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HighonYou Page 4

by Sky Robinson

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “No, but I am going to make sure you come damn hard.” He flicked his tongue across her clit one last time and then moved off the bed and stood up.

  “But…I…um…” She didn’t know what to say. She was so close but coming damn hard sounded good too. Part of her wanted to regain control, to get on top of him and ride hard and fast until she came and part wanted Blake to never stop playing her body like this.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you need.” He must have read her emotions.

  “Okay.” Only one word, and a lame one at that but she couldn’t think straight, not with her body humming like this.

  Crystal forced herself to relax and she watched intently as Blake stripped out of his jeans and underwear. His cock was thick and veined and pointed toward the ceiling, and her pussy clenched, knowing it was going to be inside her very soon.

  He pulled a condom out of his jeans pocket and ripped it open. “It seems as if it might be a good idea to do a little shopping tomorrow. I’m running low on supplies.”

  “Yeah.” Another stupid one word answer but it was the best she could do under the circumstances, didn’t want conversation right now anyway.

  Blake rolled the condom over his cock slowly. It was sexy, but she just wanted him to get it done quick, get inside her. She needed to be filled with him, needed to come.

  Crystal waited…not that she had much choice. She was handcuffed to her bed. There was no other option but to wait for him to make the next move.

  He kneeled between her legs, put the head of his cock at her entrance and pulsed just inside her. Blake leaned forward, hovering over her as he popped one nipple out the top of the black silk and sucked it into his mouth hard.

  “You have great tits,” he said and finally, when she wasn’t expecting it, Blake slammed his cock into her hard and fast and held it deep. Her cunt clenched around him but he didn’t move, didn’t give her the hard fucking she so desperately needed.

  Crystal let out a high-pitched moan. Her entire body tingled. So. Damn. Close.

  Blake moved his cock out and a shiver shot through her. Then he slammed it back into her, fucking her hard and fast, thrusting deep.

  The air was filled with the sound of her orgasm-nearing moans and she didn’t give a damn. All that mattered was release.

  Blake’s eyes were intent on hers as he pounded into her. “That’s right, come for me.”

  It was all she needed. Her entire body tensed beneath him, her pussy clenched around his cock as the pleasure flooded through every inch of her.

  “Aaahh, Blake.” She screamed out his name as the intense sensations raced through her.

  Blake pounded into her hard again and again and then slammed his cock deep inside Crystal and held it as he groaned and shook with his release.

  He didn’t move for a minute. Kept his cock filling her as the sensations finally started to fade. She was a little bit dizzy and a whole lot satisfied.

  “That was damn good. Again.” He didn’t grin or smile or give any hint to emotions but sounded a little bit tormented by the fact that the sex was so good.

  “Yes it was.” She purred. Crystal had no desire to try to analyze his tormented emotions right now. Not when her body was so satiated and finally starting to relax.

  Blake pulled his cock out and an aftershock of lust shot through her.

  “I suppose you want me to take these off.” He reached down to the floor, she assumed digging in his pants pocket, and stood back up holding a little silver key.

  “I suppose.” Crystal didn’t really care if he ever unlocked her. The position felt good and she was so relaxed she could stay like this forever.

  He worked to open each of the cuffs and kissed each wrist softly before releasing them. Then he got up and walked to the door.

  “Stay.” She said the needy word, the first thing that came to her mind and so quickly to the tip of her tongue. Crystal didn’t have the right to ask him that.

  He stared at her for a minute, turned the light off and walked back to the bed. His strong arms wrapped around her felt so good, so right that she snuggled in and the world started to disappear.

  Shit. What was he thinking, holding her after they fucked? This was supposed to be easy, just about the sex, but when she looked at him like that, with those big, brown, puppy-dog eyes, he couldn’t say no. Hell, he didn’t want to say no. His goddamn emotions were already getting involved.

  Blake lay there, keeping every muscle in his body stiff, waiting for her to relax into a deep sleep, waiting for the signals that she was fully out.

  When that happened, he carefully moved away from her, slipped off the bed and moved out of the room. The couch was the only safe place for him to sleep. He couldn’t spend the night pressed against her soft curves and expect to get any sleep.

  And more importantly he needed to be at the top of his game because tomorrow was going to be a big day. Crystal said her contact would be calling in the morning and giving her the drop location.

  He had to be ready for anything and he sure as hell couldn’t be distracted by Crystal’s sweet curves.

  She was a fling. That was it, all it could be.

  * * * * *

  Blake woke up the next morning to the sound of Crystal’s cell phone ringing. He had a headache from a lack of sleep and a hard-on because when he did finally fall asleep she tormented his mind. Neither one of those things was going to be a damn bit helpful today.

  Mason was tracking her phone, recording every call and checking on anyone who called her. This should be a pretty easy job, get the person she gave the bag to, have her identify any of the police involved, pump them for information and get closer to the top, but nothing was ever as easy as it seemed.

  This was the first call she got since he met her on the boat yesterday afternoon. Not exactly a social butterfly, but that was going to make his job easier. There wouldn’t be calls to sift through.

  Blake hurried into Crystal’s room to listen to her half of the conversation. He didn’t have to, Mason would fill him in soon enough with all the details but Blake wanted to know as much as he could as soon as he could.

  “Meet at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Waterloo.” Her words were emotionless, sleepy.

  Blake wanted to believe her story, wanted like hell to know he wasn’t being played.

  “At 8:00 a.m. on the sidewalk on the side of the red-brick building. Okay.”

  She repeated the directions out loud and he didn’t know if she was doing it for his benefit or because it was what she always did. If she was doing it to be part of the team, it eased his conscience but it was a bad move. She shouldn’t be doing anything differently, shouldn’t try to cause any more suspicion than his presence would already bring.

  “I’ll be there.” She ended the call simply and then there was silence.

  Blake stood in her doorway, arms crossed in front of his chest, ready for business.

  “That was them?” He asked the question just to start the conversation. It was obvious her contact was the one who called.

  She nodded and closed her eyes, looking a little pale, a little scared.

  And damn if he didn’t want to go to her, to comfort her, tell her everything was going to be okay, but he wouldn’t lie. He couldn’t make any guarantees other than he would do his best to keep her safe.

  “We better get going then.” He didn’t want to waste any time.

  “We?” She looked at him funny. “I’m supposed to do this alone.”

  “I’m not going to let you go out there by yourself. At the very least I’ll sit in the car watching, making sure you’re safe.” He couldn’t let her do this alone, not after the attack that happened yesterday. Those same men could still be watching her. “Have you ever used this drop site before?”

  “No, they change it every time.” Crystal dug through her closet, grabbed a shirt and shorts and threw them on the bed. Her boobs jiggled nicely as she
moved, making sure the tightness in his pants didn’t go away.

  Blake slept in his jeans, feeling the need to be prepared for action at any time but not the kind of action his cock was hoping for right now.

  When Crystal had all her clothes laid out she stopped and looked at him, expecting him to what? Leave? That wasn’t going to happen.

  “Are you just going to stand there and watch me while I get dressed?”

  “It’s a little late for modesty, isn’t it?” Blake didn’t move, didn’t turn away. There was no reason to and he wanted to see every inch of her body in the light of day.

  “I guess it is.” Crystal got this little smile on her face and immediately Blake knew he was in trouble.

  She lifted the black satin nightgown thingy over her head and stood in front of him completely naked.

  “Sure wish there was more time left, time for you to spank me again this morning,” she purred.

  Crystal bent over seductively, reaching to the center of the bed to grab the sexy, black lace panties she had just tossed on top of it. She peeked over her shoulder, grinning at Blake as she wiggled her sweet ass right in front of him.

  It was too much to resist.

  Chapter Five

  Crystal knew she shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be bending over her bed completely naked just to tease Blake. She needed to stay focused on hurrying the hell up and getting dressed so she wouldn’t be late to deliver the drugs. The men she was dealing with were dangerous. They weren’t going to like it at all if she didn’t make the meet on time.

  But here she was, everything hanging out, bending over, teasing. When Blake’s hand slapped across her bare ass, causing the pain mixed with pleasure that made her pussy clench, she knew tempting him had been a mistake. Blake was not a man to be messed with. He was strong and smart and powerful.

  “Now hurry up and get dressed.” Blake commanded standing there all shirtless and sexy but then he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him to give her the privacy she suddenly didn’t want anymore.

  The only thing she really wanted was Blake’s hands on her, his cock pounding into to her hard and fast, making her forget the reality of today. But that wasn’t an option. She had a backpack full of cocaine to deliver. Real life couldn’t be avoided, the fantasy had to end.

  Crystal threw on her bra, a clingy white tank top and short jean shorts. All chosen for Blake’s benefit and that was stupid of her.

  She pulled her hair into a ponytail and slapped on some lip gloss before she grabbed the backpack out of her closet, threw it over her shoulders and walked out of the room.

  No turning back now.

  He was standing there in her living room, his ear pressed to a cell phone, muscles flexing, always looking as if he was ready for a fight. Hopefully he wouldn’t get one today.

  “Sound’s good. I have to go,” he said, pushed a button and slid the phone into his pocket.

  “Who was that?” She wondered who he was talking to, wondered if he was giving their information to anyone, wondered if he was trusting one of the wrong guys, someone involved in the scandal, thinking he was getting help from his team.

  Crystal didn’t know if any men from the DEA were involved. The only ones she knew for sure wore the Miami PD uniform but she didn’t know how far up this went, didn’t know if any of the agencies were actually clean. They were all made up of men and men could be warped, could be bought. They could also be threatened into doing things they knew weren’t right…just like she had been.

  Those cops who beat up her mom and threw her in jail could be bullying a lot of other people.

  “It was my partner,” Blake said simply, letting her know without saying the words that she was only going to get information on a need-to-know basis.

  “You’re sure he can be trusted?” She hated having to trust anyone she didn’t know to be on the right side of this. Which was absolutely no one…except Blake.

  Maybe she should have run away when she had the chance, when he left her alone last night. She could have headed for Mexico or Canada and started a new life and let her mom deal with her own consequences.

  “I’m sure,” Blake said with such conviction that it calmed Crystal’s nerves a little bit. He grabbed a beer out of her refrigerator and grabbed her hand, holding it solidly as they walked out the door and into the hallway.

  “A beer?” Why the hell would he want a beer right now? “Isn’t it a little early for that?”

  “It’s for my cover. Need to fit the part of a bad-ass, beer-drinking boyfriend.”

  “Oh.” It made sense and Blake seemed to think of everything, seemed to prove himself every time she started to doubt him.

  Crystal liked the strength, the comfort she felt from the simple gesture of his hand holding tight to hers but that could just be her hormones talking. She shouldn’t need any support from him, didn’t need anyone. What she was about to do was a big deal. It would very likely piss off a lot of very powerful people, people who would probably come looking for revenge.

  But it was also the right thing to do. Finally she was getting the chance to do the right thing and as long as she had Blake to protect her she wouldn’t back down. Maybe she could still move to Mexico after this, wait tables at some touristy restaurant where no one knew her. But there was still her mother to worry about.

  “What about my mom?” She stopped at the bottom of the stairs in the doorway of the building. “If this goes wrong, they’ll come after her again.”

  She couldn’t let anything happen to her mom. It was her fault Crystal was in this position but that didn’t stop her from loving the woman, nothing ever would. She may not be even close to perfect but no one was.

  “I’ll send someone to protect her.” Blake squeezed her hand and opened the building’s door.

  Muted sunshine and the familiar wet Miami heat surrounded her. Clouds filled the sky and were building in the distance, looking ominous and seeming quite appropriate for the day she was about to take on. Hell, the rest of her life was looking pretty ominous.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Crystal didn’t know if he would send one of the dirty cops, her mom would be better off on her own. She could still probably find a guy for a night or two, find a place to stay in exchange for sex. That was nothing new and at least this time it would be for a good reason.

  “I’ll call her quick.” Crystal opened her phone as they walked, let her mom know she should go somewhere to hide because there might be trouble and then hung up before any drama could start.

  Blake led her to his car, opened the driver side door and said, “You should drive. It’ll be less suspicious that way.”

  “Okay.” It was easy to go along with all his decisions. Probably too easy.

  She needed to keep her guard up. Just because he could fuck her brains out didn’t mean he always had her best interests in mind. Blake had a job to do, criminals to catch and protecting her once that happened might not even be on his radar. She had to make sure she was taking care of herself first.

  Blake put the beer bottle between his legs, dug his phone out of his pocket and buckled his seat belt before she got the car started.

  Crystal grasped the wheel tightly, hoping like hell this wasn’t all one big mistake as she pulled onto the road in front of her house and started toward the drop-off location.

  This part made her nervous even before Blake. They always had her meet in some rough neighborhood or warehouse district. Carrying such valuable cargo, cargo that had been proven worth killing for just yesterday, didn’t add any ease to the situation.

  And today she was bringing Blake along. Hopefully that wouldn’t piss them off enough to do anything drastic…like shoot her.

  Blake relaxed into the passenger seat, looking completely calm, at ease.

  She wondered how the hell he did it, how he looked so relaxed when every muscle in her body was tense, her gut was in a knot. Hell, she’d be lucky if she didn’t throw up in fron
t of him.

  Crystal drove her car past the run-down duplexes and businesses closest to her apartment and then onto the freeway. She followed the directions from the female robot voice of her phone GPS back off the freeway and onto a side street. The robot voice finally led her into a mostly deserted warehouse area where the drop would be made.

  There was a metal bench on the corner where she was supposed to meet whoever was taking the backpack from her today. It was a pretty desolate area except for some cars moving up and down streets a few blocks away but there was no one close. A cold chill shot down her spine. She pulled Blake’s car into a spot across the street from the bench and opened the door.

  “I’m going to get out and sit with you. I can’t really hide right here anyway or blend in with any other people around. Me sitting in the car would be more suspicious than sitting next to you on the bench with my beer.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Crystal nodded. It made sense and she was too nervous to argue.

  Blake looked around and then pushed the button that opened the trunk. “The backpack is in the compartment under the carpet, code four-two-seven-eight on the lock.”

  She walked to the back, quickly entered the code, pulled the backpack out and slung it across her shoulder.

  “When we’re out there don’t mention anything about who I really am. They might have the bench bugged.”

  “Sure.” God she was pathetic with her one word answers but this whole ordeal scared the hell out of her. Her throat wanted to close up, not let her speak at all. Her legs wanted to run away.

  Blake went around the car and held her hand as they walked across the street. He sat on the bench, leaned back and spread his legs wide, playing the part of bad-boy boyfriend as he cracked open the beer and took a sip.

  Crystal was starting to really like the smell and even the taste of beer. Damn if she didn’t want to kiss it off his lips right now.

  Instead she sat beside him, tense, looking around for any sign of the man who was supposed to be picking up the drugs. She didn’t see anyone.


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