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Finn: Conner Brothers Construction, Book 1 (CBC)

Page 6

by Cee Bowerman

  I saw his face change to sadness, and then it went blank. He shrugged his shoulders as he shut the door, and I watched him shake off whatever had bothered him as he walked around the front of the truck to go to his side.

  Once again, as he started to talk about the things we needed to get done this afternoon before we ran by my house, I got the feeling that Finn was hiding something important from me.

  I’d had that feeling quite a few times since I met Finn, and I knew that when I talked about his family it caused him a deep sadness. I wanted him to talk to me, but I knew it would take some time. However, I was about to trust him with my body, I would like to think he was willing to share more of his emotions with me. Maybe even the secret he was keeping.

  I shook off those negative thoughts and decided to just focus on the good things about being with Finn.

  “What are you thinking about so seriously, babe?” Finn asked me as he reached over to grab my hand. “Talk to me.”

  “Are you hiding something from me?”

  Finn’s hand squeezed mine, and when we pulled up to the stop sign at the end of the road, he turned to look at me.

  “I’m not hiding anything really. It’s just that you’re like a ray of sunshine to me. I don’t want the dark shit that’s been swirling around in my head to dim that.” He took in a deep breath and blew it out as he turned back to the road. “I’ll tell you what’s going on, Lena. It’s not a secret. Let’s talk tonight, okay?”

  “Okay.” I pulled our joined hands up and kissed the back of his. “Whenever you’re ready you come to me, okay? I’ll try not to bug you.”

  “You trust me.” Finn seemed a little shocked.

  “Yeah. I do. You haven’t given me any reason not to so far. I just feel like you’re holding a big part of yourself back.” I shrugged. “I’m sure it’s no big deal, and when you tell me whatever it is, I’ll realize I was worrying for nothing.”

  “You are sunshine to me, Lena.” Finn squeezed my hand. “My sunshine.”


  “I guess you can pick my fat ass up.”

  Lena to Finn


  I watched Lena’s ass as I pushed the grocery cart behind her through the grocery store. Today she was wearing a pair of black leggings that were covered in white skulls. On her feet were a pair of black converse tennis shoes looked like they had made it through high school and the ten year reunion afterwards. The shirt she had on was gray and black, and it had a large white skull on the front of it. There were holes cut out above her shoulders, letting some of her skin peek out, and the sleeves hung down over her hands when she put her arms down. The shirt was big, and most of the time it covered her ass, but when she bent over to grab something from a low shelf the shirt pulled tight and I could see her round ass and full hips.

  I had been walking around the grocery store with a fucking boner for the last twenty minutes.

  “Are you allergic to anything?” Lena asked over her shoulder.

  “Waking up early on weekends.”

  “Yeah. I’ve got that allergy too. Does that mean we can sleep in tomorrow?” Lena had turned around, so she didn’t see what her words had done to me.

  I reached down and adjusted my rock-hard cock, trying to relieve some of the pressure of it as it pushed out against my jeans. The thought of waking up next to Lena’s warm body and then having sleepy, slow morning sex almost made me come right there in the grocery aisle.

  “Are we almost done here?” I asked her.

  “I think so. I’ve got everything on my list for dinner and breakfast. Can you think of anything else we might need?”

  “Shampoo and shit.”

  “The shampoo is that way,” Lena raised her arm and pointed to the other side of the store, “The shit though, I’m not sure. We may have to ask someone.”

  I stared at her, expressionless. She tried to keep a straight face but then she lost it, and a smile erupted and she started to laugh at her own sarcasm.

  “You know I’m funny.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “You roll your eyes at me and I’m liable to punish you, Finn Conner.”

  “You’re going to punish me?” I asked her incredulously.

  “Yep. I can be wicked.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m counting on that.” She shimmied her hips a little as she walked in front of me and then turned around to gauge my reaction. I watched the show and then asked her, “How wicked can you be?”

  Lena stopped walking and let me catch up to her. She smiled at me and then leaned up to whisper in my ear, “I’m wicked enough to put that stiffie you’re sporting all the way to the back of my throat until you’re so close to coming you can’t breathe. Then, I’ll pull my mouth away and go watch I Love Lucy reruns for an hour before I finish you off and swallow up every drop you give me.”

  Before she leaned back, Lena bit down on my earlobe and tugged it for a second. She stepped back and smiled brightly at me, as if she hadn’t just rocked my fucking world.

  “Wicked enough for you, tough guy?”

  I stood there, staring at her with my mouth open. She had just rocked my world so hard that I was fighting the urge to leave the fucking basket where it sat and throw her over my shoulder so I could take her home and fuck her.

  “Speechless now? Wait until I do it.”

  Lena laughed loudly and started over to the health and beauty section for shampoo. I took a few deep breaths and then shook my head before I started following behind her. When I finally caught up to her, she was still smiling, waiting for me in front of the shampoo and conditioner section of the store.

  “What kind do you use?” She asked me.

  “I use Irish Spring, but this is for you. Pick out your favorites, get you some razors, brushes, lotion and all that girly shit, whatever you need to get ready in the mornings. You can leave it at my house, then that way you don’t have to pack all your stuff whenever you spend the night.”

  Now it was Lena’s turn to stand there in shock.

  “If you’d rather haul your shit around every time, that’s fine too, but I thought this made more sense.”

  “You’re confident that I’ll be coming around pretty often, huh?” Finally, her smile and sarcasm were back in full force, and I chuckled to myself as I pulled her close to me.

  “Oh, you’ll be coming, baby. Repeatedly. I’ll have you coming until you beg me to stop, beg me to take my mouth off that pussy of yours and fuck you so hard you see stars. And then when you’re sweaty and sated with my come dripping out of you, you’re going to want a shower. So, you better pick out whatever you’ll need to take care of that.” I murmured in her ear before I slapped her on the ass and then stepped away from her.

  “Holy shit.” Lena whispered as she stood there staring at me. I watched her move from foot to foot, trying to relieve the ache that I knew she was feeling between her legs. I smiled wickedly and made sure that this time she saw me reach down to adjust myself.

  Her eyes stayed glued to my crotch for at least a minute, and I finally started to laugh. I’d never stunned someone to silence before, and it was a heady feeling.

  “Chop chop, baby doll.” She looked up at my face, still stunned. “Grab your stuff and let’s get this weekend started.”



  “We must be moving on to a whole other level if you’re going to let me go into your house now.” I smiled up at Finn as he and I walked up the front steps to his house. “I didn’t even get to go inside when I picked you up for our first date.”

  “It still rankles me that you picked me up that first time.”

  “I would have gone to a drive-through and then eaten in the truck if you had let me.”

  “You really love that truck, don’t you?”

  “I’ve never had a brand-new vehicle before. Honestly, I’ve only had two vehicles in my life, but still, neither of them was fresh off the lot when I got them.”

  “So, do I carry you in
now, or do you walk? What’s the protocol here?” We had stopped at the front door of Finn’s house, and I watched him pull his keys out of his pocket and select the right one for the lock.

  “I don’t think it would be good for your back to try and carry me. And, I think you only do the carrying thing if you’ve just married.” I wrinkled my nose at him. “I’ll walk.”

  He pushed the door open, and as usual, waited for me to walk in ahead of him. I went through the doorway and was instantly enthralled with Finn’s beautiful house.

  “Oh, I love it!” I whispered as Finn closed the door behind me. “If I had decorated the house myself, it would look just like this.”

  The floors looked like old, weathered wood, shades of gray shot through with white here and there. From where I was standing at the front door, to my left was the dining area, and when I looked through the French doors to my right, I could tell that was a room that Finn used as a home office.

  I walked a little farther in and saw that the living room furniture was all red, the fluffy couch had gray cushions on it and the dark gray chair had a red afghan draped over the back of it. The coffee table and end tables were dark gray wood, and right in the center of the coffee table there was a large red pot with a cactus growing in it.

  I saw a hallway to my right and guessed that was where the bathroom and extra bedrooms must be. To the left was a large open kitchen with a long island separating it from the living room. The stools at the island were the same dark gray as the living room tables, and on them were black, gray, and red checkered cushions. A large red and yellow glass bowl sat on the island, and Finn dropped his keys in it as he walked past.

  I followed him into the kitchen, my head swiveling back and forth to take in as much as I could of his house. I was impressed. It was decorated nicely, but still manly enough to suit him. The bright splashes of color here and there made the house look very inviting. The couch looked like a big cloud, and I imagined it would be the perfect place to sit and read a book.

  “What do you think of my house?” Finn asked me as he set the bags on the counter.

  I started taking things out and sorting them. I put the pile of things I’d need to use for dinner on one side and the extra stuff we bought on the other.

  “Your house is beautiful. I love the colors. If I had a house of my own, this is what I would want it to look like.” I looked up and scanned around the living room and before I realized it, I let my innermost thoughts escape. “I imagine living in a house like this and listening to my kids yelling as they chase each other around. Then, they’ll laugh together while they play.”

  I saw Finn stop moving, and I looked up at his face. He was staring at me, a faraway look in his eyes. I stood there quietly for a minute, and gasped as he reached out and pulled me over to him. Before I could even blink, he had me up in his arms and was sitting me down on the counter in front of him.

  “I guess you can pick my fat ass up.” I giggled, trying to break his serious gaze. “Big strong man and all.”

  “I like you, Lena. A whole fucking lot.”

  “I like you too, Finn. A whole fucking bunch.” What I didn’t say, because I was trying my best to deny it at this early stage in our relationship, was that I loved him. Because, I did. I really loved him. At least everything I knew about him so far.

  I hadn’t been in many relationships in my life. My most serious one was Julian, of course, but I had a few boyfriends before him too. But I had never felt about any of them the way I already felt about Finn. I knew it was too early, and had argued with myself over it, but it couldn’t be denied. I loved this man.

  “You’re like the bright light that I’ve hoped was out there. Something for me to aim for in all the dark shit around me right now.”

  “What dark shit, sweetheart?”

  “My parents, my sisters, Greer and Bellamy and Bellamy’s husband Dylan were all in an accident a few months ago. It killed them all. My brothers and I could barely make it through the day at first. We had to work, so that took our mind off things during the day, but at night each of us would sit alone in our houses and think of what was missing. After a while, we started gravitating toward each other when our thoughts got dark. But lately, all of us have felt better. Lighter, I guess you would say. I think it’s you. For me at least, I know it’s you that made it better.”

  “Oh, Finn. I’m so sorry you lost them. Your hearts must have been shattered.”

  “They were on their way to a sonogram for Bellamy, she was pregnant with twins and they were going to try and find out what she was having.” Finn took a deep breath, and I heard it catch but he held in a sob. “She wanted to know so she could decorate the nursery. My parents were excited about their first grandkids, and they were so happy to be with her.”

  “Finn.” Since I was sitting up on the cabinet, his face was even with mine, and I pulled him down to my breast and ran my hands through his hair to comfort him. “I just have no words, baby.”

  Finn stood there with his hands on my hips, letting me comfort him with soothing words as I ran my hands over his head and shoulders. I didn’t know if he was crying, but I sure as hell was. The tears were dripping down my face and into his hair, and I was working hard to make them stop so I could be strong for him.

  Finn pulled back and stared into my eyes.

  “Is it too soon to know I love you?” Finn murmured before he tilted his mouth to mine. He kissed me softly but thoroughly and then pulled back. “Because I do, Lena. As fucking crazy as it is, I love you.”

  I smiled at him, my mind whirling. I guess he and I were both fucking crazy then, because I was head over heels in love with him too.

  “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest, Lena. Telling you about my family, telling you how I feel. I want to make love to you tonight, right now. We can eat later.”

  “Please.” I whispered. I put my hands up to cup his cheeks and I leaned in slowly to kiss him. My tongue tangled with his, and I put every thought and emotion I had about him into it, trying to tell him without words just how I was feeling.

  Finn pulled me to the edge of the counter and ran his hands from my hips down my thighs to wrap my legs around his waist before he reached out and lifted me up in his arms. I hooked my feet together behind his back and wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to his bedroom.

  I moved my head to the side and started kissing his neck as he carried me. I licked around the shell of his ear and then down his neck as far as I could go. I nipped at his neck with my lips, and even bit him gently with my teeth once, causing him to growl at me.

  I felt one of his hands leave my ass, and then heard a door open. The room was still filled with the evening sun, so he didn’t bother with the lights as he walked us through the door toward his bed. He slowly bent forward and laid me down on the bed in front of him, but I didn’t unlock my feet from behind him yet. I wanted to hold him close to me.

  His mouth met mine in a soft kiss, as I felt him move his hands up my sides, dragging my shirt up with him as they went.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Lena.” Finn whispered when he pulled his lips from mine. “So fucking beautiful.”

  He started to scoot down my body, and I unhooked my feet and let them fall to the sides of his legs. Finn trailed kisses down my neck and over my bunched-up shirt, and then finally he took my nipple into his mouth through the lace of my bra. Finn nipped at me, pulling at my nipple with his lips, causing me to moan loudly. His other hand was cupping my breast, the thumb moving back and forth over that hard nipple in sync with what his lips were doing on the other side.

  “Clothes off, baby.” Finn whispered, reaching under my body to unhook my bra. I curled up and pulled the shirt over my head and threw it to the side. Within just a second he had my bra unhooked and was pulling it down my arms, leaving my breasts open to his gaze. “So fucking beautiful.”

  He bent down and took my nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking back and forth ove
r the end, causing sparks to shoot down into my core. I reached down and pulled on his shirt, and he let my nipple go with a pop when he pulled away to throw his t-shirt to the side. His lips found mine, and now we were skin to skin, my nipples crushed against the sparse hair on his chest.

  Finn ground his hips, pushing into my clit through our jeans. I gasped and pulled my legs up for him to do it again, and he chuckled.

  “I can’t wait to be inside you, Lena. You want that?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” I whispered, reaching down to unbutton my jeans.

  Finn laughed and pushed himself up, standing between my legs. He stepped back and pulled my shoes off, chuckling when he saw my socks. “Oscar the Grouch?”

  “Sesame Street is the shit.” I smiled at him as I wiggled my jeans down my hips. Finn pulled my socks off and watched me push my leggings down, staring at me as if I was opening a present for him. I decided to make it sexy, so I slowed, pushing my pants and underwear down gradually, slowly uncovering my bare pussy to his gaze.

  Finn moved his hands down to his belt and unhooked it slowly as he kicked his boots off his feet, his eyes never leaving my body. I watched Finn push his pants and underwear down, and my eyes got wide as his hard cock sprang free. Without a thought, I licked my lips, wondering what he would taste like on my tongue. I started to sit up so I could move closer to him, but my gaze snapped to Finns as he ripped my pants down my legs, leaving me naked and wanting on the bed in front of him.

  He dropped down to his knees and slowly ran his hands up the inside of my legs, his palms starting inside my knees and pushing my legs further apart as he slowly made his way up to my pussy, his eyes watching my core the entire time.

  “Remember what I said in the grocery store?” Finn growled right before he leaned in and flicked my clit with his tongue. I sat up at the shock, but Finn used one hand to push me back and then held me down with his hand splayed across my lower belly, my knee resting over his shoulder. “God damn, you taste like heaven.”

  Fin didn’t waste any more time before he made good on his words, and I was moaning in seconds, ready to combust just from the way he was moving his tongue over me. He used his free hand to run a finger over the lips of my sex as his mouth worked at my clit. He was right there at the entrance to my core, back and forth, over and over again as he licked me, but he never put his fingers inside.


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