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Spring Feve

Page 52

by Emerald Wright

  He paused, gazed at me and relented. “Yes, she did. Being raised in the mountains, like myself, you could say she was a nature girl.”

  “A nature girl.” I repeated back, more to myself than to him.

  He handed me a mug of tea. I instantly appreciated the warmth it provided as the air was getting chillier as dusk turned into night. Which made me think about being in the tent with him, the sleeping bags and the snuggle-fest I knew was coming.

  That alone had been enough to motivate me to come camping and give it a second chance. Not that I’d shared that with him. Yet.

  “Is it okay that I asked about her?”

  "Sure. I figured it would come up eventually." He said, thankfully taking it in stride.

  I nodded, taking a sip of my tea and deciding to shift away from the topic of his ex-wife. I didn't want to push my luck.

  "So, what's on the menu for dinner?"

  He smiled and winked. "Fish. Salmon to be specific. It cooks up real nice over a fire-pit. I think you'll like it."

  "I love fish, salmon especially."

  "Good, same here."

  A lull in the conversation left me to notice the last light of dusk disappearing as the beginning of stars started to shine in the night sky. The sounds of nature weren't something I was well acquainted with and I listened as the wind blew softly, rustling the trees surrounding our campsite. The air smelled fresh and crisp. I felt more alive and aware than I had in sometime, as if my senses were re-calibrating to the environment I was in. My sense of smell seemed heightened, especially once the meal that Abe was cooking up, started to put off a delicious smell. My hearing also seemed more keen, as if it was listening for sounds I'd never really bothered to notice before. The world around me suddenly seemed more vivid and alive than I'd ever noticed.

  Was this my shifter senses - activating?

  "Interesting..." I murmured out loud.

  "What's that?" Abe asked.

  "Well, just sitting here, I would swear that my senses are heightened. As if they're hyper-aware or something?" I shared.

  Abe smiled. "Really? That's good news. Your dormant shifter senses are acclimating to your environment. It's a good sign. Enjoy it."

  "Wow... it’s almost a bit like being high. But still stone-cold sober. Not fuzzy or goofy."

  "Exactly. Great description. Mine have always been active, so I take it for granted at this point, but I think you've nailed it."

  "Will they always stay on like this? When I get back to the city?" I asked.

  "Well, hard to say. It's connected to your instincts. Never underestimate the power of your gut, so to speak. That animal part of you is very tuned in to survival and it pulling from thousands and thousands of years of collective body wisdom and animal intelligence. The sooner you can tune in to it, the better."

  "Did you know coming to the woods, to camp - would trigger me like this?" I asked, realizing how clever he was to convince me to do the camping weekend.

  "Yes, it was my guess that you hadn't had much time out in nature, so you've never really had much of a chance for your shifter side to awaken. To rouse up."

  "It makes sense, it does." I said, agreeing with him.

  "Just be patient with yourself. It will likely feel both confusing and overwhelming at first, but I think you'll be in stride in no time."

  "I sure hope so..." I said, wondering what was around the bend. I'd never imagined my life would start to change, like this.

  "Ready to eat?" Abe asked, handing me a plate of food that smelled absolutely delicious.

  "Starving, this looks amazing!" I said, accepting the plate and picking up my fork.

  "Dig in." He winked at me, picking up his own plate and taking an eager bite.

  We sat together, next to the warmth of the fire, eating the delicious meal he'd made, listening to the sounds of nature around us. I scooted closer to him, wanting to feel his body heat too. Now that I was here, and I had relaxed into it, I was enjoying myself. I felt relaxed.

  "Would you like a beer?" Abe asked, opening the cooler.

  "Sure." I said, as he opened one and handed it to me

  I sipped at it, thinking that a nice buzz would hit the spot. He then opened one for himself and took a hearty swig.

  “What do you miss most about being away from the Yellowstone and Jackson Hole area?” I asked in between bites.

  Abe reached out with his free hand and squeezed my shoulder. “You’re sweet to ask. I miss the silence. The quiet is different that deep in nature. There’s sounds, not noise. The city is noisy. It’s different in that life is happening everywhere but it’s at a much more gentle pace. Calm.” He paused, a look of contemplation on his face. “Life just moves slower. People have their lives and work but they’re not typically in a hurry. Definitely no rat race.”

  I listened, nodding acknowledgment, “Interesting…”

  “But I’m glad I left and came to Boston. I got to meet you…” He said, his hand rubbing my shoulder.

  I leaned in to him and gave him a small kiss on the lips. “I’m glad you braved a big city too. Very glad, Abe.” I whispered, catching my breath as the emotion in my statement swallowed me whole.

  It was settling on me just how entirely random and serendipitous it had been. Abe and I meeting. We both fell silent again, quietly eating our dinner and sharing nuzzles and little kisses. Slowly but surely, the heat level was turning up. My need to be intimate and close with him had been mounting for a while and this seemed like the perfect time to take it there.

  He cleaned up our dinner, putting everything away to be ready for the next day. He sat back down next to me, on the log we’d been using as a bench of sorts. Pulling me close to him, his strong, warm hands found their way around my torso. I began to melt, feeling his masculine strength and the spicy scent of his skin.

  “Abe…” I sighed, mesmerized by his touch.

  “Yes, Cass?”

  “I want to make love tonight…” I whispered softly, nuzzling my face into his neck and ear. I left a trail of kisses and felt him shiver.

  “Music to my ears, Cass.” He murmured back, turning his head to meet my lips with his own.

  It was a soft, sweet and gentle claiming of my mouth. Holding my face firmly but gently. I let all of my resistance go. My guard was completely down and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do just so that I could keep receiving his amazing kisses and caresses.

  We melted into one another, a sweet symphony of lust. Eventually, we stood, pulling one another close and I found myself wrapping one of my legs around his. My pelvis couldn’t help but grind up against his and I felt his desire, his hardness for me.

  “Tent. Now.” I said, the urgency of my need for him claiming me to my core.

  He laughed, “Yes, M’am!” and he grabbed a hold of my hand, leading me inside the tent.

  We collapsed into the softness of the sleeping bags and blankets. Fumbling hands desperate to free one another from our clothes. I managed to get Abe’s jacket and shirt off faster than I’d ever gotten clothes off a man before in my life. He equally worked on stripping me out of my own jacket and pullover hoodie, and paused to kiss my chest all over, while his big hands gently cupped my bra-clad breasts.

  “God you’re beautiful, Cass…”

  His hands were eager to explore all of me and I was captured by his skilled touch. Everywhere he touched left behind goosebumps and mounting desire. Eventually, my own hands made their way to exploring every inch of his muscled chest, shoulders and arms.

  I shimmied out of my jeans and panties, pushing them aside and reached for his jean’s zipper. I unzipped and pulled his jeans off, taking my time, wanting to slow down our pace to make it more sensuous.

  Once I had him out of his boxers, I climbed on top of him and straddled him, resting just below his groin so I could touch his hard, erect cock. I grinned like a lascivious nymph, delighting in his manhood which only made his grin bigger. />
  Leaning in, I licked his cockhead and elicited a manly groan of pleasure out of him. Grabbing hold of him, I pumped him and listened to his sounds. Soon, I was pulling him into my mouth, eager to worship this man I adored so much. I wanted to be filled by him in every way possible and I loved giving a good blow job to get things going.

  He responded with eager hips rising to the pace of my skilled sucking. “God, Cass… you’re blowing my mind…” He murmured huskily.

  I paused and laughed, “Good. Don’t ever forget it Abe. I love sucking your cock…” I said before diving back into my oral worship.

  I edged and toyed with him for as long as I could hold out before my own mounting need compelled me to climb up to his torso and impale myself slowly on his cock. I was delighted at his size, it was perfect for me. Just the right length and girth. Having him inside me felt better than anything I’d ever known. I needed him. All of him.

  Grinding and riding, I paced it slowly to bring about a climax that left me wanting more. As if reading my mind, and despite not reaching completion himself, Abe took back control and rolled me over and began a trail of teasing kisses down my abdomen. Soon, his face was buried in my pussy and he lapped at me with tender nips, suckles and licks that soon had me bucking, begging for more.

  Just as I was cresting, about to climax again, he entered me and we were soon enjoying a mutual come. Which was a first for me. I’d always heard it was possible, but this was a first for me. It was as if he could read my body, my mind – knowing exactly when to pick up the pace and how to grind his hips into mine.

  Glowing with satisfaction, we laid there, breathing deep, each of us coming down from our orgasms. It was so gorgeous, we were gorgeous together. My bear shifter and I. Making love out in the wild, undisturbed by anyone or anything in the world. We had each other, all to ourselves. And it was perfect.

  * * *

  The next morning, I woke up first and found myself nestled in the nook of Abe's arms. The comfort I felt being held by him was near bliss. I'd slept deep and sound, which had surprised me. I'd expected it to be more difficult than it was, not having the comfort of my own bed. I knew it was the safety and contentment I felt when with him. Made all the better when sleeping with him.

  I lay there, thinking about our lovemaking the night before and smiled with deep satisfaction. I’d never truly made love before. I’d had plenty of one night stands and a handful of boyfriends, but none compared to the bond that was deepening between Abe and I.

  Shifting position so I could watch his face while he slept, I gently began to trace the contours of his face. So rugged, so handsome. I was still in awe that a man like him found me so desirable. Which had been made more than evident.

  The way our bodies merged and melted together. The passion we shared.

  And it broke through, that type of gentle crying that is good. Where life is so good and exquisite, the moment so amazing that you have no other choice but to feel it as deeply as possible.

  After a few moments, he roused himself awake. He looked at me and smiled. Then he noticed the tears.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked gently.

  “Absolutely nothing…” I whispered, smiling back at him.

  “Then why are you crying?” He asked even softer.

  “Because I’m so happy. Being here with you. After last night…” I shared, feeling a bit sheepish and silly.

  Such a girl!

  “Awwwwhhhh, really?”

  “Yes, really.” I said, leaning in for the first kiss of the day not caring what our morning breath might be. I just needed to touch his lips and face again.

  He pulled me to him and before I knew it, we were feverishly making love again. Morning sex had always been my favorite, but I already knew that this was going to take it to a whole new level.

  I didn’t know how to explain it, but the animal-like magnetism between us absolutely blew my mind. The heat and shared need between us was so carnal, so primal. Raw and open.

  * * *

  After lovemaking and a late breakfast, we set out on the trail for the hour long hike to the place where Abe felt it would be safe for him to shift. We hiked, mostly silent, only sharing a few words between us. He’d warn me of a tree root or branch ahead that he didn’t want me to trip over or run into. But otherwise, we were quiet.

  On occasion, we paused to catch our breaths, drink water from our canteens and take in the beauty of the trail. With Abe by my side, my opinion of the great outdoors, camping and hiking was fast changing. It was growing on me and I found myself able to appreciate the serenity and beauty. All the while, I paid attention to how keen my senses felt. How alive it made me feel.

  It was like I was waking up to an invisible realm I hadn’t known existed. And now, it was crystal clear. Every bird sound, the soft sounds of forest critters in the brush or trees, even the far away call of a bigger animal. Beneath it, the layers of forest sounds. The wind in the trees and other random sounds I couldn’t quite place. I could smell the earth, the moss, all the different plants and even the scents of some of the smaller critters.

  Eventually, we arrived to a more open clearing at the top of one of the hills we’d just hiked up and the sunbreak gave it a nice warmth that seeped deep in my bones.

  “We’re here.” Abe said, surveying the area far and wide.

  I wasn’t sure how I knew, but I could sense that he was keenly listening to everything around us, making sure we truly had privacy.

  He set down his pack and opened it, pulling out a small blanket and spreading it on the soft forest grass. I sat down on it and drank from my canteen of water. I too was tuning in to the world and environment around me. I couldn’t quite explain why, but I knew we had privacy. Nothing but small critters were around and definitely no humans.

  “We have privacy, right?” I asked.

  He nodded affirmatively. “Yes, you can sense that?”

  “Yes, I don’t know exactly, but I can feel it.”

  “Good, those are your shifter senses. You’re really acclimating fast. That’s a really good sign.”

  “So, now what?” I asked, eager to see him shift.

  “You feel ready? Prepared for this?” He said, his tall frame hovering above me as he peered down at me.

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  He looked around him and took a few steps back. “I’m going to take off my clothes so I don’t ruin them. I want to keep a bit of distance between you and I, not because I’ll harm you or anything, just that it will be overwhelming for you at first. I’ll still know who you are. Scent is very powerful for bears and your scent is how I stay connected to you in shifter form. Make sense?”

  I nodded, “Yes, totally. Will I be able to touch you?”

  He smiled big, “Yes. You can touch me. Take your time and don’t feel rushed. For the first few moments after I shift, breathe deeply. Get your bearings. Your human instinct is to be afraid and flee. You’ll have to fight that. If I hear or sense anyone coming around, I’ll shift back immediately of course.”

  “Okay. I’m ready, Abe. I want to meet your shifter self. I’m so excited. A bit scared, but more excited than anything.”

  He crouched down and pulled me to him in a great big, crushing hug. He kissed the top of my head and then stood up, walked away a few strides and began to strip. I watched, absolutely mesmerized at his physique. So strong. So masculine. I sucked in a deep breath. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen.

  He captured my gaze and nodded. “Here goes…”

  As he shifted, his body blurred and in less than a minute later, he’d transformed into a giant of a grizzly bear. Even having been prepared for it, my human instincts thrust me into a fearful place momentarily. But I did as he’d told me to do and sat there, calmly, breathing deeply with my eyes riveted on the massive animal before me. Adrenaline poured through me and sure enough, just as he’d said, I felt the need to get up and flee. I stayed put, of cou
rse, waiting for my logical mind to gain control and accept the reality of who the bear was.

  That it was my lover, my mate. That it was Abe.

  After a few minutes, it was as if he knew I was okay and had wrestled with the fear of seeing a bear. He stepped towards me and I stood up slowly. Once he was right in front of me, I reached out tentatively, and touched his ears. They were so soft and beautiful. He was so magnificent.

  I continued petting and caressing him, taking in the feel of his animal form. All the while, his beautiful brown eyes watched me. I could sense that he was gauging my comfort level, the way I was responding to the experience. I knew I was safe and nothing mattered more than the two of us sharing this amazing moment.

  Shaking my head back and forth in disbelief, I felt a level of reverence I hadn’t had in a long time. In a way, it was spiritual. And once again, I found myself crying. Twice in one day. I was going for a record. But it didn’t feel silly. Quite the opposite. It felt cathartic.

  “You’re so amazing…” I whispered through my tears. “Just glorious and amazing. This is surreal…”

  He grunted and I laughed. It was wild! So wild!

  Then he stood on his hind legs and I once again felt the need to flee. But was also paralyzed. I peered up at him and gasped. As a human, Abe was a tall man. But as a bear, he towered over me. It was terrifying.

  Sensing my fear, he set back down on his four legs and then sat. He snorted and nuzzled his face into mine. I giggled, amused and wondering what we must look like. Nothing but sweet affection between us. I continued to pet his head, his ears and his neck, taking in the feel of his thick bear fur. He smelled amazing. Much better than I’d anticipated a bear smelling.

  For half an hour, Abe let me meet him in shifter form. Once he knew I’d had my feel, he stepped away, over to where his pile of clothes were and shifted back. I was amazed at how fast he could shift. It was much quicker than I’d anticipated.

  “You okay?” He asked, while getting dressed again.

  “Yes, very much so. That was amazing, Abe. There are no words…”


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