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RAW MERCY (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Six) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 6)

Page 8

by Ana W. Fawkes

  I reached up and touched Layne’s face. “Just kiss me one more time then.”

  Layne nodded. His lips touched mine and I sighed. Our lips parted, our tongues touched, and that was it. There was no more raging fire. No more crazy temptation and wonder.

  Fuck, Layne was right.

  If he had fucked me… it wouldn’t have worked. At all. It would have just dug another hole deep into Devil Call MC.

  The kiss broke and he kissed my forehead, just like Talon had done.

  “I’ll always protect you,” he said. “You never have to worry. But your heart… and Talon’s heart… you two are fucked. Together. That’s all there is to it.”

  I blinked away a tear and nodded.

  I then watched the President of Devil Call MC stand and walk away.

  My heart was pounding.

  I didn’t feel ashamed. I felt relieved. But once I was alone, that was washed away by fear.

  I had to face Jade next… and I knew this bitch was going to drive me even closer to the edge. Someone was going to get hurt. Going to die. And nothing was going to be the same ever again.



  I pulled my hair from the back of my shirt just as Talon walked into the room. Seeing him sent a wave of tension and heat through my body. Looking at him made me realize how much I cared and loved him. Layne was a great man and I loved him in a different way. We had come so close…

  “Why are you dressed?” Talon asked, cutting through my thoughts.

  “Because I want to be,” I said. “I, uh, kind of have a meeting.”

  “A meeting? You?”

  “Don’t seem so surprised,” I said. “I’m pulled into this, right?”

  Talon came at me. He grabbed my arms. “No, you’re not pulled into anything. This is fucking bullshit. You’re a… you belong here.”

  “I’m a… what? An old lady? Used to relieve tension? Maybe I should get you a drink and suck your cock?”

  “That’s what you wanted to do yesterday,” Talon growled. “Remember that? How’d that vodka taste going down?”

  “Where did you end up?” I asked. “You never came back.”

  Talon’s face became stone. “I had business. None of which is your concern right now. And then I saw Layne coming here. To my fucking room. And you know what? If that’s his grand scheme in all this - to get me back by fucking you - then so be it.”

  “You think I fucked Layne?” I asked.

  My voice shouldn’t have sounded so hurt. I mean, we were just one thrust away from consummating the damn thing.

  “Look in the mirror, guilty eyes.” Talon moved away. He made fists. “How’s your leg feeling today?”

  “Actually, better,” I said. “Doesn’t hurt so much when I move. Which is good.”

  “Good. You’ll be healed soon enough. Then you can leave.”


  “Yeah,” Talon said. “That’s what you want, right? You want out. You need out. You deserve out.”

  “Christ, Talon, I didn’t sleep with Layne.”

  “Your eyes…”

  “I wanted to!” I yelled. “Okay? He was the one who brought me here. Who saved me. It had been lingering for a long time. I never understood why he wouldn’t. Like the temptation of something I couldn’t have. I don’t know. Like I wanted his approval of… me.”

  “The guy that brought you here? Wasn’t he the one who let you get passed around?”

  “The clubhouse was a mess, Talon. You don’t even know…”

  “Don’t tell me what I fucking know,” he growled at me. His eyes went wide, flaring with anger. “I was inside, fighting to stay alive. And then I come out and start cleaning up fucking mess after fucking mess… and they all turn on me. They vote for Layne. Because of violence? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, I shouldn’t have killed Tommy so quick… but you know what? Vaughn and Jade are the reasons why Hollis was hooked on drugs. Why he’s dead. I can see what’s happening. Layne didn’t do that.”

  “Talon, please…”

  “No,” he put his hands up. “No. Fuck that, Everly. Fuck that.” He pointed at me. “You want to fuck him? You want to feel whatever… go for it.”

  “Talon, I love you,” I said. “I wanted to and it stopped. It wasn’t meant to be. It never was. Layne knew that and stopped everything. He’s hurt because of what you did.”

  “To save the club. If fucking you was going to help the club, then he would have fucked you.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was allowed or capable of moving as fast as I did right then. One second I was standing near the bed, the next second I was two inches from Talon. Before I could control myself, my hand swung and slapped in the face. Oh, but I wasn’t done there. No way. I brought the same hand back and did it again.

  After the third time, I wound for a fourth and Talon finally stopped me. He blocked my wrist but didn’t grab me and hurt me. Instead, he just stared at me with his cheek burning red, his eyes looking hurt.

  “Fuck you,” I said. “I have to meet with Jade today because of you.”

  “That’s your meeting?”

  “Yes. Outside in the lot. That’s what she wants. Because she controls everything right now. She has the tapes. She has you by the balls. And she’s going to have control of the MC. I’m trying to make that go away.”

  “How’s meeting her going to help anything?”

  “How the fuck should I know?” I yelled. “I’m just doing what she tells me to do.”

  “That’s what she wants.”

  “She’s going to…”

  Talon pulled me in. His lips crashed to mine. He kissed me hard, deep, and then broke it off as quick as it started.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “Just fuck. This is why… I should have never let myself fall in love with you.”

  “You let yourself…?”

  “No,” Talon said. “No… that’s a lie. The second I saw you. On the back of Layne’s ride. I just knew I needed you. Not want. I wanted to fuck Anneliese. I wanted to kill Anneliese. I wanted to hurt Layne and show him how dumb he was. But, you, Everly, beautiful… I need you.”

  “Then you need to let me talk to Jade. And let me hit that bitch in the face.”

  Talon nodded and stepped to the side.

  I opened the door to his room and walked the hall, alone. I made my way through the clubhouse with all eyes on me. I felt like a prized fighter, walking the halls of some arena, looking for the entrance way to the ring.

  Nobody spoke as I walked outside. There were half a dozen prospects all standing there, no weapons drawn, making some kind of line for me. At the end of the long lot was a black car waiting for me.

  I couldn’t imagine what Jade wanted me for. Maybe just to rub everything in my face. To make me feel weak and useless. But I refused to let that happen to me. Not now, not anymore. I wasn’t weak and I wasn’t useless. I had more credibility in this fucking MC than more than half the patched in members.

  I walked all the way to the car and waited. The back door opened and I saw the red heels and legs before the rest of Jade’s perfectly cut body. She stood wearing a black dress, her hair pulled back, her lipstick matching her heels. She had big, bug-like sunglasses on that she slowly peeled off her face. Her eyes were big, beautiful, and completely seductive. Christ, looking at her shot a little fire through my heart and I was as straight as an arrow. She probably bled men dry left and right.

  “Look at you,” she said. “On that bad leg of yours. Don’t you need crutches?”

  “Not anymore,” I said. I skipped the crutches. Fuck looking weak. And fuck the pain. “What do you want?”

  “Just to chat. I’m glad it’s just us. Men tend to muddle things up.”

  “Where’s your brother?”

  “My stepbrother, Vaughn? He’s handling some business. You know, losing a supplier like our dear Uncle Tommy was hard. Not to mention our customer base shrinking a little… with the death of Hollis. That sexy boy could shoot up so
me serious stuff, Everly.”

  “You fucked Hollis?” I asked.

  “What can I say? I’m a sucker for leather, tattoos, and a hard cock.”

  “You’re a whore. He was paying you for drugs and sex.”

  “Money is money, sweetheart. You’ll learn that. Soon enough.”

  Jade reached into the car and pulled out a tan envelope. She then walked toward me, one foot in front of another, being obvious and seductive as she did so.

  “Do you know what this is?” she asked, waving the envelope.


  “This is a gift for you.”

  “A gift?”

  “Well, Vaughn did shoot you. He’s so overprotective of me. And jealous of Talon. You know, I actually caught him looking up motorcycles online the other night?”

  “Is that so?”

  “The poor guy. He wants me to want him like I want Talon. I sucked him off just to make him feel a little better. But face it, he’s not Talon. Talon is all man. A real man.”

  My blood started to boil. “What the fuck is in the envelope?”

  “The video,” Jade said. She tossed it in the air and I caught it. I squeezed it, feeling surprised. “There you go, sweetheart. There’s your ticket.”


  Jade giggled. “Look, if I want to take the MC down, I will. We will. Me and Vaughn. It’s a little project for us. And I want Talon. I’m going to get him, Everly. For some reason I kind of feel bad for you. You don’t belong here. So go. Be free. Take that video and go.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked.

  “No. That’s the video. You hold the fate of everyone. You can use that video to get yourself some money. Or hand it in and watch the MC crumble. Go see that cute detective with the hard face.”

  Jade grinned.

  She knows everything…


  “Stop asking why,” Jade said. “With you here, Talon won’t come near me. And if I kill you, I fear he’ll grieve like a little bitch. Nobody wants that. I take care of one bitch already with Vaughn. I need a strong man to fuck me. And if you leave, he’ll be crushed. Angry. Just imagine how hard he’ll take it out on me.”

  “You’re sick,” I said. “You twisted fucking bitch.”

  Jade smiled. She put her hands on her hips. “Now, you can go, Everly. I’ll even arrange for some money for you to leave with. Now that your leg is better. Time to go, sweetheart. You’re just a little stumbling block for me and Talon. It’s time for Talon to have a real woman. Not some little play thing like you. I need him for a little longer. To fuck and play before I kill him.”

  I gripped the envelope with one hand. I made a fist with the other.

  “There was one reason I agreed to meet you today,” I said.

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “To fucking hit you…”

  So I did.

  I swung with a closed fist and smashed Jade in the nose. I never hit someone like that before. Her nose exploded with blood and she went tumbling back.

  “You fucking bitch,” I growled. “I’ll kill you. If you ever… I’ll fucking kill you. I swear on it…”

  Jade’s eyes were wide.

  I slowly turned, wanting to be the one with power now. As I turned, I saw her reach into the car. I saw the gun a second before my mind could make sense that I was probably going to get shot again.

  “Don’t fucking do it,” a voice said.

  It was fucking Talon.

  Standing next to Jade. I did a complete double take and stared at him.

  How the hell did he sneak out here? How… why…

  “I’ll get you,” Jade warned.

  “Get out of here,” Talon said. “Before I kill you, Jade. Now’s not the time. Not until I watch Vaughn cry over your dead body. Right before I kill him.”

  “I gave you the video,” Jade said. “Take it and run. You’re going to end up dead, Everly. I know it. You can’t survive this life…”

  “I can and will,” I said. “Because I have Talon. And you don’t. And you never will. Bitch.”

  “Come on, go,” Talon said.

  He pushed at Jade’s waist and slammed the car door when she was finally inside. He kept the gun pointed at the car even as it left the lot.

  Once it was out of sight, Talon finally turned to me. He tucked his gun away and approached me. His hands grabbed my face and he held there. His lip snarled. Angry. Maybe wanting to hurt me.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” he whispered.

  “I have to be to survive this shit.”

  “You have your way out now,” he said.

  “The only way I’m leaving this place, Talon, is with you.”



  “Don’t pull out.”

  Those were three magical words to me. Almost as magical as when Everly said I love you.

  I thrust deep and hard into her sweet, tight pussy. My cock ached and let go. My hands pulled at her ass, keeping her tight to me as I came. I didn’t move but let her work it all out of me. The way her hips cut left to right so subtle. Her insides throbbed, those warm walls making sure every single drop came out of me.

  When I was finished, I pulled back and thrust again. I gently eased my way for another minute or so, taking deep breaths, letting my body and mind memorize Everly’s perfect body. Goddamn, I was really in love with this one.

  I pulled from her for good and then turned her around. I crashed to the bed, next to her, and held her. Our legs hung off the side of the bed and we just stared at each other. Every few seconds we’d smile. Sometimes we’d laugh. And then we’d kiss. And fuck if each kiss wasn’t somehow better than the previous one.

  It was so calming. The room was in some kind of peace.

  I was waiting for a message to be delivered to me. I had made all the arrangements with Jony in prison and had talked to a few guys on the inside who had certain privileges. They needed to communicate with Mutt for me and then it would all be taken care of.

  Goddamn, things were going to get right back on track. And if that meant I had to bow to the President’s patch for a little while, so be it. I had the greatest gift and honor of all… and that was holding, kissing, and fucking Everly. No patch could overtake that feeling.

  Christ, I was a pussy. Falling hard for a woman like this. Feeling her love was greater than the MC life? Now that was complete and total insanity.

  A knock at the door sounded and I yelled, “What?”

  The door opened and Jagg stood there, getting the show of a life time. My cock still half hard, resting on my belly. Everly with her legs off the bed, slightly parted.

  “Christ, sorry,” Jagg said.

  “Don’t be,” I said.

  Everly scrambled to grab some covers but we were on top of them.

  “Just wanted to let you know a message came for you.”

  “Yeah?” I grinned. I couldn’t directly talk to anyone, not until the deed was done. So it was all done right now via backdoor channels and tons of communication.

  “It’s good to go,” Jagg said. “They, uh, have the part you were looking for. That new exhaust? Right?”

  “The new exhaust,” I said and smiled. “Fucking right, brother. Now get out of here.”

  Jagg hurried and shut the door.

  I looked at Everly and kissed her.

  I got off the bed and dressed. I needed to talk to Layne about this. To let him know the plan was going along. Soon enough Jony would be dead. It would send a ripple through the prison and all the clubs and charters. That’s when Mutt would ask to speak with me. I’d get to see him and thank him. Of course, there were a lot of palms that needed to be greased to ensure a private meeting so we could say whatever the fuck we wanted.

  That would happen in time.

  I left the room and went looking for Layne. The clubhouse was surprisingly empty and when I opened the door to leave, it was a fucking war zone.

  I stopped dead when I saw all th
e patched in Devil Call members standing with their guns drawn, ready for battle. I then saw Layne with his hands tied in front of him, his face bloody. If that wasn’t enough, there were four prospects on their knees, blindfolded.

  “What the fuck…”

  I saw Vaughn at the center of it all. The second our eyes met, he gave a nod. A big guy stepped up behind Layne and put a large knife to his throat. Tension rose even more. I grabbed for my gun, but I knew the drill. Anyone moved and Layne would have his throat slit.

  What happened next I didn’t see coming though.

  Four men approached and in the blink of an eye, they pulled out guns and shot the four prospects in the head. The thundering shots were followed by a painful silence. The four prospects all fell back to the ground, pools of blood and brain behind them.

  I charged forward.

  Vaughn turned and pulled out a gun.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I growled.

  Vaughn came at me, rage in his eyes. “Where is she?”


  “Jade! You fucking took her…”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Someone took her,” I heard Layne’s voice say. “He thinks it’s us…”

  “I don’t need to think,” Vaughn said. “I fucking know.”

  “We didn’t touch her,” I yelled. “Who the fuck…”

  “She was here yesterday!” Vaughn yelled. “I have all her vehicles bugged. I heard it all. Everly saying she was going to kill her. You saying you were going to hurt her. Hurt me. Give her back right now, Talon, or I’ll keep killing.”

  I looked around.

  Devil Call MC was under fucking attack.

  “I’m not the President,” I said. “I… we didn’t…”

  Vaughn gritted his teeth. He came closer to me. “This is a war you cannot win, Talon. President or not. I want Jade back or else I’m going to kill every single member one by one.”

  I looked to my left. The knife pushed against Layne’s throat. The look in his eyes. The fear. The man I loved as a brother. Fuck, we had been ripped apart so fucking bad. So fucking bad.

  Vaughn gave a whistle and the knife was gone from Layne’s throat. The guy behind Layne kicked him in the back of the legs and took him down. I froze, fearing Layne was going to get popped in the head next.


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