Book Read Free

Spring Feve

Page 28

by Emerald Wright

  Garrett stepped over the unconscious man and continued towards the door moving quicker this time. All the while praying that the gun shot had not been fatal. A silver bullet to the brain was enough to bring down a demon. There were only one or two species strong enough to survive and demon skins were not one of them. He used his key card and waited for the scanner to check his retina before shoving open the door. Three holding cells, the first two were empty. He rushed forward having to hold back a girly sob when he saw Bee lying on a bed in the last cell. There was a guard posted at the entrance. Garrett made for the door, card in hand.

  “Sorry sir, no admittance permitted at this time.”

  Garrett cleared his throat, “I’m Agent Hall. I have clearance level 1.” He proceeded to recite his clearance code.

  “I’m sorry, Agent Hall. There is no access granted to the prisoner.”

  “On whose authority?”

  “Jarrod Black. Not even the president has clearance to enter that room.” He glanced in the direction of the holding cell.

  Jarrod Black was the Chief Operating Officer of the Demon Control Agency. He had more hope of being welcomed into Hades for high tea.

  “Wait a minute. I forgot to show you this...” As the guard turned to face him, he punched him. The guard went down on one knee, dazed. He tried to get up but Garrett knocked him down and used the guard’s own handcuffs to secure him. An alarm sounded. Damn, he didn’t have much time. This was not how he had planned for this to go down. Using his key card, he swiped at the slot at the cell entrance and shut his eyes in prayer as the door swung open.

  Bee was on a hospital bed lying under a white sheet. Her hands and legs had been secured to the bed with leather straps as well as hand cuffs. A thick leather muzzle covered her mouth. Thank God they’d had the decency to treat her for her gunshot wound. An oxygen pipe was hooked to her nose and a drip was attached to her arm.

  Garrett rushed forward, he pulled the blanket to the side and lifted her white hospital issue bed clothes. Her belly was bandaged and there were a couple of superficial wounds on her elbows that were already healing. Garrett tugged the bandage to the side, although the wound was no more than a few hours old, it looked like it had been healing for days. He covered her back up and worked on the buckle of the mouth guard which was situated at the back of her head. Her eyes sprang open and she took a sharp intake of breath.

  Just as he pulled the muzzle free Bee said, “Garrett be careful...”

  Arms grabbed him from both sides, they pulled him back. His first instinct was to fight, but it would be futile. This place was crawling with Chasers, men and woman trained to take down the worst predators. This fight was far from over, but fists wouldn’t get him anywhere right now.


  Fuck, it was his boss. Gia Blu was one tough cookie. Never married, he’d never even known her to date. How the hell did he even begin to explain this to her?

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Gia got straight to the point as always.

  “Brice Darkstead is not dangerous. We need to have her evaluated and we need to stay the execution in the meantime.” He turned to where Gia was standing before glancing at the guys on either side of him, men he would go so far as to call his friends.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Jack’s eyebrows were pulled so high that if it had been any other situation he would have laughed. He looked over at a scowling Cade who growled at him. Garrett ignored the Chasers and looked back Gia’s way. She wore one of her no nonsense business suits and her small hands were splayed on her tiny hips. Many had underestimated this woman; he would make sure that he didn’t make the same mistake. They had a decent working relationship, they understood each other. Hopefully she would hear him out.

  His boss shook her head, her straight black hair brushed on her shoulders as she did. “The test came back positive. She has a fine set of teeth and nails on her, nearly ate off Mark’s hand, and would’ve killed him if O’Conner hadn’t intervened. I’m not sure of your relationship with her Garrett but she’s definitely a hybrid. Her extermination is in,” Gia glanced at her watch, “a little over an hour from now.”

  His first thought was to break free and to...but he stopped the thought because it would never work. Garrett let his head drop for a few beats before looking back up. “She’s not a threat. Let her out of the restraints and I’ll prove it to you.”

  Gia started to laugh but must’ve caught something in his face because she swallowed it back. “We’re not even supposed to be in this room. You know the drill Agent Hall. The only person who has the authority to stay the extermination is the COO and well, like that’s going to happen.”

  Garrett cursed, the word came out sounding harsher in the small confine of the room.

  “It’s okay,” it was Bee. Her voice so soft, sweet and innocent in amongst all this.

  “It’s not okay, Bee.” His voice cracked, so he took a deep breath before continuing. “I failed you. I’m sorry I should have told you know...sooner. None of this would’ve happened if I had.” He swallowed hard noticing the scrapes on her chin and on one side of her face. They were already healing but must’ve hurt like a bitch. “Are you okay?” he knew it was lame of him to ask.

  Bee nodded, “I should’ve stayed and listened. I was just too angry.”

  “As touching as all of this is,” Gia walked towards him, “we need to lock this cell back down. I’m going to recommend a full debrief and psych evaluation for you Garrett.” As she reached him she took a hold of his arm and squeezed, her eyes softened for a split second.

  “Wait please, Gia. Hear me out. One chance is all I ask, let me prove to you that she’s not dangerous.”

  “She did a fantastic job earlier proving that she is as dangerous as they come. Whoever you think she was is gone. This woman is a vicious killer. There are good reasons why they put hybrids down.”

  “Please, Gia, she may be a hybrid but she’s not dangerous. She was trying to protect herself. Fuck, if O’Conner and Marks came at me I might just bite a hand off.”

  Someone in the background snickered.

  Her eyes narrowed. “You know I can’t let you do that. How the hell would I go about explaining your death to our superiors? Not going to happen. I’m really sorry. I didn’t know you were seeing someone.”

  “You don’t get it, Gia she’s.... special to me.”

  “Damn, she was your girlfriend before all this?”

  “No, that’s the thing. I met her recently... after she turned.”

  “So you’re not denying that she’s a hybrid?” Gia narrowed her eyes and cocked her head.

  “Bee... Brice is a hybrid, I’m not denying that, but she’s also very much in control. Again, how would you have reacted if the likes of O’Conner and Marks came at you? I’m willing to bet you would’ve acted to protect yourself.”

  “This is the second time you’ve admitted she’s a hybrid, not that it even matters since her blood work has come back positive. Let’s move on please. Jack, Cade get him to medical, tell Doc Devlin he needs to be referred to a shrink. I’ve...”

  “For fuck sakes listen to me, Gia.”

  His boss’s eyelashes did that fluttery twitchy thing they normally did when she was about to lose it. “You’re obviously feeling emotional about this, so I’m going to let that slide. I’m very sorry for your loss. See the shrink, take some time off. Right now you’re skating on thin ice. She’s a hybrid Garrett, you need to let this go.”

  “I love her, Gia.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. He had somewhat of a reputation for being a commitment phoebe. “I fucking love her and am not going to let it go. How long have we been working together?”

  “I don’t know, a couple of years.”

  “Almost five years. I’ve never asked you for anything.” Garrett knew her state of shock wouldn’t last long, so he had to take advantage while it lasted. “Please let me prove to you
that Bee is under control. The rest of you can clear out. Lock me in with her. Let me prove to you that she’s fine. Trust me on this one. It’s my life, my choice.”

  She seemed to be contemplating the possibility. Her lips were pursed and her brow was furrowed. His boss looked away for a few seconds and sighed. “You’re putting me in a predicament. You know that?”

  “We’re talking about the woman I love. Gia, I would happily die for her even though I won’t have to.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t want you getting torn apart on my watch.”

  “Let him do it,” a rough growl came from a very unexpected person. Cade let go of Garrett’s arm.

  “Has everyone lost their damned minds?” Gia threw up her hands.

  “I’ll stay in with you Garrett,” Cade crossed his arms against a massive chest. “On one condition.”

  Jack let go of his other arm.

  “Name it.” Garrett was feeling hopeful for the first time since taking that call from Nick. If anyone could convince Gia it was Cade. The Chaser was one of the best the Agency had. He had authority and sway, the likes of which Garrett had never seen. There was something about the big, silent warrior that had his sixth senses bristling. Cade was not a demon, but he also wasn’t entirely human. Garrett had tried to pull his file but even with his level one clearance, the information was classified. Bottom line was that he had always had Garrett’s back and even though something wasn’t quite right with the guy, he did consider him a friend.

  “I will kill her if she goes for you.” Cade’s eyes remained fixed on his.

  “She won’t, so it’s a deal.”

  “Excuse me gents, I haven’t agreed to this.”

  They both turned to face her, Gia did something he’d never seen her do before. She fidgeted. His rock solid confidence to a point of arrogance boss twisted and untwisted a lock of black hair around her finger. She shook her head and squeezed the bridge of her nose with her other hand. “If anything goes wrong Midas I fucking swear, I’ll kill you myself.”

  Part of him felt like dancing and the rest felt like fist pumping the air, but he held his emotions in check.

  “Everybody out, Cade and Garrett I’m warning...”

  “I’m staying,” Jack said. He nodded once in Garrett’s direction to show his support.

  “No way. I’m not risking...oh screw can stay. The two of you have your fire arms ready. Take her out if she so much as looks at him funny.”

  “I won’t hurt him, I won’t hurt any of you.”

  “Famous last words,” Gia said under her breath as they cleared the room. She handed Garrett the key for the hand cuffs just before the door locked, closing them in.

  As soon as the door closed, Garrett turned to the other two men. “I love her, and I’m telling you she’s fully in control. I just spent the last twenty four hours with her and I’m fine.”

  “If you can call pussy whipped fine.” Jack pulled his fire arm from its holster and moved to cock the weapon.

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  “We’ll aim at the floor, but we will be ready.” Cade cocked his weapon and lowered the muzzle to the ground as he addressed Brice, “Slow easy movements.”

  Bee nodded at Cade and then smiled at Garrett. Garrett moved to the bed and sat down next to Bee. Her hair was tangled. There were light, almost healed bruises and scratches on the bridge of her nose. The ones on her chin were already faded black with greenish tinges around the edges. Closed pink scars that would soon fade completely ran along the length of her chin. Garrett cupped her cheek and closed the distance between them slanting his mouth over her full, raspberry stained lips. Her golden eyes dipped shut as his tongue breached her mouth and tangled with hers.

  Garrett didn’t care that his colleagues looked on but he was worried that his precious woman had been injured. He needed to make sure she was alright, so he broke the kiss even though she protested.

  “Aside from the gunshot wound, tell me where it hurts?” he worked on untying the knots.

  “I’m fine, I just want to go home.”

  “There will still be plenty of red tape to get through before we can move you. Anyway, I don’t think you should be going anywhere for now.” He wasn’t ready to let go of her just yet. Oh hell, who was he kidding? He would never be ready. He had to do what was best for her though, and he had to respect her wishes. “Can I call your folks? They might be a bit shocked if I just drop you off...”

  “Don’t be a dummy.”

  “I think I like this female.” Jack said and even though Garrett wasn’t looking at him he could hear that he was smiling.

  “Keep your nose out of my business.” Garrett didn’t take his eyes off of hers. Couldn’t if he tried.

  “Home is with you,” she whispered.

  Garrett didn’t care if they were watching, the whole world could be watching and he’d still kiss her. Bee tasted like sweet exquisite heaven, she tasted like she was his even though he’d dare not hope.

  There was a sound of someone clearing their throat. “Can you untie her already, tick fucking tock, I can feel myself aging.”

  As much as he felt like punching the guy, Jack was right. Garrett broke the kiss and moved to untie her other arm.

  “How long before they let us go?”

  “I’m not sure, technically we still need to officially stay the extermination. There might be more testing, you need to be legally and medically discharged so it could take a while.”

  Garrett removed the key from his jeans pocket and unlocked the first cuff with a click.

  “We need to talk and I seem to recall some unfinished business.” By the time he glanced up at her, her plump bottom lip had disappeared between her teeth and in this unlikely moment, his dick sprang to life.

  “Would you like me to light some scented candles? I can maybe organize some soft background music.”

  “Jealous much, Jack? I might be pussy whipped, but at least I’m getting some.”

  “I could get plenty if I wanted to.”

  Garrett looked up at the human, he was big and pretty impressive for his lack of demon blood. There were plenty of come backs he could have used at that moment but Jack, although he wouldn’t admit it, had been hurt when a fellow Chaser he had the hots for had mated with a demon wolf. So he let it go.

  Garrett paused before unlocking Brice’s other hand. “Guns to the floor.”

  “No sudden moves, Brice,” Cade growled.

  The metallic click reverberated around the room and the cuff snapped open. Bee pulled herself onto her elbows and in to a semi reclined position. Garrett noticed her wince with the movement.

  “Stay down honey. Easy. I don’t want you reopening your wound. I’m going to release your legs now.”

  “You do realize they’re going to want a detailed report on why she’s so controlled don’t you? Is she a new species of hybrid or something?”

  There was a crackling sound and Gia’s voice came in over a speaker system, “Don’t answer Agent Hall, that’s classified information.”

  He shrugged at Jack, “You heard the boss.”

  Garrett worked on the knots holding her legs in place. “Are you thirsty, cold? Do you need pain medication?”

  “Sheesh, pussy whipped is probably too soft a description for what you are.”

  Garrett looked Jack’s way, the other man was grinning. It was nice to see a smile on his face again, even if it was at his expense. “Please, can the two of you fuck off already? I think we can take it from here.”

  Jack turned to Cade who nodded once.


  Garrett had said that they would need some time to run some tests and to get her both legally and medically discharged. Some time ended up being seven long hours. She’d managed to take a nap during that time and had woken up feeling much better but still, seven hours was a long time.

  Finally, they were on their way back to Garrett�
��s apartment and you would swear she was in danger of dying at any moment which couldn’t be further from the truth. Garrett had tucked her up in a blanket and had insisted she lie down on the back seat of the car. Aside from a twinge every now and then, she felt absolutely fine. Her wound was an angry pink scar that would be gone by morning. The doctor had stated that her healing ability was phenomenal.

  Garrett drove slowly and kept asking her if she was doing okay. He was so sweet. Once they pulled up to the apartment, he insisted on carrying her upstairs and on tucking her in to bed. The only major problem was that he made to leave afterwards.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “You said you needed some space.”

  “That was before.”

  “Before what?

  “Before you declared your undying love for me in a room full of your closest peers.”

  He tried to talk, but she stopped him using a finger over his lips. “I told you that we needed to talk.”

  His brow was furrowed and his eyes were dark, she felt her breath catch as she watched him.

  “I was wrong not to tell you about Evelyn, but you need to understand that”—he paused running his thumb down her cheek—“even more importantly, I was so very wrong to have told you that we don’t belong together. You are my mate.” Garrett took a deep breath and although she was tempted to talk, she bit her tongue. “There will never be another woman for me. You are it. My everything.” He closed the distance between them and pulled her into the wall of his chest. Brice was too stunned to do anything but let him. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her knees shook. She struggled to breathe.

  “Please say it again,” she looked up into his dark expectant eyes.

  “I love you,” his voice had dropped to a low gravelly tone, full of emotion. “You belong with me. I would do anything for you.”

  “There is still a part of me that feels like killing you as in really tearing your throat out, but I love you too—”

  He rudely interrupted her midsentence and kissed her. Slow, soft, so sweet, so damn hot it had her toes curling and her eyes scrunching shut. Anymore and she’d faint from lack of oxygen to the brain.


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