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Strum: virgin captive of the billionaire demon rock star monster (The Squirm Files)

Page 5

by Cari Silverwood

  Zagan pushed away from the car, straightened. “It’s okay. Dangerous Bob agrees as long as I don’t stick my cock in your pussy.”

  While she was still processing the reasoning in that, Dangerous Bob arrived and scooped her up. He ambled into the Zon’s entryway with her over his shoulder.


  “Bob! How could you?” The temptation to kick and drum her hands on him came and went. If bricks didn’t work on Bob, lesser force wouldn’t.

  Why was Bob naked from the waist up?

  He muttered some choice expletives that came down to, *If we have to do this to get Karl back, then we’re doing it.*

  So that was his priority. Now she was annoyed as well as upside down, ass up, over his shoulder. She sighed. Seemed like she spent a part of every day like this. Maybe she should keep a book on her to read? Or, she eyed his bare skin, play tic-tac-toe? If only she had a marker pen...

  They headed for a small entry to the left of the main checkpoint. By twisting her head around she could see a sign above. Cover models for virgin captive stories.

  So this was why the naked torso. Cover model disguise.

  Bob waited for an attendant to process them. A young blonde woman in a black corset and leather skirt skipped over, swishing her crop. Prudence Prim was on the name tag over her left breast.

  At the sight of Dangerous Bob’s bare chest, she stopped dead and her eyes widened.

  She unfurled a long scroll and began muttering while underlining words with her crop. “Eenie meenie, miny moe. Man titties! Man titties. Ah! Directive three million and two, section nine, paragraph C. Male nipples. Hmm. Oh my.”

  From a drawer beside the entry she drew something then tapped Bob’s chest in time with her words. “Naughty, naughty boy! No naked man nips in the Zon. Put these pasties on those nipples ASAP!”

  She watched eagerly, with her tongue tip on her lip, while Bob planted a pair of bright pink pasties on his chest.

  Virginia giggled. Even Bob’s back was going red. The poor man was embarrassed.

  Once they were through the cover model entry, he deposited her on her feet. She adjusted her tights and T-shirt, glared at him, but stayed put. From the other side of the barrier, five men grinned at her and Dangerous Bob’s decorated nipples.

  “Grrr.” If any man could master an animal growl it was Bob. He flipped the tassels on the pasties so they spun, as if daring them to make fun of him.

  Did she dare? The consequences of taunting Bob could be hazardous but his recent betrayal niggled her.

  From the corner of her mouth, she muttered, “You’re rockin’ those.” When he shot her a suspicious look, she waggled her eyebrows. “Serious strippergram material, man.”

  He growled again.

  She turned away before grinning. Score!

  A big open door frame affair, that was obviously detecting metal, formed the checkpoint for the average visitor. She guessed Bob had been worried about his artificial cock being detected and ruled inadmissible.

  As if passing on some secret, Zagan gathered the other men in a circle and whispered at them, then they all stripped off their shirts.

  As they passed through the checkpoint, they were each handed pasties to wear. They stuck them on their nipples and gave Bob a thumbs-up signal. He shook his head but smiled.

  Now there were six half-naked men with pasties on their nips. Oh my, all her Christmases had come at once.

  Their weapons were being banned though. A pile of their guns built at the checkpoint.

  Zagan wandered over and joined her and Bob. He shrugged. “They don’t sell them in here so we can’t bring them in. The Necrosexi-texmexicon is going to be hard to take down.”

  Bob grumbled in his sweary way. *We’ll find new ones. A place this big, there’ll be something.*

  Suddenly, girly screaming broke out. The shrill noise ricocheted around the large foyer and Virginia cringed. A horde of women, both young and old, burst in and swarmed toward the checkpoint. They pointed at Zagan and blew kisses. He grinned and waved back.

  “It’s Purgatory!” shrieked some. “It’s Zagan!” screamed others. Yet another squealed, “I wanna fuck him until my pussy’s on fire.”

  “Man, she’s a hot chick too.” Zagan scratched his chin.

  Virginia kicked his ankle and glared at the demon. An urge to say mine to him hit her and almost passed her lips. She pulled herself up sharply.

  “What?” Zagan seemed nonplussed.

  “Nothing. Just if Dangerous Bob does any more swearing, between him and you, this place will explode from an overdose of crazy girls and screaming.”

  Luckily the girls were being kept on the other side.

  The men were all through except for Crush and he was held up because Prudence wasn’t sure about his mostly metal cock. Bob had been right to take the alternative entry.

  Prudence tilted her head and loudly sucked her purple lipsticked lips. She’d made Crush unzip and place the offending member on the counter. Currently, she was prodding it with her crop and pouting.

  Virginia couldn’t tell if Crush was happy, mad, or intrigued by her attention.

  “I don’t knowww. Are you sure it’s all yours? It looks wrong and I can’t find it in the instructions scroll.”

  Crush muttered something to her.

  She clapped her hands. “What a good idea.”

  He put it away and zipped up.

  Tongue out to concentrate, she slowly wrote something on her scroll.

  “There! I’ve filed it under roosters. Just keep it in your pants when you’re in the book sections. Sex toys area, you can let it allll hang out.” Her voice went into husky tone territory, only there weren’t no sled dogs to be seen for miles. “Nipple clamps, floggers, cock pumps, vibrators – we got them all.” Prudence winked.

  As he sauntered through, she gave him a smack on the ass with the crop then whispered, “Meet me after work by the Hall of Dildos.”

  The small twerk Crush did was enough to make a girl roll her eyes.

  Multiple doors led away from the foyer but Zagan stopped them under the big one labelled Books.

  “This is it. Further down it divides into electronic or print books. I think print is where the Necrosexi-texmexicon will be, but we’ll have to split up.” He glanced at them. “With me is Dangerous Bob, Crush, and of course you, Virginia. Lars, Skoll, and Mr. T. Rex, you send me a text message if you find it. Okay?”

  They nodded.

  He shook their hands. “May we all survive this terribly hazardous mission without getting hurt. Good luck, and if the worst happens and you die, I’ll put in a word for you with the big man downstairs.”

  Lars and Skoll went pale. Mr. T. simply chuckled.

  Out of the corner of her mouth, Virginia whispered. “Next time, let me write the speeches.”

  “Sure,” he whispered back. “As long as you’re naked and in my bed while we write it.”

  “Stop that! You’re dangerous, remember? Why are you so fixated on sex?”

  “Because A. I’m a sex demon. B. I can’t help it. I’m a junkie and you’re my favorite drug.”

  She shook her head and set off down the white hall toward the next signs. “I’m not sure I want to be a compared to heroin.”

  “It’s a compliment. Romantic!, saying when I’m away from you there’s nothing I crave more than to be with you. When I’m with you my world is you. I want to hug you and kiss you, make love to you until you holler my name. Sometimes I want you so much I can’t breathe.”

  She stopped to look. He was down on one knee and had his hand planted over his heart. “So now I give you an asthmatic attack? Damn.” She trudged on. “Let me write the speeches!”

  “You can’t write the lovey dovey ones!”

  Crap. He had a point.

  He got in a last word. “And stop twitching that fucking sexy ass when you walk away.”

  Don’t make a rude gesture. Don’t. But when else in her life would she get to
insult a demon? She flipped him the bird. She’d just have to have a sick bag on hand when he tried his next lot of romantic lines on her.

  Chapter 9

  The hallways for books were endless. Doorway illustrations gave hints as to what would be inside. Heaving bosoms, ballroom dresses, and kilts were on the historical romance door. Once through that doorway, there was yet another corridor and more doors leading to more subgenres like highlanders and regency. The science fiction doorway showed lasers and aliens. They went down corridor after corridor, opening doors, alert for anything odd, trying to appear like normal curious shoppers in the crowd toddling through the Zon.

  After yet another fruitless search, Zagan held up his hand. “This is getting us nowhere. I’ve seen nothing that suggests a book that can alter reality has been through here.”

  He drew out his cell phone and texted three times. Then he lowered the phone.

  *Nothing?* Dangerous Bob cocked his head.

  “No. They’re not answering. I figure we have three choices. Blunder about trying to find them, or we can stay here, still with no clue, or I can enhance my power and see what I can detect.” He turned and studied Virginia, swung his gold guitar off his back and propped it against the wall.

  Oh-oh. She took a step away and hit a door. Cornered. What an unexpected development. Not.

  “Good choice,” Zagan murmured. “Contemporary urban fantasy.” Then he was on her, taking her wrists in his grasp and pinning them above her head with one hand.

  Fuck. She didn’t like this, did she? Being grabbed by a vibrant, shirtless, male demon who she knew wanted to have his dirty, smutty way with her?

  Even if her panties were damper than a swamp full of alligators in monsoon season, she was still outraged. As a woman with a valid virgin card, she would protest vigorously.

  The yawn in the back of her mind warned her. Protest? You mean like this? Oh no! Save me, save me!

  The tasering effect hadn’t lasted long enough. Her conscience cross sneering-inner-onlooker had returned.

  Sneering? That hurt me, sweetums. P.S Monsoons are in India. Alligators are not.

  Ignoring it seemed the best choice when her priority needed to be getting loose and running.

  “Where do I bite you first?” Zagan smiled as he looked her over. “Neck?” He moved closer until his body mass pinned her too.

  A little wriggle of her pelvis assured her that she was fastened there well and truly. It also told her his cock was well and truly hard. Thoughts of escaping went bye byes. She whimpered.

  “Can’t get away? Hmm? Poor girl.”

  He bit the side of her neck. His teeth sank in, hurting her, but in a nice way that sent throbs through her muscle. So deliciously primal. Her gasp seemed to amuse him.

  She was going to lose her virgin card.

  “You mustn’t do this!”

  “Mustn’t I?”

  Dangerous Bob had developed an acute interest in a door that went to war stories. Crush was watching them avidly, as if this was better than any TV channel he’d ever seen.

  She showed her teeth to both him and Zagan.

  “The kitty cat snarls?” Zagan kicked the door open and hustled her through backward. The door clicked shut and they were alone. “Let’s see if I can be your urban fantasy.”

  “Wait, wait.” The determination in his gaze was both daunting and exhilarating. Her heart was already doing a tango on fast forward.

  He’d let go of her wrists but she figured she’d not get far if she ran. Plus she’d likely trip, sprain an ankle, sprawl on her face...then he’d pounce on her, wrench down her tights, worm his hand between her legs and a finger up inside, she’d be sooo wet, and tight...she’d squeal, then come enough times to make a porn star jealous... She sighed and cleared her throat.

  From the back of her mind came heavy breathing.

  Well, that was a first. Her inner voice was speechless.

  She couldn’t help checking her demon out. The pasties had disappeared in a puff of flame and smoke. The fiery pattern on his bare chest had gone into intense burn and churn mode – enough that she wondered if he’d feel hot if she ran a finger around those nipples, or a tongue.

  Zagan had a distinctive aroma that struck her whenever she breathed in this close to him. She took another sniff. Yes. Brimstone and magic with a hint of down and dirty sex, like he’d accidentally put a condom in the toaster.

  She shook her head.

  “I never said whatever you have in mind.”

  “True. But I’m about to coerce a yes from those sweet, luscious lips.” This time after he held her against the wall, he bit the upper swell of her breast.

  “Zagan!” Her knees wobblified, a condition that really should be in the medical journals.

  “First, this comes off.” He grabbed the sides of her T-shirt and quickly stripped it off over her head.

  She covered her breasts.

  “Now we’re both a little naked.” He whistled and pulled her hands away. “Let me see. Nice tits. Nice lacy red bra. Love your color scheme. Red’s my favorite too.”

  “That is your chat up romance line?”

  “Do I need one?” He spun her so she faced the wall and molded himself to her, trapping her again.

  “Yes, you do,” she managed to squeak.

  There was no way she could get free. With each heartbeat, the heat from his body throbbed deeper into her. Something stiff pressed between her butt cheeks. She swore she could hear his cock. Throb, throb.

  Psychiatric help required STAT.

  “Karl needs us to do this, Virginia.”

  She sucked in a shuddery breath.

  Ohmigod. Something was slithering up her side. If this was a part of Zagan, it wasn’t his cock, not unless it was detachable and operated by remote control.

  “I want to be inside you so bad. My cock in you, my cum in you. My name on your pretty lips. I want to be so close to you no one will be able to tell where one of us ends and the other begins.”

  She thought that through. “As in smooshed together like amoebas do it?”

  “You could put it that way.”

  “Sort of Vulcan mind meld plus superglue?”

  “Kinky. I like where this is heading.”

  “If we need surgery afterward to get us apart, it’s a no.”

  With his fingers raked into her hair, he dragged her head around. “You do know you don’t have a choice?”

  The slithery thing nudged at her tights as if looking for the way in. She wiggled her butt and tried to deter it. “Zagan!”


  “Do I need bug spray? There’s something poking at me down there.” His chuckle made her bristle. “What?”

  “That’s my tail, dear girl. I’ve decided since I can’t come inside your cunt, I’ll fuck you with my tail.”

  Tail? She thought fast. He was a demon. Tail, tail, tail. All she could think of was cartoons. “Is it red with a barb at the end?”

  “Close. Not wanting to scare you, but it’s alive with fire, like my markings.” That baritone voice and what he meant to do to her, made her pussy moisten and her nipples bunch up like pencil rubbers aiming to erase graffiti from the wall.

  Her nose was getting squashed. She turned her head, breathing heavily through parted lips and finding she had a nice appreciation for the way he’d caught her between a hard demon and a hard wall.

  Zagan kissed her full on the mouth. His tongue slipped in at the same time his tail gave up on pulling down her tights and slid between her legs. She gasped. It prodded harder. Cloth ripped and without further ado, it rammed determinedly up inside her. Thick. Thicker than she’d thought it was. The ridges of the barb tormented her as the tail squirmed into her pussy, driving a tunnel through her slickness. Pleasure ripped through her.

  She thrust her ass back at him but her thighs shook so much that she sagged a little down the wall.

  “Oh yeah. I can feel that. So fucking good.” The rasp of his words said h
e was loving this too. “You know what? I can taste every molecule of you with my tail, and it tells me you’ve got zero residue from my cum. So I think it’s safe to do this too.”

  “Do whut?” Her brain had fuzzed out, what with his tail invading her most intimate place.

  Her tights ripped again and, shocking her awake, his fingers probed her other hole. One sank slowly in past the tightness, relaxing her slowly.

  She groaned.

  He’s going to fuck both your holes. Her inner voice giggled. Go, go, go.

  There was something infinitely pervy about an inner voice that wanted to watch.

  “I can’t stop myself, baby. Hang on for the ride. I can tell from the responses of your little hole that you’ve done this before.”

  Her eyes widened. She had? She’d done anal? And she’d forgotten? Whoever arranged her amnesia was in deep trouble. “I did?”

  “Yeah, you did. And you will.”

  Then his cock was probing at her too, dead center on that forbidden entrance, which apparently wasn’t as forbidden as she recalled.

  “More,” he croaked. His cock, as hot as could be without frying her, and his devilish tail, both forged inward.

  “Wait, wait.” Desperate, not thinking too well, she burbled out. “Isn’t lube needed for that? I mean, I heard it was.” She panted some more, whining, he wasn’t stopping, not yet. “And aren’t you too big for there?”

  He laughed. “That and there? I’m just right. You can take it. Lube is for humans.” As his teeth fastened on her nape, his hand smoothed its way down her belly, all the way to clit territory.

  What with the double fucking of her pussy and ass going on, and now her clit getting a gentle massage with the V of his fingers, and the tip of them, and now those fingers were circling, and pressing, and unngh.

  She lost track of thoughts and presented her ass outward so she could get more of him in her.

  “That’s it. Take me. Take all of me. I don’t need lube, Virginia, because I have natural lube.”

  “Convenient,” she gurgled. When she fluttered her eyes open he was watching her intently.

  “Being a sex demon has advantages. Who needs lube when you have lava?”


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