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HighonYou Page 5

by Sky Robinson

Blake pulled her against him as a few raindrops started to fall. One splatted on her cheek and then on her foot but they were a welcome distraction at this point.

  A shiver shot through her. She didn’t know if it was caused by the rain or his touch or the premonition of something bad.

  “What’s got you so tense? Relax a little, baby.” Blake used one finger against her cheek to turn her to face with him and then pulled her close for a kiss.

  His tongue tangled with hers, circling and plunging and her pussy tingled with need. He was doing it to make the act they were putting on more realistic but if things got any more realistic, she might start humping his leg.

  “Yeah. That’s much better.” Blake grinned, took another sip of his beer and pulled Crystal up so that she was on top of him on the bench, her knees pressing against the hard metal and her crotch nestled against the warmth of his core.

  “I’m supposed to be keeping my eyes out for the man I’m meeting here.” She thought she should protest a little. It seemed like the right thing to say anyway, just in case they were listening.

  “I’ll let you know if anyone comes our direction. Don’t worry, baby.” He slipped a hand under her shirt and under her bra and squeezed the flesh of her breast, pinching the nipple lightly between two of his fingers. Wetness surged to her opening. It was only a game, an act to convince anyone who might be watching that they were in love or at least in lust but it felt like so much more than that. It felt real.

  Crystal glanced around again. There was no one anywhere near them. No sign of the man she was supposed to give the drugs to and that worried her. They were never late and she and Blake had only pulled up a minute early.

  Blake wrapped a hand around the back of her head and pulled her down for another kiss.

  “Mmmmm.” The moan came naturally. She wanted him again and it didn’t matter that they were on a bench in the middle of the city in a completely inappropriate situation.

  “That’s right, baby.” He moved his hand over to her other breast and squeezed that one, tweaking the nipple, causing another shot of wetness to her pussy.

  “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” Crystal stiffened, hearing the stupid words come out of her mouth. She never should have said anything about a gun. She knew they might be listening. She was smarter than this, street savvy and almost had a college degree. But when she was around Blake her brain frazzled. It was definitely dangerous. Maybe jail would have been the smart option after all.

  He pulled her down hard against his cock.

  “It’s definitely happy to see you.” He said the words without missing a beat, without seeming upset at all about what she said.

  He thrust upward, rubbing his hard cock against her, showing that it wasn’t all an act to him either. Or that he was a really good actor.

  “Ummhmm.” She moaned in response, not thinking, just feeling. It was better than using words anyway.

  “Is your friend usually late?” Blake asked and looked around.

  “Never.” She looked around too but there were no cars, no people, just empty sidewalks and streets and tall buildings surrounding them.

  “Then let’s get out of here so I can fuck you good and hard.” His words were growled and a shiver shot through her.

  Crystal didn’t know if Blake was still acting or if that was what he really wanted or both but she was more than happy to get out of there if he thought it was the right thing to do. The rain was coming down harder and she was getting soaked. There was still no one around and Crystal had a bad feeling about it all.

  Either the person who was supposed to do the pickup had been scared off by Blake’s presence or something else was wrong. Either way, sticking around wasn’t a good plan.

  “Sounds good to me.” She grabbed Blake’s hand and pulled him up off the bench.

  He looked around, took another swig off his beer and held her hand as they hurried across the street.

  Crystal climbed into the driver’s seat quickly without having to be told and started up the car. One final glance around the area revealed nothing. No people watching from cars, no one around. And then the clouds opened up, dumping rain, pounding against the metal of the car, making a loud thumping sound that would normally be soothing. The fact that no one came for the drugs meant that they were either on to him or his presence scared or pissed them off. Any of those circumstances would make danger imminent for Crystal.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said and she pulled away from the curb and down the road.

  “Where to?”

  “Let’s go toward South Beach. I don’t want to risk going back to your house right now. Not until I know what’s going on.”

  He ignored his hard-on and flipped open his phone to call Mason. “They didn’t make the pickup. Did you see anything, hear anything?”

  “There was a man I caught on camera about two blocks from the bench. He started walking up the street and then suddenly turned around. He stopped to look back again, right when you started making out with the girl, stared for a minute and then walked away. My best guess is that your presence scared him off. Nice acting by the way.” There was something strange about Mason’s voice when he made the comment about the acting.

  He’d pretended to be a drunken boyfriend before with informants and female officers. It was a pretty good role. One he never turned down. Why would Mason think today was any different? It was but he didn’t know that.

  “Thanks, Mason.”

  Scaring the guy off at the drop was better than being made as a DEA agent. If they believed Blake really was her boyfriend, his team would still have the upper hand, still have a chance at this.

  “We’re going to go for a little drive. Let things cool off and hope that she gets a phone call that will help us out soon.”

  “Sounds good, man,” Mason replied and Blake’s phone went silent.

  He closed the phone. But Blake had more in mind than just a drive. He wanted like hell for Crystal to ride him, ease the pain of his goddamn blue balls that she caused by kissing him while they waited on the bench. The woman was damn seductive…even when she wasn’t trying.

  Blake reached over and put his hand on her leg, letting his fingers run up and down the soft skin of her inner thigh lightly. He saw her shudder, could hear her breathing speed up as he slid a couple fingers into her shorts and tugged her panties away from her skin.

  Too. Damn. Tempting.

  Blake moved one finger along her sex and slid it easily into the wetness. She sucked in a sharp breath and her pussy walls clenched around his fingers, letting him know just how much she needed him.

  Crystal let out a high-pitched moan and Blake’s cock pressed harder against his jeans. He pretended to stare out the window at the road in front of them but all his focus was on her.

  “If you don’t stop that, I’m not going to be able to drive.” Her words were breathy and Blake knew he had her on the edge.

  “Well, you better find a place to park then.” He circled her clit with his fingers and could feel her body tense beneath him.

  They were almost to the beach and the area was sure to be pretty much empty with the rain coming down like this. It should be easy to find a parking spot and easy to stay hidden in plain sight. Tourists and locals would all be running for drier ground.

  Crystal pulled into a spot parallel to the beach and put the car in park.

  Blake pulled his hand out of her shorts.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Don’t worry.” He had no intention of stopping. “You’re going to get over here and ride me.”

  Blake shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t have sex with her in a public place, hell he shouldn’t be having sex with her at all. If he got caught doing his informant, it could have serious repercussions on his career. But right now he didn’t give a damn about anything but having Crystal’s hot cunt wrapped around his cock.

  Rain poured down, covered the windows in a layer of water that m
ade everything blurry, almost impossible to see through. It was unlikely that anyone would walk through the storm to anywhere near his car. But there was always the possibility of someone crazy enough to brave the rain and find them. It was a small risk and one he was willing to take. One he had to take.

  Blake needed to touch Crystal again, had to have her. He never once tried drugs even when he was young but felt an addiction to her that might be something like an addiction to drugs. He couldn’t get enough of her soft skin or her sweet touch, needed to hear her moan for him. She was his first real addiction and not one he wanted to give up. Not yet anyway.

  Crystal cupped his cock in her hand, rubbed down the front of his jeans. His dick jerked forward at her touch and a jolt of lust shot through him. She unzipped his pants and took the condom from his hand, unrolling it slowly and smiling as she moved.

  He should be teaching her not to look at him, to be the perfect submissive but he liked to see the fire in her eyes more than he expected. It was as if he could see straight into her soul. But it was a connection he shouldn’t be wanting, a connection that couldn’t last.

  “Get up here. Now.” His voice was a little rougher than he had intended and he hoped like hell it didn’t scare her off. She would probably be in a more emotionally fragile condition today, in the middle of a failed drop.

  “Yes, sir.” She gave a mock salute and then straddled him, perched her tight cunt at the tip of his cock and slid down in one fast motion that had him close to coming already.

  Blake gritted his teeth and forced the urge away. He was going to make sure she came first if it killed him.

  And from the sounds of her moans as she slid her cunt slowly up and down once and then again, it wasn’t going to take long.

  He pulled one of her breasts out the top of her tank top and sucked the nipple into his mouth hard. She shuddered and then started riding him harder and faster, her moans getting louder and higher pitched, letting him know she was getting closer and closer to release.

  “Come for me.” He needed her to lose control.

  And she did. Slammed her tight cunt down on him one more time and her pussy convulsed around him. And that was all it took. His balls tightened and he thrust up into her even deeper as the seed shot from his cock. Pulsing, over and over until he couldn’t see straight.

  Crystal clung to him, didn’t move, and he felt as if he could stay like this forever. Her hot cunt wrapped around him was so damn perfect.

  But then her phone rang. They both tensed and looked over to the driver’s seat where the black plastic rectangle was lit up and continued its song. So much for living in this fantasy, real life was about to hit again. Hard and fast and not in the good way.

  Chapter Six

  Crystal’s hand shook as she reached over to the driver’s seat and grabbed her phone. She was still sitting on Blake’s cock but the intense pleasure from her orgasm suddenly disappeared when the ringing of her phone interrupted the moment. Damn reality for ruining the chance of any perfectly good, orgasm-induced relaxation.

  She looked at the number and knew exactly who it was. Well, not exactly who but she knew what the man on the other end of the line wanted. The drugs.

  “It’s them.” She looked at Blake, waiting for his guidance.

  “Answer it. See what they want.”

  “Hello.” She tried like hell to keep her voice from cracking.

  “Who was with you today?”

  She recognized the voice, but never heard it this angry before.

  “He’s just my boyfriend.” The sad part of that statement was how much she wanted it to be true.

  “You know you’re not supposed to bring anyone along.”

  “Well, someone tried to kill me yesterday. I didn’t feel safe going there alone.” The lie slipped easily off her tongue, probably because it wasn’t a total lie.

  “The drunk bastard wouldn’t be able to protect you anyway. The only thing he’s doing is causing trouble for you.”

  The way he said the words sent a chill down her spine. She knew this wasn’t going to be easy or safe but the reality of it was hitting hard now. She had done something to piss them off and they weren’t making any effort to hide that fact. The second part of the man’s statement was definitely a threat. Crystal swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would cause trouble,” she lied and her stomach did a backflip.

  “You’re smarter than that Crystal, that’s why we chose you. I’m going to be sending someone to your house this afternoon. Give him the drugs and don’t cause any more problems.”

  “Okay.” She could hear the phone go dead on the other end without any formal ending of the conversation but that wasn’t surprising. These guys weren’t about being polite, they were only interested in one thing, getting the job done. Stepping on anyone in the way and doing whatever it took to make sure that happened was a guarantee.

  “What did he say?” Blake asked.

  “He’s sending someone over to get the drugs at my apartment. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be there with me when they come.”

  “I won’t leave you alone. Especially not now, not after we already wrecked the drop. I’ll come up with a plan but I won’t leave you alone to face them. It’s not safe.”

  “It was never safe.” She gave out the best protest she had but she really didn’t want to face them on her own. Their anger at him being there was better than being shot and buried somewhere without anyone knowing what happened to her. At least with Blake she could have a fighting chance.

  “I know.” He nodded, not trying to placate her or make the situation seem any less dangerous than it really was. She respected the honesty he gave her. It made her feel better than any lie could have.

  Blake lifted Crystal off his cock. The absence of him left her feeling empty and alone and scared.

  “I’ll drive.” He pulled up his jeans and fastened them before sliding over into the driver’s seat. “You might want to put these on.”

  He handed over her shorts and panties with a sexy grin.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Crystal slid into her clothes as he started up the car and pulled out of the parking space and onto the wet road. She fastened her seat belt and rubbed her temple, trying to keep away the headache that was suddenly threatening.

  Blake grabbed his phone and dialed Mason’s number as he worked his way through the crawl of traffic in the downpour.

  “Hey.” Mason’s voice came through loud and clear.

  “Plans changed. They’re sending someone to her house for the pickup.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll be somewhere close.”

  “You know? Oh, yeah.” Mason was listening in on all her phone calls and Blake needed to get all the blood away from his cock and back to his brain.

  Mason cleared his throat and asked, “Is there anything else you want to tell me about?”

  “No. What do you mean?” Now Mason was definitely acting weird and it made Blake more than a little nervous.

  “You know the tracking device on the bag has audio capabilities.” Mason chuckled.

  “Shit.” Blake was caught red handed fucking his informant. “You were listening to that?”

  Mason had seen him fucking girls at the dungeon but that was different. This was a total invasion of privacy. Hell, it wasn’t really the invasion of privacy he was worried about, mostly the fact that he could be in some deep shit if Mason cared to use it against him, or if things went wrong, Mason would know why, know Blake was running around with his pants around his knees.

  “Don’t worry it’ll be our little secret.” Mason said. “Just keep your dick in your pants until after the drugs are delivered. This is the reason I introduced you to the Dungeon, to keep you from doing stupid shit like this.”

  “Yeah. Fine.” Blake didn’t know what else to say. There wasn’t much he could do but trust that Mason wouldn’t punish him for his indiscretions.

  Blake grasped the wheel tightly
and swerved around all the other cars on the road. He was under control but barely.

  A few minutes later he pulled up in the driveway of Crystal’s apartment, released his death grip on the wheel and forced himself to relax a little.

  “You grab the backpack.” He wanted to make sure to never touch the thing in public, just in case someone was watching, so they wouldn’t associate him with it at all. They might assume he didn’t even know what was inside, that he didn’t care about it.

  “I’ll go in first.” Blake grabbed her by the arm just before they got to the building’s door and pulled her so she was standing behind the protection of his body.

  Crystal didn’t say anything but followed right behind him as he walked into the building and up the stairs to her apartment door. He couldn’t draw his gun, couldn’t be completely ready for action without possibly blowing his cover. Cover was still important at this point.

  Blake listened for any movement before he opened the door. When they got into the apartment he drew his gun, finger looped around the trigger, ready for action. He checked all the rooms, behind the doors, under her bed, in the closet until he was convinced her house was empty, safe. For now anyway.

  “Let’s get all the empty beer bottles out of the garbage. Set them around on the table and floor and crack open a fresh one for me to have a sip of.” He had to make it look as if he had been having one hell of a party by the time of the pickup. They were already suspicious. But they wouldn’t let a million dollars in cocaine go just because they were a suspicious. Somehow they would get the drugs back and he’d be here to protect Crystal when they did.

  Blake spilled a little beer down the front of his shirt and on his pants to finish the scene and then took a big sip from the bottle to make sure he had alcohol on his breath if anyone came close enough to smell it.

  “Get over here and sit on my lap.” Blake shouldn’t have said the words. Having Crystal come and sit on his lap was only going to cause torment he didn’t need but she was pacing nervously around the room and he wanted to be close enough to comfort her.


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