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Angel Hunter- Redemption Book 2

Page 12

by LaVerne Thompson

  He lowered her legs so they now rested spread on the bed, but he seemed to have a hard time rolling off her. He kept his weight on his elbows, his head resting on the pillow beside her.

  She could feel his dick getting softer and she no longer had that quite as full feeling, but he was still large enough, even semi-erect to be noticed. She smiled. Evangeline stroked his back gently; giving them both time to come down from the high their lovemaking had taken them to. No not love, sex. It was too raw to be anything other than just sex. Blow your fucking mind sex, but sex. Nothing like the calm loving emotion she’d always envisioned. An inner voice whispered—liar. She tuned it out.

  Rolling off her, Devlin kept his arms around her so they were now lying side by side but facing each other. “It was worth the wait.” His gaze remained fixated on her, daring her to deny him.

  She didn’t. “Yes, yes it was. But most things worthwhile are worth waiting for.”

  He grinned, and it made his eyes sparkle. “True.”

  “And sometimes, you just need to get something out of your system.”

  Something about the way she said that had Devlin’s heart slamming against his chest. And not in the good way it had been awhile ago. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She rolled out of his embrace and got off the bed before he could stop her. He’d forgotten how fast she could move. She spoke to him as she moved toward her bathroom, “Thank you. I needed to experience that. It was fun, but I’m going to take a quick shower, I’m a bit sore. Then I’d like to get some sleep. We have another long night tomorrow.” Then she walked into her bathroom.

  Son of a bitch! Did she just try to blow him off? Oh, hell no! He shot off the bed and headed straight to the bathroom. The door was unlocked, so he took that as a good sign. The room lay in shadows, the only light was faint and yellow, emanating from beneath the rim of the granite counter top. The shower seemed to be running full tilt, the glass doors were coated with steam, but he could still see the silhouette of her beautiful curves.

  His cock had been at rest but as soon as he saw her standing there, blood rushed through his shaft. Within moments, he was again hard enough to drill nails. He grabbed the handle and opened the door. Her back was to him, her head hung under the water, her palms were resting against the tile. He slipped in behind her, placed his hands on her small waist, then slowly glided them down to her hips. He squeezed her gently. Then he moved his leg between hers getting her to spread a bit for him.

  He grabbed the bottle of bath wash and poured some of it into his hands. Rubbing his palms together to get them soapy, he wrapped an arm around her torso until he could palm her breast, using the slickness of his hand to massage her tits. When she moaned, he slipped the other hand between her legs and gently caressed around her clit. She spread her legs a bit wider and pushed downward against his hand. Perhaps she wasn’t that sore. Slowly, he stroked two fingers inside her. His soapy hand allowing him to glide easily in and out of her. He cleaned around the folds of her pussy. He loved the panting sounds she made.

  Leaning forward, Devlin sucked on her shoulder, she shuddered beneath his touch but tilted her head away, so he could get the best angle to feast on her. The water pounded against their bodies heightening the pleasure channeling back and forth between them. He continued to press against her clit until he felt her body shudder, she moaned and flexed trying to take more of his finger inside of her. He felt the heat of her passion as it coated his fingers. He withdrew and held her against his chest as her body continued to tremble against him. She turned her head slightly and he captured her lips. Her mouth was moist from the water but the inside of her mouth was warm and he immersed himself in her.

  Slowly, he took a step back bringing her with him, until he felt the edge of the marble bench in her shower. He released their kiss, sat down, and spread his legs a little. He held his dick as he pulled her down.

  “Bend forward slightly away from me,” he instructed her.

  She did and flexed her ass, so her pussy was perfectly positioned. Holding onto her hips, he pulled her back onto his cock, his ass clenched as he surged upward into her pussy. She was wet, her muscles tightened around him.

  “Damn, you feel so fucking good,” he groaned.

  She placed her hands on his legs to balance herself, leaning back on his chest in the reverse cowgirl position and pumped herself up and down on his cock.

  “Yeah, ride me baby, ride me.” He held onto her waist, helping her with each thrust.

  The water fell, steam built up around them, the heat surrounding him fueling the heat burning inside of him. Their movements became faster. He squeezed her waist tighter moved her faster up and down on his cock. His legs trembled as he surged as far into her as he could go and could hold back no longer. With one final thrust… he detonated inside her.

  Adam sat outside on the top stairs in front of his house and stared at the night sky. He couldn’t leave the grounds much these days. Frankly, he didn’t really want to anyway. Nothing out in the world for him, but he could sense the restlessness from one of his charges. He’d be waking up soon. The periods of confinement were becoming shorter and shorter. He didn’t even want to think what that meant.

  He turned his head and watched air above his tiled driveway whirl around as though a helicopter was displacing it while landing, but that was no helicopter. He knew what disturbed the air like that. The beat of an angel’s wings. If he could be surprised, he would have been, especially once he realized who made an appearance before him.

  “Annalisse.” The first time he’d met her had been in the company of a priest. The night he’d also met Samuel. He initially though her human. A rare mistake. The first one had cost him Eden, and ultimately, his soul. He wondered what this one would cost him? Not that he gave a fuck since he had nothing else to give.

  “Greetings, first man.”

  He had to blink. Her angelic light, cold fire, was blinding.

  “I see you’ve decided to show me your true form. Why the subterfuge the first time?”

  She’d subdued that light the last time they’d met. “I needed to be sure not even you could see through to my true form.” And as she spoke she changed. Her wings folded and disappeared, as did her heavenly glow, and she became the young woman who’d been first presented to him less than a year ago.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I need your help.”

  For the first time in ages, the first man felt something in the empty space deep inside where his soul had once resided. A quickening. He would have laughed his ass off, if he could. “Surely, even you realize the irony in that request.” He couldn’t even help himself, much less an angel in good standing.

  “Yes, but still I must ask. There is a soulless who I can save.”

  Now she had his attention.

  Chapter Eleven

  Chris waited for Michael to leave, then he got dressed and followed. He’d do anything for Michael. He’d told the soulless about the way the modern hunters operated, how to avoid getting their attention. Which cities they frequented, who led. Even about the Chroniclers, what he’d found out before he left New York. About the son of a bitch Samuel and that bitch Thalya who’d made a fool of him. He told the soulless everything. And more. He was sorry he’d missed Samuel when he’d taken a shot at him before he’d left the East Coast. But he had helped Scott kill one of his own people. No not his own, he had no more people, none who were human.

  Chris knew he wasn’t quite human anymore, not much of his humanity left, not when he was taking Michael’s blood. Not when he craved it more than he needed air. Some part of him realized he was an addict, unable to help himself. He’d sold his soul, but it wasn’t enough. He had hate in his heart, hate for them all, except for Michael. He loved the soulless and he’d begun to understand why Michael couldn’t love him back. Chris was his redemption but he couldn’t see it. That damned Chronicler stood in the way.

  Took a while, but Chris had a plan now,
everything was all set up. Scott needed his help for something he didn’t want Michael to know about. Scott thrived on despair and deception. He got off on Chris’ situation. Chris knew it but no longer gave a shit. Scott agreed with him though, the woman had to die. Chris wanted to be the one to kill her, freeing Michael from her spell, because the Chroniclers were fucking witches. Then Michael would be free of her tricks and would finally accept his love.

  He followed Michael slowly in his car, knowing that the metal of the car helped to hide his presence from the soulless. But Chris also knew how to mask himself, he had once been a hunter, trained by the master hunter Samuel himself. Just a year ago, Chris had even led the Los Angeles group. Before the position had been taken from him and given to that bastard Devlin. They’d pay for that shit. He’d make them all fucking pay.

  Michael walked like a normal person the last few blocks to the restaurant, so he could feed a bit on the depravity of others along the way. He could see the currents as the sidewalk released some of the heat from the day. But it hadn’t really dissipated. If anything, it was an even more humid night. For some reason, heat seemed to bring out more of an unease amongst humans, and he savored it off those closest to him. Deliberately brushing up against the crowd as he moved among them, absorbing their emotions. He would need it when he faced Evangeline.

  She was different from other humans, but then again he suspected the Chroniclers were perhaps more than merely human. For one thing, she could withstand his stare. Anyone else, he would have been able to control. Each time they’d been together, he found himself unable to read her, that alone was rare and made him curious. Curious enough to change his mind about killing her as Abel had wanted and instead, consider the possibility she may hold the key to his own redemption.

  Something caught his eye, movement in the alley. He could see very well in the shadowy depths; a man was dragging a woman behind a trashcan. From the way her legs were kicking at the ground, she didn’t seem to want to go willingly. Her fear infused the air and he inhaled it, tasted it as he did the man’s determination and glee. Michael drank in both like a starving man. The man had one hand over the woman’s mouth so she couldn’t scream and the other around her torso. Her arms were waving wildly around trying to grab at him, to stop him. Her eyes found Michael’s as he stood on the sidewalk watching. As soon as she saw him, her brown eyes opened wider, pleading for his help.

  He could have told her he was no savior, far from it. Still, he took that first step out of the light and into the welcoming darkness of the alleyway.

  “Hey man, go away. This ain’t none of your fuckin’ business,” her assailant ground out.

  “Perhaps.” Then Michael’s lips curled up at the edges in an imitation of a smile.

  The man’s eyes widened. He shifted the knife he held at the woman’s chest and pointed it in his direction.

  Michael merely raised one eyebrow at the fool. Then he captured the man’s gaze, drawing him into the depths of his barren core. Drinking in the man’s terror and rage at being thwarted. Oh yes, Michael planned on taking in even more. “Release her.” It was a command, one the human could not refuse.

  The man’s hand came away from the woman’s waist, he released his hold on her. She immediately fell to the ground. Michael didn’t bother to glance at her. He merely said one word: “Run.”

  The woman scrambled to her feet, the man, however, seemed to be frozen in shock and fright. Michael could hear the woman’s footsteps recede as she ran from the alley in the direction of the sidewalk toward the light.

  By the time his prey realized he should run too, it was too late. Much too late.

  One moment Michael had been several feet away from the man, in the next he was near enough to grab the assailant by the throat. His fingers curled around the human’s neck and he shoved him up against the wall. Holding him in place, he sank his teeth into the pulsing vein in the soon to be dead man’s neck, taking in all of the man’s emotions with the life sustaining elixir. When he’d had his fill, he dropped him to the trash strewn ground, like the garbage he was.

  Michael gleaned from the asshole, this would not have been his first rape but it would be his last. Without a backwards glance, he turned around and continued on his way to meet his date for the evening. He hoped tonight, he could at last have Ms. Evangeline, and if he were very lucky, she would be the one to make him feel the emotion he hungered for most.

  Well sated, he entered the restaurant. The maître d’ showed him to the table he’d reserved. A curtained booth secluded from the other patrons. The curtains were partially drawn. He ordered a Cabernet, a bottle of Ridge Monte Bello 2012. He couldn’t enjoy the taste the way a human would but after he had his fill on emotions, it had become a drink of choice…one he could feel a little in this state.

  The sommelier had just left the table after pouring when Michael raised his gaze to the front of the restaurant. While the curtain might prevent prying eyes from observing him, he on the other hand could see quite well. He watched Evangeline speak to the hostess who showed her over to the table.

  She did look very beautiful, with her hair that held three or four different shades of browns and reds hanging over her shoulders. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be able to see it in the midday sun anytime soon. She was dressed for pleasure, in her gray sleeveless silk blouse with a neckline dipping just above her breasts. Her caramel colored arms were slender and toned. He knew she could fight, but tonight she didn’t carry a sword strapped at her back. But she wore dark pants that flared on the bottom, so perhaps she wore a knife sheathed at her ankles. He found himself, thanks to his stolen emotions, able to smile at the thought of her always armed and ready for action. She had nothing to fear from him.

  Michael stood up at her approach. “Thank you for joining me.” He stepped forward and kissed her cheek before she sat down, then he sat across from her and took his glass. “I took the liberty of ordering a bottle for us to get started.”

  Evangeline examined the bottle first. “Very nice, a good year.” Then she picked up her glass and clicked it against his.

  “Let’s hope this one will be even better. To possibilities,” he said.

  “To possibilities,” she agreed and took a sip. “Mmm, very nice.”

  “Are you sure?” Devlin asked Tony.

  “See for yourself.”

  Devlin sat in Tony’s car, and Tony pulled out his phone and showed him the video he’d taken a little while ago of a soulless draining a man in the alley. The same bastard who sat in the restaurant with Evangeline, which is why Tony called him in. “Delete the video, Tony.” He watched as the man did. “Is it on your iCloud?”

  “No, you know I don’t leave traces.”

  “Good. I can’t believe he fucking let the woman go.”

  “It’s clear he saved her. That man would have killed her or worse if he hadn’t stepped in.”


  “So what do we do, boss?”

  “We catch the bastard and ask him a few questions. Then when we’re done we send him back to hell where he should have been sent in the first place.”

  “You sure? He didn’t hurt the woman.”

  “No. We’ll see. Just because he let the woman go doesn’t mean he hasn’t outright killed before for the hell of it. And I’m still not sure why he didn’t kill them both. From the looks of things, the woman had enough terror running through her veins I’m sure to satisfy him for a week.”

  “Works for me. But how are we going to handle this?”

  Devlin wanted to march right into the damn restaurant and take the fucker’s head, but he knew he couldn’t do it. Not in front of Evangeline. So that means they’d have to wait. “We wait and follow him once he leaves.”

  His heart hurt like a sonofabitch at finding Eva with the bastard. On another date! How could she leave his bed or her bed just a couple of nights ago and be out with this fucker now? He’d been her first. Was that the first of many now? They’d been avoidi
ng each other. He’d been fooling himself thinking they just needed to screw once to get each other out of their systems. Such a damn fool. He might as well say he would cut out his heart.

  When she’d tossed him out of her house after the shower, he should have felt relief. Instead, all he felt was pissed and a little sad he couldn’t hold her in his arms for the rest of the night. That she didn’t want him to hold onto her. That shit hurt. But it was nothing compared to seeing her here. With him.

  At first, Devlin breathed a sigh of relief when the valet brought around Eva’s car. The date was over. But that breath got stuck in his gut when he realized the dude got into the passenger seat of her car. She was giving him a ride. Devlin tagged them all the way to her fucking house. He hung back, watching as she pulled into her drive but waited for the bastard to get out and then they walked inside together.

  “Ah, hell no.” He paused long enough for the front door to close, then he was out of his car like a bullet released from the chamber of a gun. Tony right behind him. He didn’t bother with the bell. He banged on the goddamn door.

  Michael wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her flush against his body. He was about as tall and slightly more muscled than Devlin.

  For Eva, the feeling was different. Her panties would have been drenched by now with Devlin. No, she had to stop thinking about him. She didn’t have a lot of experience with men. Devlin had been the first she’d been intimate with but she had to give Michael a chance. This was her destiny. Wasn’t it?

  When he lowered his head and placed his lips over hers, she pressed closer to him, tightening her arms around his neck waiting for the explosion between them. Instead, she heard banging, her temples throbbed. This is all wrong.

  Eva pulled back and that’s when she realized the thumping didn’t come from inside her head but someone was actually banging on her front door. Stepping out of Michael’s embrace, she headed to the entrance to see who would be knocking on her door at such a late hour of the night. She already suspected who it would be.


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