Book Read Free

Spring Feve

Page 73

by Emerald Wright

  Once inside, he took a long shower to get the smell of blood off him. The water falling over his head was relaxing. His tiger liked the water too but it was going to be a long time before he let the big cat take a swim.

  Out of the shower and still in a towel, he called Kevin.

  “How’re you feeling?” his friend asked as soon as he picked up. “You must be real sick. I’m glad you called. I was ready to send the National Guard out to check on you.”

  “I’m fine. How are things at the house?”

  “You mean how’s the princess?” Kevin teased. “She’s out on a walk. Boring as always. You did miss a lot today, though. You picked the wrong day to get sick, man.”

  “What happened?” Alek asked, breathless.

  “You aren’t going to believe this gossip. Wait, I need a sip of water first.” Kevin paused. Alek hated when he dragged things out for dramatic effect. “Jasper Collins showed up today.”

  “That’s not gossip.”

  “You didn’t let me finish,” Kevin chided. “Jasper came today, and word in the halls is that he isn’t going to ask Jess to marry him.”

  Alek’s tiger perked up at this news. “How’s Jess doing?”

  “She’s been in a great mood all day. So I would say she’s relieved.”

  “So she isn’t hurt or anything?”

  “No, she’s fine.”

  Alek almost wept with relief. “Good. I’ll be in tomorrow. I’m feeling a lot better.”

  “Of course, now that your girl’s still on the market, you’re feeling great. You’re so transparent.”

  “Shut up. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Later, man.”

  Alek leaned against the wall next to him. He couldn’t believe his luck. He had attacked a human and she was fine. It sounded like she hadn’t even reported the attack. Roger was going to be pissed if Jasper wasn’t going to marry her, but it made Alek feel better. At least Jess wasn’t being forced into a marriage she didn’t want. As easy as it would have made his life to hand her off to Collins’ security team, she wanted her freedom.

  He would do whatever he could to do right by her. He was going to have to find a way to make it up to her. Maybe he would help her leave the mansion. He was going to leave his job anyway. If she wanted to go, he could at least make it easier for her. He was going to have to think of how to broach the subject with her or figure out a way to do it quietly.

  He cleaned his house top to bottom to keep himself busy for the rest of the day. It wasn’t until he was cleaning out the oven that he started to get nervous. His tiger had attacked Jess and left her for dead. A ferocious killing machine had attacked her, and she had walked home and gone to bed. Nobody had even noticed that anything was wrong. That didn’t make any sense.

  Alek sat on the kitchen floor, shaking as he realized the only logical explanation. She had to be his mate. His tiger hadn’t been attacking her; it had been marking her. There was no other way for her to survive the mauling. His tiger had never acted that way before, but he wasn’t particularly in touch with his animal. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d shifted for the joy of it. He spent most of his time in the human world and preferred being in human form. It had literally been years since he had let his cat run free.

  But it seemed hard to believe that he’d miss something like this. He’d been around Jess nonstop for the last few years. If she was his mate, he would have known. Something else must have happened, or his tiger had made a mistake, he told himself. It had to be a mistake. If he had spent all that time around her and not noticed, he was in a bad place.

  His phone rang, freeing him from his torment. It was Kevin.

  He tried to hide the shaking in his voice. “Hey, man.”

  “We’ve got a big problem.” Kevin sounded panicked. “Jess is gone, man. She’s just fucking gone. I’m going to get fired. I was the one watching her.”

  Alek’s tiger was suddenly very agitated. “Slow down. You aren’t going to get fired. She does this all the time. How long has she been gone, and who do you have looking for her?”

  “I am going to get fired. This was my responsibility. I don’t know how long she’s been gone. I came to get her for dinner and she isn’t in her room. I haven’t told anyone yet. You have to help me. Please. You’re the only one who can get her to come back.”

  Alek was already up and putting on clothes. “You haven’t told anyone?”

  “No. Listen, can we keep this just between us? If you can get her to come back, I might be able stay employed. I really need this job, man. Please, help me.”

  Alek was about to head for his car when he got a feeling. She was going to go to the forest again. He just knew it. “If I can find her in less than an hour, we can keep it between us. If it takes longer than that, you’re on your own.”

  “Thank you.” Kevin’s voice was shaky with gratitude and relief. “You can find her. You always do. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  Alek drove to the forest preserve and parked his car. It was close to dusk, and it would be easy to track her without being seen. He shifted and let his tiger take over. The animal wanted to find her as much as his human did. He ran in the general direction she’d been going the night before. It didn’t take long before he picked up her scent. He ran faster.

  He had to catch her before she got to the Wasteland. She was in pretty good shape and probably had an hour or two head start. It wouldn’t take that long to get to the first and biggest Wasteland town, Rose Valley. It was probably her destination, since it was where her mother had been killed.

  Alek had no idea what Jess was up to, but it couldn’t be good. She had never showed any interest in the Wasteland or shifters in general. She didn’t seem too interested when her father went on his rants about shifters. Her trek to the shifter slums didn’t make sense at all, but where else would she be going? She had to have done some research, since she hadn’t taken a car and was taking the easiest route. At least if she made it to Rose Valley, she wouldn’t be spotted too quickly since she was on foot. He prayed she’d given this enough forethought to disguise herself. Roger Sheridan’s daughter wasn’t going to find any friends in the Wasteland.

  Alek slowed and shifted back to human form when her scent got stronger. He put on the pants he’d carried with him. When he found her, his excuse was going to be that he had been out running and happened upon her. Not the most creative explanation, and slightly unbelievable, but it was all he could come up with on the fly. He didn’t have a phone to check the time, but the sun was already down. It had to have been longer than an hour. He was sure he was going to find her and hoped Kevin hadn’t told anyone. Roger would already be mad as hell if Jasper wasn’t going to marry Jess. If he knew she’d run away, he might just fire the whole team.

  Even in human form, he could pick up her scent. He listened closely and could hear a man talking. He wished he’d brought some kind of weapon with him. If he ran into any kind of trouble, shifting would be his only option. If Jess saw him, this would all be for nothing. It was a good thing he’d been planning on leaving his job soon anyway.

  The closer he got, the more he could smell something mingling with Jess’s scent. His tiger became very agitated and wanted out. Whoever this guy was, he was a shifter of some kind.

  As he got closer, he could hear the two of them talking animatedly. The man was doing most of the talking, but Jess didn’t seem afraid. He could see them now, and Jess was walking right next to the man without being restrained. Alek didn’t know what to make of that. Had she secretly made shifter friends under his nose?

  The man looked like any other Wasteland inhabitant. He was tall, with close-cropped dark hair, deep bronze skin, and a big nose. Not exactly a looker, and he seemed old enough to be her father. Alek was wondering how to make his entrance when the two suddenly stopped. The forest was quiet and Alek stopped moving and crouched down.

  “Whoever you are, stop following
us,” the man said harshly.

  Alek stood up. He had already been caught. At least he didn’t have to think of a way to surprise them.

  The man quickly moved so he was between Jess and Alek. “Why are you following us?”

  Jess put her hand on the man’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Abe. This is my bodyguard.”

  “What is he doing out here?” Abe asked skeptically.

  “I was out for a run and I thought I heard a familiar voice,” Alek said. He stared Abe down as he closed the distance between them. The man didn’t flinch.

  “Why would you be running out here? We’re close to the Wasteland.”

  “I like to get a dynamic workout,” Alek said. The man had to know he was a shifter. He had to smell it on Alek. The question was, would he out him? “Jess, what are you doing out here?”

  “I’m taking a walk with my new friend,” she said. “And I’m not going back this time. I’m a grown woman, and you can’t stop me.”

  “I’m not on duty right now,” Alek said. “You do whatever you want. But I’m a grown man and am free to go where I want too. Nothing says I can’t follow you to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Do whatever you want,” she said. She nodded to Abe and they set off walking again.

  Her companion gave Alek a lingering look and raised an eyebrow. “Follow as you will, brother. I’m sure someone like you will be unbothered in Rose Valley.”

  Alek growled low and scowled. Abe wasn’t going to out him just yet. He followed the two into the forest toward Rose Valley.

  Chapter Five

  She was relieved to see Alek. Never in her life had she felt that way to see a guard, but this time was different.

  She’d been feeling good about her choice after talking with Jasper. Much better after running into Abe. He lived in Rose Valley and wanted to help. She didn’t normally trust strangers, but she had a good feeling about the man. He was probably a shifter, but it didn’t matter. From here on out, she was going to trust her instincts. They had never led her astray before, and it was the only way to get through the Wasteland.

  She had no weapons and she was going to have to trust someone to help her get to the cave she’d found on the map. Even with Abe’s offer of assistance, she was very nervous. When Abe had told her to prepare to run, she had been terrified, more afraid than she’d been in her whole life. When it was Alek who stood up from the bushes, she’d been so relieved she almost cried. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him, which was not the feeling she usually got when she saw him.

  Abe wasn’t so happy to see the security guard. He was extremely agitated.

  “I know him,” Jess whispered when Abe shot Alek another dirty look. “He isn’t going to do anything to hurt us.”

  “How much do you know about him?”

  “He’s worked for my father for years, and he’s the best guard we have. The only one I like, really.”

  “You trust him?”

  Jess nodded. “I do.”

  “If you trust him, I trust him.” Abe looked back one more time. “But I’m not going to tell him that yet. Let him follow us a while longer. We’ll see how the Thieves take to him.”

  “The Thieves?”

  “Yes, my men. I told you. I’m very well known here in the Valley. I’m very glad that I ran into you before you got to town. Fate was on our side today. Watch your step.”

  Abe held out his hand to help Jess climb over a large tree root. Alek made a growling noise from behind them. Jess turned around, surprised. Alek was scowling and his fists were clenched at his sides.

  “Something wrong, my friend?” Abe called.

  “Not at all,” Alek said through clenched teeth. “Just where are you two going?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Abe said. He winked at Jess. “I think your guard is jealous.”

  Jess laughed and rolled her eyes. “Not you too! My best friend teases me all the time about Alek.”

  “I can see why. He clearly wants to do more than guard your body. I’m very surprised that your father would let a man like him keep watch over you.”

  “It isn’t like that,” Jess told him. “He’s very professional and has never even looked at me sideways. He has no interest in me.”

  “How do you know?” Abe asked. “He’s a virile young man and you’re a beautiful young woman he follows around all day. I don’t think it’s too strange to think he’d lust after you.”

  Jess blushed and turned to look at her minder. He was a very handsome man. That was just a fact. He was tall, had clear green eyes and a strong jaw line. His skin was perma-tanned year-round and his body was hard as a stone. This was the first time she’d seen him wearing anything other than a suit, and he was built like a Mack truck.

  His sweatpants didn’t leave much to the imagination. She’d never seen him so undressed. She turned back around quickly when she noticed that she could clearly see the outline of his very large cock. That was an image she was never going to be able to get out of her mind. This conversation was getting her all confused.

  “Plus, he must care for you greatly,” Abe continued. “You said your main guard was off today. Yet, here he is in the woods far from home. He must have come searching for you before even going home to change clothes.”

  “That is a little strange,” Jess admitted. She wished he had changed his clothes or at least decided to wear underwear. “How much farther?”

  “Not very. We’re already on the outskirts of town.”

  “Really? I don’t see anything yet, and I thought it was much farther away from Penicalla.”

  “We’re very close together, actually. The tree cover is thick and there’s no direct road anymore, but we used to be sister cites many decades ago.”

  “I’ve never heard that before.”

  “It would make the humans very nervous to know how close they are to the Wasteland. Look, you can see the town now.” Abe pointed into the distance.

  Jess couldn’t believe it. She’d only been walking for a few hours. It couldn’t be more than fifteen miles between Penicalla and Rose Valley. From the way it had been described, she’d thought it would take her at least a whole day to get to the shifter city.

  “We’re very close to my home now,” Abe said. “I suggest you wait for the morning to continue your journey. I would be very pleased to host you and be your guard for the night.”

  “I don’t know. I was hoping to get to my destination by tonight.”

  “I don’t know if it’s wise for a human woman to be traveling at night. Even with your friend, I don’t know how safe you would be. I think I know where you’re going. It will be much easier to find during the daylight.”

  “Where do you think I’m going?” She hadn’t told him her exact destination yet. She didn’t know herself. It was between Rose Valley and Digger’s Grave on the map and it appeared to be a cave. She didn’t want to tell the shifter that she was searching for a genie. It would make her sound crazy.

  “You’re looking for the lamp in the cave, just like the woman from all those years ago.”

  Jess stopped. “What woman?”

  Abe stopped and sighed. “I would guess she was your mother, from the look of you.”

  “Tell me everything.”

  “Not here. We must get to my house. It’s a long story and I’m hungry. I’ll tell you everything I know over dinner.”

  Jess nodded. She moved woodenly toward the buildings as Abe went on talking, saying something about his home and what he would be making for dinner.

  He had known her mother. He knew about the lamp. It could be real. There was a chance that her silly little trip wouldn’t only be a cathartic journey. She could actually get her mother back.

  “JESS!” Alek was shaking her and staring at her. His mouth was set in a hard line. “What’s wrong with you? I’ve been calling your name for the last minute. Did you not hear me, or are you ignoring me now?

  She looked around, confused. She was standing in front of a squat building. There was no one outside, but there was a lynx walking into an alley next to them. “I didn’t hear anything.”

  “You just passed the place.” Alek stepped aside so she could see Abe standing in front of a door three buildings back.

  “Oops. I must not have been paying attention.” She tried to pull her arm from Alek’s grasp, but he held on tight. She could see the muscles in his arms strain as he gripped her arm harder. Her eyes couldn’t help but travel lower to watch the muscles in his abs move as he shifted his weight.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked her harshly. “This isn’t a game anymore. You’re really in Rose Valley now. You can still turn around and go home. I won’t say anything, and nobody will ever know you were here.”

  She stomped on his foot hard, making him step back and let go of her arm in surprise. “I’m sure. I just got a little confused because I’m hungry. You’re welcome to join us for dinner.”

  Alek looked at Abe, who nodded. “Better than standing outside.”

  They walked back together to where Abe was standing.

  “Welcome to my humble home.” He ushered them inside. The home was small but nice. There was one large room that acted as living space, dining room, and kitchen. Abe pointed to one of the two doors in the room. “That’s the bathroom.”

  “I’m going to go and wash my hands.”

  Jess shrugged off her backpack and went to the door. The bathroom was painted grey and the fixtures were simple. There was only a shower and no tub. It was all very clean, which surprised her. From the looks of it, Abe lived alone. She’d never known a bachelor who kept his home so clean.

  She washed her hands and arms. She was covered in a fine layer of grime and sweat from the forest. Once she found the lamp and made it home, she was going to take a very long shower.

  When she got out of the bathroom, Alek was wearing a plain white t-shirt. It had to be one of Abe’s. While he was covered, it didn’t do much. The shirt was so tight it only accentuated his muscles, and he still wasn’t wearing any underwear. It was an unwelcome distraction.


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