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Hitlerland Page 40

by Nagorski, Andrew

  When I started this project, there were a few people still alive who now figure in these pages, sometimes discovered almost by accident. Ina Navazelskis, a former journalistic colleague who now works at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, alerted me to the letters of Phillips Talbot, an Asian scholar who, as a young man, visited Germany in 1938. I reached Talbot by phone, and he agreed to send me copies, and we talked about his experience. He also urged me to get in touch with his old friend Angus Thuermer, who had been a young AP reporter in Berlin in the late 1930s. With the help of his daughter Kitty Thuermer, I was able to visit him and his wife, Alice, in their home in Middleburg, Virginia, interviewing him at length, obtaining a copy of his unpublished memoirs and going through his remarkable photo albums that include the photos from Bad Nauheim that appear here. Sadly, neither Talbot nor Thuermer lived to see the publication of this book.

  There were also the personal acquaintances I hadn’t realized had anything to do with the subject of my book until I started running across their names in my preliminary research. Richard Hottelet, the retired television correspondent who was one of the original “Murrow boys,” was someone I had known for quite some time. But I only discovered when I began my research that he had served in Berlin for United Press in the early period of World War II and ended up imprisoned by the Gestapo; although he was dealing with some health problems, he immediately agreed to be interviewed. Similarly, I hadn’t known that the late Jacob Beam, the father of my friend and journalistic colleague Alex Beam, had served in the U.S. Embassy in Berlin in the 1930s. Alex was able to provide me with his unpublished manuscript.

  Some of the children and grandchildren of the protagonists in this book offered valuable insights and materials about those who are no longer with us. In Middletown, Connecticut, Katharine (Kätchen) Truman Smith Coley freely shared her memories of her parents, Truman and Katharine Smith, and vivid recollections of her time in Berlin in the mid-1930s as a young girl. She also allowed me to use the remarkable photo from that period showing her uneasily holding Goering’s lion; the photo had been hanging on her refrigerator. In Munich, Eric Hanfstaengl talked about his grandparents Ernst (“Putzi”) and Helen, and allowed me to use the photo of his grandmother dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and holding the American flag on the steps of Hoboken’s City Hall. Two granddaughters of Louis Lochner—Anita Lochner, who lives in Berlin, and Barbara Roth, who lives in Geneva—extended their assistance, too. To everyone with those kinds of personal connections, I’m especially grateful.

  Given the passage of time, though, I had to rely mostly on the written testimonies left behind by the American eyewitnesses. Many were published at the time, although now largely forgotten. But others had never appeared in print. To track down the latter, I received help from numerous archivists and librarians at a broad array of institutions that contain the papers and other records of many of these Americans.

  As in the past, I found an amazing assortment of original documents in the archives of the Hoover Institution. Thanks to the hospitality of Dave Brady and Mandy MacCalla of the Media Fellows Program, I was able to make several trips there. On my visits, archivists Carol Leadenham, Brad Bauer, Irena Czernichowska, and Zbigniew Stanczyk provided me with invaluable assistance that allowed me to keep discovering new materials. And even from afar, Brad, who is a remarkable German specialist, helped me connect the dots and fill in missing pieces. He also first put me in touch with Anita Lochner and Kätchen Coley.

  I want to thank another former journalistic colleague, John Daniszewski of the Associated Press, for connecting me with Valerie Komor, who runs that organization’s archives. Valerie immediately offered her help, and so did her colleague Sam Markham. It was a particular pleasure to find Sam there; he was a young boy when his family and ours were friends and neighbors in Bonn in the mid-1980s. I want to thank Carol Kahn Strauss at the Leo Baeck Institute for putting me in touch with Frank Mecklenburg, the chief archivist, who immediately tipped me off to a fascinating travel diary. I also received help from many others in places like the Library of Congress and Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library; I apologize for not listing everyone here.

  As I would tell others about what I was doing, I would often get valuable leads from unexpected sources. In the Hoover archives, I was changing places at the copying machine with John McLaughlin, who, it turned out, had written his Ph.D. dissertation on Albert Wedemeyer—and promptly helped me locate Wedemeyer’s records from his time at the German War College. David Marwell, the director of the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York, shared his dissertation on Ernst (“Putzi”) Hanfstaengl. Richard Wilson, who teaches architectural history at the University of Virginia, tipped me off to Philip Johnson’s experiences in Germany in the 1920s, and Bill Ury led me to explore the early days of the Experiment in International Living in Germany. John Birkelund urged me to check out the warnings of Ferdinand Eberstadt on the German debt deals as the Depression hit.

  Several close friends, like David Moore and Arlene Getz, helped me locate other sources. I owe thanks to many others—Steve and Ardith Hodes, Francine Shane, Robert Morea, Victor and Monika Markowicz, Jeff Bartholet, Fred Guterl, Sandra and Bob Goldman, Eva and Bart Kaminski, Alexandra and Anthony Juliano, to name just a few—for their encouragement and moral support. As usual, David Satter, who has been such a good friend since we first met in Moscow in the early 1980s, was always ready to read my chapters as I produced them, offering spot-on critiques and suggestions.

  At the EastWest Institute where I now work, I’m grateful for the support of my colleagues and all the board members who keep us on track. I want to thank, in particular, John Mroz; Francis Finlay; Ross Perot, Jr.; Mark Maletz; Leo Schenker; Stephen Heintz; and Maria Cattaui. I also want to thank my talented, highly dedicated team of Abby Rabinowitz, Dragan Stojanovski and Tracy Larsen, and earlier Sarosh Syed.

  Then there are the people who were directly involved in this project from the very beginning and really made it happen. My agent, Robert Gottlieb, enthusiastically encouraged me to pursue this idea, and Alice Mayhew at Simon & Schuster nursed it to fruition, providing the kind of subtle guidance each step of the way that any writer can only hope for.

  Every superlative in the world has been used to describe Alice’s skills as an editor; they all are accurate. Her colleague Roger Labrie, as always, provided tremendous help as well. I also want to thank many other members of the Simon & Schuster team, including Rachel Bergmann, Julia Prosser, Rachelle Andujar, Michael Accordino, Gypsy da Silva, and copy editor Fred Wiemer. At the Trident Media Group, Gottlieb’s agency, I am grateful for the enthusiastic support of Erica Silverman, Claire Roberts, and Adrienne Lombardo.

  Finally, of course, there is my family. My parents, Zygmunt and Marie, have always read everything I’ve produced, and they were eager to receive each chapter as soon as I wrote it. When my father was hospitalized in the summer of 2010, the first thing he told me was that he was sorry he had to stop reading the chapter he was on three pages before the ending. Although he lived for nearly another year, he wasn’t able to read again. But he kept asking me about my progress as long as he could. There’s no way to express fully my debt to him and to my mother. I also want to thank my sisters, Maria and Terry, and their spouses, Roberto and Diane.

  My four grown children—Eva, Sonia, Adam, and Alex—know how much I rely on their love and encouragement, along with all their practical help whenever I need it (which is often). I want to offer special thanks to Eva and Taylor, who were always ready to be first readers and first responders on this project. Like Sonia and Eran and Adam and Sara, they have families of their own now. The names of all their wonderful off-spring appear in the dedication to this book. A promising young writer, Alex was my in-house sounding board for many ideas. I also want to make special mention of the generosity of spirit of my brother-in-law, Waldek Kowalski, and his wife, Ewa.

  That brings me back to Krysia, who sparked this project in the first pla
ce. The best thing that ever happened in my life was meeting and marrying her during a whirlwind semester as an exchange student at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Because of me, she never finished her studies. But she has been educating me ever since and continues to be my muse, editor, and so much more.

  Photo Credits

  Associated Press/Wide World Photos: 1, 9, 13, 19, 23, 24, 25

  Courtesy of Erich Hanfstaengl: 2

  Bundesarchiv, Bild 102–00344A/ Photo: Hoffman: 3

  Getty Images: 4, 20

  Courtesy of the Trustees of the Boston Public Library, Print Department: 5

  Hoover Institution Archives: 6, 7

  © Condé Nast Archive/CORBIS: 8

  Bundesarchiv, Bild 119-0779/Photo: O. Ang.: 10

  Bundesarchiv, Bild 102–14787/Photo: O. Ang.: 11

  Hans-Fallada-Archiv: 12

  Courtesy of Katharine (Kätchen) Truman Smith Coley: 14, 16

  Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-R74212/Photo: O. Ang.: 15

  North Carolina Collection, UNC-CH: 17

  Popperfoto/Getty Images: 18

  Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-H12478/Photo: O. Ang.: 21

  Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1970-083-42/Photo: O. Ang.: 22

  © CORBIS: 26

  Courtesy of Alice and Angus Thuermer: 27, 28, 29




  1 Born in Chicago and other biographical background: Sigrid Schultz, Germany Will Try It Again, viii–ix, 123; and Nancy Caldwell Sorel, The Women Who Wrote the War, 3–4.

  1 “Few foreign painters”: Schultz, 123.

  1 “enemy aliens”: Ibid., viii.

  2 “a sour, disagreeable little man” and other quotes about Raeder: Ibid., 11.

  4 “Nobody had read”: Otto Strasser, Hitler and I, 58.

  4 “most Americans”: Edgar Ansel Mowrer, Triumph and Turmoil, 164.

  5 “the American colony” and other Lochner quotes: Louis Lochner, Always the Unexpected: A Book of Reminiscences, 151, 123.

  6 reaching a peak: Howard K. Smith, Last Train from Berlin, 344.

  6 Mowrer, for instance: Mowrer, 166.

  6 “One thing one forgets”: Conquest interviewed by author (2009).



  10 a loaf of bread: Peter Gay, Weimar Culture, 154.

  10 “Orchestra stalls”: Anton Gill, A Dance Between Flames, 75.

  10 Carl Zuckmayer attended and “could be freely handled” and other quotes about the party: Ibid., 85.

  10 “People have forgotten”: Michael Danzi, American Musician in Germany, 1924–1939, 45–46.

  11 “The contrast”: Kurt G. W. Ludecke, I Knew Hitler, 10.

  11 “political zanies”: Ben Hecht, A Child of the Century, 252.

  11 “all was politics” and “Germany is having”: Ibid., 264–265.

  12 “a few years of” and “to be in” and “call into play”: Hugh R. Wilson, Diplomat Between Wars, 3–5.

  12 “Rioting seemed to be” and “I myself have seen” and “vituperative”: Wilson, 94–95.

  13 “The shabbiness”: Ibid., 94.

  13 “traces of”: Ibid., 103.

  13 “the interior was” and rest of Katharine Smith’s quotes and descriptions of early days in Berlin in this chapter: Katharine Alling Hollister Smith autobiographical writings and correspondence, Truman Smith Papers, box 14, Hoover Institution Archives.

  14 He was a 1915 Yale graduate and other biographical details: Robert Hessen, ed., Berlin Alert: The Memoirs and Reports of Truman Smith, xiii–xiv; and Katharine (Kätchen) Truman Smith Coley interviewed by author (2010).

  15 “With the end of the war”: Wilson, 103.

  15 “The Germans, then”: Ibid., 98.

  17 “A flame of resentment”: Ibid., 100.

  17 Major General Henry T. Allen and quotes from his report: “Finds Negro Troops Orderly on Rhine,” New York Times, Feb. 20, 1921.

  18 “I am afraid”: Schultz, 101.

  18 “Your French friends”: Karl H. von Wiegand Papers, box 6, Hoover Institution Archives.

  18 “a fair way” and “A cruel thing to do” and early bio of Wiegand: Ibid., box 47 (notes for outline of an autobiography he never wrote).

  18 finding work at the Associated Press and subsequent move to United Press: Ibid., box 30.

  19 “Food Shortage Alarms All Germany”: Ibid., box 25 (not marked from which Hearst paper).

  19 In one letter from 1921: Ibid., box 6.

  19 “I am looking” and Wiegand reply: Ibid., box 7.

  20 “Houghton Girls Make Berlin Debut”: Ibid., box 25.

  21 “Hitler Styled”: Ibid., box 25.

  22 “Something is brewing” and account of Houghton’s concerns: Jeffrey J. Matthews, Alanson B. Houghton: Ambassador of the New Era, 68.

  22 “being without” and “seems to have had” and “try to make”: Hessen, ed., 43.

  23 a clear-cut set and orders as quoted: Ibid., 44.

  23 four hundred visas and “It seemed to us”: Robert Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors, 31.

  23 “It was a welcome”: Ibid., 32.

  23 Murphy told Smith and Smith’s quotes summarizing Murphy’s views: Hessen, ed., 48–50.

  24 “healthy drift away” and rest of General von Kressenstein’s views: Ibid., 53.

  24 Friedrich Trefz and his views as quoted by Smith: Ibid., 56.

  25 Scheubner-Richter and rest of visit to Nazi headquarters: Ibid., 56–57.

  25 General Ludendorff and his remarks: Ibid., 58–59.

  26 New York tenement house: Ibid., 46.

  26 “A marvelous demagogue”: Ibid., 60.

  26 “Parliament and”: Ibid., 61.

  26 The question whether: Ibid., 65.

  26 “The diary I kept”: Ibid., 18.

  27 “some arrangement” and “disquieting”: Matthews, 68.

  27 “The most active”: Ibid., 69.

  27 “How does this” and rest of exchanges with Drey: Murphy, 38.

  28 “Interview with Adolf Hitler” and all quotes from it: State Department (RG 59) microfilm publication #M336: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Germany, 1910–1929, file: 862.00/1228 on roll 18, National Archives. Also in Murphy, 40–41.

  29 In a letter to Murphy: Robert D. Murphy Papers, box 43, Hoover Institution Archives (hereafter, Hoover).

  29 “No, this is”: Murphy, Diplomat Among Warriors, 39.

  29 “Look after him” and Fate Fakirs: Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler: The Missing Years, 31.

  29 “I was the leading:”Ernst Hanfstaengl, taped interview by John Toland, Library of Congress.

  30 “The Hanfstaengls were”: Hanfstaengl, Hitler, 24.

  30 Putzi’s grandfather and family background: Peter Conradi, Hitler’s Piano Player, 12; and Hanfstaengl, 23–24.

  30 Harvard days and details of time there: Conradi, 19–20; and Hanfstaengl, 26–27.

  30 “I hate to say”: Hanfstaengl, taped interview by Toland, Library of Congress.

  30 “Some fool” and rest of canoeing incident: Hanfstaengl, 26; and Conradi, 19.

  31 “a fellow extrovert,” quotes about FDR and former President Teddy Roosevelt, and early World War I avoiding of internment: Hanfstaengl, 27–28.

  31 A Department of Justice report and Nicholas Roosevelt quotes: Conradi, 31–32.

  32 “riven by faction” and “It became evident”: Hanfstaengl, 29–30.

  32 “a very pleasant”: Ibid., 31.

  32 “A lovely way”: Katharine Smith, Truman Smith Papers, box 14, Hoover.

  32 “worked like” and “I met the most remarkable” and rest of Smith-Hanfstaengl conversation: Hanfstaengl, 32.

  33 “All that is”: Hanfstaengl, taped interview by Toland, Library of Congress.



  34 Kindlkeller description and “In his heavy boots”: Hanfstaengl, 33.

  34 police agents: Hanfstaengl
interviewed by Toland, Library of Congress.

  34 “electric” and “In his early years”: Hanfstaengl, 33.

  35 “a charge which” and rest of Hitler speech: Ibid., 35.

  35 “especially the ladies”: Hanfstaengl interviewed by Toland, Library of Congress.

  35 “Transfixed” and quotes on how Hanfstaengl was impressed and wanted to explain America’s importance: Hanfstaengl, 35–36.

  35 “Ah, you are” and rest of exchange with Hitler: Hanfstaengl interviewed by Toland, Library of Congress; and Hanfstaengl, 36–37.

  36 “a sallow, untidy”: Hanfstaengl, 32.

  36 “The first followers”: Ibid., 37.

  36 “the earnest, magnetic” and rest of Helen’s account and quotes: Helene Niemeyer “Notes,” FDR Library; and Helene Niemeyer, taped interview by John Toland, Library of Congress. Ernst Hanfstaengl’s comments in this section are from Hanfstaengl, 38–39.

  38 family photos: courtesy of Eric Hanfstaengl, the grandson of Helen and Ernst Hanfstaengl.

  38 “He had been so struck” and Kay’s account of visit by Putzi and Helen: Katharine Smith, box 14, Hoover.

  39 “What wonder”: Niemeyer “Notes.”

  40 “a definite public character” and Knickerbocker biographical details: H. R. Knickerbocker, Is Tomorrow Hitler’s? 200 Questions on the Battle of Mankind, foreword by John Gunther, xii–xiii.

  40 “The first impression” and “the expression of his face”: Ibid., 1–2.

  40 “He is softly fat”: Ibid., 3.

  40 “He knew the thing”: Hanfstaengl, 49.


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