A New Day

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A New Day Page 40

by Nancy Hopper

  “Gary Taylor fathered two children before he succumbed to the cancer that claimed his life -- Naomi, six and Lucas, now four years old. The children reside with their mother and rich grandfather.”

  "Gary Taylor died of colon cancer just months after the birth of his son, Lucas. Our investigation showed that he had been treated twice for cancer prior to the episode that claimed his life.”

  “After the loss of her husband, Tasha Charles Taylor resumed the lifestyle of the rich and famous. She returned to the household of her abusive father; and as far as we are able to tell, she has had no contact or interest in Christianity since the death of her husband, whose insurance policy paid her $150,000.00.”

  “Now, amazingly, this elegant, sophisticated young woman has surfaced again in the arms of handsome, young, single Evangelist Timothy Rain. What a sad shame it is to see this bright, young star of Zion fall into disrepute! The Bible says that if a man lusts after a woman in his heart, he has already committed the sin.”

  “My brothers and sisters in Christ, when these things happen, we cannot condone them. We must show our youth that the church does not look the other way when sin is committed. If we don’t respond to this travesty with a clear message, we too are guilty and we will so invite corruption to consume the youth in the Body of Christ.”

  “But I say that fornication is not the only sin. I urge you to take a stand for righteousness today. Mr. Rain’s church authorities cannot or will not answer the questions that America has posed about his conduct. I am not trying to report for sensationality; I am only trying to reveal the truth of what I know, and saw.”

  “Tim Rain is an international ministry, and an example to Christians around the world. I say that Timothy Rain is accountable to us all. He is not going to be allowed to say it is a private matter, and none of our business. His ministry reaches far beyond the confines of his church leaders’ authority.”

  “Perhaps the powerful ministry of Timothy Rain can yet be salvaged. Perhaps if we all pray, he can be called to repentance. But, we must by all means remove this disease from the camp.

  “Let us stand together in prayer: first, to call Timothy Rain to repentance; and then, to see his ministry purged and restored to purity.

  "May the Lord have complete victory in this torrid situation, and may the youth of America as well as people around the globe continue to look up to this powerful young man; and respect him for his courage – the courage to repent, and go on from here, with God.”

  Tasha was incredulous. It was too much for her to bear! When Tim called, she was so miserable that she asked Helene, the housekeeper at their Idaho home, to tell him she had gone out.

  He called again that evening. When Helene came to tell Tasha he was on the phone, her eyes were wide. “Miss Tasha, it’s that Mr. Rain again. He says for me to tell you to stop the foolishness, and come to the phone. He says it’s making him sick at heart, and he must speak with you at once!”

  Tasha covered her face with her hands, and groaned.

  “Miss Tasha, I didn’t tell him you were here. Honestly, I said nothing!”

  “I know, Helene. He just knows. He’s a seer, I can’t hide much of anything from him. Don’t worry about it, I’ll take it in my room.” she said. Though it was the last thing she wanted to do, she knew it would do no good to try to hide from Tim.

  She went to her room feeling extremely shaky, and picked up the phone with trepidation. “Hello, Tim.” she said quietly.

  “Tasha.” he sighed wearily.

  “I’ve been a bit of trouble to you again, it seems.” she said tightly. “I’m sorry, Tim. She won’t quit until she’s uncovered every dirty little detail of my life, will she? This is going to be a fight to the finish.”

  “Well,” Tim drawled, “she’s making you famous. I predict she’ll quit when you marry me.”

  “Infamous, perhaps.” she snorted. “Really, Tim, it’s not all that amusing.”

  He chuckled. “She’s shooting herself in the foot, Tasha. I know this is awful for you; but honey, I am telling you the truth. It doesn’t matter what Pattie’s intentions are. Can you take hold of this in faith with me, Tasha? Can you believe it with me?”

  Tasha drew a deep breath. “Not really, Tim. My little faith goblet was pretty well shattered when I lost Gary. I’ve been trying, but I can’t go on fighting this kind of battle.”

  Tim was quiet for a moment. “I can understand why. But I promise you, Tasha. He will have the victory in this.”

  Tasha had to laugh. “Funny, that’s just what Pattie seems to think.” she said brokenly.

  “She was right; He will. But not in the way she meant it. Did you notice the twist in her story this time? Now she’s saying that maybe I can be saved. What a slant.”

  “She sure doesn’t say anything about praying for me, does she? I'm just the tart, so I guess I get booted out of the camp on my ear.” Tasha snapped.

  “Precisely. She’s revealing her motives. I say we give her a little more rope, and watch her hang herself.”

  Tasha sat silently for a time. “She really wants you, Tim. I don’t think she’s going to back off.” she finally hazarded.

  “That’s too bad. She can’t have me.” he assured her quietly. “I’ve already given my heart away to another woman. It’s a done deal, Tasha.”

  When she didn’t respond, he sighed. “Are you going to be all right?” he asked worriedly.

  She didn’t answer.

  “Tasha, listen. Just lay low and don’t let this thing get you too upset. If anyone gets to you, just refuse comment. And Tasha, I am so sorry. Honey, I’d stop it if I could.”

  “I know. I’ll survive it.” she assured him tightly.

  “I love you, Tash.” he said softly.

  Tasha gritted her teeth to hold back the tears. There was just so much pressure! The words stabbed their way into her heart. God, it hurt. She didn’t want to let him in there, anymore!

  “Honey, what can I do?” he asked carefully. “What will make this easier for you?”

  Tasha shook her head and bit back a sob. “Where are you, Tim?” she asked, sounding sharp through the tears.

  “In the Amazon.”

  “The Amazon? Brazil?”

  “Yeah.” he answered flatly. “I’ll come home.”

  She was touched and dismayed. “No. Tim, a lot of money and preparation went into this trip. You’ve got a job to do, and a whole team depending on you. There’s really nothing you could do here except hold my hand, anyway. I’m a big girl.”

  Tim sighed. “This feels really helpless.” he admitted tiredly. “Okay, then, consider this. Maybe one of my buddies could come stay with you. I’ve got some very good PR men on my team.”

  “So does my father.” she assured him. “Tim, I’m not your responsibility. You don’t have to do anything to take care of me.”

  “Tasha; now please, don’t go breaking my heart. Listen to me,” he insisted tightly. “I have every reason. Don’t tell me there’s no reason – don’t do that. I know you’re hurting right now, but you have to realize that I’ve made myself vulnerable to you, too. If you back out on me, Tasha ... dear God, don’t do that. I can’t take it. Don’t back away from me.”

  “Tim, you’ve got to be realistic. I’m just someone you met at a ski resort. You really don’t even know me. We just spent a little bit of time together. There’s nothing holding us together. It’s ridiculous for you to put your entire ministry on the line. It’s not necessary, Tim, and it’s more important that you go on with your work. I really think it would be better if you just go on doing what you’re doing, and let this all blow over. Just forget about me, and save your ministry. It's far more important than I am. You know it’s better if I just say goodbye, and bow out.”

  Tim didn’t respond. Tasha waited tensely for him to come unglued.

  Tim set his jaw, and tried to deal with the pain. But there was wave after wave of it, cutting his heart open like a dull knife. He didn’t
even realize that tears were spilling down his face.

  “You want me to leave you alone?” he asked finally. Tasha had to strain to hear him. “Is that really what you’re telling me?”

  Tasha rolled her eyes, and sighed. “I don’t know. Tim, please.” she begged. “I don’t really know what to think, what to say, or what to do. I’m just ...”

  “Can you tell me in all honesty that you don’t love me, Tasha?” he asked brokenly. “Just tell me you don’t love me, and that will be the end of it.”

  Silence met the challenge.

  “Then please, Tasha, you’ve got to stand by me.” he begged. “I know this has been impossible for you, but if we don’t stand together, she’ll tear us apart. Her only obsession is to destroy you. Not me, just you. She’d gladly destroy my ministry to get to me, but it’s you she wants out of the picture.”

  "Let me stand between you and her; I'll do what I can to protect you, Tasha. I can’t stand it that I have to be away, and just do nothing. And trust me -- if you think you can get her to back off by dumping me, you’re sadly mistaken. She’s looking for blood, and she’ll make sure she’s got the jugular before she lets go.”

  "She doesn’t want you to make a comeback, Tasha. You’ve got to stand with me now, darlin’. Once you’re alone in this, she’ll go in for the kill.”

  Tasha laughed through her tears. “You take the cake. You really do. Don’t you know when to say Uncle?”

  “No. I’ll never give her the satisfaction. To give in now would allow her to win. Now you listen to me, Tasha. Do you remember in the Book of Ruth when she asked Boaz to spread his covering over her, and take her in?”

  Tasha lifted her chin and willed the tears to stay put. “Yes.” she answered tersely.

  “There is another version that says she asked him to take her under his wing. Tasha, when I kissed you goodbye at the airport, that is exactly what I did. I know that you were aware. I covered you in that same way. I gave you my promise, and you took it.”

  "I took you under my wing. I took you to myself, to my very heart. If you love me, Tasha, don’t tear yourself away from me. I can’t do this without you, anymore. Tasha, you once told me that you love me.”

  “Please don’t, Tim.” she begged him softly.

  Tim sighed. “Okay. You won’t tell me to go away, and you won’t tell me you love me. What am I supposed to do now, Tasha?” he asked pointedly.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make this harder for you.” she said woodenly.

  “It’s killing me, but that’s beside the point.” he growled. “All right, Tasha, listen. I’m going to have a friend of mine named Rick Snyder handle this. He will do what he can about the publicity, and I’ll have him come out and keep tabs on you. You never know, you might be glad of him.”

  “Whatever you think best.” she answered slowly.

  Tim didn’t know what to do. She was very cold and withdrawn. “Tasha, could you just ... just please not shut the door all the way?” he asked wearily.

  Tears were streaming again. He tried very hard to put a hold on them, so that he could talk and not let her know he was weeping. “Please, just wait until I can come home.”

  “Of course.” she agreed quickly. The distance in her voice tore a bigger hole in his heart. “But Tim, I feel like some kind of caged animal. I have told you before that I’m not ready to make any commitments. You need to finally hear me and accept it. We aren't engaged or anything, Tim. Just move on, and it will take a great deal of heat off both of us. Please, be realistic about this. You don’t have any responsibility for me. Face it, Tim. You can’t fight this woman long distance from Brazil, and I am not even going to try fighting. Forget about me, and do your job there.”

  Tim felt as if his heart was being ripped out of his breast. He just couldn't take anymore in one sitting. “Forget about you?” he laughed derisively.

  “That’s right. If it helps you to understand, I’ll put it this way, Tim. Just don’t call me anymore. Don’t think of me as your fiancee, or the woman you want to marry. Just let go. Cut your losses and get her off your back. I’m truly sorry; I was very weak in New York. I was swayed by the way that you handled things. I was too ready to promise anything when you were so willing to go to bat for me, and take care of me, when I needed it so much.”

  "Tim, I was scared. It was wrong of me to make promises I can’t keep. So, although it doesn’t give me any pleasure to say things that will hurt you, it’s better right now that I do. It’s just over. I’m sorry.”

  Tim had to close his eyes, to control the flood of tears. “Okay. Fine, whatever. Just don’t say anymore, Tasha. I’ll get out of your face, for now. I’ll be in touch when I can. Call on Rick if you need anything, and I’ll see you when I get back.”

  “All right.” she said tightly. “Thanks for calling, Tim.

  And I truly am sorry.”

  He was silent for a second. “Yeah. Bye.” he said, barely able to control his voice. When Tasha hung up, he put the phone down, and walked away. He went outside, and slowly walked to the river. He found a seat on a log, and put his face in his hands. He sat there and wept silently, well into the night. He felt like screaming. Finally, he was empty, and just sat staring at the muddy, swirling waters.

  A hand settled on his shoulder. “Timothy, son. Tell me.” Paul Rain insisted quietly.

  “Uncle Paul, I don’t know if I can.” he said listlessly.

  “Is this about that reporter’s story?”

  Tim bowed his head. “That, and much more.” he confirmed.

  “I told myself I would not ask, Tim, but I am too heartsick to sit by and watch. I must talk with you. Who is this woman? Are you finally in love? Is this woman the one?”

  Tim laughed harshly. “She was. I just lost her.”

  “Now, now. Don’t speak such things. You know better than that.” his uncle chided.

  Tim sighed. “Used to. I don’t think it makes any difference anymore. No matter how firmly I stand, she can’t. Pattie just takes rip after rip at Tasha, and she can’t take it.”

  "She’d like me to think she’s tough, but she’s like a lamb being led to slaughter. She’s too tender, too wounded to stand through this kind of attack. Pattie has done an incredibly good job of tearing us apart.”

  “Don’t jump to conclusions. This woman journalist would make anyone skittish.”

  “Uncle Paul, you don’t understand. She is so wounded. She’s so tender; and frightened. Last time, I was able to hold her together by being with her. But this time, Pattie was smart enough to launch the torpedo when I was out of range. She fully intends to destroy Tasha. I’m afraid she’s being very successful, and there’s nothing I can do. There’s nothing I can do.” he lamented.

  Paul sighed. “So you spoke to your lady tonight, and things did not go so well?”

  “They didn’t go at all. She’s absolutely devastated. She wants me to cut my losses, and forget about her. I can’t do that, anymore than I can stop breathing. Uncle Paul, what can I do?”

  “Go home, Tim. We would all understand.” Paul urged.

  “No. I can’t do that.” Tim denied. “She'd hate it if I stopped the campaign because of her. But after this tour, I’m staying put until I can get this all settled. I can’t take any more, so I can only imagine how Tasha must feel.”

  “Then, let’s hold her up in prayer.” Paul suggested gently.

  The two men prayed together, until Tim had peace. Then, he called Rick Snyder.

  Helene interrupted Tasha in the whirlpool the following day. “Miss Tasha, there is a man here to see you. His name is Rick Snyder. He says you will know the name through Mr. Rain.”

  “Yes. Send him out, I suppose.” Tasha said tensely.

  Helene led a tall, blond man with blue eyes and a boyish grin, out to the private courtyard. Tasha was just coming out of the water. She wrapped her thigh-length kimono around her, and let her hair fall into a soft cascade around her shoulders. She smiled and extend
ed her hand. “Mr. Snyder.” she greeted him coolly.

  “Ms. Taylor.” he acknowledged, with clear admiration shining in his eyes and voice. “I think I’m beginning to understand what all the fuss is about.”

  He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the slim, tan, endless legs before him. “Tim is pretty much beside himself, because he can’t be here. May I call you Tasha?”

  Tasha nodded her assent hesitantly.

  “He’s asked me to stay here with you, and do what I can to cool Pattie’s jets; lessen the impact on you. I understand that you haven’t been out of the house since the story broke?”

  Tasha nodded tensely.

  He shook his head. “Well, that’s all right, but I think it would be best for you to go out, a little bit. If Pattie smells blood, she’ll go for the kill.”

  Tasha sighed. “I can’t just go on as if nothing has happened.” she objected.

  “No. But do go on.” he urged. “I am available to be your escort, bodyguard and spokesman. Let me help you through this time, Tasha. It will set Tim’s mind a bit more at ease, and I’m sure it will be extremely pleasant duty.”

  Tasha looked at him suspiciously. “Oh, don’t tell me he’s sent a Casanova.” she objected hotly.

  “Nothing of the kind. I just can’t help saying I’ll enjoy it. Anything else would be a lie.” He shrugged. “I’ve never had an assignment that required me to be escort and bodyguard for a beautiful woman. That’s all.” He said gently.

  Tasha grimaced and wrapped her arms around herself uneasily. Something didn’t set well, but she couldn’t say for sure what it was. ”All right, Mr. Snyder. For Tim’s peace of mind, we’ll give your services a try.”

  Rick proved to be a polite, friendly, reliable and enjoyable escort. Tasha relaxed with him as much as she could, with a strange man in her house. He kept his distance, and was a complete gentleman. It wasn’t long before Tasha found that he would also be quite protective, when necessary.


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