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Prospecting for Love

Page 22

by Barbara Baldwin

  "Well, I guess one little drink won't hurt none. After all, you being Jesse's foreman and all, I can't see it coming to no harm."

  "There you go," Carlos agreed, slapping him on the back and nudging him through the door of the smoky, dusky saloon. When Lucky looked across the room at one of the dance girls, Carlos slipped the powder into his drink.

  "Here, drink up. Don't want to make you late getting to wherever you gotta go." Carlos forced a laugh, hoping he'd given Lucky enough sleeping draught to put him out. Mr. Scott had given him specific instructions to follow, and if he didn't get rid of Lucky and Zeke, he wouldn't get the charges set on time.

  As soon as Lucky began to sway back and forth, Carlos hoisted him out of his chair, put an arm around his waist and walked him out of the saloon, joking with the bartender about Lucky having too much to drink. He stashed him under a mound of hay in the livery, then began the hike up to Jesse's cabin.

  Earlier, he had watched as Jesse walked Miss Elizabeth home and then headed towards the tree line. It wouldn't take much to lure Jesse Cole to his mine. All the man thought about day and night was finding the damn motherlode. Well, the way he and Scott had it planned, Jesse never would find what he sought, unless it was in another world.

  * * *

  "Then it's someone who looks like you, damnit." Clayton exploded in anger at the thought that anyone, much less a female, had taken him for a fool over the past month.

  Elizabeth's exact recreation of their night in Virginia City had sated his sexual appetite, and had convinced him that she was the real Elizabeth. Then who was the charlatan? Who had tied him in knots for thirty days?

  Glancing out the window at the darkening sky, he knew it was time to set their plan in motion. He couldn't recall anything he had said to the other woman that would have leaked information, so he felt relatively safe.

  He swung his legs over the bed, reaching back to swat Elizabeth on the butt. "Get dressed. It's time."

  Elizabeth rolled over and stretched, the sheet sliding down past her hips to reveal the naked length of her. "She's not going anywhere, Clay. She thinks she's safe." Elizabeth secretly chuckled at the idea that someone, who apparently looked like her, had been living in Peavine for the last month and poor Clayton hadn't been able to get her into his bed.

  "That doesn't matter. The plan has already been set in motion and it's time. Now get dressed."

  Elizabeth gave a sigh as she began gathering her clothes. That was one thing about Clayton she didn't like. His ambitions were going to get him into trouble someday...soon.

  She recalled the day she had found the codicil to her father's will, shortly after his death. She had realized that Jesse would never marry her, so according to her father's words, he would get the mine and she would get the bank. Which had been fine because she never thought he would find any gold anyway, and the cash of the bank was immediately gratifying -- just the way Elizabeth liked things.

  But when she had shown the papers to Clayton, who was handling bank business, he had come up with a plan where, together, they could have the bank and the mine. He had explained that Jesse had given all the men stakes in the mine, so they had to take care of things before he found any rich veins. If Jesse were dead and no one knew about the codicil, a quarter of the mine would belong to Elizabeth, and they could use the bank's money to buy out the miner's shares.

  A very clever plan, Elizabeth thought, as she dressed. She slid a look at Clayton, and wondered what he was thinking. He appeared quite anxious to see this thing through, and she wondered if he had changed the plan in her absence. Or perhaps had plans that didn't include her at all.

  Well, she would just have to wait and see. She was sole trustee of the bank, even if Clayton managed it. She just might decide to buy the Nightingale shares herself and leave him out of it. Then she could go back to Belmont and William, or perhaps even tour Europe and find herself a Duke.

  * * *

  Ellie gave a last glance around the room she had occupied for most of the past month. She had nothing to take with her except memories, she thought as she laced up her hiking boots and pulled her jeans down over the tops. Straightening, she tucked her shirt in and turned to leave Elizabeth’s bedroom. A glint from the table at the window caught her attention and she scooped up her lighter. It was a dollar nineteen cent disposable and since she quit smoking, she didn’t need it.

  She started to lay it back down on the table, thought better of it and stuffed it into her pocket. Nobody knew exactly what would happen today. To preserve history as much as they were able, she’d better not leave any evidence of her presence.

  A great weight pressed down on her shoulders and she felt a sadness beyond measure at leaving Peavine. She would even miss Zeke and Lucky. As she rounded the corner to the parlor, the front door opened, and thinking she must have conjured up the two, or that Jesse had returned, she pasted on a weak smile.

  “Oh, my God,” Ellie exclaimed. It was like looking in the mirror.

  “Who the hell are you?” The woman screeched, taking a step back.

  Ellie knew without doubt who stood before her. But she couldn’t think of an answer to Elizabeth’s question. The first words out of her mouth were, “Jesse doesn’t think you swear.”

  “There’s alot about me Jesse doesn’t know, and thanks to my getting here in time, he never will.”

  Elizabeth started towards Ellie who spun on her heel and raced towards the kitchen.

  The instance she crossed the threshold, strong arms grabbed her from behind, jerking her to a stop. Without hearing his curse as she kicked him in the shin with her hiking boots, Ellie knew Clayton held her. The evil scent of him was overpowering.

  Elizabeth sauntered in, moving to stand right in front of Ellie. With a perfectly manicured forefinger, she tilted Ellie’s chin up then very slowly moved her head from left to right. “She’s really rather coarse, Clay. How in the world would you mistake her for me? And you say Jesse Cole is head over heels in love with her?”

  Ellie struggled against his hold. Her heart beat frantically, knowing Jesse’s life depended on the outcome of the next hour. Even if Clayton and Elizabeth held her hostage, Jesse would still be safe. Zeke and Lucky would see to that, or so she thought until Elizabeth spoke again, her voice catty. The woman knew exactly how to strike home.

  “Maybe if he loves Elizabeth so much, I should go ahead and marry him. Then we could have the bank and the mine.”

  Ellie refused to believe her. She relied on bravado to keep her voice from quivering. “Jesse will never think you’re me. Besides, he knows the plan and he’s ready for you. Zeke and Lucky know, too. You’ll both go to jail.”

  Clayton’s arms tightened painfully, forcing her elbows closer together behind her back. Her shoulders burned and she tried to stand up straighter to ease the sharp pull. She only succeeded in causing Clayton to shift his hold, releasing one hand to bring it around in front to cup her breast.

  Breath hot and vulgar close to her ear, he issued his ultimatum. “You owe me, bitch. Perhaps you want to pleasure me now to save your life.”

  From the front of the house, Ellie heard a faint shuffle of boots and a knock on the door. Just as she sucked in a breath to scream, Clayton clapped a hand over her mouth.

  “It’s that old coot, Zeke,” Elizabeth hissed, dousing the kitchen lantern. “I thought you said Carlos would get rid of both of them. Silence her and get out front with me.”

  Oh, God, Ellie prayed, watching Elizabeth hurry from the kitchen to the front of the house. What chance did they have if Jesse’s foreman, Carlos, was in on the scheme?

  Before she could think about escaping, Clayton spun her around, still holding tightly to one arm. She saw his fist coming at her, but didn’t react fast enough to keep him from punching her on the chin.

  As lights blinked before her eyes and the darkness swirled around her, she couldn’t react to Clayton’s parting words.

  “Since you like Jesse Cole so much, you might
as well be blasted to hell with him.”

  Then all was black.

  * * *

  Zeke thought it odd that so many lights were lit and nobody answered the door at Miss Elizabeth’s. He shuffled off the porch and around to the back of the house, just as the lantern there was doused. Figuring Miss Elizabeth must have heard him and was then on the way to the porch, he tried to hurry back ‘round front afore he missed her.

  “These old bones ain’t working the way they used to,” he grumbled to hisself as he rounded the corner of the porch. He grumbled, too, because he couldn’t find Lucky, and the time was near when everything should be set to work right this go-round. Zeke’s knee ached him like ne’er afore, and he couldn’t help but worry.

  “Well, hello, Zeke,” the woman’s voice came from the other side of the porch and as Zeke climbed the steps, he could see Miss Elizabeth sitting in the shadows with sneaky Clayton Scott.

  He squinted at her; something sounded out of place. “Thought you was with--” he broke off, figuring he couldn’t name Jesse since he knew their Elizabeth had been trying to keep up the pretense of liking Scott to get information. At least until two days ago when Lucky had rescued her and took her off to Jesse’s.

  “I merely came by to give my greetings to Elizabeth,” Scott murmured in the dark, and something in his voice set Zeke’s teeth on edge. “It seems like a month or more since I’ve seen her.”

  Zeke wished for a lantern. T’was too dark to figure out what was going on.

  “Why don’t you mosey on down to the saloon for a drink, Zeke. Elizabeth here has already told me Cole’s escorting her to the fireworks, but if he doesn’t get here in time, I’ll be happy to offer my arm.”

  Zeke stepped off the porch into the dark, thinking he’d best find Lucky fast and get back up here. The hair on the back of his neck was standing straight up, he could feel it, and that meant somebody was up to no good.

  * * *

  “What are we going to do with her?” Clayton asked as he stood over Ellie’s still form.

  Elizabeth tilted her head and looked at him as he asked the question. “I thought you were the one with the plan.” She was beginning to think Clayton rather inept, and her earlier idea took shape in her mind. Now that she had seen this impostor, she could pretend to be her, marry Jesse, and have it all. The bank would already be hers, and if Jesse did find gold, that would be hers as well.

  As always, she would have to take matters into her own hands. But for a short time longer, she needed Clayton to see her plan through.

  “Leave her. She’s not going anywhere and by the time she comes to, it will be too late. Carlos should have Jesse at the mine by now, so that’s where we go. If need be, we’ll send Carlos back for her.”

  Expecting him to follow, Elizabeth left by the back door, hurrying along the path that lead to the trees. It had been a while since she had ventured up to the mine her father had once half owned, but she thought she could find her way. After all, she had a nose for money.

  She explained her plan as they ascended the slight rise to the mine entrance. There, she waved Clayton off to the side. She could see a dim light deep in the mouth of the mine. Taking a fortifying breath, she grabbed the shoulder of her gown and jerked it down, the seam giving under pressure. She pulled a few pins from her hair, tossing them into the bushes then shook her head, causing ringlets to cascade down onto her shoulders.

  Rushing forward into the mine, she screamed, forcing a breathlessness into her voice. “Jesse! Jesse! He’s after me; you’ve got to save me.”

  “Who’s after you?” Jesse wasn’t as deep into the mine as she had thought, and at her outcry, he jerked his gun from its holster. Upon seeing it was her, he slid it back home. “Ellie, what the devil’s the problem?”

  Elizabeth smiled to herself. So, it wasn’t just Clayton who thought she and the other woman looked alike. Her future was looking brighter by the minute. She took another faltering step, closed her eyes and dropped into a swoon. Predictably, Jesse rushed forward to catch her.

  “Ellie, sweetheart. What--”

  “Tsk, tsk. Isn’t that just touching.” Clayton stepped into the circle of light, catching Jesse by surprise and slipping his gun from the holster while his arms held Elizabeth. Clayton tucked it in the waist of his trousers then grabbed Elizabeth by the arm, shoving her towards the light.

  “Get the lantern.”

  His lips curled into a nasty smile as he waved the gun towards the darkened mine shaft. “Let’s go, dead man.”

  Chapter 17

  Ellie groaned; rolled onto her back and drew a hand down over her face. She tried opening her eyes, saw nothing but stars and squeezed them shut again. Her chest hurt, as though a giant hand squeezed her heart. She swallowed past a throat burning with tears.

  It was over.

  She had landed back in her own time. From the feel of the hard wood floor beneath her, she probably laid on the broken down porch of the old hotel. The trip back to the present sure hurt a hell of a lot more than the one to 1870 Peavine.

  Taking a fortifying breath, she turned to her stomach and pushed herself to her hands and knees, keeping her eyes shut so as not to get sick. That effort was futile, and she threw up what little food she had eaten at the picnic.

  She refused to think of Jesse; couldn’t allow herself to mourn for him right now. If she did, she’d curl up in a ball right here and never get up. She’d become part of the ghost town; a pile of bones with no heart and no future.

  The only thought she let enter her head was getting back to Reno and recovering her photography equipment. She snorted. Wouldn’t her publisher, Hartman, hit the roof if she tried to explain what happened. They’d all laugh, then send her off on a nice long assignment to the nearest sanitarium.

  When she stuck her hand out, it hit something solid. She managed to crack open an eye to see the leg of the kitchen table. Using all her strength, she pulled herself upright and flopped across its smooth surface. Cracks and pops and distant light washed over her as she pried her other eye open. The fireworks must have started.

  “Fireworks--” With a groan, she pushed herself upright, still leaning heavily against the table. She surveyed the darkened room, realizing she stood in Elizabeth’s kitchen. With the next boom of a sky rocket, everything came back to her -- Clayton hitting her; Carlos turning traitor; Elizabeth being here.

  “Damn!” She hadn’t traveled back to her own time, which meant they hadn’t blown up the mine yet and Jesse was still alive. He had to be.

  Dizzily, Ellie stumbled out the back door and began the trek to the mine. There wasn’t time to get help. She didn’t even know if Lucky or Zeke were still alive. It was happening again! No matter what they had done, they apparently couldn’t change history.

  Still, she had to try to finish what they had started. At the creek, she used precious seconds to splash water on her face. Her vision cleared, although her jaw still throbbed painfully. If she had the chance, she was going to punch Clayton’s lights out.

  Ellie pushed herself beyond all limits as she stumbled and clawed her way up the hill to the mine. She focused only on putting one foot in front of the other, looking neither left nor right. She couldn’t think about the dark; about Lucky and Zeke; about anything except rescuing Jesse. More than once, she had to slow down to catch her breath, but she refused to stop until she stood at the mine entrance.

  Deep within the dark interior, she could hear faint voices. She peered into the gloom, heart pounding and palms sweating. A lantern lay knocked over on its side and Ellie righted it, looking around for a match. Remembering her lighter, she pulled it from her pocket and tried to use it to light the lantern. She couldn’t get even a spark.

  She glanced again into the darkness, seeing a faint glimmer of light. She looked back at the lantern. If she lit it to take away the darkness, whoever was in there would know she was coming. The dark could be the only thing between her and death.

  Ellie took a deep
breath, closed her eyes and prayed. “Please, dear God, help me through this for Jesse’s sake.” She took a dozen tentative steps into the mine before she stopped, barely breathing as her eyes grew accustomed to the gloom.

  Slowly she moved forward, putting one hand out against the cool mine wall, using it to guide her. She shuffled along, using her booted foot like a blind man’s cane -- tapping back and forth in front of her before she took a step. The illumination from the entrance faded. She swallowed, thinking only of Jesse somewhere up ahead; keeping her eyes on the pinpoint of light which flickered in the distance. She had no idea what she would do when she caught up with whoever was ahead, but instinctively knew she had to get there.

  Ellie couldn’t hear any voices as she quietly approached. When the mine shaft formed a tee, she turned towards the brighter shaft, too late realizing her mistake. The lantern sat on the ground, its wavering light casting shadows on the damp walls of the mine and sending shivers up and down her spine. Standing just at the far edge of the brightness was Jesse, hands tied behind his back.

  “Jesse.” She took a step toward him before she heard the voice.

  “Well, well, well. It seems we can’t get rid of the Ice Lady, now can we?” Clayton’s drawl came from behind her, through the dark. A second later, he grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked. “How about a kiss, now, Ice Lady? It’s too late to save yourself for him.” Clayton laughed harshly, but when Ellie feared he would kiss her, he shoved her across the small space instead.

  She stumbled against Jesse, grabbing his shirt front to steady herself. What she saw in his eyes when she looked up frightened her more than anything Clayton had done. How could she let him know she hadn’t betrayed him?

  “Jesse, I--”

  “Keep her quiet,” Clayton yelled as he pulled his pocket watch out of his vest. “What the devil’s keeping Carlos? He was supposed to meet us when he got the charges set.”


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