A New Day

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A New Day Page 41

by Nancy Hopper

  They went to dinner at a local restaurant that evening. Tasha wore a black velvet pant suit with a sequined shell. Rick wore a very nice black suit and tie. When they got up to leave after their meal, they found that a surprise awaited them in the foyer – a camera crew and an animated woman with frosted hair.

  “Well! A night on the town! When the cat’s away, Ms. Taylor will come out to play. My name is Pattie Danniels, Ms. Taylor. And your escort is Rick Snyder, a side kick of your leading man, Timothy Rain. Tell me, Tasha dear, does Tim know what fun you’re having while he’s halfway around the world?”

  Tasha looked at the microphone shoved against her mouth and then looked Pattie Danniels squarely in the eyes. Her serene smile never changed.

  “Ms. Taylor has no comment for you at this time.” Rick provided forcefully. “I am with Ms. Taylor at Mr. Rain’s request. I am acting as her Public Relations Agent and her bodyguard, while Mr. Rain is out of the country. What exactly is it that you’d like to know?”

  “Oh, Rick. Don’t you think the lady can speak for herself?” Pattie chastised with a red-lipped pout.

  “She can.” Rick answered smoothly. “But she will not deal with you. I’m afraid that I am all you get.”

  “Ms. Taylor, won’t you just tell us a very little bit about yourself?” Pattie asked with wide, glimmering eyes. “Maybe just a tidbit or two? I know! Tell us all about your relationship with Deming Smith. Explain to us how the police came to find you in his mountain cabin, a tender little girl of fourteen, with no bra or blouse on, and the two of you deeply immersed in a sexual encounter.”

  Tasha’s mouth fell open. She stared at Pattie Danniels with shock and disbelief in her eyes. Then her eyes rolled shut and she grabbed Rick’s arm for support.

  Feeling her crumbling, Rick put an arm around her and put his elbow out. Like a steamroller, he got Tasha several steps forward before several men tackled him and sat on him.

  He struggled frantically, for he could tell that Pattie had dealt Tasha a heavy blow. He just wasn’t sure what it was all about, but he could see that she was reeling with shock and horror.

  “Isn’t it a fact that you took your first lover at the incredible, delicate age of fourteen, Tasha Charles Taylor? Or, did it all start even before Deming Smith came on the scene? Was he the first? Just how many men have you been intimate with?”

  Tasha was incredulous, sick with horror. “You are despicable! I can’t believe you, you are incredible! Deming Smith was not my lover! I was never intimate with any man until I married my husband.”

  “Come on, Tasha, tell us the truth about it! You ran off with Deming Smith to his mountain cabin for the weekend. Was it your choice that you stopped seeing Deming, or was it your father’s? It certainly appears that your charming lover paid your father off, to get himself out of trouble. Tell me, was it the romance of your life, Tasha? How long were you involved with Deming Smith?”

  Rick managed to extricate himself from the pile of bodies on the ground, and punched a few lights out as hands reached to grab his ankles. He shouldered his way to Tasha’s side.

  “Don’t you have anything to say?” Pattie chided persistently.

  “No. Your accusations are preposterous, and vile. They do not deserve a response.” Tasha said coldly, pulling herself back together.

  “Vile, you say? Well, that’s quite a strong word, lady.” Pattie chortled. “And yet, here you are on the town tonight – with one of Timothy Rain’s closest, dearest friends, Rick Snyder. So tell me, you two. Does Tim know you’re dating? Has Rick Snyder seen your lovely negligees up close, yet?”

  Rick shouldered his way past the camera. “As a matter of fact, as I told you, it was Tim who sent me to escort Ms. Taylor. We are not dating. Excuse us.” he snapped.

  He put an arm around Tasha, and pushed through those who intended to detain. “Lay another hand on either of us, and I will have the police called.” he said coldly to those reaching for them. The hands withdrew.

  He kept moving like a steamroller, until he had Tasha safely locked in the car. Then, he turned on the pursuing camera crew. One burning look kept them at a safe distance. Only Pattie came striding forward into range.

  “Excuse me, Rick. How long have you been dating Tasha? Have you been intimate with her? Does Tim know? You may as well tell the truth. I will find it out, anyway.”

  Rick looked at her with disgust and pity in his eyes. “You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you? You ought to be ashamed! Look at how your mind works. You’d best be careful, or someone may turn around and do a story on you.”

  “Rick! My life is boring, next to this woman’s. I have nothing to hide.” Pattie assured him, smiling into the camera.

  “Maybe not, but I know you’ve got plenty to answer for.” he challenged softly. “I hope you don’t think for a minute that your motive hasn’t been well known by everyone who’s ever seen the way you look at Tim Rain.”

  With that, Rick climbed in the car, hit the power locks, and took Tasha home.

  She put her face in her hands, and let the tears come. She said nothing to him all the way home. Rick left her alone. He could see that she was extremely distraught, and he could also see that they were being followed up the mountain road.

  When he stopped in front of the lodge, he put a restraining hand on Tasha’s arm. The car behind them slowed down, but went on by their turnoff. Three vans followed a minute or two later.

  “They are still after us?” Tasha asked in a shaky voice.

  “Afraid so.” Rick confirmed. “You go on in the house, now. Lock your doors and keep your windows covered and closed. You never know what might try to crawl in, tonight. They definitely smell blood. Tasha, will you be all right?” he asked gently. He covered her hand with his.

  Tears spilled over. “Oh, I don’t know.” she admitted, seeming dazed.

  “Do you want to tell me about this Damion thing she’s onto?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Deming.” she corrected bitterly. “Deming Smith. I don’t want to even remember that he’s alive, but it seems I have no choice in the matter.”

  “That bad, huh? Shall I come in with you, or do you want me to come back tomorrow?”

  She wiped at her tears with a trembling hand. “Oh, I don’t know! I’m so upset, I know I won’t sleep tonight. I’m kind of afraid to be here alone, with them skulking around outside the house. But then, if you stay, they’ll say you’re sleeping with me, and all the other ludicrous conclusions they so love to draw.”

  Rick heard the tremble in her voice, and cursed Pattie under his breath. “Come on, I’m staying. They’ve already said it all anyway, Tasha. It doesn’t matter.”

  Helene met them at the door. “Oh, Miss Tasha.” she gasped, taking in the devastation. “What happened?”

  “I’m all right, Helene. Please make a pot of coffee, and bring it to us in the Library. Mr. Snyder will be staying with us, tonight. We have reporters dogging us, so make sure the windows and doors are locked, and please turn on the outside security system right away.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Helene agreed worriedly.

  Tasha went to her room to change her clothes, and met Rick in the library wearing cozy, comfortable cotton pants and an oversized top. With curls spilling over her shoulder and her face freshly washed, she was incredibly beautiful. Rick just watched her walk in, unable to look away, or say anything.

  “Rick, are you okay?” She asked uneasily.

  “Yeah. Just thinking what a shame all this is.”

  Her eyebrows went up in resignation. “Oh, well. So, how does it feel to be cutting in on Tim’s territory?” She teased.

  Rick gave her a steady look. “Tasha, the male in me is beginning to awaken to just how sweet that might be. But I won't, so please don't worry. You are perfectly safe with me.”

  He stood, and walked to the windows. He opened the blinds wide. “If I’m staying here tonight, we’ll give them a full view of everything that’s going on -- or rather, not
going on, between us.”

  Tasha just stared at him uneasily.

  Rick laughed. “Now, don’t go all squeamish on me. I just think that Tim’s one heck of a lucky stiff. I’m not going to pounce on you, or anything. Surely you must know that you are incredibly lovely, and sweet to boot. It’s just going to be a test of my loyalty, that’s all.”

  Tasha just kept staring at him with tortured, disbelieving eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Tasha. Listen, don’t pay any attention to me. Tim Rain is probably my best friend. That’s why he sent me here; because he trusts me. You have nothing at all to fear from me. So tell me about Damion ... Deming Smith.”

  Tasha look down at her clinched hands, folded in her lap; and took a deep breath.

  “Deming was a business associate of my father’s. He became a very good friend. By the time I was ten, he was ‘Uncle Deming’ to me. He started taking me places. We would go skating, swimming; or to things like the fair.”

  “At first, he brought his daughter along, but occasionally it was just me. When those occasions came up, he would tell me that Nicole had been unable to come. It was always a last minute thing, and he said he didn’t want to disappoint me by canceling just because Nicole couldn’t go. Most of the time she went along, so I didn’t give it a second thought.”

  Helene came in with a tray of coffee, freshly baked bread and butter, and pastries. Tasha thanked her, and poured each of them a cup before she continued.

  Rick smiled. “They're standing just outside the 'No Trespassing' signs. Would you like me to call the police? We could probably see that Pattie pays a nasty fine.”

  Tasha let out a harsh sigh, and rolled her eyes. “Rick, they are making me wild.”

  “Hey, I know. I know. Come on, now. Don’t let them see you crying.” He urged. “Cry all you want to, up in your room.”

  She nodded, and tried to compose herself. “Then one weekend, Deming was going to take us up to his cabin.” She shook her head, as though disgusted. “I was so excited. He told us he was going to take us swimming, and fishing, and boating. I’d never been to anyone’s personal cabin. It was a very special thing for me. A first. His cabin was up in Stanley, which is a beautiful Idaho mountain resort town in the Sawtooths. I'd always wanted to go there.”

  "He picked me up, and said that Nicole was planning to meet us there, about dinner time. She apparently had a dance rehearsal that she couldn’t miss, and it was running overtime. So, we went up without her, and I didn’t suspect a thing.”

  "When dinner time came, Deming cooked. He said Nicole was probably just running a little late. When she still hadn’t arrived by bedtime, I was very concerned; but Deming told me to go ahead and go to bed. He was sure she’d come as soon as she was able. He told me they’d probably just gotten stuck in traffic, or something.”

  Tasha swallowed hard, and went on. “He showed me to the guest room, and I went in. I said goodnight, and closed the door. I took off my top, and my bra. When I turned around again, Deming was standing in the doorway – watching me.”

  She could hardly bring herself to say the words.

  “I will never forget the look on his face; that awful, hungry look in his eyes. He told me not to be afraid. He said I was just as beautiful as he’d dreamed I’d be. He promised he wouldn’t hurt me. He said he just wanted a hug goodnight.”

  "I didn’t know what to think. I was only fourteen, and I'd been carefully sheltered, all my life. So, I kept my arms wrapped over my breasts, and just stood there.”

  She stopped, and covered her face with her hands. “When he got over to where I was standing, he just put his arms around me, and hugged me. He asked me to hug him back. I finally did. But, when I put my arms around him, he ... he dropped to his knees and he started taking indecent liberties with me.”

  Rick closed his eyes, and let his head fall back against the wall, in reaction.

  “There is no way I can tell you what I felt. It was horror, and fear, and ... and arousal, too, I guess. It messed me up pretty bad for awhile. And immediately, I felt this overpowering guilt. I couldn’t understand my own feelings. I mean, here was Aunt Lynda’s husband; my friend’s father; my own dad’s good friend.”

  “Just then, there was a tap on the window. No one ever closed the blinds at the cabin, because it was completely isolated. There was a state policeman standing outside the window. He pushed open the window, which thank God was not locked; and leaned in. At first, he asked Deming if everything was all right. Then, he said there had been a problem, and he needed to take Tasha Charles home. I grabbed my shirt, and ran for my life. Deming didn’t try to stop me. I have never seen him since.”

  Rick looked at her. He knew he had to. “Tasha,” he objected.

  She put a hand up to stop him. “Lucinda, our housekeeper, had gotten a call from Nicole, who of course knew nothing about a weekend at the cabin. Nicole told Lucinda that her father was away on business. Of course, Lucinda panicked, and sent the state police out to find me. Otherwise, I’d have been at his mercy for the entire weekend.” she ended bitterly.

  “What did your father do?”

  “My father has changed a great deal since those days. He just said, ‘it happens’, and called Deming’s attorney. Deming paid the appropriate amount, and promised never to show his face again. Daddy told me it was ‘never to be mentioned again’.”

  Rick stared at her. “That’s it?”

  Tasha smiled back through wounded eyes. “That’s it.” she confirmed softly.

  Rick could only label what he was feeling as outrage. “But that’s dehumanizing! It’s unconscionable!”

  Tasha tried to smile, and had to look at her hands. “He’s not so much that way, anymore. He’s changed. But, when Pattie threw Deming Smith in my face, a thousand things came pouring out of some dark hole in my soul -- horror that Deming’s pay-off has been compromised; horror that anybody found out about it; some crazy wish that I could protect my father, and ... and the shame. Dear God, the shame.” she sobbed.

  “Wow. Oh, God. Wait. Wait a sec, here. No one knew? No one ... you mean, Pattie’s little surprise tonight was the first time it has been mentioned since it happened?”

  “That’s right.” she confirmed. She was trying not to laugh, or cry, and was doing a bit of both. “It’s kind of funny, isn’t it?” she asked tragically.

  “No! Not even close. How did Pattie get onto a story like that?” he snapped angrily.

  Tasha shrugged. “Oh, I couldn’t say. Perhaps the state police records, or someone connected with Deming or his law firm. A few people knew, obviously. Rick, you know this kind of thing happens all the time. It’s just that nobody cares, until someone like Tim Rain shows a little interest in you.”

  “Tasha, what do we do? How in the world can we answer this?” He asked furiously.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think I even care, anymore. Let me sleep on it, and we can talk about it some more, tomorrow morning. No doubt, Mr. Rain will have some fabulous idea. He always does.”

  “Tasha, I’m sorry.” He said. “I just had no idea. Can I pray for you, before you go up to bed?”

  “No.” She answered immediately. “No, thank you. That’s all right.”

  Rick looked at her helplessly, nodded, and smiled. “Well, I hope you’re able to get some rest.”

  "I'll be fine. You know, Rick, you may as well go back to wherever it is you came from. I'm not afraid, anymore. There is nothing worse that she can do to me, now. Really, I'm all right. With her speculation about you, it wouldn't be good for you to stay here. Go back to Jackson Hole, if that's where you live. When Tim comes home, you can explain everything to him that happened here. Please, leave me alone. I'll pay for a hotel in town, if you need one."

  "No. I've got a room already." He assured her. "You know that I'm very sorry I wasn't able to do more to protect you; don't you, Tasha?"

  "Yes." She answered shortly.

  "She sure is determined to make hamburg
er of your relationship with Tim, isn't she?"

  Tasha smiled woodenly, suddenly wishing he would just shut up, and go. "Yes. She's done an admirable job." She agreed with trembling lips.

  He looked at her uncertainly. "Well, I left my card on the entry table, in case you should need to reach me. I'll be in touch, Tasha. And if things don't work out with Tim, maybe I could give you a call." He offered hopefully.

  Tasha recoiled in horror, and looked at him with sheer loathing. "Please go." She said coldly.

  "I'm sorry. It's too soon, isn't it?" he asked worriedly. He shoved his hands in his pockets, and shrugged. "Can't blame a guy for trying. I didn't mean any harm, Tasha. I'm really not a bad guy. Think it over." He suggested brightly.

  Tasha turned her face away. "Please, go now. Helene, Mr. Snyder is leaving!" she called loudly. "Please see him out." Then, she walked by Rick Snyder with her arms crossed. She went to her room and locked the door, to give expression to her shock and grief.

  It was late morning when Tasha’s eyes flew open. The sun was bright, and a breeze tickled her face when she opened the window. She turned on the television, and flipped channels listlessly. When she came to a talk show, she stopped and sat down hard on her bed.

  The guest on the show was Pattie Danniels, and she was all big eyes and pretty smiles. “Well I’m not sure, but you know how I feel about this. A woman whose name is linked to rich, married men at such a tender age? She was clearly involved with a rich and powerful man her father’s age, while she was still in puberty.”

  "It is not a good thing! Something has to be wrong there. I’m just trying to find out what is going on. Tim seems to feel I’m slinging mud at him; but honestly, I’m really feeling very concerned for him personally and professionally. This woman cannot be good for him, either way.”

  Tasha swallowed hard, and picked up her phone. She dialed zero. “Operator, get me through to Norman Nielsen on the Western World Network. Tell the studio that Tasha Charles Taylor is calling. They are discussing me on their show, right now.”


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