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Past Promises j-7

Page 13

by N. J. Walters

  She chose cotton socks, jeans and a blue knit top. Comfort was what she wanted after the long day she’d put in. She padded down the hallway in her stocking feet and found Levi standing in front of her stove, stirring something.

  “Why don’t you sit down and relax while I serve dinner?” He hadn’t even glanced behind him, but he’d known she was there.

  Linda pulled out a chair and sat, admiring the table. He’d set it with china from her cupboard, accessorizing with linen placemats and napkins and silver cutlery. He’d obviously dug around the drawers in her kitchen to find everything. Crystal candleholders with pristine white candles completed the look.

  Levi carried two plates to the table and set one down in front of her. “Baked chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots. I wasn’t sure how your stomach would be after the stress of today, but I assumed you hadn’t eaten much.”

  “Oh, Levi.” His thoughtfulness overwhelmed her. “Why in God’s name did you go to Vermont to confront my father? What did you hope to gain?”

  He stared at her, his golden-eyed gaze unblinking. “You sure you want to do this before we eat?”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded. She had to know.

  Levi sat in the chair beside hers and rested his hands on his stomach. His shirt was pulled tight across his abs, drawing her attention. “I wanted the threats to stop. I wanted them out of your life for good.”

  She leaned forward, placing her hand on his thigh. The muscle jumped beneath her palm before becoming rock solid. “I appreciate that, but what did you think you could do to stop them?”

  His expression changed then, becoming harder, sharper. For the first time, Linda could see the barely banked fury in his eyes. But she wasn’t afraid of him. Quite the contrary. She knew without a doubt that Levi would use his strength to protect her, never to hurt her.

  “I’m sorry for what my father said,” she blurted out. That had been bothering her all day. “You were a soldier…”

  Levi sighed, but otherwise didn’t move. His expression changed, becoming more remote with each passing second. “He was right. I was in a special unit and we were called in to do the dirty jobs. I’ve killed men.”

  Although not a hint of expression showed on his face, she knew how much those deaths still weighed on him. She’d come to know him well these past months. She’d seen the man beneath the façade. Levi was one of the most loyal, loving and caring men she’d ever met. Look at how he’d stepped in to try and help her with her situation.

  His inability to settle down made sense to her now. Levi was searching for a way to deal with what he’d been through.

  She stood and moved between Levi’s thighs, cupping his face in her hands. “You did what your country asked you to do. But you pay for it every single day. Don’t think I don’t see it.”

  He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Opening his eyes, he gave a short nod. She realized that was as much as he was going to say about what had happened to him.

  She sighed and swallowed her disappointment. Maybe someday he’d open up to her and share some of his feelings about it. Maybe not.

  “About your father.” Levi obviously wanted to change the subject.

  Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to his forehead and turned to take her seat again. His strong arm came around her waist and he pulled her down onto his lap. She sensed he needed her there as much as she needed to be there.

  She settled herself against his solid chest and waited for an explanation. When Levi didn’t speak, she prompted him. “What about him?”

  His lips twitched. “You need to learn patience.”

  She groaned. “Tell me about it. My impatience is what got me into this mess.”

  He pressed his forefinger to her lips. “No. It was your family and Dyson’s greed and malice that got you into this situation. They won’t be bothering you again.”

  The finality with which he made that statement unsettled her. “How can you know that?” For the first time ever, Levi looked slightly uncomfortable. Alarm filled her. “What did you do?”

  He shrugged. “I did what I do best.”

  Honestly, it was like trying to get a monk who’d taken a vow of silence to break it. “And that would be…?”


  Of all the things she’d expected him to say, that hadn’t been among them. “Research?” She wanted to make sure she hadn’t misunderstood him.

  Levi shook his head. “What did you expect?”

  Now it was her turn to be slightly uncomfortable. “I’m not sure.”

  He shifted slightly and she wrapped her arms around his neck to keep her balance—not that he’d let her fall. His arms were tight around her hips, holding her close.

  “Men like your father, brother and Dyson have secrets. The trick is to find out what they are and how best to use them.”

  Linda could hardly believe what she was hearing. “You’re blackmailing them?”

  He shook his head. “I prefer to think of it as negotiating. They leave you alone and all their secrets stay hidden. If they don’t…” He shrugged again.

  “That’s incredible and dangerous.” She gripped his hair in her hands and tugged him closer. “What have you done? My father will try to hurt you.”

  Her mind scrambled to find a way out of the situation. “I’ll give him the money to leave you alone. I’ll sign it all over to him.” Anything to protect Levi from her father’s wrath. He had no idea the lengths her father would go to in order to protect his reputation. “How could you do something that crazy?”

  Terror filled her. She knew what kind of a man her father was. “He has friends in high places.”

  Levi stared at her for the longest time. Stunned silent, she imagined. Now only grasping the depth of what he’d done.

  The smile started slowly, tilting the corners of his mouth upward. It changed his face, making him look so handsome it took her breath away. His lips parted and laughter spilled out.

  She was scared to death and the man was laughing.

  Part of her was thrilled to hear him laugh. The sensible part of her wanted to smack him for being so obtuse. He was in danger, couldn’t he see that?

  “Are you out of your mind?” Her question seemed to amuse him because he laughed harder. Linda smacked him on the chest, barely keeping herself from wincing. She’d hurt her hand and he was still laughing.

  Annoyed now, she tried to pull away from him, but he was having none of it. He tightened his grip around her and buried his face in the curve of her neck.

  She absently tapped her fingers on his brawny forearm. “You know, a girl could get a complex like this.”

  “I’m sorry.” He leaned back, obviously trying to contain his mirth, but failing as he chuckled once again. “I’m not laughing at you, darlin’. But no one in my entire life has ever tried to protect me.”

  “And you found that funny?” She wasn’t sure if she should be insulted or not.

  “Funny and courageous and absolutely amazing.” He cupped her face in his hands. “You are the most incredible woman in the world.” He kissed her hard and fast. “And you most certainly will not give up your money to your grasping father.”

  “But, Levi—”

  “No.” He cut her off. “What you need to understand is that I have more than enough information to publicly embarrass them and to see all of them in deep trouble. They know if they don’t leave you alone, that information will be released. If they make a move on me, others will release the information. Plus, I made it clear to them if anything happens to me or you, there’s nowhere they can hide, nowhere they’d be safe from the men who would come after them.”

  “Levi, who are you really? You’re not just a soldier.” She’d always suspected there were a lot of layers to this man, but she’d only just scratched the surface.

  All humor fled and the mask dropped over his features once again. She hurt inside to see it happen, but she had to know.

  “I’m a man like any other, but
I have certain skills that make me unique. There isn’t anything I can’t find with a computer, no information that I can’t access. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  Holy crap! He was a hacker. That was how he’d found the information about her father. Another worry hit her. “You didn’t do anything that can be traced back to you, did you?” She grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “You can’t do that again. What if you got caught? You’d go to prison?”

  The look in Levi’s eyes softened. “Don’t worry, darlin’. It’s not something I make a practice of. And I didn’t even have to dig that deep to find dirt on your family and ex. I got some of my information from a guy I hired to watch them as well.”

  “You hired someone?” The surprises just kept on coming. “Didn’t you think I could deal with this situation myself?” That was the crux of the problem. She was strong and independent. She’d planned to handle this on her own. Needed to confront all of them, one final time.

  “Of course I knew you could handle it.” He looked shocked that she’d even questioned him about it. That went a long way to soothing her battered pride. “You’ve been handling them for years. The fact that you were able to forge your own life away from them is nothing less than astounding. The pressure they’ve put on you over the years has been tremendous. Most people would have buckled years ago. Your brother certainly did and so did Dyson.”

  She’d never thought about it from that perspective before. She had memories of her brother saying he wanted to be an artist when he grew up. He’d been quite talented as a young man. That had all changed when he’d hit about fourteen. His art supplies had disappeared and she’d never seen him pick up a paintbrush again, not even as a hobby. The same applied to Simon. There’d never been any question that he would become a lawyer and join the family firm. “You’re right.”

  Levi rubbed his hand in circles at the small of her back. The heat and his gentle touch worked their magic, relaxing her. “Of course, I’m right.”

  She gave a small laugh. “Don’t expect to hear those words very often.”

  “I won’t. Even though we both know the truth,” he teased. “I knew you could handle them, but why should you have to do it on your own. You had enough to worry about with everything they’d thrown at you and I was here and able to help.”

  No one, other than her grandmother, had ever taken her side before. Never stood against her powerful father. “I wish you’d told me. Shared it with me.”

  He lowered his head and sighed. “I know. And I’m sorry for that. I had no idea you were planning to confront them yourself. I assumed I’d be back by tonight and I would have explained everything over dinner.”

  She caught his chin in her hand and raised it. The stubble of his beard lightly scratched her palm. The sensation sent a shiver down her spine and she tried to ignore the tingles that radiated to all the sensitive parts of her body.

  “I understand that. But from now on, talk to me first. Okay?”

  He nodded. “I’ll try.”

  Levi was so self-contained and such a man of action, she knew it was difficult for him to make this promise. “That’s all I can ask.” She glanced at the table. “We should probably eat dinner before it’s icy cold.” She slipped off his lap. Her breast brushed against his arm and she almost groaned as the nipple pebbled on contact.

  He cleared his throat. “There’s one more thing.” Linda turned and raised one brow in question.

  His gaze went to her breasts so she crossed her arms over them to hide their aroused state. She knew it was too late. He’d seen her nipples outlined against her top. The man didn’t miss anything. “What?” She was almost afraid to find out.

  Levi slipped an envelope from under his napkin and handed it to her. Linda opened it, drew out the heavy paper and gazed at the official document. She had to read it twice before she understood it.

  The paper slipped from her fingers and drifted to the floor. Levi waited patiently, as always. He was so large and fierce—most people would never think him vulnerable. But Linda knew him better than most and she could see the uncertainty lurking in his eyes. He had his massive arms crossed in front of his chest and his chin slightly tilted. His entire body posture said he could take whatever anyone could throw at him. And he probably had over the years.

  “You bought me a building?” The thought was staggering.

  He shook his head. “Not any building. This one. It’s yours. I paid off the promissory note before I visited your father. There was nothing they could do to legally stop me as your representative from paying it off.”

  “That’s a lot of money, Levi. I’ll pay you back.”

  A muscle ticked beneath his left eye. “No, you won’t pay me back. It’s a gift.”

  “Levi.” Exasperated, she placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. “You can’t just give me a building.”

  He stood and stared down at her. “Why the hell not? It’s my money.”

  Another thought struck her. “You didn’t do anything…you know…illegal, with your hacking and everything?”

  Levi chuckled. “No. The money was mine.”

  “But that has to be your entire life savings. You can’t do that. You don’t even have a job.”

  He cleared his throat. “Actually, I do.”

  Everything inside her froze. If he had a job, he would probably be leaving Jamesville very soon. “I’m very happy for you.” Her smile felt frozen on her face. “When do you leave?” She’d known her relationship with Levi wasn’t a long-term one, but she’d hoped for more time. She was determined to be an adult about this, even if it killed her.

  He frowned, his expression growing dark. “I’m not leaving.” He raked his hand through his hair. “Unless you want me to.”

  “Not if you don’t want to.” Great. Now she sounded like she was in junior high. “Levi, I’m glad you have a job, but obviously I’m missing something. Did you get a job here in Jamesville?” She couldn’t imagine what it was as there weren’t a lot of full-time jobs available in town. “Are you going to work for Jonah?”

  “I’m doing this all wrong,” he muttered. Squaring his shoulders, he glared at her. “I’ve always had a job. I play the stock market. I invest. Not just my money, but also other people’s. Mostly guys I served with, including Jonah.”

  “Isn’t that risky? Especially in today’s economy.”

  Levi shook his head. “I have a knack for it. I can read the trends before they happen. I know when to get in and get out. I make a hell of a lot more money than I lose.”

  “Wow!” She didn’t know what else to say. “That’s incredible.” But something troubled her. “If you already had a job, why did you do renovation work for me in exchange for free rent?”

  “Because—” Levi cupped her shoulders and tugged her close, “—I wanted to be near you.” Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “I wanted to spend time with you.” More kisses on her cheeks, nose and chin. “Because I want to make love with you.”

  Breathless, she pressed herself against his chest. His large body was hot and he always smelled so good. She ached between her thighs and in her soul. She needed this man to fill both places.

  Linda had no idea where their relationship would go from here. There had been a lot to digest tonight. All she knew was she loved him and he was staying. The man had given her a building for heaven’s sake. Not that she was accepting it. She’d be paying him back as soon as her inheritance came through.

  She’d tell him so. Tomorrow. All that mattered now was getting closer to Levi. Going up on her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down until his lips met hers. “All you had to do was ask.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  All the tension that had filled Levi since he’d gotten back to Jamesville slipped away as Linda tightened her arms around him. Their lips melded together in a tender kiss. He wanted to be gentle with her, show her a softer side. She’d seen a side of him today that he’d never wanted to
show her. But she’d taken it all in stride. He still couldn’t believe that she was worried about protecting him from her father.

  He let his palms slide down her slender back until he was cupping her ass. It filled his hands and he squeezed. She moaned into his mouth before sucking on his tongue.

  Levi was a man renowned for his patience. He was a legend in certain circles for his ability to block out all else and concentrate on the problem at hand. But this slender woman made a mockery of self-control.

  She stroked her fingers over the nape of his neck before tunneling into his hair. Her nails scraped over his scalp in an erotic caress. She rubbed her breasts against his chest. Even through the layers of clothing, he could feel her taut nipples.

  He had to have her. Now.

  Lifting her, he started down the hallway. Linda didn’t break their kiss. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist and ground her mound against his erection. Levi staggered, bouncing off the wall before regaining his balance. He tore his mouth from hers and gasped for breath.

  That didn’t stop her. Linda peppered his face and neck with hot little kisses. He managed to make it into her bedroom. The light from the hallway was more than enough. He stopped by the bed, but she kept her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

  “Linda.” He tried to get her to unlock her legs. Really, he did. But he didn’t want to hurt her. “Darlin’,” he tried again. “You’ve got to let go if we’re going to get naked.”

  That seemed to galvanize her. “Right.” She slid her legs away, brushing the entire front of her body against him. She smiled, a sexy teasing smile, as she ripped her top off and unhooked her bra. The straps slid down her arms and the scrap of material fell to the floor at her feet.

  Levi grabbed a handful of his shirt and dragged it over his head. He couldn’t stop staring at her. As always, the sheer beauty of her drew him. His hands were trembling as he reached out, using his thumbs to trace the soft skin surrounding her nipples. Her breath was faster now, short puffs of air that were warm against his skin.


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