A New Day

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A New Day Page 39

by Nancy Hopper

  “I have more respect for the Lord than that, and I have more respect for Tasha.”

  “So you’ve taken a vow of chastity?” the host asked curiously.

  “Yes. Until such time as He gives me my wife, I don’t plan to have sex with anybody.”

  “So are you saying you’re a virgin?” the host asked, eying the extremely good looking man with doubt. The audience snickered.

  “I’m not saying that at all, though I wish I still had that right. I’m saying that I’m a single man, who is completely dedicated to the Lord. I haven’t had sex with a woman since I asked Jesus to be Lord in my life. And I won’t, until He gives me the freedom to marry Tasha.”

  “Well, Tim; you took a great deal of trouble to come here and explain this. What in closing would you have to say to these people?” the host asked, seeming a bit more reticent.

  “First, I never said I was perfect. I don’t know anybody but Jesus, who is. I have a long way to go. Anybody can fall. Anybody can make mistakes. The trick is to get up and start walking again, when you do fall down. It’s a shame when a person can’t do that because of accusation, condemnation and wounding by other people.”

  "It’s incredible, the way we attack and stab one another, when we do fall. I thank God that I didn’t go too far over the line that night, and make love to Tasha. I love her, but she’s not my wife yet. Just imagine the disaster we’d face if I had stepped over that line.”

  “The second thing is that I want to say publicly that I am disgusted that the world at large got to look in Tasha’s bedroom window and ogle pictures of me kissing my intended.”

  "Then, rather than asking Pattie Danniels what right she had to do this, all the negative attention is focused on Tasha and I, who were though not in the most appropriate circumstance for an unmarried couple, not doing anything so wrong, either.”

  "I deeply resent that people all over America and who knows where else in the world, are looking at pictures of her in her bedroom, in her night clothes. I thought it was against the law to be a Peeping Tom, but nobody seems to care or even be thinking about how Pattie Danniels obtained her pictures. It's not unlawful to be in a woman's bedroom, kissing her goodnight. Yet, I am on trial, and so is she, though she didn't invite me into her room.”

  “Third, I hope to put a seed in the minds of America, to be careful before they judge. I am not accountable to you or anyone else for my private life. If I had done something wrong, I’d expect the men that I am in submission to in the church, to take me aside and deal with me. Not some blood-lusting magazine that professes Christ, but does all it can to destroy a ministry based on the words of one woman -- who has not shown herself to be credible in my experience.”

  “I am accountable to God for my life, and for everything that I do. I do try to lead by example, and practice what I preach. I can’t say I never get off the path. The Lord did talk to me me about going to talk to Tasha in her room under those circumstances. I didn’t plan to do it then, and I don’t plan to do it again. I feel very convicted that people have been misled because of what I did.”

  “But, I also think it’s pretty sad that Pattie Danniels was out on a very private deck with a camera, just waiting for me to make a mistake – so that she could convict me before the entire world.”

  “Those pictures were taken the night before I left Tasha’s house. I can guarantee you I didn't sleep with her, because she wasn't even talking to me. Hard as I tried, we didn't work out our differences. So, the whole thing is a farce. It's laughable!”

  “And Pattie made it sound like I was ‘living in sin’ with Tasha in her house. I had been in the guest room for two nights when she and her father arrived in Salt Lake, coming from Idaho. I spent exactly one evening with Tasha and her father, the housekeeper and another male guest, before everything blew up; and I went home to Jackson.”

  His eyes were flashing in frustration. “You know, I wonder if Pattie was outside the house every night while I was there, peeking in windows, and hoping for a lucky shot? If she was, she waited a long time to get one. I hope it was worth it to her. I rather suspect that she knew Tasha was in Idaho, and showed up in Salt Lake the same evening that Tasha did -- hoping to get a picture of me kissing her. Why is it that Pattie is stretching the truth?” he asked pointedly.

  The host looked at Tim with dawning respect. “So does Pattie Danniels have something against you, Tim?”

  Tim closed his expression. “I have no idea. All I know is that she was looking for a good story. She worked hard to fabricate this one. But that’s what pays her wages, I suppose.”

  “You’ve met her before?”

  “Yes. ”

  “So what’s your relationship to her?”

  “I don’t have one. She’s just a reporter who’s asked me some questions.”

  “So what do you think about her, now?”

  “I have nothing more to say about Pattie Danniels, or anybody else. I don’t appreciate what she did, and she has not reported this accurately. I just want the record set straight.”

  “So you choose not to judge others as you’ve been judged?” the host asked patronizingly.

  “Though it’s human nature, I don’t want to participate.” Tim acknowledged. “When someone wrongs me, I try to pull my feelings out of it, and see what good can come out of it. The Lord uses all things for the good of those who love Him. So, I try to step back and see what can be done to use the circumstances I find myself in, to further the Kingdom of God. I don’t want to accuse anybody, or tear anybody down, or see anybody fall. We're supposed to be on the same team.”

  “My Master has commanded me not to judge others. He alone knows how to deal appropriately with these situations. My intention is to just get out of His way, and let Him do it. I’m just staying in prayer and peace, and letting Him deal with me, and everyone else involved in this.”

  “So you think we should ignore moral issues in the church and just let everybody do whatever they want?” the host asked incredulously. “Leave it to God to deal with … someday?”

  “No. The Bible gives us clear guidelines for confronting others when they step out of line. But no one is using those Biblical principles to judge me, or resolve this. And any correction should come from the men I‘ve submitted myself to; my fathers in the faith.

  "And before they approach it, they should go to God for wisdom and guidance, so that they can take the appropriate approach. Pattie hardly knows me. She doesn’t have any right to be blurting out some hocus pocus story that she doesn’t know the half of.”

  "If she were truly ‘concerned’, she would have talked to me, or taken this to my leaders in the church. Instead, she has used sensationalist tactics to condemn us publicly, without any facts, at all.”

  "You know, the focus of the church should be to heal itself. We are all part of one body. This magazine is not the church – and I am amazed by the audacity of this woman reporter, and her allegations.

  "How can this story, this behavior, be acceptable to the Christian world? It’s the most … un-Christian thing I’ve ever seen!”

  Tim paused, and sighed. “My spiritual fathers and leaders in ministry aren’t condemning me. I haven’t received a call from any of them yet, though I certainly intend to talk to them about it.

  "I’m certain they are asking God what HIS opinion is, before they approach me. And I’m sure they are waiting to hear my side.”

  "Why is Pattie Danniels doing this? Why should one part of the body of Christ, try to stab another and cast it out? We all need one another.” Tim said quietly. “We should be trying to help one another; and bring correction where and when it's needed in a Godly way. Christian magazines should be for lifting one another up; increasing one another's faith. Not sensational reporting. Don't we already have enough of that in the world?”

  There was silence in the studio. Then, applause began to ring out, and soon the entire audience was on it’s feet giving Tim a standing ovation. When it died down, the
host looked at Tim with clear respect.

  “So, Tim, it’s obvious that you’ve won our studio audience over to your side. What else has happened as a result of this story? Is there anything more to tell?”

  “Sure.” Tim agreed. “My lovely lady was devastated by this. She was in tears, full of fear and uncertainty, and condemnation. She felt terrible for letting me get into this situation by being dressed like she was, for not being as careful as she might have been, and all of that.”

  "You see, she was still upset with me when I left Salt Lake last week. I didn’t think I was going to be able to salvage our relationship. But, this story changed her perspective. She was beside herself."

  Tim’s dimples jumped to life and he gave the host a boyish grin. "The Lord is already turning this thing around. Instead of being angry with me, Tasha became extremely concerned for me and what this would mean to my ministry. It helped her see why I am so careful, usually, not to get into the kind of situations that allow sensationalist reporters to skew the facts – and ruin lives and ministries.”

  "So when this story broke, I called her on the phone to apologize, and to see if there was anything I could do to help her through this embarrassment. I had no hope that she would ever want to see me again, after our disagreement and all of the publicity that followed. I thought that this story would put the final nail in my coffin with Tasha.”

  “But instead, she was asking me to forgive her. Though she was wounded, she was reaching out to me. So, I flew to Salt Lake to see her, and I found that all the barriers between us had miraculously vanished. What was meant for bad, has turned to good.”

  "It made us both realize how much we do love one another. It’s God’s plan and purpose for us to love one another, and to help one another stand. Not judge one another, and tear one another down.”

  “So, you two just patched things up? How amazing! And you attribute your reconciliation to this very potentially destructive story that Pattie Danniels published?”

  Tim nodded. “I guess I do. You know, the trials and testings life throws at us, are what make us grow in Christ. Without hardship, we would be comfortable and complacent. That, too, is human nature. So, if we keep our hearts right and contrite before the Lord; repenting when we sin, and asking the Lord what His will is in every situation -- we are bound to be victorious. He always knows what we need to do, to come out of every trial as overcomers. Just as He did.”

  The crowd cheered and applauded.

  The host smiled at Tim and pointed to the wall-sized picture of Tasha walking down the street with a sweet smile on her face.

  “So this is the girl you want to marry?” he asked appreciatively.

  “She is.” Tim confirmed, both dimples showing. He looked very proud of her, and very much at peace. He also had an air of honesty – and the innocence and purity of true love – that shone through his eyes.

  “She’s very beautiful. What do you want to tell us about her?”

  “Nothing.” Tim replied immediately. “She has a right to her privacy. It’s already been shredded enough. I don’t want anything to wound her further. I would ask everyone to consider how they would feel if they were named Tim Rain, or Tasha Taylor, today.”

  "Give us a chance to live our private lives, and let God do His work in our hearts. We have the same needs in that respect, that everyone else has.”

  “I understand she’s had some heavy losses in her life?” the host hinted.

  “Who hasn’t?” Tim replied smoothly, knowing they were about out of time. He stared at his host with a glittering challenge in his eyes. He fully intended to avoid this line of questioning.

  “Indeed. Well, Timothy, thank you for coming. I wish you all the best in your ministry, and in your quest with the lady. Ladies and gentlemen, Timothy Rain.”

  Tim left the stage after nodding to the studio audience and shaking his host’s hand. He was followed by a roar of applause and cheering, and a second standing ovation.

  He made his way to the lounge, and found Tasha waiting for him, with tears streaming down her face.

  She went into his arms, and he held her tightly. She wept for a long time. He just held her. When she began to regain control, she looked up at him in awe. “I can’t believe what you did out there.” she said with a catch in her voice.

  He smiled grimly. “I think it came out all right.” he agreed.

  “It was incredible! The audience was on their feet again as you were leaving.”

  “Well, good. Maybe this will change the environment we have to work in, a little bit. I’ve had enough of these head-hunting tactics.” Tim snapped.

  He sighed, and grinned crookedly at Tasha. “Let’s go.” he suggested. He flashed a smile at Mickey and Joe, who were hovering near the door, allowing Tim and Tasha as much privacy as possible. They went out the back door.

  They headed over to the hotel, and stopped at the desk when the clerk called to them.

  “Mr. Rain.” the young desk clerk said, with admiration in his eyes. “Killer broadcast! You really put ‘em in their place.”

  Tim smiled. “Thanks.” he said quietly.

  They had time for a lunch together, and then they rode to the airport in a limo along with Joe and Mickey, who were heading back to Jackson. After saying goodbye to Mickey and Joe, Tasha turned to Tim, and put a hand on his face.

  “Tim, what you did was extraordinary. I’ll never forget it.”

  He shook his head. “The Lord will use this for His glory. Wait and see.” he predicted calmly.

  She smiled. “You’re a very interesting and unique man, Timothy Rain.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure that was a compliment.” he mused teasingly.

  “It’s better than boring.” she assured him lightly. “You enjoy your time in Europe and South America.”

  “I’ll try.” he promised. “Once I get caught up in ministry, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” His eyes smoldered down into hers. “It’s the nights that are the hardest. You have a way of continually invading my thoughts.”

  She smiled, closed her eyes and waited. Tim didn’t disappoint her. When his mouth closed over hers, she couldn’t help but shudder with delight. He felt right, he smelled right, he tasted right. Her whole body responded, as her arms found their way around his neck.

  There was absolutely no compromise in Timothy. There was something in the kiss that first captivated her; then disarmed her; next, claimed her and finally, possessed her. She felt every transition, and was powerless to pull away.

  They both felt the moment that she fully surrendered. Then he pressed in, shredding her defenses and fully establishing his place in her heart. It was uncanny, but she felt it and knew it. She was his. He didn’t stop until the work was complete.

  “Tim,” she objected in a shaky voice, but he just gave a low chuckle.

  “Forget it. While I’m gone, you'd better get used to the idea of having a man in your bed again.” he warned. “I fully intend to end my suffering, in the near future.”

  She blushed, and hid her face in the lapels of his leather coat.

  “Tasha, you know it’s over. You’re all mine now.” he said in her ear.

  She trembled, and nodded.

  Tim smiled to himself, to finally have her agree. “That’s good. Don’t you forget it while I’m gone. I love you, Tasha.” He lifted her chin to kiss her again, smiled into her eyes, then pushed her into line to board her plane.

  After Tim was gone, things somehow got worse. People began to talk about Tasha in her presence, and stories about her spread all over town. Brent had to hire an answering service to screen the calls to their home, and Pattie came out with a second story – all about Tasha.

  It hit the magazine stand with a mighty splash. Tasha retreated to the Idaho lodge, with four professional guards. She couldn’t believe it! She was obsessed with the story, and read it over and over again.

  “Sexy Mystery Lover for Big Name Minister”, the title screamed. The bod
y of the article read:

  “International Evangelist and Prophet Timothy Rain went on national television August 6 in answer to my article in the August issue of 'Shout!' magazine. Steamier pictures I’ve never seen, than those I took personally of Timothy Rain making love to a scantily-clad, sexy woman in the bedroom of her father’s home in Salt Lake City.”

  “Timothy Rain rushed to Salt Lake City after the article was published to console the lady, Tasha Charles Taylor. He then took her with him to New York City, where he appeared on Warren Weaver’s talk show, to declare their innocence in the scandal.”

  “While Timothy is technically correct -- I did not in fact actually see him have intercourse with this woman, I maintain that the pictures speak for themselves. The clean-cut, pure image he’s always maintained has been undeniably smeared. These pictures have rocked the very foundations of his ministry.”

  “My friends, Timothy Rain cannot preach chastity from the pulpit and handle negligee-clad lovelies in their bedrooms at night. This woman Tasha Charles Taylor is a rich socialite, the daughter of millionaire financier Brent Charles. Charles is well known for his playboy image. Rumors of sexual indiscretion follow him wherever he goes.”

  "For Timothy Rain to think he can involve himself with this caliber of people and not be tainted by their sexual indiscretions, clearly demonstrates that he is the victim of blind deception. I believe he thinks that everything is fine because ‘nothing happened’.

  “But, I was there to see it all; and I watched in horror as this woman tried to seduce Timothy Rain, a pure man of God, with all the considerable skill she possesses. She did not technically succeed, but it was clearly a near miss – and it is only to Timothy’s credit that he did not fall completely into sin, in this woman’s inviting arms.”

  “Tasha Charles married at age twenty-one, following two years of college studies in Art, Music and Drama. Her whirlwind romance with Charismatic pastor Gary Taylor was described as most unusual and out of character for the solid, dependable young pastor. After their marriage, the couple pastored a small home church in Juneau, Alaska before moving to Long Beach, California to a church of 2,000.”


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