ‘and not down there…that’s all that matters.’

  ‘That was nasty,’ I say quietly, ‘got to be the nastiest thing yet.’

  ‘I had a spider,’ Paula says.

  ‘Eh?’ I look up then quickly drop my head as she tugs the t shirt back down.

  ‘Spider,’ she says again, ‘I was trapped in a toilet in a garage…two of them were outside the door and a spider was crawling along the ground towards my foot.’

  ‘Nasty,’ Cookey winces, ‘what did you do?’

  She smiles with a low chuckle, ‘I thought it went up my leg so I ran out and attacked the zombies while trying to get rid of it.’

  ‘Not worse than that,’ Clarence says, ‘nothing could be worse than that.’

  ‘Ah well, we’re here now. Best get on with it.’ I sit up and think for a second. Lani is in the hospital and we’ve got until two o’clock before Lilly sets the distraction off. If we move quickly we could time it to break in when the distraction goes off. Grab some weapons and get Lani out.

  ‘There’ll be a crew on the beach,’ I say quickly, ‘Maddox said he’s leaving one there all the time.’

  ‘They’ll be armed,’ Paula says, ‘and near the Saxon…which is armoured.’

  ‘And has a GPMG on the top,’ Clarence adds.

  ‘Maddox would have radioed them by now,’ I say, ‘they’ll shoot us on sight.’

  ‘Moon’s up,’ Clarence says glancing up at the windows, ‘no chance of sneaking up on them.’

  ‘Roy could take them out with a bow,’ Nick suggests.

  ‘They’re children,’ Roy says, ‘I’m not killing children.’

  ‘Shoot them in the legs,’ Cookey says.

  ‘How’s that going to stop them shooting at us?’ Blowers asks.

  ‘Shoot them in the hands then? Roy could do it.’

  ‘I could but I won’t.’

  ‘Listen,’ I gain the attention of the group, ‘they are children but they’re also armed and in control of the fort…if we’re going to get Lani out we might have to accept the fact they will sustain losses.’

  ‘Fair enough,’ Roy says, ‘I’ll return fire if I am fired upon but I won’t do it first.’

  ‘You can’t argue with that,’ Clarence says, ‘I agree.’

  ‘Dave, can you get in and get Lani out?’

  ‘Yes, Mr Howie.’

  ‘Could you do it without killing everybody?’

  ‘Everybody? Yes, Mr Howie.’

  ‘Could you do it without killing anybody?’


  ‘So a distraction has to be both visual and audible. Is that right?’

  ‘Yes, Mr Howie.’

  ‘Will visual work on its own without audible?’

  ‘If it’s strong enough it will.’

  ‘Excellent, we’re moving out. Everybody ready?’

  ‘What now?’ Clarence groans.

  ‘Yes, you need more of a rest?’

  ‘No, I’m fine,’ he says levering himself up.’

  ‘Good, because we ain’t getting one.’

  ‘I think I preferred the grumpy Mr Howie.’

  ‘Right,’ I stand up with the idea charging through my mind, ‘where the hell are we and how do we get out?’

  Roy was right. We’re in an old warehouse that must have been built at the same time as the fort and now turned over to boat repairs. We get from the back room into store rooms and through to offices and finally break down a door before getting into the open. A quick scout round and we find our bearings, slap bang in the middle of the industrial units behind where the housing estate once was.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Paula asks as I peer up at the moon then round at the team gathered in a circle.

  ‘It is bright tonight,’ I say quietly, ‘really bright…you don’t even need a torch…I can see everything really clearly.’

  ‘Boss?’ Clarence casts me a slightly worried look.

  ‘This way…oh no…is that way east?’

  ‘Yes,’ Roy replies, ‘did you want east?’

  ‘I did…come on.’ I take the lead in my underpants and let everyone fall in behind me in their underpants and Paula tugging her top down constantly.

  ‘Are you sharing this idea?’ Paula asks, ‘and does it involve getting clothes?’

  ‘Yes and yes,’ I stare ahead and work out the way to the housing estate and then head away from it, ‘fuck it, I’m hopeless at finding my way. We need to find the houses across the bay…’

  ‘Marcy,’ Clarence nods knowingly.

  ‘Yep. Roy, can you find the way?’

  ‘I can,’ he takes the lead and we fall in behind him. Walking in silence and feeling only slightly vulnerable being out in the open mostly naked and without weapons. Bare feet pad on the road until we hit the hedge. We head down, find a gate and go across fields but stick to the perimeter.

  ‘Why are we going to Marcy?’ Clarence asks.

  ‘Ssshhh,’ I whisper back and for once I want to keep my plan quiet.

  ‘Bay is right there,’ Roy points towards a thick hedge, ‘stay quiet.’

  I pass the message down and we creep along as quiet as possible until we reach a five bar gate at the end. Roy goes first then motions me forward.

  Peering through the bars I can make out the bulk of the Saxon and the figures on the beach standing about. The red embers of cigarettes glow and muted snatches of conversation drift back.

  ‘They look relaxed,’ Roy says in a low whisper.

  ‘Maybe Maddox hasn’t noticed we’re gone yet, keep going.’ We get past the gate one at a time and through into the next field that borders the access lane into the seafront houses.

  Safely out of view of the beach and we scurry along the lane, moving silently on the tarmacked road as we strain to keep watch on all sides. I take the lead and head us further down past the backs of the houses and through an alley running between two big detached wooden built chalet style houses. With the moon so bright we navigate easily without the worry of trip hazards.

  The main road through the middle of the big expensive houses is directly ahead and we stop in a huddle staring along to the darkened windows and the silence of the area.

  ‘Stay here,’ I whisper.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Clarence asks.

‘Find Marcy,’ I dart out then stand straight and walk with purpose to the middle of the road where I stop dead and slowly turn. I can almost feel that she’ll be watching. One of these windows will have her hidden behind, watching, waiting. That I’m only wearing pants makes me feel utterly ridiculous. I move a few metres to one side so the houses further down can see me, then back the other way to do the same thing the other end. Up and down the road. Pacing in my pants.

  ‘Doesn’t appear to be working,’ Paula strolls out, ‘and I need a bra.’

  ‘Okay,’ I nod as the rest come walking out with the silvery moon glinting off their naked torsos.

  ‘Did you think she would just walk out?’ Paula asks me quietly.

  ‘Pretty much,’ I shrug, ‘had to be worth a go.’

  ‘Eyes up,’ Dave nods across the road to the seaward side and the front door opening.

  Marcy walks out with her head held high and dressed immaculately in jeans and a simple white top. The sight of her takes my breath away and I have to steel myself not to react. She stops at the end of the short garden path and stands easy for a second before folding her arms.

  ‘What on earth?’ She shakes her head slowly as Reginald comes bustling out behind her, ‘what do you look like?’

  I shrug and look round at the group all standing still.

  ‘Hi, Marcy,’ Cookey waves without shame.

  ‘Hi, Cookey,’ Marcy smiles a huge grin, ‘Blowers, Nick.’

  ‘Marcy,’ Blowers nods.

  ‘Hey,’ Nick tilts his head back, ‘how are you?’

  ‘Fine,’ she says with a nod, ‘better than you by the look of it. Hello, Clarence.’

  ‘Hullo,’ he says in his deep voice, ‘er…thanks for saving us in the fort that day.’

  She nods then shakes her head with a confused look.

  ‘Dave,’ she nods formally.

  ‘Marcy,’ he replies but watches her and Reginald with the same deadpan expression as ever.

  ‘I’m Paula, er…this is Roy,’ Paula says tugging her top down again.

  ‘Hi, er…would you like to come in?’

  ‘Do you have a spare bra?’

  ‘Yes, yes I do and I have clothes too…you’re welcome to take what you need.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Paula goes to move off then stops when I don’t move, ‘oh er…’ she falls silent and steps back.

  ‘Marcy,’ I nod across the distance and feel the same as I did when I met on the flatlands for the first time. Like the world is spinning and time ceases to be. Something here, a connection, a bond. Something intrinsic and organic yet too fleeting to grasp or understand.

  ‘Howie,’ her tone changes when she says my name, perhaps it drops a little or maybe it’s higher. I can’t tell but it’s different.

  ‘We got your message.’



  ‘So you thought you’d visit me in the middle of the night wearing your pants?’

  ‘Had some trouble.’

  ‘You wouldn’t be you without trouble. I mean that collectively.’

  ‘Right…so…do you have any zombies in there?’ I point stupidly at the house behind her.

  ‘No, no zombies. Just me and Reggie and he prefers the term…’

  ‘Living challenged, I remember.’

  ‘Reginald,’ Reginald mutters.

  ‘Are we safe?’

  ‘Probably more safe in here than out there unarmed and naked.’

  ‘Sod this, I need a bra. Can I come in please?’

  ‘Sure, We’ve got a gas bottle, running water and coffee too.’

  ‘Wait for it,’ Clarence rumbles as the group sets off as one, ‘Mr Howie hasn’t said we can go yet.’

  ‘We can go,’ I’m halfway across the road and feeling oh so very self-conscious as Marcy appraises me up and down with a perfectly sculptured raised eyebrow before turning to lead the way with a wry smile on her face.


  The eight of us stand clustered in the huge shaker style kitchen, all of watching Meredith as she tracks Reginald with a look that suggests she may pounce at any second. Ears pricked and she hardly blinks.

  Marcy walks in holding a bundle of clothes for Paula, ‘I think these will fit, you look about my size. They’re clean.’ Without thinking she heads straight to Meredith who simply leans over to peer round her and keep watch on Reginald.

  ‘Thanks,’ Paula takes the bundle, ‘through there?’ She nods at a door behind us.’

  ‘Sure, or upstairs…there’s hairbrushes in the bathroom.’

  ‘Any hairbands?’

  ‘Loads,’ Marcy smiles, ‘I can’t walk past one now without picking it up.’

  ‘Oh I’m the same,’ Paula groans, ‘they break so easily.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ Marcy says with a roll of her red bloodshot eyes as her hand drops in an absent minded way to stroke the soft fur on top of Meredith’s head. The dog shows no reaction, a flicker of movement as she looks briefly up at Marcy, a twitch of her tail but she remains locked on Reginald.

  ‘You don’t look infected,’ Paula stares with interest at the other woman, ‘your eyes obviously but…your hair is in amazing condition…can I touch it?’

  ‘Sure,’ Marcy steps forward so Paula can reach out.

  ‘Wow, so soft. And your skin…you look better than me!’

  ‘Oh I don’t know,’ Marcy smiles coyly, ‘you look great considering what you’ve been through.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Paula smiles back, ‘I mean, you’re not pale or…your skin looks incredible…are you infected?’

  ‘I am,’ Marcy nods, ‘definitely.’

  ‘Why is it different in you?’

  ‘Me and Blowers are immune now,’ Cookey announces, quite clearly wanting Marcy’s attention. Can’t blame him, I can’t take my eyes off her.

  Marcy looks at Cookey then at me with a sharp gaze, ‘is that true?’

  ‘Yep,’ Cookey says wistfully, ‘me and April could have got married and had babies after all…’

  ‘Oh fucking hell,’ Blowers gives voice as the rest of us groan in dismay.

  ‘Until Dave chopped her head off.’

  ‘I did not cut her head off.’

  ‘Okay,’ Cookey shrugs then stage whispers to Marcy, ‘he did.’

  ‘Are all of you immune?’ Marcy asks with a look round.

  ‘We don’t know. Me, Lani, Cookey and Blowers and Meredith of course…’

  ‘And I’m not infected to the level of everyone else…neither is Reggie…’ she frowns in a gesture which just makes my stomach flip.

  ‘Clothes,’ I suddenly feel too naked and exposed, ‘we need clothes.’

  ‘Yes,’ she says quickly as though snapping free from the same thoughts as me, ‘er…Reggie, what have we got here?’

  ‘Oh I do apologise,’ he says after a pause, ‘are you addressing me?’

  ‘Yes,’ she sighs with the same exasperation I have with Dave sometimes.

  ‘I only ask because my name is Reginald and of course, not Reggie. Surely with the influx of people I assumed there was someone called Reggie standing nearby wearing only his undergarments.’

  ‘It’s painful sometimes, it really is.’

  ‘Try working with this lot,’ Paula says.

  ‘In answer to your question,’ he says huffily, ‘yes there are some clothes but none that will suitable and none that will fit Clarence. However,’ he adds with a flourish, ‘during my forages I have identified a house further down the road that appears to have had a larger built occupant.’

  ‘Clarence, you take the others and find clothes…perhaps Reginald can show you where that house is.’

  ‘The house in question is two down on the same…oh…’ he trails off with an arched look from Marcy, ‘of course,’ he smiles briefly, ‘I would be delighted to be your tour guide.’

  ‘Sure?’ Clarence asks me quietly as the rest start bustling out.

  I nod back, ‘yeah, Paula is here.’

‘You keeping Meredith with you?’

  ‘Up to her,’ I shrug as the dog sets off to keep her two soft brown eyes fixed on Reginald.

  ‘Mr Howie will be fine,’ Marcy says softly.

  ‘Good,’ Clarence smiles without humour, ‘because I will kill you if he isn’t…won’t be long.’

  We remain in the kitchen. Marcy and I. Paula in another room getting dressed.

  ‘You can’t blame him,’ I say after a while.

  ‘Oh not at all,’ she replies quickly, ‘no offence taken.’

  ‘I mean, you did try and kill me before.’

  ‘Really? From my memory I saved you…and then saved you again.’

  ‘Yeah what about the bit in the middle?’ We lock eyes with only a few feet between us and right now, I don’t see the red in them. Just her. Just Marcy. Marcy.

  ‘Oh that,’ she says sheepishly, ‘yeah,’ she bites her bottom lip gently and motions as if to say oops.

  ‘From my recollection,’ she says slowly, ‘I wasn’t so much trying to kill you as…’

  ‘As what?’

  ‘Stop it,’ she says softly.

  ‘My god, you are actually blushing,’ I lean forward to stare at the crimson flush spreading across the golden skin of her cheeks.

  ‘I’m still a woman,’ she mutters.

  ‘Are you?’

  ‘Yes, Howie. I am,’ she says defiantly, ‘very much a woman.’

  ‘I need your help,’ I realise with a start that having been here only minutes and I’m flirting, ‘Maddox turned against us.’

  ‘Maddox?’ She shakes her head, ‘who is Maddox?’

  ‘Oh right, bloody hell…didn’t we tell you about him?’

  ‘The name rings a bell but…er…council estate? Wasn’t he the man in the council estate?’

  ‘That’s him. He turned up after we killed all your zombies and you know about Lani?’

  ‘Lani? You said a minute ago that you are immune…and Lani…so from that I gathered she was okay.’

  ‘We found her locked in the toilets…where you left her.’

  ‘I see,’ she says carefully.

  ‘And she wasn’t infected. No red eyes, no nothing…she’s fine. More than fine in fact. She heals incredibly fast.’


  ‘We all do, I mean me, Blowers, Cookey and Lani…even Meredith. We get busted up in every scrap, bitten, punched, hit, kicked, raked…you name it…but we heal.’


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