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Prohibited: an erotic novel

Page 11

by Patrese, Donnee

  “Maria, do not act like you were putting up with me. You did not say anything because you were happy that I didn’t come home to you. You are grateful that there are some other women willing to fuck me so you wouldn’t have to.”

  “Michael!” Dr. Julian gasped.

  “Admit it Maria.”

  I wasn’t thinking. I saw red and could not stop myself.

  “You’re right. I didn’t care. I was relieved when you stopped pursuing me so much. The more you slept with those women the more relieved I felt.” I said taking a couple of steps toward him.

  “I knew however, that no matter what, you would still be coming home to me. No matter whom you…you know what with, you were coming home to your family!”

  I felt tears come to my eyes and I knew I had to get out of there. I did not want them to see me cry. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. I grabbed my purse and turned for the door.

  Dr Julian called my name, but I had made up my mind.

  “Don’t bother. This will be my last time coming here. I’m done!”

  I threw open the door walked into the brightly lit corridor slamming the door behind me. I was finished with this therapy. I walked swiftly down the corridor straight for the elevators. I wanted to get away and fast.

  The elevator door was opening as I reached it. A woman of about thirty years old with long blonde hair exited and walked past me down the hall. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the basement leading into the parking garage. Michael and I drove separate cars. He drove his BMW and I drove the Mercedes.

  I made my way over to the black Mercedes and unlocked the doors. The beep from the alarm echoed throughout the parking garage. I turned on the most soothing music that I could find in Michael’s car and headed for the department store five minutes late.

  Thirty minutes later, I pulled the Mercedes in front of the store. I exited, handing the valet my keys and hurried inside.

  The place was bustling with activity. You definitely could tell that the holiday season was in full swing with Christmas trees out on display. Mothers and children were running everywhere. It was hard to maneuver through the place. I wasn’t sure how I was going to find Selena.

  I walked around the store searching for her. Eventually I discovered her near the perfume counter chatting with the saleslady. As I approached, she turned towards me.

  “There you are. What was the holdup?” She asked as we embraced and she kissed me on the cheek.

  I struggled for something to tell her. The girls have no idea that Michael and I are seeing a therapist. I was positive if our friends found out it would give them something else to use against me.

  “Well,” I stammered. “Michael and I just decided to have an impromptu lunch and I just lost track of time.” I said making my way toward the domestic department.

  Selena followed at my heels trying to catch up.

  “Oh, you and Michael had a nice romantic lunch?” she said grinning from ear to ear.

  I couldn’t help but to smile back. She had such a warm and beautiful smile. That is why I loved to be around her. She was a great friend and where I was dark and brooding, she was light and bubbly.

  I smiled back and tried to change the subject.

  “Wow, look at these maple leaf place settings. This would look good on our thanksgiving table.” I said walking down the aisle away from her.

  Selena followed and for now I dodged the talk about Michael and me.

  After Selena and I finished shopping for the day, it was almost six o’clock in the evening and I was shocked that neither Michael nor Mitchell had called.

  Alexis and Shannon called, however, and suggested we all attend the grand opening of the new Italian restaurant downtown. I enthusiastically agreed it was a great idea. I was in no hurry to get home. After our session this morning, I didn’t want to face Michael.

  Plus it was a great evening to have a ladies night out and we agreed that we would meet at Shannon’s house. She doesn’t live very far from the new restaurant.”

  Selena and I drove separately.

  I was waiting at the red light listening to my favorite talk radio station on Michael’s satellite radio, when my cell phone started to ring. I fumbled for it in my purse when the light turned green. I had to do some things I should not have done while driving to answer the phone.

  “Hello?” I said trying to focus on the phone and the road.

  “Maria,” Michael’s voice boomed out of the receiver. “Are you coming home for dinner?”

  I could tell that he already knew the answer by the tone of his voice. I think he was hoping that I wouldn’t come home. Probably has another slut to go visit.

  “Selena and I are having dinner with Shannon and Alexis.”

  “So, that is a no?” He asked.

  “Yes, Michael that is a no,” I answered.

  I slowly pulled my Mercedes into Shannon’s driveway and shut off the engine. I saw Selena pull her Silver Escalade alongside me. I could still hear Michael breathing on the other line.

  “Michael, is there anything else I can do for you?” I asked.

  I could hear him take a deep breath and then let it out.

  Selena walked along side my car and peered into the window. She waved for me to get out. I held up a finger indicating that I would be done in a minute. She stood with one hand on her hip, her blonde hair swirling around her face from the wind.

  “What time will you be home Maria?”

  That solidified it for me. He was with another woman. I was getting a little annoyed with this conversation and the girls were waiting for me.

  “Michael, I don’t know. Why don’t you tell the whore you’re with that all is clear because I’ll be late tonight.” I said angrily and hung up the phone.

  This arguing and fighting has been taking a toll on me. I am irritable, sensitive and frustrated all the time. I just wanted the fighting and bickering to end.

  It was hard to conceal my emotions when I got out of the car. Selena took one look at me and instantly I saw concern in her eyes.

  “Maria, what’s wrong?”

  “I just can’t take it anymore.”

  I just felt like pulling out my hair. Selena noticed that I was becoming hysterical. She grabbed my hand and made me lean up against my car.

  “Sweetie, tell me what’s wrong.”

  That was all she had to say and I couldn’t hold it any longer. I broke down and started to sob into my hands. After a few minutes I could feel Selena grab me and pull me against her body. I had not been held this lovingly in a long time. It felt good..

  I just cried something I had not let myself do in years. She was taller so I was able to rest my head on her chest. She tightened her arms around me and I could feel her heart beating against my cheek. I looked up to find her gazing at me. Her blue eyes were filled with worry and another sentiment I could not place.

  She leaned down and before I knew what was about to take place, she gently rested her lips on mine. She kissed me and though in my mind I struggled with my current situation, I felt too paralyzed to stop it. It felt so good. A kiss has never made me so comforted and safe.

  She kissed me gently and then more passionately. Her tongue made circles around mine. It felt like we were there for what seemed like an eternity but in reality it was only a few minutes.

  A motorcycle raced by and snapped me back into full consciousness. I took a few steps back and stared at her. I watched her wipe my lipstick off her mouth and then she smiled at me. So many emotions raced through my brain and I found myself struggling to breathe. At my distress, the look of pleasure left her face and she took a step toward me.

  “Maria, are you alright?” She asked reaching out for me.

  I took a few steps back.

  I could not believe what I had just done.

  I watched as she took a few steps toward me.


  My first instinct was to get out of there. I moved away from her and
climbed back into my car. I heard her call my name but it sounded like she was so far away. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. I needed to get somewhere. The only place I could think of was home and I knew I didn’t want to run into Michael.

  I had no choice.

  I drove home and pulled into the garage. I just sat there thinking. My head started to swim. I leaned my head against the back of the seat. I couldn’t believe that Selena kissed me.

  More importantly, I couldn’t believe that I enjoyed it.


  Breathe, I told myself. I thought maybe if I focused on my breathing I could steady my nerves. So far it has been very difficult for me to follow my own orders.

  I was standing behind Julia and her dad fighting with this new shirt I bought earlier that day.

  I was crazy for coming here tonight. After our little dinner, he has called me non-stop. We ended up talking on the phone for hours and occasionally hooking up at my apartment.

  I found myself thinking about him all the time. I started to feel emotionally attached to Michael. He was getting under my skin and I was starting to think about the dreaded “R” word.

  I decided that if I was going to accompany Julia and Mr. DiGarmo to this Thanksgiving dinner, I should probably look nice. Julia asked me why I looked so sexy. She reminded me about how pissed off Mikey was when I hooked up with one of his relatives. She insisted that I behave tonight.

  I told her that I didn’t know what she was talking about. I always looked this sexy.

  I knew that when Michael saw me he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off me. I have been thinking about fucking him all day and it had me dressing like I was two seconds away from a stripper pole.

  Though I did feel a pang of guilt for doing this in his home, I knew that I wanted to tease him a little by showing a little leg and letting the girls come out to play.

  I was wearing a dark brown cotton V-neck shirt with a beautiful leaf pattern on the front. Each leaf was outlined in subtle rhinestones. My skirt was rather short and it took a lot of effort to not show glimpses of my crotch.

  I know I am being bad, but Michael just enhances that bad girl in me. I like this feeling. I’m sick and tired of being a good girl.

  From outside of the beautiful house you could hear music playing and several happy voices

  I watched Mr. DiGarmo press the doorbell. Just as he hit it, the door swung opened and standing in the doorway in dark colored pants and a navy blue sweater was Michael Jr. He was wearing a Cheshire cat smile and holding a glass of brown liquid. I’m guessing he has taken up his father’s habit of drinking whiskey straight.

  “Are you guys going to just stand out here or are you going to come in and join the fun?” He asked leaning on the door frame.

  “Well, if you would move I think we could make it through.” Julia said laughing.

  Mikey moved out of the way to let us in the house. He didn’t hesitate to push Julia as she walked by. When I tried to enter, he jumped in front of me.

  “Umm…excuse me?” I commented raising one arched eyebrow.

  He smiled and looked me up and down.

  “What has gotten into you lately?”

  I tried to push passed him and he grabbed me with his free hand pulling me close to his body. He leaned in close to whisper in my ear.

  “Since when have you worn such short skirts?” He inquired softly.

  “Just trying new things.” I answered nonchalantly.

  He continued holding me close to his body.

  “You naughty girl you. What are you trying to do to me?” He asked jokingly.

  I smiled realizing that I felt an erection lurking in his pants.

  “You better back away before people start to wonder.

  He smiled and moved out of my way.

  I walked slowly and seductively into the well-lit house turning to look at Mikey as I entered. He was watching me laughing.

  There seemed to be more people here than I thought. I instinctively scanned the foyer for Michael hoping to see him.

  My palms began to sweat in anticipation.

  I took the time to admire the beautifully decorated foyer. It was stunning. Each piece of furniture was gold outlined in red. The floors were real wood and in the shine I could see myself. It looked like black cherry Brazilian or something.

  Mikey grabbed all of our coats to place them in the nearby closet. I took mine and handed it to him. In the process, my cell phone fell out of my pocket and hit the floor with a load thud.

  “Sorry,” Mikey said reaching for my phone.

  “No, I got it.”

  I bend down trying not to show too much cleavage and ass. Before I could grab it, a hand reached down and picked it up. I stood and looked square into those mesmerizing green eyes.

  “I believe you dropped this.” He said holding my cell phone out to me.

  I shouldn’t have looked. He held me in his gaze and then he smiled lighting up the whole room. I could feel sweat gathering under my arms and I was praying my deodorant would hold up.

  “Dad you remember Maxine don’t you?”

  Michael smiled.

  “I remember this beautiful woman.” He said.

  I reached for my cell phone but he moved it, grabbed my hand with his other hand and placed a soft kiss on my dark skin. When he released my hand I let go of the breath I didn’t know I was holding and took my cell phone from his grasp.

  He smiled.

  If I didn’t control myself I would leak all over this hardwood floor.

  “Let’s go everyone dinner is almost ready.” He said leading everyone into the living room where the rest of the guests were.

  I tried to follow and he pulled me back against his body. When the foyer was empty, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “I missed you, my darling.” He whispered softly and seductively.

  I naughtily reached down and placed a hand on his crotch. I gave a soft squeeze and he moaned.

  “Of course you did.” I replied and walked away leaving him standing there in a daze.

  When I entered the living room, I was introduced to a few of the guests at the party. Most of them were Salvatore relatives. Michael Jr.’s grandparents were there and his aunts and uncles on his father’s side. I recognized them from the wedding. I stayed in the back and on occasion I would sit and talk to Mikey and Julia.

  Stacey, Mikey’s wife, was being paraded around to all the relatives. That gave me some time to sit and flirt with her husband.

  “This is a beautiful house Mikey. If it were my house I would fuck in every room.”

  We laughed.

  “You have such a foul mouth little girl.” He said leaning in closer. “One I would like to stick my cock into.”

  I spit out the water I was sipping.

  “Okay, you win.” I chuckled.

  He took a bow still laughing.

  He looked up and spotted his mother coming out of the kitchen.

  “Hey wait right here. I want you to meet my mother.”

  Before I had a chance to scream; WHY DO I NEED TO MEET YOUR MOTHER, he ran over to her and practically dragged her over to me.

  It was a very uncomfortable situation and I couldn’t begin to describe the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I was introduced to her.

  She was short and petite with an aura of elegance and strength. She didn’t seem to smile a whole lot just slightly lifting the corners of her mouth. She was breathtaking however. Just looking at her I wondered why Michael would ever want to even be in my vicinity yet alone in my bed.

  Along with breathtaking, she was unnervingly intimidating. As Mikey introduced us she slowly and cautiously extended her hand to me. I hesitantly shook it. Her grasp was loose and not as strong as I would imagine.

  “Nice to finally meet you Maxine,” she said in her soft velvety voice.

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you too.”

  As we exchanged greetings I felt eyes on us.
I turned my head to the side only to find those emerald eyes watching us closely, intensely. I tried not to focus on him.

  “My son speaks very highly of you. He claims that you are close yet this is the first time that we are meeting. I find that strange.”


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