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That Unbreakable Love 2

Page 4

by Tynessa

  “Everything alright, old man? I mean, you wasted no time firing that shit up,” Ray’Shuncursed before he knew it. Oh well, it was too late to take it back now. His dad was stressing so he might not have even been paying no attention anyways. So he thought.

  “Watch yo’ damn mouth, boy,” Ronny cut his eyes at Ray’Shun and said. He then surprised himself as well as Ray’Shun when he extended his arm for Ray’Shun to take the blunt. “Who the fuck is some Kush?”

  When Ronny asked that, Ray’Shun looked at him with widened eyes. How the fuck did he know about Kush? He didn’t say anything the night before to Shaniyah, so Ray’Shun didn’t think he heard the altercation between them. Hell, that damn pregnancy test had thrown them all off.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I heard y’all last night. Oh, and don’t let me hear you call nan one of my kids out their names again. If I ever hear you call either one of the females inside my house bitches or hoes or any of that bs, I’m putting my foot in yo’ ass. You hear me?”


  Ray’Shun didn’t think he heard that. But he was so upset last night that he didn’t care if his dad heard him or not, to be honest.

  With a nod of his head, he said, “Yes sir. I gotcha.”

  “And that includes Trinity too. You know I look at her as a daughter.” Over the years, Ronny had really grown to love Trinity as his very own. She was just so sweet and innocent that how could he not care for her. At the same time, he could tell that she had a crazy side to her.

  Now, he wouldn’t go as far as making Ray’Shun settle down and being with her if that wasn’t what he wanted to do, but she was a sweet, respectable, well-mannered young lady that if he did settle down with her, there would be no complaints from Ronny.

  “So tell me what’s up with this nigga Kush?”Ronny asked once again.

  Running his hands down his face, Ray’Shun grew angry all over again. How was he going to tell his father that the same mothafucka that sold him weed was hitting his little sister, his daughter, behind his back.

  “Man, Kush is the nigga that I buy my green from most of the time. I fucks with his cousin, Rock, the long way.” Ronny cut his eyes at Ray’Shun and opened his mouth to check him for cursing like he was talking to one of his homeboys. “My fault. I mean, me and his cousin is cool,” Ray’Shunlaughed.

  He and Ronny was cool so it was kind of hard to not curse in front of him. Shit, they werepassing a blunt back and forth and now Ronny wanted to check him for cursing in front of him. He needed to check his damn priorities.

  “You know that nigga’s hangout spots?”Ronny asked.

  Yeah, he was about to go see about that lil nigga. Kush might’ve been too young for Ronny to physically put his hands on, but he had a son that was nice with his hands and always ready to put in work.

  Chapter 5

  Destiny didn’t say anything to anyone or make any detours as she walked through the front door. She headed straight up to her room. She was beyond embarrassed and couldn’t even look anyone in the face. She’d cried so much the night before and even at school, that her eyes were swollen and bloodshot red. Her teachers were threatening to call her parents to come pick her up, but she begged them not to.

  Going into her room, she stripped out of her school clothes and once she was dressed comfortably, she laid down and cried some more. Pulling out her phone, she texts Man and told him to call her whenever he got a chance.

  Destiny knew Man was in school but she needed to talk to him. Thank God, Ronny or Shaniqua didn’t take her phone away from her. She looked down at her ringing phone indicating that Man was calling her right away.

  Sniffing, she answered.

  “Hello?” Destiny said. She knew high school hadn’t let out just yet and wondered how he was even calling her when he was supposed to have been there. Right then wasn’t the time to question him, though. They had bigger problems than to worry about her insecurities.

  “What happened?” Right away, Man picked up on the sadness in her voice. She had yet to tell him that she was pregnant so he was still unaware. Yes, she could’ve texted and told him but she was still in shock herself.

  When she took the test yesterday she had to think fast. Shaniqua was downstairs waiting for Shaniyah to get home so she could beat her butt for skipping school, so Destiny took that as the only opportunity to take the test. Seeing the positive sign on it fucked her young mind up. Not wanting to throw the test in the bathroom she shared with Shaniyah and risking the chances of her sister seeing it and pointing it out to their parents, the only thing left was to throw it in their bathroom trashcan.

  Destiny thought she’d wrapped it up in the tissue tightly and secure, but obviously she was wrong. Hell, she didn’t even know how her father even found the test, but when he came down those steps with the damn thing in his hand, she almost dropped dead.

  “They know,” she cried out. Destiny was broken and felt like a failure to her parents.

  “They know what?” When she didn’t respond to him, it then dawned on him. Taking a deep breath, Man had to take a seat where he stood. “You’re pregnant?” he asked softly.

  Nodding her head up and down as if he could actually see her, she said quietly, “Yes.”

  Man didn’t know what to say or think. He wanted to curse but he didn’t want her to feel bad or think he was a sucka ass dude that wasn’t willing to take on his responsibility. But he was young, only fifteen, so what in the world was he going to do with a baby.

  “Are you sure? I mean, damn,” was all Man could say. He didn’t even know how he was going to tell his mother that he’d gone out and got someone pregnant; and after only one time of them having sex. The way Kush and Shaniyah was fucking like animals, Man was pretty sure his brother would’ve been a father way before him.

  “Yea. What am I gon’ do Man? My daddy won’t even talk to me. He’s so mad,” Destiny continued to cry.

  Hearing her crying out the way she was caused Man’s heart to break. He felt it was his fault that it happened because he waited too late to pull out. He knew he should’ve went and asked his brother for a rubber like he wanted, but Destiny didn’t want Shaniyah to know what was about to go down, so she insisted he didn’t. To be honest, Man didn’t even think his sperm was strong enough to impregnate someone.

  Opening his mouth, he closed it right back. He didn’t know what to say to her. How could he tell her that everything was going to be okay when he knew it wasn’t. They were still teenagers; nowhere near ready for parenthood.

  “You should’ve saw his face, Man. He was ready to kill me. I don’t even understand how this even happened. You didn’t even you know what inside of me.” Destiny didn’t feel comfortable saying nut. The word sounded so nasty to her.

  “You don’t? Me either.” Man knew he waited until the last minute to pullout and at the time, he didn’t even know a drop had gotten in her, truth be told. Shit, he was new to everything so his pullout game wasn’t strong just yet.

  Destiny sighed deeply and fell back on the bed. “Oh my God,” she said just as the bathroom door opened. It was Shaniyah entering from her bedroom. Flopping down on the bed, Shaniyah looked over at Destiny and smiled.

  “Talking to your baby daddy?” she teased. She was just happy that the heat was off of her hot in the ass tail. She hated that her little sister was in that kind of trouble, but hey, better Destiny than her is the way she saw it.

  Rolling her eyes upwards with a smack of her lips, Destiny said, “I’ll call you back,” then ended the call before Man could respond. She then looked over at Shaniyah as she still sat there with that crazy grin on her face.

  “So why you didn’t tell me you and Man was getting it on? You sneaky little thing, you,” Shaniyah giggled.

  All the things Destiny had to say when Shaniyah was informing her of what was going on with her and Kush, and now she was the one that ended up pregnant.

  “Ugh, shut up Niyah!” Destiny didn’t even want to talk about it. It
was bad enough that Shaniyah found out. Shaniyah was the type that would hang shit over your head. Like, a couple of years from now, she would more than likely throw it back up in her face.

  “I’m just saying. You had so much to say about the things I was doing and you were doing the same thing.” Once seeing the tears roll down Destiny’s face, Shaniyah felt bad. She wasn’t trying to make her upset and was only joking. Didn’t she know right then wasn’t the time for jokes to be told? “Ugh, why are you crying? I’m only joking with you, dang,” she said as she rolled her eyes upwards.

  “Knock, knock.” The bedroom door came open and in walked Shaniqua. Walking into the room, she looked at her two daughters and shook her head. Her babies weren’t babies anymore. “Niyah, go downstairs with Ni-Ni and RJ so I can talk to Destiny.”

  Hopping off the bed, Shaniyah wasted no time doing as her mother said. Hell, she needed to get on her good side so she could get off punishment and get her phone back.

  “How are you feeling?” Shaniqua asked with a sigh as she took a seat at the foot of the bed.

  Ronny might not have wanted to have the talk she felt they should have as a family, but she was taking the initiative and doing it without him. She couldn’t go against his word on an abortion, but she was going to inform Destiny so she would already know.

  With a shrug, Destiny said, “I don’t know.”

  “You know your dad is mad at you, right? Hell, I’m even disappointed. Like really, y’all out having sex?” This was a conversation Shaniqua thought she would never have with her teenage girls. She didn’t even know where to begin with the conversation. “Who is the guy you’re pregnant by Destiny?”

  Destiny shook her head as she sobbed. Shaniqua was crazy and Ronny was crazier so giving them Man’s name was a no-no. She didn’t want him killed and that was just what her parents were going to do. Then on top of that, Ray’Shun was just as crazy as them.

  “What the hell you mean no? Look, lil girl,” Shaniqua started before clearing her throat and sitting up straight. She was about to do exactly what she said she wasn’t going in that room to do.

  Yes, there was no doubt that Destiny needed her ass beat, but she didn’t go in there for all that. Since she thought she was grown, Shaniqua was about to have a grown-up conversation with her.

  “Do you even know the consequences of having a baby? All the late night crying the baby’s going to do, changing diapers, feeding it, spending quality time with it and stressing over how you’re going to even get money to provide for it.” Shaniqua counted on her fingers all the things

  Destiny should’ve thought about before opening her legs. “All the while keeping those grades up in school. Were you not even thinking about all that when you were out fucking this lil boy?”

  “But Mama Shan, it was only one time.” Even though Destiny was expecting, she didn’t want her parents to think she was just out spreading her legs without a care in the world. She left that up to Shaniyah.

  Destiny thought it was comical that she ended up pregnant after only one time of having sex and here Shaniyah was busting it open for Kush every chance she got. Something about that wasn’t right.

  “Only one time,” Shaniqua mocked her. “You didn’t know that that’s all it takes is one time?” When Destiny shook her head, no, it took everything in Shaniqua to not beat her ass. How could she have not known? “Destiny, you mean to tell me that you didn’t know you could get pregnant from the first time of having sex. Did you use protection?”

  Destiny was embarrassed and afraid to tell Shaniqua that she didn’t know. Though she’d told her once, she felt it was no use in repeating the same thing. It was already written on Shaniqua’s face and even being heard in her voice that’s he didn’t believe her, but it was God’s honest truth; Destiny really didn’t know.

  “Do you hear me talking to you, lil girl?”

  Wiping her tears away, Destiny nodded her head. “Yes ma’am,” she said, letting Shaniqua know she heard her.

  “You and this boy didn’t think to use a condom? You shouldn’t have even been thinking about sex but could’ve at least protected yourself.” Shaniqua didn’t know how many times she had to stress that Destiny was too young for sex. “You didn’t know if this little boy had a disease or what. Did he force you to have sex with him?”

  Shaniqua wanted to get to the bottom of it but she wasn’t even giving the child time to answer the first question.

  “No ma’am. He didn’t force me,” Destiny sighed, discreetly. She would be lying if she said her stepmother wasn’t working her nerves, but she knew she was only doing her motherly job. “No, we didn’t use protection because I honestly didn’t know this would happen, Mama Shan.” Destiny begin to cry some more. “I wasn’t thinking about any of this.”

  “So all you were thinking about was spreading your young ass legs to this boy? Who is he?”

  Might as well tell her. Destiny thought.

  “A boy I used to go to school with.”

  Shaniqua looked at her with a frown. “You used to go to school with? Where is he now?” When Destiny told her that Man had gone on to high school, Shaniqua shook her head. Ronny was going to kill that poor little boy. “So have you even told him that you’re pregnant?”

  Looking down as she picked with her nails, Destiny informed Shaniqua that she’d talked to Man just a few minutes ago and told him about the baby.

  “So what he say? Is he ready to step up and be a man? Having a baby is a huge step.”

  Destiny shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “We didn’t have a chance to talk about all that.” When Destiny said that, Shaniqua’s hands shot up to her temples. She wanted to tell Destiny she didn’t really have a choice in the matter, but at the same time, she wanted to see where her head was; how she really felt about the pregnancy.

  “How do you feel? You’re only thirteen, Destiny. Are you ready to raise a baby?”

  Destiny hesitated before answering Shaniqua’s question. She didn’t know what she wanted. She was too young to be making such a powerful decision that would change her life forever. If only she could turn back the hands of time, she would’ve never had sex with Man in the first place.

  “Like, how do you feel about abortions?” Asking that question caused Shaniqua’s heart to ache. She never guessed in a billion years that she would be talking to one of her teens about having an abortion.

  “I mean; I don’t think I really have a say in it. My daddy already said I wasn’t going to keep it. Plus, I don’t want him mad at me,” Destiny explained with a shaky voice.

  “Baby, your daddy is going to be mad at you regardless, just knowing that you been having sex. But, he did say that you had to have an abortion. I’m sorry but tomorrow I have to take you to get it,” Shaniqua informed her as tears begin to form in the pit of her eyes.

  She hated abortions. She’d had one and that wasn’t something that you would just up and forget about like it never occurred.

  “Okay,” Destiny said in agreement.

  Sighing, Shaniqua stood from the bed. She looked over at Destiny and gave a fragile smile as she wondered where did she go wrong with her kids. After informing Destiny that she wouldn’t be attending school the following day, Shaniqua headed to her bedroom. All she needed was a hot bath, a fat blunt and a glass of wine.

  Chapter 6

  Star felt she’d been walking on eggshells in her own home. Cornell still was walking around with his ass on his shoulders and just flat out giving it to Star to kiss. One thing about it though, he might’ve been upset with her but never slept no other place than inside his bedroom.

  CJ was at the age where you couldn’t get shit past him and if he saw his dad sleeping on the couch, he would surely question him. Cornell didn’t want his son to even think that he and his mother were splitting up. Hell, he didn’t even want Star to think he wanted a divorce; he was just waiting for her to own up to her responsibility and admit that them going to jail was partially her fault. S
hit, it certainly wasn’t his.

  Yeah, Cornell could’ve walked away and minded his own business but he would’ve felt less than a man to sit there and watch Theodore’s pussy ass put his hands on Tykise.

  Okay, he’d done it with Shaniqua but in his eyes, her ass used to like for Ronny to put his hands on her. She’ll provoke his brother until Ronny snapped then afterwards, they would have sex, and that was the exact reason he never stepped up to break up any of their fights because it would’ve been a waste of time; just like the other night. Never will he do that shit again.

  “Um, we need to talk Nell,” Star busted into the door of the bathroom and said.

  Cornell had just stepped out the shower from a long day of work. When he got there, Star wasn’t even home so where she’d come from, your guess is as good as his.

  Wrapping the towel around his wet body, he said, “Talk!”

  Star shook her head and gathered the words that she wanted to say to him. Seeing his well-toned body almost made her lose all thoughts and hell, even her voice. She hasn’t had sex with her husband since the altercation at the restaurant, and that was too fucking long in her book.

  “Okay, I get it Cornell.” Throwing both hands in the air, she shook her head. “I get it. I fucked up and I’m sorry. When I suggested that we all go out I didn’t think it was a big deal. I wasn’t thinking straight, Nell.”

  Yeah, Cornell heard in her voice that she was sorry but when she said she wasn’t thinking straight, he looked at her confusedly. “What the fuck you mean you weren’t thinking straight? Was you even thinking?” With a chuckle, he shook his head. “You couldn’t have been thinking, Star.”

  Just thinking about Star wanting to go out to dinner with their exes upset him all over again. He wanted her to admit that she’d fucked up but now that she was doing just that, it was upsetting him. When he tried to walk around her, Star moved to the left and blocked his path.


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