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True Ghost Stories: Real Accounts of Death and Dying, Grief and Bereavement, Soulmates and Heaven, Near Death Experiences, and Other Paranormal Mysteries (The Supernatural Book Series: Volume 3)

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by Rosemary Breen

  The Singing Monk

  I was staying with my husband and baby daughter in a very old house in Devon, UK. It is a property owned by the Landmark Trust.

  I was eight months pregnant at the time, in need of the loo in the night, but strangely I felt terrified of walking down the passage by myself. My husband kindly agreed to accompany me every night.

  One night, wide awake, I heard a man's voice singing a tune I know, but the tune ended on a discord, which made it rather frightening. Then, I heard a laugh. I was terrified and could not move!

  Later, my husband read the visitors' book (I had not read it at that point) and pointed out a discussion by some annual visitors, about a ghost who was described as a monk (aren't they all?)

  One comment said he was never seen, only heard, and the note said: If he likes you, he will sing to you! Though I did not appreciate his sense of humour.

  Unacceptable Behavior

  A group of us was walking home from the pub one night. We had not drunk too much, so we were fairly compos mentis. Part of our journey to my mate's flat involved a walk through a small churchyard. There we noticed two youngsters in front of us who seemed to be wearing strange old clothes (Victorian maybe?) They looked a little bedraggled.

  We started jeering at the boys, and threw stones at them - as boys will be boys. They looked at us but seemed totally unconcerned with our hostile actions. We kept following them until they went around a corner that leads to a dead end. We were only a few seconds behind them, yet when we turned the corner, they had completely disappeared.

  There was a large wall that was over nine foot high, so it was unlikely that they could have climbed over it, especially in such a short duration of time. The only other way out was through us and they certainly did not come our way. To say ur group was puzzled would be a bit of an understatement. We decided to go back to the pub and drown our uneasiness with some more beer.

  Convicts, A Penal Colony, and Oppression

  I visited Maria Island (also known as The Isle of the Dead) at Port Arthur, in Tasmania Australia when I was about 7 years old. If you have not heard of the history of the place it was the burial land for convicts transported from England. I remember I was quite emotionally distressed by the visit to the Island. Although there were only a few tourists visiting the day we were there, I felt as though the island was crowded with people (like a very overcrowded lift) and the mood was VERY heavy.

  I only knew the island as Maria Island and was not aware at age seven of its significance or role it played in the history of the penal colony at Port Arthur. I discovered (as an adult) that my mother also felt this overcrowded feeling.

  A Secret No More

  I was 22 years old and my boyfriend and I had been going out for a couple of months. I visited my future husband (boyfriend, at the time) at his family's home late after work one night.

  His parents were asleep and we were in the lounge room talking. I leant over and gave my boyfriend a cuddle, and as I did I was drawn to look up at the corner of the room. All I saw was a man's face staring down at me. He had hippie hair and a beard. This face drained all my energy from my body, and I couldn't even get to the bathroom, even though I felt like I was about to be sick.

  My future husband helped me get there by lifting me up and carrying me. I was hysterical; I told him what I had seen and what I had experienced. He said, you have just described my older brother who died in a car accident.

  I said that he wasn't happy about something and that was why he had affected me so much. About six months later, my husband's sister-in-law told him that his brother had actually committed suicide 14 years prior, when my husband was only 6 years old. He was devastated when he realized that his whole family had kept this secret from him for 14 years.

  I had experienced other things before this but once this mystery was answered I was good. I knew in my mind I wasn't imagining it; that's what I used to get told constantly when I was growing up - that I had a vivid imagination.

  Don't Blame the Dog

  I was five months pregnant with my first child, and couldn't sleep. At the time, my husband, my dog, and myself lived in a mobile home where strange occurrences sometimes happened. This night, I decided to make a cup of tea to help me relax. As I proceeded down the hallway, I felt my dog brush by me knocking me into the wall. The painting that was hanging there swayed side to side. As I turned and called my dog's name and said what are you doing, I realized that he wasn't there!

  All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up! I returned to my bedroom to see that neither my dog nor my husband had moved at all, and neither was awake! Pushing past the horrifying feeling I had, I went to the kitchen hastily to make a cup of tea! I spent the rest of the night awake, trying to find a reasonable explanation of what had happened. Never did find one!

  To Whom It Concerns

  To whom it concerns: I study physics and metaphysics with mathematics, because I want to explain a paranormal experience that my friend had, when he lived experience in Ankara in Turkey.

  The name of my friend is … He said that me: I joined a funeral ceremony for many martyrs in Ankara, with my family. We started to take photos near the mosque with a mobile phone of Nokia. We observed this experiment near the mosque.

  Later, when we saw our photos we realized that they had many paranormal effects.

  My friend has observed many spiritual materials near and around the mosque.

  Recently, he gave me his photos. He wants me to explain them to him.

  Dr Caroline Watt and Prof Richard Wiseman have published these photos on the web page of Edinburgh Science Festival in 2009.

  I always see many psychic photos from Middle East and Asia with Turkey.

  A White Mist

  About two hours ago I walked into my kitchen and saw a patch of white mist about two inches in diameter. I thought it must have been smoke but couldn't smell anything, plus there were no appliances on. The mist was just in front of me and after about one minute it dispersed leaving no trace.

  I searched the kitchen for anything that would explain the mist but could not find any logical explanation. My house is an old cottage, built in 1759 and the previous owner said she thought it was haunted. Although strange things do happen to me I am still a sceptical person and now this event has me quite baffled.

  Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier

  At the time, I lived in the mountains and worked evenings in Atlanta as a nurse. I came home around midnight most evenings and very often when coming up a winding mountain road I would have to swerve to miss a man. He was dressed in a civil war uniform, carried a rifle with a bayonet was usually walking down the middle of the road with his head bowed. Later, after living there for many months, I discovered that many neighbors also saw him. I didn't need the validation but felt reassured that I wasn't seeing things.

  I was at the Naseby battleground and had a feeling that something was there with me.

  Straight away I took a picture and when I put it on my laptop there it was, a soldier from the battle of Naseby. You can verify this as my image is on the Internet and has been on the TV. It's called Naseby ghost soldier.


  My husband used to leave messages for his dead mother. They could be answered yes or no, and these messages have been answered whilst we have been out of the house.


  I attended the Spiritualist Centre nearby and one of the girls there was doing a Psychometry Platform. I saw a huge seven feet tall, hooded figure appear to her left whilst she was carrying this out.

  When the Animator Comes to Life

  While working as a graveyard security hostess at Disney World, I was doing a building check of the former Animation building (basically empty except trash left over from the animators who had recently be laid off).

  As I neared the second floor, the director's suite - a place that had been off limits to security in the past, I had a feeling I was being watched. I also got the distinct impre
ssion I didn't belong there. I dismissed the feeling, and flipped on the light in the office.

  I walked over to the lone piece of furniture left behind - a desk covered with trash. As I sifted through the trash, I felt a warm clammy sensation on my left elbow, as if a hand had grabbed my arm to get my attention. In my mind I tried to brush it off, and told myself there was nothing there.

  However, there was supposedly a spirit of an animator still in the building. I think it was her, and she was there protecting her building.

  Paranormal Encounters and Some Reflections There On

  I had two occurrences in the house we were living in at the time.

  The first time I saw a man walk past our bedroom door and as it was late at night I thought it was my daughter's boyfriend leaving. I went down the passage to her room to berate her but she was sound asleep and as I returned to my bed it occurred to me that I didn't hear the front door close or the gate, which was near my bedroom window, click shut.

  Sometime after that occasion - maybe a year - I was having a nap during the day and awoke to see the same figure standing at the foot of my bed. I am now 72 years old and for some years now have had many similar situations, but never again the same figure twice.

  I have come to believe that there is a small margin of overlapping "space" between the conscious and unconscious states that allows us to merge into another dimension, or be sensitive to energies that have not yet been "closed" by the rationality of the mind.

  These episodes never distress me or induce me to talk about it with others. Nor do I believe I am psychic but what these experiences have done is open my thinking to embrace the mystery of creation in a much deeper way. Thank you for listening.

  Energy, Death and an Apparition

  I was talking with a female friend when we experienced an energy blackout in her region. Dogs started to howl like wolves. In Brazil, this is seen as an omen. There was loud thunder also.

  In her room, when she hugged me, to be free of her fear from storm a tall woman moved slowly through the corridor. There was a long white dress, but with a kind of grey scale on it and some strange light and energy invaded the house, and followed her. My friend became hysterical. The room where this woman was supposed to have entered had a locked door. I opened that door and there was nothing to see. Later we learned that her upstairs neighbor had died that afternoon, a victim of AIDS and my friend thinks that he made a visit to her.

  We Used to Joke

  We moved into an apartment and we used to joke that there were ghosts in that place. Things would disappear, and my daughter and I both saw a ghostly man in the hallway. One day I was getting ready to go to work, and I felt someone standing next to me; thinking it was my daughter, I said what are you doing up so early? I felt someone's breath on my neck and arm and when I turned around quickly no one was there.

  The Legacy of War

  I was alone in the kitchen, washing up after dinner one Saturday night. My husband remained in the bedroom. I saw or felt a presence in the hall behind me. I turned (hands full of soap suds) and said something like "I didn't hear you get out, have you got the Sunday papers?" as I assumed it was my husband who had passed by in the hallway.

  Not getting an answer, I went into the bedroom and found my husband was asleep.

  The "man" I had seen was medium height, had high waisted dark trousers, white shirt and the glimpse I had of him was sideways on, so I didn't see his face.

  For a long time before this I had heard noises, seen shadows in the flat that others had not heard or seen.

  A friend arranged for a vicar's sister who had had dealings with this sort of episode to visit. I presumed she was a medium. She told me that a young man had committed suicide in the hallway sometime during the Second World War. Later, this fact was confirmed by an elderly female neighbor.

  I feel that the presence I saw was that of the man and he was released by the medium. The atmosphere in the flat has definitely altered (for the better) as a result of his "release".

  I was asked if I wanted more details of the young man's life but did not want to hear (be burdened) with any further details.

  A Blue Bear

  I was working in a mall in Chicago; the place was open from 1976 to 1982 then closed and torn down in 1985.

  I was 18 years of age at the time and had a job working nights as a janitor. The first night I hadn't been there more than 20 minutes, seated at the break-room table waiting to find out what I was meant to be doing, when the door burst open. Two women, about 25-30 years old, came running into the room screaming and crying about how they had been sitting on one of the park benches in the amusement park downstairs taking their break when one of the benches next to them went sliding across the floor.

  That scared the bujeezzers out of them!

  Hmm, I thought, those benches are about 9 feet long and weight about 200 pounds each and are quite heavy. I know this because I tried to move them when I started investigating this event, like an idiot.

  I wanted to see for myself and yes, I did get my big moment!

  After about two months of hearing all kind of things going on all the time at this place, I pinpointed the exact location of just where these hauntings were coming from, as well as the time.

  I took my food and went to a place in the middle of where all this stuff was happening and sat there and ate my sandwich. I watched a stocking crew replace stock: stuffed bears that were about 3 feet tall, and different colored ring toss games. This was happening about 25 feet from me.

  Then I watched them walk away and as I did I saw something out of the corner of my eye, in the other direction. So I turned and focused on that area and watched the bears and I saw coming out of the center of the pile of bears, a blue bear emerges, like it was being pulled out by someone.

  Now, this was my first time seeing anything like this happening and I thought I was going to crap my pants but no, I didn't. However, I did run and I couldn't run fast enough to get out of there! I had never been so scared in my life.

  I did what any good coward would do - I quit my job.

  I Heard Hard Soled Boots But …

  Once years ago, I was just coming out of the bathroom upstairs in the house where we used to live. I heard what I took to be my son, a teenager at the time, running upstairs in his hard-soled boots.

  I yelled out some question to him but there was no answer. By my estimation he should have been right outside the bathroom door, which was pretty much at the top of the stairs, but there was no one there. I was baffled. I looked in his room but he wasn't there. I went downstairs and found him sitting in the living room, sock-foot and nowhere near his boots. Even if he had been, there would have been no time for him to take off his boots and get back downstairs.

  It sounded exactly like a young person running upstairs in hard-soled boots, fast and loud and full of energy. But no possible way for it to have been my son and there was nobody else in the house.

  Is That a Ghost Tap Dancing on My Head?

  My mother's house is fairly active with strange occurrences.

  One evening when my sister, who is ill, was asleep in my Mom's room and my husband was asleep on the couch, I clearly saw a "shadow person" pass by the kitchen door. My mother also sees them on a semi-regular basis but this was the first time for me.

  All three of my daughters, and my mother, and my grandmother are quite intuitive, to one degree or another. But, I like to say I got nothing of it. I joke that I could have a ghost tap dancing on my head and I would not know it.

  I am not a fearful person and am quite excited by the fact that there are many things out there that we don't know about, but I am bummed that I have almost no intuitive radar.

  Whilst Standing Sentinel

  I was a sentinel from 12:00 am to 6:00 am. I had to stay outside the dormitories, and there was a river across from us. There was no electricity to light up the dirt road. I was looking over towards the river when I saw a shadow carrying a big wood box on his
back. It was like a dead body, and they disappeared into the distance. A friend saw it with me that night...

  I Knew We Weren't Alone

  I constantly feel like there is someone else, besides my husband, in the bedroom. On this particular night, it was a little after 3 am and I was lying in bed, not able to sleep. And, I was proved right (I have chills as I write this). After a few minutes of just lying there I felt a hand touch the top of my head, not forcefully but enough so I could feel it.


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