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His Special Kiss (BBW First Time Shapeshifter Pregnancy Romance)

Page 3

by Angelina Moore

  “Before I agree, can you tell me what it is you have in mind to help me out with the living situation? I’m very curious and I’m all out of options.”

  “Well there’s a place not too far from here that I can show you if you want to give it a try. You’d be living in a nice big space and there would be only one person you’d have to share with. And it’s very comfortable. I think you’d like it, but I’d have to take you there first.”

  It only took Abby a moment to make her decision. She was still a little wary of this stranger, even though he was insanely gorgeous, but she knew she needed to get the hell out of her apartment. She nodded.

  “That sounds great, when can I take a look?”

  Zack smiled.

  “We can go right now.”

  He took her gently by the arm and led her out the door, into the night.

  “Where’s your car?” asked Abby as she clutched his arm, fully aware of the muscles under his shirt.

  “I didn’t bring it with me. Don’t worry, it’s not a far walk.”

  As they walked down the street, Abby felt her nerves slowly return. She still couldn’t quite believe what was going on. Never had a gorgeous guy randomly walked up to her in a bar and offered her a place to stay. There had to be something else to this guy. Suddenly, Zack stopped walking.

  “Okay, it’s right through there,” he said pointing to a cluster of trees on the side of the road. They’d reached the locally famous Wolf Woods. Even though no one had seen one yet, people said they could hear wolves howling whenever there was a full moon.

  Abby shivered, trying to push the thought out of her mind. As cool as it would be to see a wolf, she didn’t think many would be too happy to see her. Maybe for a midnight snack or something.

  “Your place is in the woods? We have to go in there?” she asked nervously, clutching Zack’s arm.

  He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Abby felt the heat from his kiss travel all the way through her body and probably would have collapsed if he wasn’t there to hold her up. It was that kiss that made her want to go on.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from anything in there. Come on,” he said, leading her in.

  Within minutes, they’d reached what looked like a cave in the middle of a clearing. It was huge, at least twenty feet wide.

  “Here’s the place,” he exclaimed, turning to her with a smile.

  She couldn’t believe it. Was this his idea of a joke? Did he think wasting her time like this would make her feel better? Abby wasn’t pleased.

  “A cave? This is what I would live in?” she asked incredulously, pulling away from him and looking him right in the eyes. As annoyed as she was, she couldn’t help but stay entranced by those mesmerizing eyes.

  He chuckled.

  “Have you been in these woods before, Abby?”

  His question caught her off guard. What did that have to do with anything?

  “No, I’ve never bothered to look around here and everyone says to stay away. They don’t want people going in. Why?”

  “There’s a good reason for that. These woods are bigger than you think. And they hold many dark secrets. What else do you hear people say about the woods?”

  “They say that the woods are haunted. They say they hear howls coming from the woods during the full moons.”

  “Do you believe them?”

  Abby hesitated before shaking her head.

  “I think it’s just people making shit up to scare visitors.”

  He chuckled again, his pleasant voice echoing around the trees.

  “Well they are half right. The woods aren’t haunted. There aren’t any ghosts around here.” His expression turned more serious as he took a step towards her.

  “But the howls are real, Abby. There are other animals that live in these woods. Animals that don’t want to be seen by humans.”

  Abby noticed something strange about the way he was speaking. Don’t want to be seen by humans. That sounded a little strange. Why did he make it sound as though he wasn’t a human himself? The confidence that the drink and kiss had given her had almost completely ebbed away now. Abby was getting scared.

  “What do you mean? Why are you telling me this? What was the point of bringing me here?”

  He stepped back up to her and cupped her cheek with his hand, gently pushing her head upward so that she was staring right into his beautiful, blue eyes.

  “Do you believe in werewolves, Abby?”

  Another weird question. What the fuck was going on? Even though her heart was pounding a million times a second, Abby couldn’t help but let out a shrill laugh. This guy seemed to be completely nuts. What the hell was she thinking going along with him into the dark woods late at night?

  “Of course not. Everyone knows those creatures don’t exist.”

  He shook his head, his expression more serious than she’d ever seen it.

  “No, Abby. We do exist. There is an entire pack of wolves that make these woods their home. Why do you think the people in town hear howls? We can change at will from human to wolf. We’ve learned to control ourselves when we’re turned so that we don’t hurt humans. Our pack has lived in these woods for many years now. And I’m the pack master.”

  He sounded like he was actually serious. Abby couldn’t believe it. Here she was, in the middle of the dark woods with a gorgeous guy she’d just met, and now it turned out he’s completely crazy. She resolved never to talk to strangers again. What a fucking waste of time. But there was still a glimmer of hope burning inside her. He sounded so convinced, she decided to play along.

  “Okay, pack master. Call your pack. If you really are the leader of a pack of werewolves, I’d like to see them. Prove that they exist.”

  He grinned widely, as if she’d said the one thing he wanted.

  “I was hoping you’d ask.”

  He gave a sharp, high-pitched whistle through his fingers. Abby waited, still more scared than she’d ever been. But there was anger there too. How could she have been so stupid? When nothing showed up after a couple minutes, she finally lost her patience.

  “All right, I’m done with this. If you aren’t playing some sort of sick joke on me, you seriously need to get help. Because-”

  She broke off, staring in horror at the trees in front of her as shadows began to emerge. Shadows of wolves.

  Abby couldn’t move. She was frozen in place with fear. She clutched Zack’s arm now as more and more wolves moved into the clearing. She noticed some of them were staring at her, drooling. These wolves weren’t normal sized, either. They were much bigger than regular wolves. Some even stood on two legs, taller than any human.

  Once they had all arrived, Zack raised his hand.

  “My pack! We have a human here, Abby. I’ve brought her here to show her our pack in hopes that she may one day join us. If she does agree to become one of us, will you accept her?”

  All at once the wolves howled. They howled so loud, people across the country probably heard it. Abby had no idea what was going on, but she knew one thing. She would never join them. She needed to get the fuck out of there, and fast.

  Zack waved his hand once more and the wolves slinked back into the woods. He turned to her with his hands on her shoulders, comforting her. It helped: Abby’s felt her heartbeat slowly return to normal, but she still wanted out.

  “G-get me out of here,” she mumbled half-heartedly, startled at how high-pitched her voice sounded.

  “Abby you have a chance here to join us, to become one of us. You don’t have to become a wolf if you don’t want to. I’m not going to force you. But it’s a good life. You can live in that cave with me, just the two of us. You can still go to school or work or whatever you want to do. And you’ll learn to be part of the pack.”

  As he spoke, Abby once again found herself sucked into his amazing eyes. She found herself slowly starting to agree with what he was saying. What would it be like to become a werewolf? To change at will? It was what she�
�d always wanted.

  “Show me the cave.”

  He smiled and took her by the hand.

  “It’s very comfortable. And like I said, it would just be the two of us living in there. You wouldn’t even have to see the rest of the pack unless I call for a meeting. You’d be very happy here.”

  He led her into the darkness of the cave. The temperature seemed to rise as they walked through. Zack was right. It already felt really comfortable. When they reached the end of the cave, Abby realized that there was not much difference between this cave and her apartment. It looked almost exactly like the inside of the house.

  Actual light from light-bulbs illuminated the cave. She saw a TV in the corner with a couch in front of it, a mini-kitchen on one side, two beds in the back, and even a smaller cave on one side with a shower and toilet. There was a fucking bathroom in a cave in the woods. Her jaw dropped. It was just like her apartment, only she wouldn’t have to worry about her asshole landlord or the bad plumbing or anything.

  “How is this possible?” she asked incredulously.

  He chuckled, a twinkle in his eye.

  “You’ve just seen a pack of werewolves and that’s what you’re asking about? Since I’m the alpha male, I get the best cave in the woods and all to myself. Luckily for you, there are two beds in here so I can fit another person in here. We’ve got running water, the TV works, and I can get you anything you want.”

  She turned to him, a look of surprise and wonder on her face.

  “This is perfect. But I have one last question. Why are you doing this all for me?”

  “I told you, Abby. I can tell you’re a very special girl. You may not be skinny like some guys would like. But there’s something about you that I want. And I know you’d make a great addition to our pack. Even if you don’t want to become a wolf, you can still live here with me. Just say the word and I’m yours.”

  Abby felt herself slowly giving in. She knew she needed a place to stay and where better than in this comfy place with the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen? The harder decision was whether or not she really wanted to become a wolf.

  “Okay, I’ll move in here. But give me some more time to think about becoming a werewolf. I’m not sure about that just yet.”

  He gave her the biggest smile she’d ever seen.

  “Take as much time as you need, Abby. In the meantime, let’s get you moved in.”

  The walk back to her apartment took almost no time at all it seemed. They got her car packed with everything she’d need that night. She made sure to give her landlord the finger one last time before getting in her car and driving back to the woods.

  She found a convenient parking spot just outside the woods and left her car there. Zack gave a short, high-pitched whistle and a few minutes later, four really muscular guys stepped out of the woods.

  “Abby these are the strongest guys in my pack. They’re going to help us get you moved in.”

  Indeed, they proved to be very helpful and it only took a few trips from her car to move everything from her apartment to the cave. When everything was finally where it was supposed to be, she waited for the other wolves to leave.

  “Just a minute guys, I need you to move one more thing out of here,” said Zack, pointing at one of the beds. They grinned at him, picked up the bed and carried it out of the cave.

  Abby was confused.

  “Why did you have them move that bed? Unless…”

  Zack moved closer to her and it suddenly dawned on her.

  “Abby you know I want you. We’re going to be living together so we might as well get comfortable.”

  It was in that moment that she realized she was his and he was hers forever. She felt a rush of adrenaline and love and desire all at once as she wordlessly lay down on the bed, waiting for him to take her. He got the message.

  He slowly removed his shirt, letting her drink in the sight of his incredible body. Rings of muscle arched around his body and rippled when he moved, making Abby wet. She’d never been licked down there, but she couldn’t wait.

  He bent down and tore her clothes off with practiced hands, throwing them in the corner of the room. He quickly grabbed her chubby legs and began to tease her playfully, tracing his tongue along the inside of her thighs, making her groan.

  Abby shuddered with pleasure as he licked her, enjoying the taste of her soft skin. He ran his fingers up her legs, arousing her more and more as they got closer to her folds. She groaned as he ran his tongue right next to her slit, teasing her mercilessly. His mouth was more ferocious the second time, gently nibbling at her pussy as she moaned with pleasure. Just when Abby thought she wouldn’t be able to take it anymore, he pressed his tongue onto her clit.

  Abby cried out and closed her eyes, her mind devoid of any thought except that she couldn’t believe she was getting her sopping wet hole eaten out by a gorgeous guy and wonderment of the fact that something could feel this fucking good.

  She felt herself release as her orgasm rose to the surface, sending her juices spraying onto his face. He laughed as her juices spurted onto his face, enjoying her pleasure. Abby laid back on the bed, exhausted. But even though she was tired, she ached to feel him inside of her. And she had an idea.

  “Let’s go outside,” she said breathlessly, still high from her first orgasm. “This is my first time and I want it to be special. I want you to turn. I want to fuck a werewolf.”

  He grinned as though this had been his plan all along.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Without another word, she got up and followed him out of the cave and into the clearing. Abby’s heart started to race with excitement. Was she, a young, curvy, inexperienced virgin, seriously about to fuck a werewolf for her first time?

  She turned to Zack just as his transformation began. He got a concentrated look on his face, as though he was thinking hard about something. His face began to grow a long snout as brown fur started poking up everywhere on his body. He was bigger and stronger than any of the other wolves Abby had seen. He tore his pants off as the muscles on his arms and legs bulged even more, rivaling any bodybuilders.

  And then she saw it. The very first cock Abby had ever seen in real life.

  She was transfixed by it as it grew, longer and harder from in between his legs. All she could think about was that thing stuffed in her mouth and pussy. When the transformation was complete, Zack didn’t hesitate. He quickly moved towards her and attacked her viciously with his tongue, sending it straight into her mouth.

  She giggled as they kissed, sending sparks of electricity racing down their entwined bodies. He quickly moved down to her large, bare breasts and began to suck. Abby’s nipples were rock hard as he worked his tongue magic, making her even wetter than before. Abby loved getting her tits sucked, but she wanted more. She wanted his cock.

  She reached down and grabbed it with both hands. It was so big, there could have been two sets of hands wrapped comfortably around it. She felt him put his paw gently behind her head and understood immediately. It was time to suck her first cock.

  She touched her tongue to the head tentatively, just getting a small taste at first. Zack wouldn’t take any teasing though. He began to slowly thrust into her mouth, face fucking her. His cock was gigantic and he couldn’t even fit the whole thing in. But Abby knew she could take it. She swirled her tongue around each and every ridge, exploring it carefully, making sure the entire thing was soaking wet.

  She bobbed her head up and down on him, making him groan with pleasure. She’d never sucked cock before, but she could tell she was pleasuring him well. She took his cock out of her mouth and began to massage him, making him growl even louder. Zack couldn’t resist anymore. He had to be inside of her.

  He gently eased her back on the grass as he prepared to enter her soft folds. Abby let out a gasp as she felt him slowly enter her body, taking it easy on her at first. She felt a small amount of pain as he first entered, but that was quickly extinguished as he
pushed all the way inside. She gripped his shoulders as he settled into her, making himself comfortable, letting her get used to the feel of it.

  She could feel her inner muscles clamp around his hardness. Her body knew it wanted him. He slowly eased out of her, taking the time to lick her breasts with his long, wolf tongue, before pushing himself into her again. He thrust into her harder this time, knowing she could take it.

  Before long, Abby was getting well and truly fucked, pounded harder than she ever would have dreamed possible. In an out his cock moved, easily striking her g-spot as she groaned with pleasure.

  Zack felt himself losing control as her wetness seeped over his gigantic wolf cock, his thrusts less measured, his breathing less controlled. Still he moved faster and faster, faster than any human could have moved. He gripped her flesh with his paws, lightly grazing her love handles as he felt himself slipping.


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