Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3

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Born of Darkness: Cirenthian Chronicles (Erotic Fantasy) Book 3 Page 3

by D. R. Rosier

  I tried to subtly keep an eye on the three ladies, either I was successful or they were putting up with my ultra vigilance without comment. Either way, the time of the gathering was growing close. Whatever Levi and Alton planned to do or say would be done then.

  I’d also made the time each day to send Serina updates as well as messages that I missed her. The very least I could do was assure her she was never very far from my thoughts during our separation.

  The only time I managed to let my guard down at all was when the four of us were in Ari’s dwelling together at night with various wards around us. It occurred to me I was probably underestimating Levi’s control over himself. As for Alton, either it was Ari’s old threat or his father controlling him that kept him away.

  I didn’t want to underestimate him either, but he came across as much more reckless to me.

  The whole problem I was having was it was in essence a family dispute that the actual Arinith clan was being drawn into due to our family’s positions in the clan. I also felt angry every time I saw Alethea without a smile on her face. Of course, trying to pound some sense into her father and brother would only make it worse. I felt… completely helpless to fix it.

  It wasn’t often in my life I’d felt that way. I think it was only the stress relieving activities my mates and I got up to at night that kept me from losing it.

  It was just after noon and we were enjoying a large lunch after our morning workout when Alethea spoke.

  “Who is going to speak for the treaty tonight?”

  I frowned, “I would, but I worry Levi will turn it into a human’s lack of understanding against his ageless wisdom. He’s been the clan chief a long time, people are… used to listening to him because he probably hasn’t let his emotions lead his opinions before now.”

  Alethea nodded, “I too considered speaking. At first I thought it would make a statement that most of his family doesn’t believe he is right in this instance. But he could make a case I’m just a wayward child corrupted by the evil human in our midst. Still, that would be taking a chance for him, the magic did accept you.”

  Efrain grunted, “Fine, I’ll do it. Stop dropping hints. I’m as respected as he is and after talking with you all over the last two days I understand the stakes.”

  Ari grinned, “Thanks dad.”

  A few hours later we made our way to the large clearing in the woods. The site just a few months ago I had both joined the clan and been betrayed by my cousin Alton. So it was with mixed feelings when we stepped out of the woods. The clan was slowly trickling in, although I estimated more than half were there already.

  From what I was told, Efrain would speak first. It was the responsibility of the one calling the gathering to make his case and lay out what he or she believed should happen and why. After that, the clan chief could make his point, and then others would have the opportunity to add to it. This meant it would be very hard for us to counter anything Levi did.

  Though if the man went too far the rest of the family could rebut what he said, just not Efrain. From what I understood those rules were in place to prevent arguing back and forth between just two people.

  The seven of us joined Levi and Aysha at the platform. I couldn’t blame Aysha at all for being with her husband, no matter how foolish he was being. I had my senses out, all of them. Air, water, and the magic granted by the enchantment.

  I didn’t really believe we’d be attacked, but I thought it strange Alton wasn’t here. Sienna took my hand and squeezed it. Sienna was a marvel and could read me like a book. Her presence and support was just always there and I loved her for it. I felt myself relax a bit, but still stayed aware. I knew I was too tense and things like that could lead to a mistake.

  It didn’t take long, it only seemed that way. Then Levi stood on the platform, drawing everyone’s attention and silence.

  “This gathering was called by Alethea, she will now be given the time to talk to us of why a treaty should be necessary.”

  For just a moment we all froze. We hadn’t considered he would corner us in this way but it was obvious in hindsight. Alethea seemed to understand as quickly as I did that if Efrain took over now it would weaken our position. After all, it had been her that called it.

  Alethea hopped up on the platform gracefully and said with a smile in her voice only, “Thank you father.”

  She took a second to compose her thoughts then said, “My father is a wise leader. I hope that one day I may earn the respect he is due for all he has done for Arinith. I have spent the last two months in Ciren, working closely with mage Serina, the human woman who has recently taken the throne from another human who not only betrayed us, but betrayed his own people into the hands of our enemy.

  “This new queen is the reason we are not at war currently with the people of Cirenthia. She welcomes me and my cousin Ari, not only as visitors but as family. If we trust her, we can build a strong bond between us, stronger than the first treaty. Together, we will be able to stand against the power of the Rhimera Empire.

  “Separately, and without our help, Cirenthia who has been our good, if sometimes rowdy neighbor will be destroyed. I tell you all truly, if that happens we will not be far behind them. The Rhimera Empire fears and hates our kind. I know it would cost them dearly, but in the end their endless troops and mages would overcome us.

  “Together we will have a chance to fight back. Only we have the ability to cut through their magics, only the humans of Cirenthia have the numbers to hold them back. I call for a treaty of mutual support and cooperation. Thank you for your time and attention.”

  She stepped off the stage and looked a little unsteady. I wanted to hug and hold her, support her, but I knew that was anathema in this society. To show such weakness, well Alethea would never forgive me for it. So I merely stood my ground.

  I thought maybe this would work out for us after all, now Efrain would be free to speak against whatever Levi came up with up.

  Levi got back up on the platform and nodded down at his daughter before speaking.

  “My daughter speaks well. The Rhimera Empire is indeed a danger. An empire made up of more humans. I do not doubt my daughter’s abilities in any way. I’m sure if she says this queen Serina is the best of humans, much like our own clan mate Marcus, then we can trust her not to betray us.

  “But nothing is that simple is it? Suppose there is another coup? Or even if she lives out her life and dies peacefully in her sleep, what about the next monarch? I worry we will be merely setting ourselves up for betrayal in the future while trying to save our present.

  “I have an alternate proposal which will be added to the vote. I have not, nor have I had, any issue with signing a treaty of peace. It is the mutual support that gives me pause and fills me with concern. Should I give the human monarch the ability to summon us and fight? Should I force our warriors to leave our forest haven?”

  I frowned, not only was he good, I could almost see his point. He paused for a moment before he kept going.

  “I propose we sign a treaty for peace, I would even be willing to include succor and aid in this treaty. I will sign it and send it to their new queen to sign. This will ensure peace, for at least the lifetime of the new queen.”

  He paused another moment then said, “But that doesn’t solve all of it does it? After all, we still have the Rhimera Empire who wants to destroy both us and our neighbor one at a time. Yet, for the reasons previously stated I cannot in good conscience turn our warriors over to the humans. This obviously wouldn’t be part of the vote as it doesn’t relate to the treaty, but what I would suggest to handle this issue is ask for volunteers.

  “I wouldn’t command any of you to fight for or with the humans, nor would I approve any piece of paper that put you under the command of humans. But that doesn’t mean we have to ignore the danger. Certainly we could expect some of you to step forward and take action on behalf of the clan without orders. I suspect Marcus, my daughter Alethea, and of course my ni
ece Ari would be some of the very first to volunteer. After all, if I heard correctly, through Marcus’s marriage to the queen they are in fact family.”

  He paused again while that sunk in and added with a sense of irony, “I believe once Marcus mates with my daughter, Cirenthia’s queen will be my daughter in law… Regardless, I urge you to vote for my version of a treaty, only a promise not to attack or hinder each other, and provide aid and succor. No military provisions at all. Surely we do not need to be ordered to do what is right for clan, and once the danger passes we will have no arguments on if we are still needed, or misunderstandings. When the empire is pushed back, any volunteers can simply leave.”

  He stepped off the platform to silence. I knew he hated me. I knew the idea of his daughter mating with me must piss him off something fierce. I knew all that, yet there had been no indication of it in his speech. I hated to admit it, but it was even reasonable. The only good thing about it was he had to compromise on allowing a different treaty so he could seem reasonable, I was almost sure any type of agreement would chap his ass.

  Another thing he had done was virtually demand I volunteer for service, if Ari, Alethea, and I didn’t, it wouldn’t look good. Of course it was an empty victory on his part, we would have helped, treaty or no treaty.

  Efrain shrugged his shoulders at us almost imperceptibly. I knew then he wouldn’t speak. In a way though with my uncle’s speech, we had both won. We wouldn’t get the treaty we wanted but we were sure to get some volunteers, which was the whole point of the treaty in the first place.

  A few other elves made a few comments which were political in nature. They for the most part thanked Alethea for her bringing the news of a much settled neighbor and that they had to work together with the humans, and then praised Levi’s wisdom for showing them the best way to accomplish it.

  I kind of knew why Alton wasn’t there now; Levi had gone for the compromise, which Alton would have hated.

  The vote took place, and Levi’s alternate suggestion won. It wasn’t a bad thing though, before we left the clearing our family had collected twenty six volunteers. I assured them all if and when the time came, we would fast travel here first to pick them up and then make it all the way to Valley pass. Once they were there, they’d be able to fast travel back and forth on their own at any time.

  We also told them if any more wanted to volunteer to go through Efrain or Aja.

  The gathering broke up then, all of us headed for a late evening meal. I took the time to compose what happened to Serina and send a message. I hoped she would be happy enough with the compromise.

  I barked out a surprise laugh when I got her response. She was more than happy with it, more interested in the results and that they’d fight together than with a signed parchment, but she added there was no way she would ever call Levi uncle…

  Alethea caught me alone after dinner. Her face looked dead serious, but I could see the laughter in her eyes again which cheered me.

  She kissed me softly and caressed my face, “We’ve waited long enough. Can we do it tomorrow? I’m sure it won’t take long before my uncle has his version of the treaty done and signed; I want some time alone with you after… before we go back to Serina. Ari has agreed to let us have her dwelling tomorrow…”

  I smiled, was she expecting me to say no?

  “That’s the best news I’ve had in a while, I’d love to mate with you tomorrow morning.”

  She smiled that smile I loved so much, and pulled me into another kiss. By the time Sienna and Ari joined us, we had gotten a pretty good head start on our nightly activities…

  It was still a bit surprising to me that these four women all wanted to share me, to mate and marry me. There was another part of me that hoped they didn’t find anyone else for me, it was already difficult for me to keep up with four of them. Oh, sex wise it wasn’t thanks to my immortality and endless stamina, that wasn’t an issue. It was the rest of it, our relationships were much more than just the sex, I’d do anything for any of them, up to and including giving my life for theirs, but it was real work to put the time in.

  It wasn’t the work I was objecting to, they were all beyond worth it, it was merely that there were only so many hours in the day. It was only the fact that we spent so much time together, almost constantly, that it even worked for the four.

  I decided I’d talk to Sienna about it; I believed it was time for my gatekeepers to my life and my bed to close and lock the gate and lose the key. I wondered for a brief moment if she’d try to talk me out of it.

  Chapter 6

  We woke up before dawn for the sword dance and work out as usual. After cleaning up, our normal routine took a major detour as we headed toward the temple as a family. Aysha was there as well, and had made it clear that as far as she was concerned, I was welcomed to the family.

  Levi gave me another surprise when he met us close to the temple. He didn’t speak but he gave me a look that was quite easy to read. He loathed me, but would not abandon or write off his daughter. I wasn’t quite sure how to process it, or if I needed to keep watching my back in his presence. I decided I’d sort it out later, right now my energy and focus was on Alethea.

  She looked beautiful in a dark green dress, the color of nature. She had her long silver blonde hair up. That plus the emerald earrings she had on drew my gaze to the slender curves of her neck. Her silver eyes were glowing with happiness and anticipation. Her hourglass body seemed to me to be perfectly proportioned, though the green dress only let a hint of the curves she possessed get through in a tantalizing way.

  I couldn’t tear my gaze away, and the joy in her eyes showed she knew it.

  When we got to the temple, Mila and her young daughter Alia stepped out and greeted us.

  Mila said softly with a smile, “Good morning, the blessings of the goddess upon you all this morning.”

  We didn’t know Mila and Alia all that well, but I knew the emotional rules didn’t count for them. They were priestesses and the greeting was done on her behalf. I didn’t fully understand the distinction, but really didn’t need to.

  I knew there would be one more bond after this before our family was complete, as she needed to do the co-mate bond with Ari and Sienna. That wouldn’t be possible with Serina unfortunately; Serina didn’t have a second and third name. It was politically impossible for her to even get them; she couldn’t as a sovereign queen join an Elven clan. In the end it wouldn’t matter, we wouldn’t love her any less for it.

  Alethea and I nodded in response and walked into the temple, the priestesses closed and sealed the door behind us. We embraced in front of the altar and searched each other’s eyes. I didn’t see any doubt or hesitation in hers, and I was sure she didn’t in mine. I could feel the goddess’ presence and saw no reason to delay.

  My voice was full of emotion as I said, “I love you Alethea, I will forever be your devoted mate. My name is Marcus Damon Erraman Arinith.”

  Her smile was blinding and took my breath away as she replied lovingly, “I love you Marcus, I am now and forever your devoted mate. My name is Alethea Aine Samarra Arinith.”

  I bent my head down and claimed her lips as I felt the bond form between us. I was lost in the feeling of her soft silken lips against mine. Her soft supple body pressed against and conformed into mine as I licked across her lips, seeking entry. I sighed in pleasure and deepened our kiss as she opened up to me with a sigh of contentment. I felt our bond settle, and the approval of the goddess washed over us in silent benediction.

  I felt the deep need to consummate our bond, but it wasn’t the animalistic pressure of an elves biological imperative. It would be doable to hold off long enough until we reached the privacy of the dwelling and a comfortable bed. I wasn’t willing to relinquish my hold on her however and held her hand as we opened the doors.

  I wondered how best to politely take our leave, but apparently Alethea was as compelled and eager as I was.

  She smiled, “The bond is comple
te. Thanks for being here but if you’ll excuse us.”

  I saw amusement on a few faces as I felt Alethea’s elemental fire pull us into fast travel and the glade faded away. We were half undressed in the few seconds it took to reach our dwelling. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as I stripped while watching her do the same. Her creamy supple skin was slowly revealed to me as she peeled off the green dress, simply leaving it on the floor.

  Her breasts were firm and supple, defying gravity as they stood proudly away from her body. Her nipples were hardening as if they felt my gaze. Just the memory of the taste and scent of her skin along with the view had me hardening as I finished undressing. The valley of her waist and the flare of her thighs had my mouth watering in anticipation.

  I stepped closer to her as my gaze slowly travelled back up to her face. Our eyes locked together intensely. There was a fierce joy there that took my breath away. She didn’t wait for me, stepping into me as I moved toward her. She jumped and threw her legs around me. Her arms went over my shoulder and around my neck as she pulled us together into a passionate hungry kiss.

  I could feel the heat of her core against me as she trapped my manhood between her and my body. She ground lightly against me, spreading her growing moisture along my length. I moaned into her mouth and kissed her hard, claiming her as mine.

  The bed was way too far, at least ten feet, so I pushed her into the wall. She moaned into my mouth and ground against me harder. I moved my hand down to her perfect ass and squeezed while I picked her up high enough. She reached down and around to line us up, and I slowly dropped her down and impaled her on my manhood.

  She gasped into my mouth, “Finally mine, fuck me Marcus.”

  She was mine, and I was hers. It still boggled my mind how much this perfect woman wanted me, but all I really needed to worry about was me, and I’d never let her go.


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