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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

Page 21

by Tricia Andersen

  ~* * * *~

  Reese stared down through the gauzy hotel curtain at the near vacant pool area below. He was grateful for his room on the twelfth floor. Those swimming and lounging by the pool in the mid-morning sun couldn’t see his naked body from the ground below.

  He should have known he’d fall asleep in the buff. He lasted approximately five minutes with Lily in his bed all snuggled up in her pajamas with happy pandas printed all over them. The sight of her in them was simply adorable. Then, being the guy he was, he wanted to corrupt something so cute. There was a moment of panic when he Googled having sex during a pregnancy. This was a first for both of them. Once he knew everything would be fine, the pajamas were stripped off and the lovemaking began. He wasn’t even sure when the movie ended.

  He smiled as he heard the rustle of sheets. Moments later, small hands skimmed his skin, her long slender fingers wrapping around his biceps. Butterfly kisses peppered his back. His cock twitched in response.

  “Good morning,” Lily cooed.

  “Good morning.”

  “What’s so interesting out the window?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking.”

  “Are you worried about your fight tonight?”

  “A little. But that’s not what’s on my mind.”

  Lily reached around to cup his chin. She turned his face towards her. “Talk to me.”

  Reese sighed.

  Lily frowned at him. “It’s about last night. The proposal. You changed your mind.”

  “Yes, it’s the proposal. No, I’m not changing my mind. It’s just—I don’t want to wait. We go back to Braden and the vultures will attack to tear us apart. I don’t want to leave Las Vegas without you as my wife.”

  “Then we stay until we’re married.”

  “Braden is home. I want to go home.”

  “We are in Las Vegas. This place is known for quick weddings.”

  “Baby, you are perfect. You are my heart. I’m not marrying you in a sleazy Elvis chapel.”

  Lily wrapped her arms around him, pressing her lips to his bare shoulder. She stared out the window with him.

  He pulled her close, his fingers trailing over the slight bulge of her belly. His gaze caught her big brown eyes. “Fuck, Lilybug. I didn’t think I could love you more. A baby. We’re having a baby.”

  “Yes, we are. You’re going to be an incredible father.”

  “I don’t have much experience with good parenting.”

  “You love me. That already puts you miles ahead.” She laid her head on his shoulder.

  They held each other in silence.

  “What about down there?” Lily pointed out the window towards the pool.

  “Baby, I’m not marrying you by a swimming pool.”

  “Not the pool, silly. Over by the cabanas. That little garden area. It would be perfect for a wedding.”

  Reese’s eyes followed where she pointed. There was no doubt she was right. Even from this distance, it was beautiful.

  Lily giggled as she scrambled across the hotel room for her clothes.

  “What are you doing?” he asked amused.

  “Let’s go take a closer look.” She fastened her bra then pulled her t-shirt over her head excitedly.

  Chuckling, Reese dug through his suitcase for a t-shirt and sweats. Once they finished dressing, he took her hand and led her to the elevator.

  Lily tugged on his hand like a little kid as they walked around the pool to the garden.

  Reese was blown away. The vivid colors of the exotic flowers, the deep stained gazebo, the vibrant greens were stunning.

  She pulled free and skipped up the boardwalk. She turned to him while almost glowing. “What do you think?”

  The vision of her under the gazebo in the Las Vegas sun took his breath away. The only thing that could possibly make it better would be if she were dressed in a white gown waiting for him, the words I do perched on her lips. She was right. This was the place. “It’s perfect. But baby, I don’t have time to take care of this today. I need to eat something and be at the gym in an hour and a half.”

  She pranced back to him and pressed her lips to his. “No worries. I’ll take care of everything. Buddy will help. And he can be our witness.”

  “Jenny won’t forgive us if we get married without her.”

  “Molly either. I’ll call them.”

  “And you want to do this when?”

  She grinned at him. “How’s tomorrow morning sound?”

  “I can’t promise how my face will look.”

  Lily wrapped an arm around him. “You are the sexiest man alive. A black eye won’t change that.”

  “Ah, you flatter me.” Reese kissed her. “Let’s eat. Then you can take me to the gym.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They settled in the hotel restaurant for a light breakfast.

  Lily still flitted around like a butterfly, nearly squealing in excitement when her plate of eggs and fruit were delivered to her.

  Reese laughed. “I’ve never seen someone get so excited over breakfast.”

  Her cheeks glowed pink.

  The sight made Reese a little aroused. He shifted uneasily as she spoke.

  “I haven’t really eaten anything for three months. My morning sickness has been awful. This is the first time food looks good. Maybe it’s you.” She winked.

  “Might be.” Reese smiled even though his heart sunk a little. He had noticed how much thinner she was. It made the baby bump so much more evident. He just didn’t realize why. It made him want to wrap his arms around her to protect her. He still regretted that he ever hurt her. He intended to make it up to her for the rest of his life.

  Once they were finished eating, they returned to their room for Reese to pack his bag. A cab was waiting at the lobby for them, sent by his coach. He snuggled her close to him. Tonight he fought for her, for his small family. She was the reason he breathed. And he was going to come back home to her and make her his wife.

  A smirk spread across his face as they walked hand-in-hand into the gym to be greeted by Coach Reynolds and Roxy.

  Hatred seethed from the blonde at the sight of Lily. “Reese, sweetheart. You need to concentrate. She needs to go.”

  “Roxy, you’re not in charge here,” the coach snapped. He extended his hand to Lily, clasping hers with his. “Hello, Lily. I am so glad to meet you. I’m Coach Reynolds. You’ve made quite impression on my boy. I’ve never seen him happier.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” Lily blushed a bright pink.

  Reese found himself staring at her yet again, he never realized how much of a turn-on it was.

  She looked up to him with a huge smile. “And it’s all right. I need to go anyway. I have a lot to plan.”

  “Plan for what?” Roxy sneered.

  “If all goes as planned, Lily and I are getting married in the morning,” Reese replied coolly.

  “You’re what?”

  Reese ignored Roxy. “Coach, do you have the packet I asked for?”

  “Sure.” Coach Reynolds picked up a manila envelope off the front counter. “Two tickets. Two passes to the back.”

  Reese took the envelope from him and handed it to Lily. “See me before the fight?”

  “Of course. I need to give you a good luck kiss, don’t I?”

  “Yes, please. Do you have the hotel key?”

  “Yes I do. I love you. Good luck.”

  “I love you too.”

  Lily kissed him one last time before she disappeared out the gym door and hurried back into the cab.

  Reese watched her go, then turned back to his seething manager.

  “Reese, you’re The Heartbreaker. You can’t get married. It will ruin your image,” she warned.

  “Do you think I care? If they’re my fans over a fantasy then they can follow someone else.”

  “I will put a stop to this.”

  “Roxy, you will sit down and shut up!” Coach Reynolds barked. “Do you really think we�
��re idiots? We know why you’re upset about this. It’s not professional, it’s personal. Go pout somewhere else. Reese and I have work to do.”

  “This is professional, Reynolds. His marketing value—”

  “You know I’ve never liked you? Ever. Go find a new piece of meat to screw. I need to get my boy ready for his fight and then his bride.”

  Roxy snarled as she stormed to the door but stopped as her fingers touched the glass. Dejected, she shuffled back to a chair in the corner and slumped into it.

  Coach Reynolds shook his head then motioned Reese onto the mat to start.

  The light sparring felt good to Reese. It stretched his arms and centered him. He stopped for rest, then started again as the clock ticked closer to the time they would leave for the arena. He stopped and stepped away from his coach at the sound of his phone chirping.

  Before he could pull his glove off, Roxy stood and crossed the gym to where his phone sat on the front counter. She sighed. “It’s your precious Lily.”

  Reese snatched the phone and answered it, “Hi baby.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to interrupt. I can’t do this one on my own.”

  “Which one on your own?”

  “Do you want a wedding ring?”

  Reese stopped stunned for a moment. He never thought of wearing a band on his finger to symbolize their bond to each other. The answer came quick, “Yes. Of course I do.”

  “Do you know your ring size?”

  Reese stared at his fingers. “No. I’ve never worn a ring.”

  “Reese,” Coach Reynolds called to him.

  Reese glanced over to see the coach toss the pad on his hand on the floor then pry the band off his finger. “Try mine.”

  Reese slipped in on his finger as he balanced his cell between his ear and shoulder. “Perfect fit.”

  “Tell her to get a size eleven.” The coach grinned with pride.

  Reese’s cheeks warmed. Coach Reynolds had been like a dad to him for the past few years. Having his support meant the world. “Coach says get a size eleven,” Reese reported.

  “I will. Do you want a choice? I can snap pictures.”

  “Surprise me. Have you talked to the hotel yet?”

  “Baby, I have the hotel and the minister arranged. I’ve called home and talked to Jenny and Molly. And Buddy and I are about to shop for clothes.”

  “Lilybug, you need to rest.”

  “I’ll take a nap before tonight.”

  “So, Buddy gets to see your dress before I do?”

  “Yes, sweetheart,” Buddy’s voice crooned from the background.

  “Uh huh.” He laughed. “I need to get back. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Bye.”

  Reese ended the call with a smile. He tucked his phone against the wall away from Roxy and went back to training.

  The trip to the arena was quiet. It gave Reese time to reflect, to focus on the fight coming. He watched his opponent’s fights. He trained. He ate, slept and breathed mixed martial arts. He was ready. All he needed was his kiss from his beautiful fiancé and then it was time. The back stage of the arena was buzzing with fighters, tech people, producers, promoters and gaping fans lucky enough to be invited. He slipped into the locker room assigned to him and staked out his corner. This would be his home until he was called to the octagon. He snuggled into an open wooden locker, slipped his earbuds in his ears, and turned his music up to tune out the world.

  He looked up as fingers touched his shoulder.

  Lily beamed down at him. She was wearing the shirt from his last fight. Her badge to access the back hung around her neck.

  He tugged the buds from his ears. “Hey,” he greeted her.

  “Hey,” she gushed. “We’re all ready for tomorrow.”

  “Awesome. Did you rest?”

  “I took a two hour nap. Buddy’s orders. How much longer until you fight?”

  Reese glanced at his phone and frowned. “Wow. Soon. I didn’t realize how much time had passed.”

  “Reese, we need to warm you up,” Coach Reynolds interrupted.

  Reese gazed at Lily. “How about that good luck kiss?”

  She giggled as she bent over, teasing his lips apart with hers.

  He moaned as she kissed him, her tongue tangling with his. He tugged Lily to him, landing her on his lap.

  “I love you,” he breathed the three words out as they parted.

  “I love you too. Come back to me safe.”

  Reese kissed her once more then nudged her to her feet. He stood and shook Buddy’s hand.

  He pulled Reese to him for a hug. “Kick his ass.”

  “No doubt.”

  Lily waved one last time before she and Buddy disappeared out of the locker room door.

  He stripped his sweatpants off then sat on the folding chair offered to him.

  Coach Reynolds carefully wrapped each hand with tape, softly talking strategy as he did so. Once it was done, Coach pulled a fingerless glove on each hand. After sealing them with blue tape, the two men stood and started to spar.

  A small tech with a headset clamped over his ears came in. “Reese Cooper. You’re up.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Reese exhaled slowly as his heart pounded. He strode from the locker room to the curtain separating the back from the arena with his coaches on his heels. He bounced from one foot to the other. The wait was killing him.

  The soft thud of his entrance music echoed through the place, setting him into motion. He stormed to the octagon. For a moment, the memory of proposing to Lily inside it the night before flashed in his mind. A small smile crossed his lips. That was last night. Tonight it was time to work.

  When they reached the octagon, Reese stopped to give quick hugs and get last minute instructions from his coach.

  Coach Reynolds words were quick as he rubbed the cold petroleum jelly on his face.

  Turning to the ref, Reese popped the mouth guard past his teeth.

  The official nodded, patted him down, and motioned him inside the cage.

  Reese paced the mat as the music changed. He watched Brett stride out from the back with his team. Watching his opponent go through the same ritual seemed to take an eternity. Neither men took their eyes off each other. All thoughts disappeared from his mind. He wanted this war and he wanted it now.

  The ref motioned them to the center of the octagon to recite the rules, bracing each fighter back with his arms. Finally, he encouraged the men to shake hands.

  Reese offered his.

  Brett just glared him down.

  The two fighters were sent to their corners until they heard the word they were waiting for.


  Reese charged towards the center of the cage then tempered his step, slowly feeling out his opponent.

  Brett did the same at first. Then he lunged, swinging with a vicious hook followed by a cross.

  Reese slipped them both then landed first a jab, then a cross, finishing off the combo with a body kick.

  Brett stumbled back a step or two but fired back, chasing Reese until they were against the chain link.

  Reese weaved his arms around Brett’s to clinch him, throwing a knee into his opponent’s gut every chance he got. Unfortunately, Brett did the same, taking a moment of weakness to sweep Reese’s leg to bring him to the mat. Reese locked Brett in his guard ready to work his jiu jitsu. The redhead hailed punches down on him, taking advantage of his position over Reese. The dark haired fighter blocked several of the blows but not all of them. One blow was a sharp elbow to the forehead. Scooting to his side, Reese looked for an opportunity to sweep Brett and put him on his back. It wasn’t until Brett jumped to his feet and hovered over Reese ready to attack when he rose. Reese reached for his foot to bring him back to the mat but Brett threw more punches.

  The bell announced the end of the first round.

  Reese didn’t notice he was cut until hot blood blinded him.

  His coach barked orders to h
im as an assistant pressed a Q-tip to the gash to stop the bleeding, following it with a glob of petroleum jelly.

  The ref motioned him out of the corner for round two. Once both fighters were ready he shouted, “Fight!”

  Brett chased Reese with jabs and crosses, sending the dark haired man back into the chain link. He blocked the elbow, fully aware the red head was aiming for the cut to reopen it. Reese threw an upper cut and another cross, stunning his opponent. Reese took advantage of the moment to wrap his arm behind Brett’s neck and around his throat, locking it tight with his other hand. It had been ages since he actually landed this choke. His shoulder was tinging with pain. Reese closed his eyes, rolled back on his butt still holding the lock around Brett’s throat and wrapped his legs around Brett’s waist. He crunched himself in a ball as he tightened the chokehold. Brett fought against Reese’s grip.

  After a few moments of struggle, Brett lightly tapped on Reese’s arm.

  Reese untangled his body from Brett’s and jumped to his feet, racing to his corner excitedly as the crowd around him roared.

  Coach Reynolds tossed his t-shirt over the cage.

  Reese tugged it on as he waited for the doors to open and his team to join him. There were hugs and pats on the back. Finally, he was called to the center of the ring with the ref and Brett. The ref wrapped a hand around each man’s wrist. “And the winner by guillotine choke in the second round, Reese Cooper!”

  Reese offered his hand to Brett once more.

  This time, the red head fighter took it and shook it, pulling Reese into a brief hug.

  One of the trainers nudged Reese to the cage door. It was time to celebrate the victory.

  The locker room was chaos when Reese made his way back. He was wrapped in hugs. Everyone wanted to talk to him. His attention was torn from one way to the other. He could feel the gash on his forehead still ooze. He felt a strong hand nudge him into a chair.

  “Let’s treat that,” Coach Reynolds encouraged.

  Reese nodded, holding his head still as the coach examined him. “Is it bad?”

  “No. And it’s along your eyebrow, so it’ll hardly be noticeable in the morning.”

  Reese peered up at him. “You’ll be there, right?”


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