A New Day

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A New Day Page 33

by Nancy Hopper

  Tim grinned, knowing that it was a high compliment. “Well, you’re preaching to the choir, Lucinda. If you can get her here, I’ll do my best.” he promised.

  Lucinda hesitated. “Mr. Timothy; you are the marrying kind, aren’t you?”

  Tim nearly choked on his tea. He regained composure and looked up at her seriously. “Oh, yes, Lucinda. I didn’t think I was in the market to get married; but my mind has been changed. You can bet I’m going to marry her.” he promised.

  Lucinda patted his arm and went cheerfully back into the house.

  “Father, I don’t want to go to Salt Lake.” Tasha protested wearily. “We just got settled in, here. Why are you insisting upon this?”

  “I don’t ask you to do much, Tasha. I need a hostess, that’s all.”

  “But to disrupt the children, and ...”

  “Nonsense. They love to travel; they’re dying to go.” he said shortly.

  “All right. All right!” she growled. It didn’t sit well with her, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on the reason.

  Brent smiled impassively. “Let’s get moving, then.” he snapped.

  Tasha rolled her eyes, and began packing.

  Tim stretched, and turned his head at the knock on the door. The morning sun was pouring through the windows.

  “Mr. Tim? Mr. Tim, may I come in?” Lucinda called.

  “Yeah. Sure, Lucinda.” he yawned. He covered up to the shoulders.

  She came in without so much as batting an eye, to find him in bed. “She’s on her way, Mr. Tim. Mr. Brent is going to come, too. He is very eager to talk with you again.”

  Tim grinned. “When?” he asked.

  “Tonight. For dinner.” Lucinda chortled happily. “And Mr. Brent is bringing along someone who he’d like for you to meet. A Mr. Seaton.”

  Tim wrinkled an eyebrow. “Why?” he asked curiously.

  “I think it is just so that Miss Tasha won’t be suspicious, but I really don’t know. You can never tell with Mr. Brent. Sometimes, he is cooking up outlandish things.” she admitted, sounding so joyful that Tim couldn't help grinning at her.

  “Okay.” he agreed. He went immediately into prayer.

  Tasha was very tense and tired when their plane landed in Salt Lake. She was very irritated to have to be there, and the children were unspeakably cranky. Her father was behind them, talking with a Mr. Seaton he’d brought along. Some new business scheme was pending, she supposed.

  She didn’t like Seth Seaton very much. He seemed nice enough, but he kept looking at her, and it made her very uncomfortable.

  She was ecstatic to get out of her seat at last, and quickly herded the children up the ramp to the terminal. She was exhausted.

  It was a half-hour drive or so to the house, with cranky children to tend to. She was grateful that her father always had a limo waiting. It made things so much lovelier. And she didn't have to listen to his business talk, or suffer Seth Seaton's eyes on her anymore.

  She finally got the kids settled in their rooms, and went into her own room. The Salt Lake house was her favorite. It felt, for some reason, the most like home. She just hated having to uproot the children and go so suddenly. It upset the children, and it was hard on her, as well.

  She sighed as she pulled off her hat, and unbuttoned her suit coat. Her shoes followed the coat to the floor as she sank down on the bench at the foot of her bed. When she began to unbutton her blouse, a male voice intervened.

  “Perhaps you’d better not.” Tim suggested in a husky voice. “Much as I hate to have to say it.”

  Tasha froze. She looked out through her French doors, and saw him sitting in the hot tub on the deck outside. She almost fainted. She just stood gaping at him, swaying back and forth dangerously. She pulled her blouse together, and sat down abruptly. She couldn’t move, couldn’t seem to speak. She just stared.

  “I’m fine, thanks. How about you?” he conversed with his silent partner. “Bad flight? I’m sorry. Yes, it is difficult with children, isn’t it?”

  “I can’t believe it! What are you doing here?” she gasped, still clutching her blouse.

  “I came to see you.” he said, as naturally as if it were an everyday occurrence. He gave her a naughty look, and smiled. “Your father seems to like me more than you do. It was nice of him to make you come here to entertain me.”

  “Perfect.” she sighed facetiously.

  “Why don’t you put on something lovely that will make my head spin, and join me?” he invited, toasting her with his sparkling water.

  She was annoyed. She had fully intended to make a beeline for the hot tub -- but now, with him in there? She growled her annoyance. “I suppose I really have no choice, if I want to use my hot tub, do I?” she snapped.

  Tim shrugged, looking innocent. “I guess not.” he agreed cheerfully.

  She lifted her chin, and stalked across the room to her closet. When she reappeared, she was wearing a burgundy maillot that was devastating on her lovely, slim frame.

  Tim had a rude awakening when he saw her walking toward him.

  She was incredible! Long, slender legs so soft and brown and endless, it was mind-boggling. Tiny hips and a flat tummy that defied the imagination. A waist like Barbie, and very nice cleavage under the strapless suit. She was soft-looking and creamy smooth, yet firm and toned. Her hair was tumbling around as she shook it out. Her eyes were glittering like green diamonds. Her make-up, as always, was flawless. She was like a model, totally natural – yet totally perfect.

  He’d forgotten how lovely she was. Had he ever really noticed? Dear heaven! He thought he'd lose his mind as she bent over, and gathered her hair into a clasp to keep it out of the water. The sight of her soft neck made him feel sheer desire.

  She stepped into the water, and pierced him with her flashing eyes. “Never seen a woman before?” she snapped tauntingly.

  Tim shook his head shamelessly. “No. I’ve never seen anything like you.” he confided in a low voice. “Looking at you drives me crazy.”

  The look in his eyes and the timbre of his voice made her want to get out of the water and run as fast as her legs would carry her. She hugged her knees and rocked gently in the water, avoiding all contact with him. She could see his brawny chest and muscled arms out of the corner of her eye. He was just sitting there silently, staring at her.

  “Tasha, why don’t you come over here and say hello to me?” he suggested quietly.

  She stiffened instinctively. “I don’t want to.” she denied quickly. Fear coursed through her like fire.

  “Liar.” he accused in a low voice. “You want me to hold you more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your life.”

  She just sat there, with her fear screaming in her ears as his hand reached out to her.

  “Come on. I won’t bite.” he urged. “Not just yet, anyway.”

  She shuddered as his hand stroked her arm.

  “It’s not that bad. Come on, now. Give it up. Come over here and join me.”

  She couldn’t resist the pull of the fingers on her arm. She let him caress her skin so gently. She let him move closer.

  “Come on, honey.” he urged. “Put your arms around me and make me feel welcome.”

  “You’re not, damn you!” she gasped.

  “Yes, I am, and you know it. Cut it out, now.” he said gently. His arm scooped her knees up; and drew her against his body. He finally lifted her lightly into his lap. His arms firmly held her there.

  She shuddered at the sensation of him all around her. “No.” she begged, squeezing her eyes shut.

  He laughed quietly in her ear. “Forget it.” he advised.

  She turned her round eyes up to him; and his eyes smiled down into hers. She felt lost. His presence was overpowering, awesome. Totally magnetic. “Oh, God.” she sighed.

  He laughed at her. “Mmm-hmm. It’s a little bit different this time, eh?” he agreed. “Do you know what’s different, darlin’? What’s different is that I have prayed for you
every day of my life since I left you. And I’ve claimed you for my own, every day. And I’ve begged the grace and mercy of God.”

  “And this time,” he added with great purpose, “it’s not just God’s idea. It’s mine, too. I’m afraid I’ve fallen madly in love with you.”

  Tasha discovered she was experiencing a great deal of anxiety. “Tim, you’ve lost all reason.” she accused. “You don’t even know me that well.”

  “I may know more than you think.” he chuckled. “I know you don’t want to be in love, or even think about getting married. But I do. And I'm going to win you over if it's the last thing I do. I want you, Tasha. Real bad.”

  He kissed her. Tasha had been waiting for it, and she found that she wanted more. He was winning. There was no denying it. She wanted him, too. Desperately.

  He just smiled down at her with great warmth and love. She felt totally embraced and safe. When he kissed her, it felt right. It made her feel as though he was in, for good. How was she supposed to resist him?

  "It's not so bad, is it?" he asked gently. "Don't you know I'm going to take real good care of you, sweetheart? Why don't you make me a sane man again, and say you'll have me?"

  She groaned and shook her head.

  "Still need more convincing, do you?" he sighed teasingly. "What do you want, Tasha? I'll give it to you. I want you to feel safe, and loved, and cared for. There's nothing I can't or won't do."

  "Tim, that's the problem. There's nothing that I need. I am perfectly fine."

  “You don't have my kisses, honey. You don't have me in your bed. And I want you to have those things. I want them for myself. I'm right here in this with you, Tasha, and I know that your desire for me is as strong as mine is for you. Why don't you give up the fight, and just let me in?"

  "Tim, I've told you before. You are extremely attractive. But I don't want to get married again."

  He covered her mouth with his, and drew her into his arms. It was devastating. He was everything she could want or need in a man. He was cutting through her defenses the way a knife pierced and tore.

  She wanted him, way too much. With his arms around her, his mouth on hers, she wanted him to pick her up, carry her to her bed and just get on with it. When he took over and made love to her this way, she couldn't bear to stop him.

  When it got to be too much for Tim, he put her down on the seat beside him, stood up, and gave her a smoldering look. “Sorry. Time out.” He said pointedly. He got out of the tub and moved to a deck chair. She just sat there in the tub, and stared after him blankly.

  “So, did you read any of my letters?” he asked casually.

  She averted her eyes. “Of course I did.” She admitted.

  ”And?” he prodded.

  She shrugged. “I enjoyed them.”

  He grinned at her. “Did you? And did they have the desired effect?”

  She glared at him suspiciously. “That would all depend, wouldn’t it?” she challenged tightly.

  He laughed softly. “Yeah. It certainly would.” He got up and walked to the hot tub, and leaned on the edge, very close to her. “How long are you going to leave me with my heart hanging out, honey? Will you marry me?” he asked.

  She looked up into his eyes with something akin to terror.

  His eyes were smiling down at her, warm and hopeful. He kissed her shoulder, then cradled her head against his breast. “I love you, Tasha.”

  She rolled her eyes shut and groaned inside. “I don’t know. I don’t know, Tim. I don’t know you very well. You can’t expect me to answer you, yet.”

  “Yet is a much more hope-inducing word than never.” He encouraged. “Thanks for not putting your fist in my stomach again.” He kissed her neck and hugged her soundly. “That’s enough for now.”

  Tim dressed for dinner. Not super elegant, but casually elegant. He wore a silk shirt, a vest and very crisp black slacks. He decided on black Western boots. He wore the purple shirt open at the neck under the vest.

  Tasha was already at the table, wearing a lovely, simple black dress when he made his appearance. He smiled at her and she turned her eyes away. He made her feel as if no one else was in the room – just her and him. There was an intimacy in his eyes that was hard to ignore.

  Brent greeted Tim warmly, and introduced him to Seth Seaton. The two men seemed to get along fine, and the group around the dinner table settled in comfortably as Lucinda began serving.

  “Where are the children tonight?” Tim asked softly.

  Tasha slowly looked up. “Just tired. They ate earlier and went to bed.”

  Tim smiled at her and she forced herself to reciprocate. “No reason why we can’t go do something then, is there?” he asked teasingly.

  Fear lumped in Tasha’s throat. “I’m very tired myself, actually.” she said politely.

  Tim watched her with unwavering eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that.” he said evenly. “Another time, then.”

  Tasha felt like crawling under her chair, and she didn’t know why. She shouldn’t feel this way – she didn’t have to go out with him if she didn’t want to! He just smiled at her, and began talking to Brent.

  She fidgeted with her food and responded to the small talk the men directed her way. She couldn’t wait until it was over!

  At last, Brent pushed his chair back and smiled. “I’d like to go have a cigar. Anybody care to join me?”

  “Sure.” Seth agreed, but Tim shook his head.

  “I think I’ll keep Tasha company for a few minutes, if you don’t mind.”

  Tasha tightened as the familiar uncertainty and nervousness took hold again. She smiled as naturally as she could manage, and stood up. They watched Brent and Seth head toward the Library, and then Tasha turned cool eyes up toward her guest.

  “So, what would you like to do?” she asked lightly.

  He smiled in a way that put mammoth butterflies in her stomach. “I think you’d better choose.” he warned. “That dip in the hot tub changed my focus considerably.”

  “Maybe just a talk on the deck. I could have Lucinda make you some tea.” she suggested quickly.

  Tim grinned. “All right.” he agreed.

  With that done, they went out to the deck area behind the house. Tim sat down on a chaise lounge and put his feet up. Tasha walked to the rail and stared up at the stars. It was a lovely night, quite warm, but with a fresh breeze off the mountains.

  “So, did you miss me at all?” he asked teasingly.

  She turned and looked at him pensively. “Yes.” she answered. “I didn’t realize you did so much traveling. All over the world.”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’d like to take you with me, next time.”

  She shrugged and withdrew from him subtly. “I have children to think of.”

  “I know that.” he acknowledged. “I think of them daily.”

  She looked at him warily. “You do?”

  “Of course. I pray for them all the time, Tasha. I’ll take care of them as my own. And I’ll see that they have little brothers and sisters to play with.”

  She blushed, and turned her back to him again.

  "Things have changed a bit, haven't they?" he challenged with a chuckle. "Can you imagine yourself living in Jackson yet, with a man in your bed?"

  Tasha gave him a narrowed look. "Only when you're coercing me." She admitted.

  He laughed. "Thanks for the tip. I'll work a little harder at it."

  She turned and looked at him. "Tim; what can I say to make you understand?"

  He looked up at her, silently appraising. "You can't say anything that will make me back off. No matter how much you protest, I see a young, beautiful, sweet and very sexy woman standing in front of me. I know you loved Gary. I have no doubt that he loved you. But there is no reason you should stop living. There's no reason you shouldn't marry again. Give me half a chance, will you?" he asked tiredly.

  Tasha felt tears pressing at the corners of her eyes, felt her throat tightening.

  "I can't bel
ieve that you don't ever think about it. Tasha, what are you waiting for? What do you want me to say, or do? You know I'm the one. Don't you?" he asked pointedly.

  She forced herself to look at him. Tim was waiting with burning eyes.

  “Tasha?” a feminine voice called. “I was told I’d find you here. How lovely that you’ve come home! Oh! Excuse me! I didn't know you were entertaining, Tash.”

  Tasha turned a smiling face toward Ingrid Sullivan. “Hello, Ingrid. I didn’t know I was coming back, it was rather sudden. How have you been?”

  “Fine. I didn’t realize you would have such delightful company, or I'd have come sooner.” the lovely redhead said, letting her brown eyes linger on Timothy.

  “This is Timothy Rain. Tim, my friend Ingrid.”

  “Hello.” Tim said in a friendly voice, but he made no move to get up.

  “Hello! I’m very pleased to meet you.” Ingrid responded warmly. Her eyes were alight with curiosity and pleasure. She sat down on the end of Tim’s chaise and smiled at him. “Are you two going out tonight?”

  Tim smiled blandly at her. “We were just discussing it.” he said evenly.

  Ingrid looked from Tim to Tasha hesitantly. “Oh. Well, Tash, I just came to tell you that we’re having a party Saturday night and I wanted to give you as much notice as possible. When I heard you were here, I just came right over. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  “Not at all.” Tasha assured her quickly. “We’re just relaxing after dinner.”

  “So, Tim. Are you from Salt Lake?” Ingrid asked curiously.

  “No. Jackson Hole.” he answered.

  “Oh, I just love Jackson! Are you a professional skier?” she asked hopefully.

  “No, no. Just a preacher.” he answered glibly.

  Ingrid looked shocked to her toes. “Go on.” she chided in disbelief. When Tim just looked at her, she looked up at Tasha incredulously. Tasha just shrugged and smiled.

  “You really are?” she asked curiously.

  “The real McCoy.” he answered, looking steadily into her eyes.

  “Why?” Ingrid asked derisively.

  “The reasons are too numerous to count. It's the life I choose. Because Jesus is alive, and because He is my Lord.” Tim answered without shame. “I’d never be able to do anything else.”


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