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Demonglass hh-2

Page 11

by Rachel Hawkins

  “I hadn’t really thought about that. What it must have been like for you.” I tried to imagine how I would have felt if, instead of Alice killing Elodie, my dad had killed my mom, but the thought was too painful to even wrap my brain around. “So what changed your mind about your powers?”

  Dad sighed and gave a small sad smile. “It’s a long story. Anyway, the point is that I eventually learned how to control my powers to a very precise degree. For example—”

  He lifted one long-fingered hand and pointed at the tiniest mirror in the room, a square of silver glass about three inches high that I hadn’t even noticed. “Break,” he said in a low voice. I cringed, but only a hairline crack ran across the surface of the mirror.

  “Okay,” I said slowly, “that was very unexplodey. So how did you do it?”

  Dad dropped his hand and turned back to me. “A combination of things. Concentration, deep breaths…”

  “Demon yoga?” I suggested, and he chuckled.

  “Something like that. The best way I can explain it is to say that you and I—Daisy and Nick, Alice, my mother—we have powers of gods, but the bodies, souls, and minds of humans. Both parts of ourselves have to work together, or the magic is too much.”

  “And then we go crazy. Like Alice.”

  He nodded. “More or less. Now, try to break the mirror again, but this time, focus more on the human side of yourself than the demon part.”

  “Um…how exactly do I do that?”

  Dad pulled off his glasses and began cleaning them with a handkerchief from his front pocket. “There are several ways. You can think of a memory from before you came into your powers. Or focus on a time when you felt particularly strong human emotions: jealousy, fear, love…”

  “What do you think about?”

  Settling his glasses back on his nose, he replied, “Your mother.”

  “Oh.” Well, if it worked for him, maybe it would work for me. I picked out another mirror, this one medium-sized and in a frame made up of little gilt cherubs. I felt my power rushing up from my feet, but instead of flinging it out like I usually do, I took a deep breath and pictured my mom’s face. It was a memory from a year ago, just before everything went so wrong for us in Vermont. We were picking out my prom dress, and Mom was smiling, her green eyes bright.

  Almost immediately, my heartbeat slowed, and I felt the magic move up more gradually. When it finally reached my fingertips, I focused on the mirror, keeping Mom’s face in my mind. “Break.”

  The mirror and the ones on either side of it shattered, little slivers of glass raining to the dusty floor. But still, it was only three of them. And there had been a distinct lack of explosions. “Holy crap!” I breathed. A goofy smile spread across my face, and I realized it was the first time I’d felt magic drunk in months.

  “Much better,” Dad said, waving his hand. In a few seconds, the mirrors were repaired. “Of course, the more you practice, the better you’ll get. And the better you are at controlling your powers, the less probable it is you will ever hurt anyone.”

  Now the euphoric feeling gave way to a nervous, fluttering feeling. “So you’re saying that if I mastered this magical tai chi thing, I could keep from being like…like Alice?”

  “I’m saying it greatly reduces the chances, yes. I told you, Sophie. You have many more options than the Removal.”

  Because I couldn’t think of anything to say, I just nodded and wiped my suddenly sweaty hands on my thighs. Practicing deep breaths and picturing people I loved seemed a lot better than having magical runes cut into my skin, but it was almost too much to believe that it could be this easy.

  “Of course, the choice is yours, and you don’t have to decide anything today,” Dad said. “But still, just…tell me you’ll consider it.”

  “Yeah,” I replied, but the word came out kind of squeaky. I cleared my throat. “Yeah,” I said again. “Of course I will.”

  I expected Dad to do his usual brisk thing and say something like, “Excellent. I will anxiously await your pronouncement on this significant matter.” Instead, he just looked relieved and said, “Good.”

  Thinking we were done, I moved toward the door, but Dad stepped in front of it. “We’re not quite finished yet.”

  I blinked at him, surprised. “I could try to break some more mirrors if you really want me to, Dad, but I’m kind of wiped out. Between last night and today, there’s been an awful lot of magic flyin’ around for me, and—”

  He shook his head. “No, not that. We have one more matter to discuss.”

  I didn’t need my new psychic senses to tell me something bad was coming. “What?”

  Dad took a deep breath and folded his arms. “I want you to tell me about Archer Cross.”

  chapter 18

  I stopped myself just before I reached into my pocket, but it still felt like the coin was burning a hole in there. My mind flew in a million different directions. How could Dad know that Archer was there last night? Did he know I’d taken the coin? Archer had said he’d use it to find me. Maybe Dad wanted to use it to lure him here.

  But before I could have a mental breakdown, Dad said, “I know it’s uncomfortable to talk about, but it’s very important that I have a clearer understanding of what happened last semester.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, hoping it didn’t sound too much like a sigh of relief. “I told you. Mrs. Casnoff made me write a statement to the Council a few weeks after it happened. Everything’s in there.”

  “I read that. And neither I, nor the rest of the Council, believe it contains the entire truth.”

  I made a sound that I’d like to say was a cry of indignant outrage, but it was actually closer to a bleat. Probably because Dad was right: that stupid statement didn’t even begin to touch the whole truth.

  “Your entanglement with Archer Cross—”

  “We were neverentangled,” I spluttered.

  “Listen to me!” Dad snapped, and I shut my mouth with an audible click. He lowered his voice as he continued. “Did you see Archer at Shelley’s last night?”

  For just a second, I thought about lying. But there was something in the way Dad was watching me that indicated he already knew the answer. Lie, and this whole thing would just get that much worse.

  “Only for a minute.” I said the words in a rush, like the faster I got them out there, the easier it would be. “But Dad, he protected me from the other Eyes. He could’ve given me to them, or killed me himself, but he didn’t. And I think there’s something weird with him being in The Eye, because he’s still using magic—”

  Dad grabbed my shoulders. His grip wasn’t all that tight, and it’s not like he shook me or anything, but something in his gaze made the words dry up in my throat.

  “You can never see him again. I’m saying this both as your father and as head of the Council. It isimperative that you have no further contact with Archer Cross.”

  I knew all of that. But there was something about having it actually said out loud that physically hurt. “I get it,” I said, looking down. “I’m a demon, he’s an Eye. If we got together, think of how awkward family holidays would be. Magic and daggers flying around, knocking over the Christmas tree…”

  Dad didn’t crack a smile at my joke, but I couldn’t blame him. I think the fact that I practically choked out the words killed some of the humor.

  “It’s more than just that,” Dad said, releasing me and stepping back. He sighed. “Sophie, Archer Cross is perhaps the greatest threat Prodigium have ever faced.”

  I stared at him. “Okay, I know that The Eye freaks everyone out, but I saw them in action last night, Dad. They’re notthat scary, and Archer’s one of the youngest ones.”

  “Yes, but he’s also a warlock. In the past, The Eye has used the element of surprise and sheer numbers to hunt us down, much like what you saw last night. But if they were also capable of using magic? We’d lose the only advantage we have. The idea that L’Occhio di Dio could recruit one of our own is terrifying
to Prodigium. It’s why Archer Cross has to be found, and dealt with.”

  “You mean killed,” I said flatly.

  “If that’s the Council’s ruling.”

  I walked over to the nearest window. It was warped with age, distorting my view of yet another garden. This one wasn’t nearly as pretty as the others. The fountain was covered in moss, and one of the stone benches had cracked in half.

  Dad came up behind me. In the glass, I watched his hands hover over my shoulders before coming to rest at his sides. “Sophie, I know this is difficult to understand, but these are very dangerous times for us. When we arrived, you asked why the Council was here at Thorne Abbey instead of in London.”

  “Lara said there had been some ‘unforeseen events,’” I said without turning around.

  His eyes met mine in the window, our faces wavy. “Yes. Namely, that L’Occhio di Dio burned Council Headquarters to the ground two months ago.”

  Now I did turn around. “What?”

  “That’s why there are only five Council members here at Thorne. The other seven died in the attack.”

  Even though I hadn’t know any of the Council members, I felt his words like a punch in my gut. I couldn’t think of anything to say but, “Why didn’t we hear about that at Hecate?”

  Dad turned away from me and walked over to one of the tiny gilt-and-velvet chairs that lined the walls.

  He sighed as he sank into it. “Because we’re working very hard to keep that knowledge secret. If it got out, it would cause panic, and we simply can’t afford that right now.”

  He looked back at me. “Can I be brutally honest with you, Sophie?”

  It would make a nice change, I considered saying. But I looked at his sagging shoulders, the naked fear on his face. Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “Please.”

  “Do you remember the war we talked about, between The Eye and Prodigium? It seems we are on the verge of another, but one that has the potential to be far, far worse. The Eye did not attack Council Headquarters on their own. They had help from the Brannicks.” He paused, his eyes searching my face. “Do you know anything about the Brannicks?”

  “Irish girls, red hair,” I replied, remembering a picture of them from Mrs. Casnoff’s “People Who Want to Kill Us All” lecture at Hex Hall last year. I also remembered Mrs. Casnoff saying that if the Brannicks and The Eye ever teamed up, we were screwed. “They’re like white witches, aren’t they?” I asked.

  “Descended from one, yes. They don’t have any powers anymore, not really. They heal more quickly than regular humans, and there’s still the odd bit of magic that surfaces in some of them. Mild telekinesis, precognition, that kind of thing. Their numbers have diminished over the years, but they have a new leader, Aislinn Brannick. Apparently, she’s a great deal more ambitious than her predecessors. And now it seems she’s reached out to The Eye.”

  My magic buzz was completely gone now, and I leaned against the windowsill. “Why? I mean, what changed to make them team up and get so serious about killing us?”

  “Nick and Daisy,” he said flatly. “The knowledge that someone has started raising demons for the first time in sixty years has put them on edge. But of course, most Prodigium are equally distressed that one of our kind is part of their ranks. The entire situation is…well, I’m afraidtense doesn’t begin to cover it. Combustible, let’s say.” He got up, coming to stand in front of me again. “Sophie, do you understand now why I will do anything to convince you not to go through with the Removal?”

  Great. More about my duty, and great responsibility coming with great power and all that. “Sure,” I said, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice. “It’s like you said the other night about Alice: demons make pretty awesome weapons, and if there’s a big war coming, you guys will need me, right?”

  Dad stared at me, frowning, and I tore my eyes away from his, biting the inside of my cheek.

  “No,” he said at last. “That’s not it at all.” He touched my shoulder until I looked at him again. “Sophie, I would never use you as a weapon. I want you to have your powers so that you’ll be safe. The thought of you completely defenseless against The Eye and the Brannicks?” His voice shook on the last word. He cleared his throat. “It terrifies me.”

  I blinked against the sudden stinging in my eyes. “But if I went through the Removal, they wouldn’t be after me anymore, right?” I hadn’t meant for it to sound so much like a plea.

  Dad shook his head. “It wouldn’t matter if you had your powers or not. You’re still my daughter. At least with your powers, you can defend yourself.”

  My hands were trembling, so I shoved them into my pockets. My fingers brushed the gold coin, and I jerked as though it had burned me. Dad glanced down, and I quickly said, “Why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place?”

  His eyes met mine. “Why haven’t you told me the truth about you and Archer?”

  “We were just friends,” I said. “How many times do I have to say it?”

  When he didn’t say anything, I rolled my eyes. “Okay, so I liked him. I had a crush on him, and—” I wasn’t sure if the heat in my face was from embarrassment or anger. “And yes, one time we kissed. But it was just the once, and about ten seconds afterward, I found out he was an Eye.”

  Dad nodded. “And that’s it. That’s the whole story.”

  Why oh why wasn’t there a giant hole in the floor that I could plummet through, preferably to my death? “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Well, that’s something,” Dad said, running a hand through his hair. “At some point, I want you to add that to your original statement.”

  We were quiet for a long time before I wiped my sweaty palms on my dress and said, “Is there anything else horrible happening that I need to know about?”

  Dad gave a humorless laugh as he ushered me toward the door. “I believe that covers all the current horror.”

  Another question suddenly occurred to me. “What about Nick and Daisy, Dad? I know you said you didn’t want to use me as a weapon, but—”

  “Never.” His voice was quiet but steely. “What was done to them was a crime, and whoever did it is responsible for the dire situation in which we now find ourselves. Which is why finding out who changed them is so important.”

  We paused on the landing. “What do you mean?”

  “There is one other way to rid a demon of his or her powers besides the Removal. That’s for the person who originally performed the ritual to reverse it. Obviously, it’s too late for the two of us, since we’re third- and fourth-generation demons, and our maker is long dead. But it’s still possible for Nick and Daisy.”

  I thought of them last night, so forlorn, talking about magic “pounding” inside their heads. “They’d like that.”

  “I know,” Dad replied. “And I’m also hoping that doing so will…well, if not appease The Eye, at least remove some of their drive.”

  I looked at Dad. I mean, really looked at him. His suit was probably a size too big, and there were deep creases, like parentheses, on either side of his mouth. He was a handsome guy, sure, but he seemed more exhausted than I’d known a person could be.

  “Look,” I said. “Don’t get super-psyched or anything, but maybe…maybe we could do this again tomorrow. You know, the demon yoga thing.”

  Somewhere in the house, several clocks began chiming. They rang out three times before Dad said, “I would like that.”

  We walked down the stairs in silence, and after making plans to see me at dinner, Dad headed back to his office while I went to my room to check my e-mail.

  There was a reply from Mrs. Casnoff, but all it said was, “Thank you for informing me.”

  I leaned back in my chair and rested my crossed forearms on top of my head. She didn’t seem all that concerned. That had to be good, though. Especially since the last thing I needed was Elodie’s ghost hanging around. I already had enough on my plate.

  The gold coin was heavy in my palm as I pulled it out
of my pocket. I studied it for a long time before getting up and slipping it in my bedside drawer.

  chapter 19

  Later that afternoon, I went in search of Jenna. It wasn’t hard to find her: she and Vix were still hanging out in the garden. When I approached, shading my eyes against the bright sunlight, they were sitting side by side on the edge of the fountain, their shoulders touching, bare feet dangling in the water. I half expected to see cartoon hearts floating over their heads.

  “Hi,” I called out, giving a particularly lame wave.

  Jenna twisted around to look at me. “There you are!” she exclaimed, eyes bright and cheeks flushed. “Where have you been all morning?”

  I kicked off my sandals and sat on the other side of her. The water in the fountain was cold enough to make me wince. “Hanging out with Dad mostly. You know, doing the father/daughter bonding thing.”

  “Your dad is a wonderful man,” Vix said, leaning past Jenna. Her voice was low, and like Jenna’s, held just a little trace of a Southern accent. She was also ridiculously pretty with big green eyes and silky brown hair. No wonder Jenna was so smitten.

  “Well, he’s definitely my favorite person on earth right now,” Jenna said, reaching down to squeeze Vix’s hand. “How cool was he, flying Vix out here?”

  “So cool,” I murmured in reply. I wondered if it had even crossed Jenna’s mind that Dad had brought Vix here to distract her. Something about the starry look in Jenna’s eyes told me no. “It’s great to finally meet you,” I said to Vix. “Jenna talks about you all the time.”

  She laughed. “Same to you. And of course, your dad was always talking about you, so between him and Jenna, I feel like I already know you.”

  Man, first Cal, then Lara and the other Council members, now Vix. Did Dad have a blog about me or something? “My Daughter Sophie and Why You Should All Follow Her and/or Marry Her.”

  “So what did you and your dad do?” Jenna asked.

  I hesitated, but Vix pulled her feet out of the water. Bracing her hands on the edge of the fountain, she spun around so she was facing the other way. “I think I’ll go unpack,” she said. “I was so excited to see Jenna that I just threw my suitcase in my room.” She grinned, two dimples appearing in her pink cheeks. I noticed the bloodstone around her neck, glinting in the sun. “Come find me later?” she asked Jenna.


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