Prohibited: an erotic novel

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Prohibited: an erotic novel Page 18

by Patrese, Donnee

Mikey sighed and sat back down on the couch. There was silence for a minute. It felt awkward and there were never any awkward silences between Mikey and I. There has been lots of tension every since he found out I was sleeping with his father.

  It’s not surprising.

  “So when is that pizza coming?” I asked trying to shatter the uncomfortable quiet.

  He stared at me for a second. I could not place the look or emotion in his eyes, but something was there and it didn’t look good at all. Then Mikey grabbed my feet from the coffee table and swung me around until my feet were placed solidly in his lap. He slowly began to softly massage them.

  “The pizza will be here when it gets here.” He chuckled.

  I was still trying to place his demeanor. He seemed like he was tense but the way he was massaging my feet gave the impression he was relaxed. I was starting to tense up. I was afraid he knew I didn’t stop seeing Michael.

  I tried so many times to break it off but Michael just kept calling and kept dropping by with gifts and-a hard awaiting dick.

  With any other man it would have been easy to stay away and not be sucked into this affair, but as hard as I tried, my emotions were getting involved and I started to fall for him.

  Lately the thought of being without him leaves a pit in the bottom of my stomach and the thought of seeing him makes me so happy. When he is not with me, I am so upset knowing he is at home in bed with his wife. The good news, she’s not fucking him.

  Oh boy what am I doing?

  “So what has been going on lately?”

  His question made my whole body tense. I knew for certain he knew I was still seeing his father. I slid my feet from his lap and sat up.

  “You didn’t call me here for pizza and a movie did you?”

  “No.” He admitted running his fingers through his hair.

  He glided closer to me on the couch.

  “I thought we needed to talk.”

  “Look, Mikey I know you are probably upset but…”

  “Maxi, shut the fuck up and listen would you?” He interrupted.

  I was speechless. He went from fine to pissed in like 2.5 seconds. I had seen him this angry before but never at me. I didn’t know if I could handle this. I could feel the tears forming.

  “I have just one question. Why can’t you stay the hell away from my dad?”

  I just watched him. I saw how much this was

  costing him. He tried hard to maintain his composure. Tears began to fall and I could not stop them.

  “I tried Mikey, I really did.”

  “You didn’t try hard enough!” He said standing.

  “I thought our friendship meant something to you. I was always there for you. When you needed me I was there. I always supported you. I ask you to do one thing for me, something that should have been easy to do. Something you should have never done in the first place and you couldn’t do it.”

  He was right. He was always there for me and I repay him by sleeping with his dad and hurting his mother. I knew what I was doing was wrong but this went from a one night stand to a relationship before I could blink. I was torn and did not know what to do.

  “Mikey if you knew your dad the way I know him, you would understand how hard it is for me to just break it off with him. It’s more than just sex now.”

  He started to pace. I knew what that meant.

  “You think you know my father better than I do?” He demanded to know.

  I was hoping that was rhetorical because I dare not answer.

  He is standing directly in front of me, so I stood. We are face to face now. I could feel the heat radiating from his body.

  Is it bad this was turning me on?

  “I know my father. I know that he has been cheating on my mom for years. I have caught him several times. That has not stopped him. Then, he has sex with my best friend in my mother’s home? I have no respect for my father.”

  His voice was raised and he started to sweat. I had never seen him this way and so utterly passionate.

  “Do you really feel that way about your dad?”

  “Yes,” he answered without hesitation. “You have not seen the shit he has done Maxi. He is selfish and full of shit. He knows how to charm women. That is how he gets so many of them in his bed. You’re just another one.”

  I was beyond shocked he was saying these things. More importantly, I was so upset that I was a part of this. I was at a loss for words. I really hated to see him this way. I know I didn’t start it but I was in the middle of ruining this family.

  Nevertheless, I was still having a problem breaking away. I could see something genuine in the words Michael spoke to me. I could tell that he truly loved me and wanted to start a new relationship.

  “Maxi, I know him. I just don’t think that you do. He is going to hurt you. Look at what he is doing to my mother.”

  “I love him.” I blurted out.

  It surprised him as much as it surprised me. I knew I had been having these feelings for a while but to actually hear the words exit my mouth.

  My words upset him even more.

  “You do not love him Maxi.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I knew how I felt for Michael was real and it was powerful.

  “Mikey, I do. I love him and I can’t stop it or control it.”

  He began to pace again and I thought it best that I left. I didn’t think I could talk about it anymore. This was not supposed to happen this way. I was not supposed to have a love affair with Michael. This was supposed to be just sex and that is it.

  Nothing more.

  I grabbed my jacket off the chair and walked toward the door. I felt Mikey grab me and push until my back was against the wall. His breathing was heavy and it took everything for him to calmly reply.

  I wanted to move but how could I. He was holding me so tightly.

  I had a small urge to hold him and make his pain go away. Pain I was causing him.

  Finally he spoke.

  “Maxine, I love you so much and I do not want to see you hurt. I need you to stay away from him. You have to let my father go. If I mean anything to you, leave my father alone.”

  “If it is not me then it will be someone else.” I replied not sure if I should have said anything.

  He leaned down as if he meant to snuggle my neck. He placed his lips near ear.

  “Sweetie does it have to be you? You are one of my best friends and I don’t want to lose you.”

  I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. The warmth he radiated started to melt my heart. I loved Mikey as well and I didn’t want to hurt him or damage our friendship.

  Yet I know that was exactly what I was doing. I was hoping once he knew his father and I loved each other and that this was not just a fling anymore he would understand. You can’t help who you fall in love with or who steals your heart.

  He continued to hold me. He kissed me softly on my forehead.

  “What if I cannot do that? What if I can’t stay away from him and I decide to pursue a relationship?” I breathed into his shoulder through my tears.

  His grip on me tightened.

  “Then our friendship is over and you’ve lost me.”

  That was the last thing I wanted to hear.


  I sat at the kitchen table going over my afternoon. I was not sure what had gotten into me but there was no way I was letting Michael get a divorce. I realized that if he divorced me, it would leave me the freedom to pursue...

  I didn’t want to think about it.

  I had been avoiding Selena since that afternoon in my kitchen. Just sitting here at the very table where it all happened has me all flustered and bothered. I needed to stay away from her least I repeat what happened before.

  I decided I had a chance of keeping Michael around if I let him have his cake and eat it too. He could have his little black lover and I would not care as long as he stayed devoted to his family. We needed to stay married.

  I assumed it wou
ld not be too hard to convince her.

  Earlier that afternoon I tried to stay calm and poised as she walked to my table. She stopped short just before reaching me. Maybe she realized what she was doing and decided to change her mind.

  I waved her over to the table.

  She abandoned her ideas of turning and leaving and headed in my direction. She pulled up a chair not saying a word. She was sitting directly in front of me.

  It was almost difficult to look at her.

  I was disgusted.

  I waited until she was good and comfortable and I decided to ask.

  “So, do you go around ruining families or is this your trial run?”

  She didn’t seem startled by my question. She took a sip of the water from the glass sitting in front of her.

  She didn’t get a chance to answer right away. The server returned and asked if she wanted anything to eat.

  “No nothing, thank you.” She answered.

  “Go on order something. It’s on me. I’m having the chicken salad.” I looked up at the waiter.

  “You know what, make it two chicken salads.” I ordered.

  I notice she didn’t take her eyes off me the whole time.

  When the server returned to the kitchen, she finally spoke.

  “Why did you ask me to come here?” She inquired leaning in her seat folding her arms across her chest.

  “Is this your chance to insult me? Get things off your chest? We could have done this over the phone.”

  I smiled.

  “This is so hilarious. You have attitude with me?” I asked.

  I couldn’t help myself. I laughed.

  “My dear, you have insulted me, showed disrespect for me every time you crawled into bed with my husband.”

  There was silence after that.

  “Does Michael know you are here?” She asked breaking the silence.

  I leaned back in my chair.

  “No, he does not know I am here. Does he know you are here?” I asked letting a smile spread across my face.

  At that moment the server brought us the salads that I ordered.

  I reached for my knife and fork and began to cut the chicken. I took a forkful into my mouth and looked up to see her watching me.

  “Relax,” I said taking a sip of water. “Eat your lunch.”

  She didn’t move at first. But then she started to shift the lettuce around with her fork. We continued in silence for a few minutes.

  Then she looked up.

  “This is great and all…you buying me lunch, but…”

  I put down my fork.

  “But what? You fuck my husband for months and I can’t get 30 minutes to say what I need to say?’

  She was now starting to look very uncomfortable.


  “Let me cut to the chase,” I said wiping my mouth with my napkin and taking a sip of water.

  “Do you really think Michael would leave me for you?”

  She looked completely ready for my question. I didn’t like that.

  “I knew that was coming.” She answered leaning back in her chair placing her hands in her lap.

  “Really? Well, I wonder if you know what’s coming next.”

  I leaned in closer.

  “Michael has been sleeping around for years. Do you really think you are that special? You think are the one he is going to settle down with? From what I can see, you aren’t much different from the rest and you are going to end up just like them all…a damn fool!”

  The smug look faded from her face and a hint of anger surfaced on her features. I knew I had offended her, but what did I care? She was offending me just by having me in this situation. She opened her mouth to speak and I dismissed her by fanning my hand to silence her. She closed her mouth.

  “Look, my dear. I am not here to insult you.”

  “You could have fooled me.”

  I ignored her.

  “I am here to offer you a deal.”

  At the mention of a deal her already big brown eyes got even bigger. She took a sip of water.

  “A deal?” She asked sounding very surprised.

  “Yes, a deal.” I responded.

  I took a sip of my water and leaned in my seat.

  “Look, I know my husband loves me and has no plans to desert his family however, it is not lost on me that a man has certain needs.”

  She raised an eyebrow. I continued.

  “At this juncture in my life, sex is unnecessary. There are certain things that are more important and I chose to focus on those instead of focusing on a sexual relationship.”

  I took a sip of water.

  “However, I do understand that Michael may see things differently. Because of this, I am willing to make certain sacrifice.”

  I looked at her. The anger and frustration had vanished from her face and was replaced by what I would call amusement.

  “Is something entertaining about this conversation?”

  A smile formed on her face.

  “Are you asking me what I think you are asking me?” She answered at this point clearly amused.

  I was bewildered by her amusement. There was clearly nothing funny about this situation.

  “I am not asking, I am stating that I would allow your continuing correspondence with my husband, as long as some stipulations are adhered to.”

  “What stipulations?” She said taking a forkful of lettuce into her mouth.

  That was not a good sign. She seemed too comfortable. She probably felt like she had the upper hand.

  I really needed to knock her down a notch.

  “For example, your continued correspondence with my husband will be limited to sex only. There should not be dinner dates, late night phone conversations, you visiting our home at anytime.”

  As I thought of what had transpired between them I became angrier and angrier. Going through Michael’s receipts and his two phones (I did not know he was carrying two cell phones), helped me to learn a lot about him.

  I learned through text messages that they were sleeping together in my home. Through receipts, I found out he was getting hotels for their meetings. It took everything I had not to lean across the table and slap her.

  “Are you kidding me?” She interrupted.

  “Do I look like I am kidding?”

  I never had a problem with Michael finding sex elsewhere, but the thought of him falling in love with this woman was more than I could bear. Since she was so important to Michael, I felt that a good wife would be willing to compromise.

  When I first discovered that Michael had fallen in love with her, I was devastated. Divorce? What would people think of us? I had worked so hard to give the appearance that our life together was perfect and I will be damned if I let this little girl ruin that.

  If you think about it, I should actually see this as a win-win situation.

  Michael could have all the sex he wanted and I would be the loving wife and mother and wouldn’t have to bother with sex.

  That is if I could get them to agree to this.

  She rubbed her hand across her brow and looked at me.

  “It is really confusing to me that you would offer me such a deal.”

  “Why would it be so surprising?”

  She let out a huge breath.

  “Look, I am so sorry this relationship with Michael and I began. I never meant to hurt anyone. However, I cannot deny that I have feelings for him. Very strong feelings and I can’t for the life of me understand why you would want to share him.”

  I stared at her. Was she serious? I have gone out of my way to make him happy and she is wondering why I would want to share him?

  “Look, my family is important to me and I would do anything to keep it together. If that means letting him have a little fun, then so be it.”

  “A little fun?” She said flabbergasted. “I really don’t think this is just a little fun to Michael and he would never agree to this.”

  I smiled.

  “Oh he w
ill agree, because you are going to make him.”

  She chuckled.

  “Oh I am so glad you find this funny.” I said getting angrier by the second. “You will also be telling him that you do not love him and the only way he gets to be near you is if he abides by this deal.”


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