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Eiichi P.I., Vol. 1

Page 18

by James K. Penn


  The new phone on Reiko’s nightstand blurted out its default alarm jingle. Cypress was there to greet her as well, brushing his head against her face to make her get up and stop the horrendous noise. She really missed the music she’d set to play on her old phone’s alarm, but had not been able to muster the energy to bother with uploading all her music onto this new one. Maybe she would ask her dad for the memory card from it sometime.

  She sat up sluggishly in the dark, blinking dim eyes and peering. She didn’t bother with the curtains. She hadn’t for a long time.

  She let Cypress out so he could use the pan, and then shuffled back in after shutting the door. Her mother had bought her a new comb, and she sat at her desk, vacantly brushing her hair before putting on her uniform.

  She used to spruce up a little more. Even if she thought it wouldn’t provide much of an appeal, she still enjoyed doing it, but now, she never bothered. Tending to her hair and teeth was all she could manage, now.

  She slipped on her uniform and her favorite velvet choker, along with a pair of black stockings that she always thought made a nice addition.

  Downstairs, her mother already had breakfast made. Reiko fed Cypress, and then herself, taking slow bites of egg and rice, not sure if she could finish all of it. They used to have tea with breakfast, but her mother had moved on to coffee, to try and help keep Reiko’s energy up. She always finished the coffee and milk, but rarely and regretfully, all of the food.

  So that Reiko’s mom wouldn’t have to quit her job, Sumi always came by Reiko’s house to pick her up so they could walk to school together. The first few times, Sumi’s greeting words had been, “Don’t worry Rei-chan. We’re gonna’ catch this guy. And when we do, he’s going to pay, with fire!”

  Sumi had always been loud and energetic. Reiko could never get into the action-packed movies and anime she watched, but liked how much she enjoyed them. She wouldn’t change a thing about Sumi if she could. She had always been amused by her determination, but this amusement would be over quickly, and doubt would just be there to meet her again.

  After Reiko and Sumi made it to their room, Reiko approached her desk and checked the interior. She had already done the same with her shoe locker.

  Seeing nothing there, she sat down and talked with Sumi until class started.

  Reiko did her best to pay attention during lectures, but often caught herself staring at the surface of her desk. Between classes, she only left if it was with Sumi, to get drinks from the vending machine or use the facilities.

  At lunch, they met with everyone else at what had become their regular spot to sit at in the cafeteria. They were the largest group in the room. Everyone else ate in the classrooms or outside. Reiko knew this was because of her, but her friends had expressed before that they didn’t mind.

  The six of them grouped around one table, grabbing extra chairs.

  “So, have you heard about that new action flick coming out?” Sumi asked, taking her seat next to Reiko.

  Reiko quietly opened her bento and began eating slowly with her set of specialty made hashi from home.

  “You mean the one about the father who takes revenge for his daughter’s death?” Yoko asked from Sumi’s right. Reiko and Sumi had been friends with Yoko since junior high.

  Moeko, sitting across from Sumi, broke apart her disposable hashi and placed them on her bento. “Honestly Sumi, I don’t know why you like action movies so much.”

  Reiko had always admired her for her bold attitude and style. She imagined Moeko was someone who had a lot of experience with relationships and boys, since she talked with a lot of them and seemed to know so much. She was popular, and the kind of person Reiko imagined should have been the least likely to be her friend, and yet she was always so nice to her.

  “Stop being such a pragmatist,” Sumi retaliated. “Since when is it wrong for girls to like action movies?”

  “Since the dawn of society. You need to be more ladylike.”

  “If I used my spoon, I think I could hit you with rice from here.”

  “You’re just proving my point. And eating with a spoon, as opposed to hashi, is not exactly ladylike either.”

  “It’s easier!” Sumi smiled and shoveled more rice into her mouth. “Sho anywaysh, I heard it’sh really intensh.”

  “Ugh, please don’t talk with your mouth full...” Moeko cradled her head.

  Sumi continued, “He’s former secret service or some military operative. After his daughter is killed, he probably does the whole lock n’ load thing, and—”

  “Boooriiing…” Moeko droned.

  “That sounds rather dramatic...” Akane muttered from her seat next to Sumi.

  “What’s boring about—”

  “Sumi, you might want to tone it down.” Kammie gave her a hard glance and then looked at Reiko.

  Reiko had stopped eating after feeling a rush through her frame that left her numb. Her hand was tingling and rested on the edge of her bento, the hashi dangling over the contents.

  “I’m sorry Rei-chan...” Sumi whimpered.

  ‘I’ll kill you!!! If it’s the last thing I do!!!’

  She figured coincidence...could be a morbid and cruel thing.

  “Everything’s going to be alright, Reiko,” Yoko muttered.

  “Yeah, you’ll see,” Akane said. “Everyone goes through something tough, it just takes time.”

  “This sicko, he’s nothing but a leech!” Moeko spoke heatedly and looked up from brooding at her lunch. “I’ve looked up this stuff online. He leeches off people. And if he’s not found, he’ll just get bored and move on. And eventually, he will be caught. He’ll leave you alone, Reiko. I’m certain of it.”

  These were not too different from other things they had said. They were kind and sympathetic, but temporary. It didn’t fix anything.

  “Yeah...” Reiko lifted her head. “Thank you, everyone. It’s okay Sumi, you’re just being a good friend.”

  Sumi lowered her head, “Thanks Rei-chan...”

  Reiko thought Kammie was very wise. She was always calm and kind, and she only became tense when someone began acting rashly, in which case she would speak out or mediate their group. She was very beautiful, and Reiko thought of her and Moeko as the most attractive members of their group, as well as the most dominant. They always took care of things. Sumi had been the first to meet Kammie and then introduced her to Reiko and Yoko. They later met Moeko and Akane through her.

  Two male uniforms approached from behind Kammie’s seat in high spirits.

  “Hey everybody! Hey sis!”

  The one who greeted them was fair-haired, with a few locks hanging over his eyes.

  “Dai-kun, Shun-chan, how are you today?” Kammie popped her gaze up at him.

  “Hey guys,” Yoko and Akane greeted.

  “Ugh...” Moeko exhaustedly rested her chin in her hand.

  “Hey Daisetsu!” Sumi waved.

  Kammie continued cheerily, “I didn’t see you before leaving home. You’re always running off without saying good morning.”

  “Yeah well, Shunmyo called early this morning and I had to go.”

  Reiko kept her eyes to her bento. She didn’t really mean to be rude. She had known about Kammie’s brother and some of his friends for as long as she had known Kammie. Being in the presence of boys had always made her nervous, but before everything had started happening, she could handle it. Now, she was absolutely terrified of any boy she barely knew, which was pretty much all of them.

  “Shun-chan...” Kammie smiled with a nod to the side. “You better not be trading dirty pictures with my brother. If he gets the reputation of being a pervert, your future may undergo worse circumstances...”

  “N-No! I swear, Seyama!” Shunmyo panicked. “I had an assignment that was due today and didn’t know what to do!”

  “Hmm...I’ll allow it.”

  The boy scratched the back of his head, “Jeez Kammie, you don’t have to be so intense. Y
our brother is the most straight-laced guy I know.”

  “Intense? I did not realize I was behaving that way,” Kammie pondered.

  “So, Moeko...” Shunmyo smoothed his way over to her chair. “Do you like action movies? ‘Cause I got enough for two tickets.”

  “Back off Shunmyo. What is this, the fifth time? When are you going to learn, no means ‘no’?”

  “I thought it was the fourth.”

  “So you’ve been counting...”

  He jumped down to his knees, “Just one time, c’mon! You might be surprised, I clean up pretty good.”

  “Begging? Talk about pathetic. If you can find a way to douse your soul in bleach, then maybe I’ll consider going on one date with you.”

  “Why are the beautiful ones always so cruel!?”

  “Ooh! Rejected!” Sumi said.

  Shunmyo jumped up on his feet, “At least I know I have a chance! You don’t even act like girlfriend material!”

  Reiko kept quiet, not sure how to handle all this.

  “Hey Rei-chan, how is everything?” Daisetsu looked over to her with concern in his voice.

  “I’m fine...h-how are you, Seyama?”

  He smiled, looking content and oblivious, a trait Reiko actually found somewhat sweet, as if nothing bad was really happening. It made her feel like everything was normal like it used to be.

  “I’m good. Just the usual, ya know?”

  She felt she could smile a little at this.

  “Sis tells me you’ve been getting out more. It sounds like things are starting to die down.”

  “Yes, I think so. Nothing has happened for a while.”

  “Hey, when it’s all over, we should all go out and do something as a group. I’m sure it’ll cheer you up.”

  “That would be nice.”

  “Dai-kun,” Kammie said, to call his attention. “You’re ready for your history exam, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I got it…” he droned.

  “I’m just making sure you’re not slacking. This is your final year, I don’t want you held back.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I can handle it.”

  After the two left, the group huddled back to their discussion.

  “That’s amazing, how you two can be so close,” Moeko said to Kammie. She had taken the straw out of her drink and was chewing on it while she talked. “It’s hard enough for me just to keep my brother and sister in line. You’re older than him and yet you act like his nanny.”

  “I guess it’s just the closeness in our ages,” Kammie said pleasantly. “Though he’s a senior, he’s always been the more active one, and I always felt it was my duty to make sure he stays out of trouble.”

  “But, what’s with all that ‘Dai-kun’ stuff?” Yoko asked. “Isn’t Onii-chan good enough?”

  “Haha, well, that’s just how my family is,” Kammie chuckled.

  “Why don’t you want to go out with Shunmyo, Moe-tan~” Sumi teased. “I’m sure you two would be perfect together.”

  Moeko glowered. “Shut up, Sumi. Not that you would understand, but it’s because he’s just like any other guy in this school. Low brow and needy. A girl needs someone who stands out.”

  “I think all of the guys that stand out are low brow, are you sure that’s not what you’re looking for?”

  “Low brow is probably all you could accomplish, so maybe you should go out with him.”

  “I’m not the one he’s asking.”

  “Let’s change the subject, shall we?” Moeko clapped her hands together. “So, do you think they’re going to catch that cell phone thief yet?”

  “I’ve heard it’s become worse. Five people this week,” said Kammie.

  “Man, this guy is good. I wonder how much you can get for a used phone,” Yoko said.

  “Probably not a lot. Though I guess they can always format it to get rid of the personal stuff,” said Sumi.

  Moeko pointed, “Tech-girl over here, another unladylike quality.”

  “Shut-up, Moe-chan!”

  “You want some candy to calm that attitude of yours?”

  “Mmmph!” Sumi puffed out her cheeks.

  “Or maybe that’s why they’re stealing them,” Kammie pondered. “You have no idea the kind of private stuff people keep on their phones.”

  “Oh, that is just wrong,” Moeko blurted.

  “Why, Moe-tan~?” Sumi stroked her chin and smirked at her. “You got something you don’t want to share~?”

  “You had better not go peeking into my phone. I will draw all over that goofy face of yours and take pictures.”

  Reiko spoke up, “But I wonder who it could be?”

  Kammie pondered some more. “I don’t know...this is such a big school, which means there are a lot of suspicious characters.”

  “If I can think of one that stands out...” Moeko crossed her arms and seemed to be thinking really hard.

  Kammie followed up, “You’re thinking of Kozuka, right?”

  “Yeah!” Moeko snapped her fingers. “That’s the one!”

  “I dunno’...” Sumi muttered. “He sounds scary and all, but maybe we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”

  “Maybe, but he just seems like someone I wouldn’t want to be caught with,” said Moeko.

  “Oh really, and just who have you been caught with~?” Sumi picked.

  Moeko’s knuckles turned white around her hashi as steam rose from her head. “You little...I meant in the platonic sense!”

  “We don’t know him. We have no idea what he could be capable of...” Kammie’s expression hardened, as her eyes shifted over the group.

  Kammie’s serious tone, a rare happening, made Reiko a little uneasy.

  She continued, “But seriously, watch out for him. I’ve heard he stares at people for no reason and it’s really creepy.”

  “Oh man, that gives me the chills.” Moeko hugged herself and shivered.

  “Why does he do that?” Reiko asked.

  “Maybe he thinks he’s reading their minds or something,” said Akane.

  Moeko laughed, “Haha! I wouldn’t be surprised. He must have a pretty sad life to be that lost to reality.”

  “Or...maybe he’s deranged,” Sumi’s eyes became leery, “and wishes death upon total strangers, and it’s only a matter of time before he snaps.”

  “Yeah! Just go ahead and make it dark, Sumi! You know I hate horror stuff!” This was the first time anyone got a rise out of Kammie.

  Reiko muttered her question, “Everyone talks about this Kozuka guy, but...have any of you ever seen him?”

  Moeko brushed it off, “I don’t know, he’s kind of an urban legend. I’m pretty sure he exists.”

  “Haha, are you sure he’s not made up?” said Sumi.

  “Of course I’m sure! Several people have seen him, it’s not like he’s a Noppera-bō. Come on, I know this is a big campus, but how hard can it be to spot one, lone, weirdo?”

  “Reiko, are you okay?”

  Kammie noticed she had clammed up again.

  “It must have been when you mentioned the Noppera-bō, idiot,” Sumi fired.

  “Shut up, Sumi,” Moeko flashed a glare. “Come on Reiko, you’re a woman of science, there’s no way you believe in any of that stuff.”

  She was already paranoid enough, the last thing she needed was supernatural talk.

  Reiko raised her head, “I...I know. Um...H-How is anyone supposed to avoid him if they don’t know what he looks like?”

  Kammie inserted her point, “Well, I heard he doesn’t wear his uniform properly and gets a lot of complaints from the faculty about it, so that might stand out.”

  Sumi furrowed her eyebrows, “At this school? I’ve seen a couple of the delinquents do that.” Then she chuckled, “One time, this guy came to school without a shirt. It was funny watching him get kicked off campus.”

  Kammie continued, “Well, he’s also always alone. I have a friend who’s in his class that says he just up and disappears during lunch.”<
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  Reiko looked to Kammie, “Well, if she’s seen him, she knows what he looks like.”

  “Yeah, umm...” Kammie folded her arms and touched her chin. “...wavy, black hair...yellow eyes...average height, kinda’ skinny, and I think he has a mustache or a goatee.”

  Moeko went back to her bento. “No matter how you look at him, there’s something suspicious going on there. He sounds guilty from every angle to me.”

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