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WILD WOLF: Werewolves of Montana Book 12

Page 16

by Vanak, Bonnie

  “Thanks for telling me my heritage. Means I have the same powers you do.”

  “Not quite. You’re inferior and we are ancient.”

  Saying that, Elaine hurled a similar ball of energy at Jordan. It smacked her square in the stomach, burning like fire. Doubling over in pain, she cried out, clutching her stomach.

  “We need no mortal weapons to kill you,” Risa said in her high, sweet voice.

  Jordan bit her lip. She must fight them, and do her best to keep them here because if Nolan found out, he had no Fae defenses to protect himself.

  If Selene was truly her mother, perhaps the queen could aid her.

  “Selene,” she cried out. “Mother, help me!”

  Risa giggled. “She will not hear you. We purposely waited until she was in a deep sleep. Helping the Mitchell pack with the grapes and the fires has drained her magick. Why else do you think we put fungus on the grapes? Helping your pack drains her so much that she will not awaken until tonight.”

  Scents flooded her nostrils, the burning of her own flesh, the sickly sweet smell overriding the floral and forest scent of the Fae.

  You’re on your own. Get it together, Jordan.

  With all her might, she centered herself and her magick, thinking of draping her body in a magick barrier. Shrieking with rage, Elaine and Risa hurled energy globes at her, but this time, her body repelled them.

  Yet she knew she couldn’t keep this up for long. They were too strong and her powers too fragile. Jordan backed up, watching them, remembering what Nolan said.

  Keep your enemies close.

  A strange rippling arced between Elaine and Risa, a barely perceptible cord running between them. Could it be they fed off each others’ energy because they were Fae?

  She was Fae as well. Maybe I can use this to my advantage.

  A fierce snarl filled the air. She glanced up.

  Muscled and rippling with fury, a large gray wolf raced into the grove. Nolan.

  “Stay back,” she screamed. “I’ve got this!”

  At all costs, Nolan must be protected. Knowing these two had caused Craig’s death, she knew they wouldn’t hesitate to kill the alpha if he deviated from their plans. Jordan suddenly remembered Queen Selene’s gift.

  “When you need to find the power within yourself, use your voice. It is a true gift bestowed on you.”

  “Nolan,” Risa breathed. “Elaine, stop him.”

  Seizing the advantage of the Fae ignoring her temporarily, Jordan thought fast. Maybe she could draw power from them, the way they drew power from each other.

  Jordan turned, saw the pink web blocking her way. Blocking out all thoughts of being Lupine, focusing on her love of the forest and the land, she sang.

  Her voice was a gift from her mother, the queen of Fae in this region.

  Jordan thrust her hand into it, feeling warmth and pure power, but it did not burn.

  She imagined the power flowing into her like gasoline flowing into a tank. Energized, she kept doing it until the web vanished.

  The wolf howled. Alarmed, she saw he’d been burned, a patch of raw, bleeding skin where fur once covered his flank.

  Yet he kept advancing, attacking them and protecting her.

  His mate.

  As the Fae advanced toward Nolan, she hurled energy balls one after another at the sisters.

  It only served to anger them further. Elaine and Risa began slamming Nolan with power, tearing into him as he surged forward. His jaws closed around Risa’s ankle and she screamed.

  At the same time, Jordan hurled another energy ball at her. But it did little good.

  She was losing Nolan. Losing the battle. Rage and grief battled inside her. I love you, Nolan.

  Nolan threw back his head and released a long, low howl.

  Another wolf bolted into the grove, its ears tipped with black. She recognized Sam, Nolan’s head of security.

  Sam joined him, attacking Elaine from the rear. Distracted by the teeth tearing into her calf, Elaine whirled.

  Jordan released her energy ball. It hit Elaine square on the temple. Blue blood flowed and cracks appeared in her face as the Fae screamed in fury and pain.

  Suddenly dozens of wolves streamed into the grove. Snarling, growling, snapping their teeth.

  And then they were on Elaine and Risa, their enemies. The pack, working as one. Jordan’s stomach roiled at the wet, tearing sounds.

  Finally, it was over. Little remained of the sisters, the Fae who had thought the pack was theirs to control.

  Sam shifted back into Skin, clothed himself by magick. “Nolan had me install security cameras down here and we heard and saw everything, including how they killed Craig. He rallied the pack to come here and help you.”

  But Jordan’s attention all centered on her mate.

  Nolan had shifted back as well. Clad in a white T-shirt stained with blood, and jeans soaked in it, he lay on the ground, crimson oozing from his nostrils and mouth. Clutching her stomach, ignoring the pain burning through her, Jordan rushed over to him.

  She cradled him in her arms. “You did it, sweetheart. You and your pack defeated Risa and Elaine. You saved everyone.”

  Coughing, he shuddered and she felt his muscles tense. “Didn’t do it for them. Did it…for you. I…love you, Jordan.”

  Tears swam in her eyes. “I always love you, Nolan. Always have. Best friends forever.”

  Wheezing sounds from his chest. He lifted his hand to touch her face. “Love…you.”

  A soft cloud of silver mist appeared as the pack gathered close. Jordan looked up, saw the Silver Wizard. Tristan touched her shoulder and she felt warmth spread through her body, and the terrible burning pain vanish.

  It didn’t matter about her wounds. Her grip tightened around her mate.

  “Don’t you dare touch him! He’s mine! You can’t take him!”

  Tristan made no move to come closer. Instead, the wizard looked around at the pack, his expression a severe scowl. “Your alpha is dying. Come, you who dared to challenge him before. Which one of you wishes to take his place? Now is your chance.”

  Sobs floated through the air. The three young Lupines who had taunted Nolan last week looked away, their expressions miserable.

  “We never wanted to lose him. Never wanted this to happen,” Todd protested.

  “We need you, Nolan,” Palmer cried out. “Don’t freaking die and leave us!”

  Jordan closed her eyes, feeling hot tears spill behind her lids. She cared nothing about the pack’s protests. For all she knew, she and Nolan could have been alone.

  “Jordan.” Tristan’s voice was gentle.

  Her eyes opened and she let the tears flow. “Please,” she whispered. “I can’t let him go.”

  Nolan shuddered again in obvious pain.

  Tristan squatted down by her. “Even if it means he is at peace?”

  “He doesn’t want peace. He wants me.”

  A small smile touched Tristan’s mouth.

  “He deserves a life with me, at his side. He deserves every inch of my ornery, wild self. He needs to live. Please, don’t take him.”

  The last sentence came out in the barest of whispers.

  “There is little I can do,” Tristan observed. “But the power is within you to heal, just as the power is in you to destroy.”

  Puzzled, she shook her head. “I have no such power over life and death.”

  “You do not,” he agreed. “But your magick can strengthen his own ability to recover. You did it with the grapes in the vineyard.”

  “Fruit is a lot different from a living Lupine,” she snapped.

  “Do not doubt yourself, Jordan. Concentrate on all your feelings for him.” The wizard arched a dark brow. “Unless your feelings are false and your marriage is a farce.”

  “Never. I knew I wanted to be his mate from the time when we were children. I’ve never wanted anything else. I used to think about a life with him, here. I even dreamed about it still when I left.”

  Her voice cracked. “Hard as I tried to forget him, I couldn’t.”

  Tristan gently took her palm, placing it on Nolan’s chest. “Pour your magick into him. See your power filling him, racing through his veins, each of his cells, mending his injuries.”

  Jordan closed her eyes. She envisioned all her magick, all her strength leaving her and entering Nolan’s body, fusing them together, a bond of pure energy much as they shared their bodies during sex.

  Soothing wind and chants filled the air. Warmth surrounded her, as if dozens of luminous lights ringed them. Jordan began to sing, the notes clear and pure as she kept pouring her magick into her mate. And then she felt weary, her limbs quivering, her heart stuttering.

  Tristan removed her hand from Nolan, broke the contact.

  “Open your eyes, Jordan.”

  “I can’t.” Squeezing them tight, she refused. “What if it didn’t work?”

  “It worked, pixie,” a hoarse, deep voice told her.

  Her eyes flew open. Nolan was awake, the blood drying on his face, his expression filled with tenderness.

  She glanced around. Dozens of white and pink lights surrounded them. The sprites flew around them like fireflies.

  Jordan stretched out her hand and one landed on her finger. Warmth flowed into her, a surge of power.

  Laughing, she stretched out her arms. The sprites settled on her arms and hands, infusing her with renewed vigor.

  “The Fae’s relationship with pack is symbiotic,” Tristan told her. “But their bond with you goes deeper. They take energy from each other and the land, and give it as well to each other.”

  Finally the sprites flew away, their lights less brilliant, but she knew they would be restored with the wine they drank tonight.

  Nolan struggled to sit up. She went into his arms. “I love you, Nolan.”

  “Love you more,” he told her.

  She cured him.

  Her mate would live, thanks to her. Thanks to the love they shared together.


  Later, Selene paid them a visit as they sat on the porch, holding hands.

  The queen of the Fae arrived alone, a floating bubble of pink and white. When she materialized, she stood nearby. For the first time since Jordan knew her, the queen looked uncertain.



  “I have been betrayed by those I trusted the most. Betrayed by those who thought to take power from me, and from you. You almost lost your lives for it. For this I am sorry,” Selene said quietly.

  Jordan pushed up from the chair and went to Selene. “There is nothing to forgive. Only new beginnings… Mother.”

  She held out her arms. With a trembling smile, the lovely queen of the Fae went to her. Tears filled Jordan’s eyes as warmth from the embrace filled her.

  “I’m so glad I know. For that at least, I’m grateful to those two,” Jordan told her.

  She released her and looked at Selene. Now she saw the flashes of resemblance. It was like looking into a smudged mirror. The same cheekbones and pointed chin, and blue eyes.

  Jordan touched her hair. “Where did this come from?”

  Selene smiled and waved a hand. The queen’s hair turned the same shade as Jordan’s. “I changed over the years, my darling daughter. I am quite ancient, and silver has replaced the auburn.”

  She felt Nolan come and stand by her. His presence comforted her. “Were you ever going to tell me, Mother?”

  “Eventually. But first you had to discover your own life, your own path.” She glanced at Nolan. “Your own love. I did not want you mating with Nolan if your heart was set against it. But when I knew Nolan still loved and missed you, I talked with Tristan and we arranged for you two to be together. The rest was up to you.”

  Nolan stiffened. “How did you know I still loved her?”

  “I read your mind that day I gave you the ultimatum.” Selene’s gaze filled with mischief. “It was not difficult, Nolan. You were like a neon sign.”

  “Terrific,” he muttered. “Is there no privacy around here?”

  “I shall not do so again. But it would be nice… if I could visit from time to time.” The Fae queen sighed. “It was the hardest thing for me to surrender you at birth, Jordan. But I had to give your Lupine blood a chance. Living here on land infused with Fae magick, you never would have developed your wolf skills.”

  Jordan flexed her fingers. “Now I know.” She looked at Nolan. “Okay with you if Mother comes to dinner next Saturday night? I can make a nice veggie dish with Brussel sprouts.”

  Nolan nodded and made a mock face. “Brussel sprouts?”

  Selene’s lips twitched. “Salad will suit me just fine.”

  Jordan laughed. It was going to be all right.

  In fact, it was perfect.

  The following week, Nolan called a general assembly of the pack.

  Standing on the dais, he regarded his people with a stern look. Seated in the front row, Jordan watched.

  Such change would be hard for the entire pack, but it was time.

  “I gathered you all here tonight to announce there will be changes ahead. Starting now, with this.”

  He slid the fine leather belt from his jeans.

  Nolan thwacked it hard against the wood podium and everyone flinched. Children grew wide-eyed and pale.

  Then he tossed it aside. “This is the last time I’m ever using that belt to hit anything. From now on, when your children misbehave, you’ll be responsible for discipline, but no child in this pack will be spanked. There’s other ways to mend misbehavior. I’m breaking the tradition of the alpha doling out punishment.”

  His voice deepened to a growl. “And parents who disobey my new rule will answer to me.”

  “Yes sir,” a chorus of adult voices echoed.

  So proud of Nolan she could burst, Jordan beamed.

  He held out his hand. “Come here, Jordan.”

  Startled, she took it and then stepped onto the dais.

  “This is my mate, Jordan. I’m changing another tradition. From now on, she will be at my side at all meetings.”

  Nolan kissed her hand. “One more item tonight. The feud with the Harlow pack is officially over…now that I have married and mated with the daughter of Brandon Harlow.”

  Gasps amongst the audience.

  “It’s true.” Jordan faced them. “I am the daughter of Brandon Harlow…and Selene, the Fae queen.”

  Nolan slid an arm around her waist. “There will be more changes in store for our pack, but for now, know this. I am proud of all of you. Proud to be your alpha, and most of all…”

  He kissed Jordan. “Proud to be this woman’s mate for life,” he said in a husky voice filled with tenderness.

  Cheers and applause filled the air as he kissed her again.

  After the meeting, the pack gathered for refreshments in the dining hall. Serving punch to the children, she eyed an approaching Shirl and Erica.

  The two exchanged glances. “We wanted to apologize for being so snippy to you, Jordan. We were jealous,” Shirl admitted.

  She set down the ladle. “Jealous of me marrying Nolan?”

  “Jealous of you marrying at all, while we pine away here. You always were a rule breaker, daring and adventurous. We wanted to be with the men we love, but it was impossible.” Erica moistened her mouth. “Now that the feud is over, we can bring everything out in the open.”

  “Such as?” She still wasn’t ready to forgive and forget.

  “I’ve been secretly dating Adam Harlow,” Erica admitted. “Shirl’s seeing his cousin.”

  “Ah. That’s why I saw you two together at the store.”

  Red-faced Erica twisted her hands together. “I’m sorry I was mean to you when you got back, Jordan. Real sorry. I’d like to be friends again.”

  “Me too,” Shirl echoed.

  Maybe they couldn’t be friends again, but she understood their reasons for doing what they did. “I forgive you. Nolan and I are going to pay
a formal call on the Harlows tomorrow. Maybe you both can come with us, help break the ice.”

  They nodded vigorously.

  Jordan handed the ladle to Shirl. “Can you take over for me?”

  Leave them to attend to the punch, she joined Nolan at the buffet table as he refilled a tray of beef. Typical Nolan, making sure his people were cared for.

  Jordan pulled him aside. “Outside now.”

  The stars sparkled overhead and in the distance, coyotes howled. A cool breeze blew, rattling the wind chimes hanging from the rafter. Nolan went to a rocker, sat and pulled her into his lap.

  His kiss was long and filled with passion. He smoothed back her hair. “Happy?”’

  She nodded.

  “You nervous about formally acknowledging your father tomorrow?”

  “A little. But you’ll be there.”

  He rocked back and forth, the sound soothing. “I’m making arrangements to bring the elderly back here to the pack. Some will live here, on the ground floor. They’ll be teaching the children about the past, and sharing pack history. It means those living on the ground floor rooms will have to move. Thought you and I could move into a cabin down by the vineyard.”

  Jordan’s heart gave a happy kick. “Our own place?”

  Nolan’s smile widened. “About time we got some privacy, pixie.”

  Turning in his arms, she kissed him again. She had run away from the pack, from Nolan, and herself, but now she was finally home to stay here with her mate.

  Making a life with Nolan Mitchell would be everything she ever dreamed of…and Jordan was a big dreamer.

  Thank you for reading Wild Wolf, Werewolves of Montana 12. I hope you enjoyed the stories.

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  If you’re interested in reading connected books featuring other characters in this novel, here’s a list of them.

  The Mating Rite, Werewolves of Montana Book 4 (Darius and Samantha)


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