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A New Day

Page 68

by Nancy Hopper

  Then, she saw that there was a man and a woman sitting in the front row of seats. As Tasha went under her father's outstretched arm, the strange couple stood, and came toward them.

  Tasha froze, in shock and surprise. It was Elaine! No, it couldn't be Elaine … Elaine was standing right beside the woman! It was Elaine's twin! Except that she was shorter. As she came closer, Tasha could see differences. She was several years younger than Elaine, and she had a shorter nose, a rounder chin. The woman smiled. There was still a remarkable resemblance.

  She was beautiful; glamorous. In a white pant suit that shimmered when she moved, with soft pearls on her neck and ears, she looked like a queen. Her hair was done in a chignon. As she reached a hand toward Tasha, the realities began to sink in.

  Tasha grew faint. Brent's arm held her securely, and she could feel Tim at her other elbow.

  Tears glistened in the woman's eyes as she looked at Tasha. “Darling! I have dreamed of this moment for so long. I don't know what to say to you!" She whispered in softly accented English.

  Tasha's legs turned to rubber. Tim's arm went around her instinctively, though Brent was holding her from the other side. "Mother?" she gasped faintly.

  The woman smiled. "Yes. I hope it is all right with you that I have come, now. Brent and Elaine felt it would be a wonderful surprise."

  "Oh, my! Yes! I just can't believe that you are ... really here!" Tasha assured her, blinking back tears.

  The woman kissed her cheek, and enveloped her in a perfumed hug. "I would not have missed it for the world. And nothing, darling … nothing will ever come between us, again." She whispered, with a catch in her voice.

  Tasha was simply overcome! She held her mother to her with incredulous joy, and they cried together as they laughed, and hugged.

  Introductions helped ease any awkwardness that might have dimmed the joy of the moment. Her mother introduced her husband, Henri, and of course, Tasha introduced Timothy. When that was over, Brent suggested that they move to the restaurant, which was agreeable with everyone.

  Tasha was ecstatic! It was incredible to just be suddenly with her, sitting across the table from her, as if all the years apart had never been. Henri obviously adored her. Tasha was enchanted by them both. Still, it was a bit much to take in. Tasha had to be glad that they hadn't sprung this on her at the wedding.

  "I can't believe that my little girl is a bride." Emilie said, shaking her head slowly. "And two children. It is too much!"

  Tasha smiled, her dimples showing. "We have skipped just a bit of time, haven't we?" she agreed.

  Emilie looked at Timothy, with a look that said the sun rose and set at his command. "And this man," she commended, "is so good! Timothy, how can I ever thank you for all that you have done?"

  Tim grinned, and shook his head. "It was enough to see the look on Tasha's face." He assured her.

  Brent took Tasha's hand. "Honey, I've asked your mother, and I want to ask you. I was wrong to keep you and your mother apart. Will you please forgive me? It was so wrong."

  Tears filled Tasha's eyes. In answer, she just nodded and kissed her father's cheek.

  "Timothy, you see. You are a miracle worker." Emilie argued. "Brent is so wonderfully changed."

  Tim shook his head in denial. "I'm not responsible. But Jesus is! I just had the sense to listen."

  It was much later, when Tim walked Tasha back to her room. He braced his arms on either side of the door, so that when she turned to say goodnight to him, he was extremely close. Nose to nose. She giggled as he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her with deep longing.

  "Mmm." She giggled against his mouth. "Down, boy."

  Tim growled and pulled her tightly against him, in response. He kissed her again, harder, and with a hunger that left her raw.

  "Whoa." She objected. "I'd ask you in, darling, but I don't think that would be wise."

  Tim stared at her with burning eyes. "No. No, I don't think I'd better come in." He agreed dryly. "I'm afraid it would be way too much for me to handle. I'm out of patience, and I think it's permanent."

  "Well tomorrow night, I won't take no for an answer." She teased innocently.

  Tim laughed. "Tomorrow night there won't even be any askin'." He assured her wickedly.

  Tasha gasped in mock outrage. "Really, Mr. Rain?" she challenged with lowered eyelashes. She slowly lifted them to look up into his burning eyes. "Well, then. I take that as fair warning that you intend to be a beast. I shall take the proper precautions." She warned primly.

  Tim laughed, and pressed her against him. "Don't bother." He growled. "There's nothing you're gonna do that will keep me away from you, tomorrow night." He threatened. "If you're going to make any preparations, make the kind that will make me feel nice, and very, very welcome." He whispered distinctly against her mouth.

  Tasha gasped deeply as his hands pulled her against him – even closer. She was trembling with passion as he kissed her again. Tim had managed to trip every one of her buttons, in about two seconds.

  "Don't you think for a moment I won't enjoy every last second." He whispered. “And I think … I hope … that you will, too.”

  The next kiss just about pushed her too far. She moaned, and slumped in his arms.

  "Tim." She managed to whisper.

  "Mmm." He tried to answer.

  She put trembling fingers against his lips. "You'd better go, now."

  His eyes devoured her soft, slackened lips, her heaving chest, and the surrender in her soft eyes. He shut his eyes tightly.

  "Tomorrow." He said firmly, and gave her a look that made her want to hold onto him as he turned away.


  The wedding was set for four o'clock. Tasha got up at ten, and took a leisurely bath. As she soaked in the hot water, she suddenly felt the remembrance of Tim's hands on her waist the night before, his mouth devouring hers, and she shuddered with delight. She hugged herself and drew a deep breath.

  This man she was going to marry was so stunning! She hadn't realized until the night before, just how much of his passion Tim had been keeping in check. She'd never known that there were men capable of such passion. She was almost frightened by it. It had been great with Gary; but more quiet, and certain, somehow.

  Tim had shown her last night that he could push her buttons and have complete control over her, any time he wanted to. She wasn't quite sure that she liked that; but she wanted it! Oh, how she wanted him to come to her; to take her completely and make her his. She was dying for it!

  She basked in the anticipation for a second before she shook herself out of her reverie, and got busy. It was no good thinking about that, at the moment! But after the wedding, she knew she wouldn't have to think at all.

  Elaine came for her at eleven. They went out for brunch together, with her mother. They all went and had their hair and makeup done; then their nails. Finally, they said goodbye to Emilie, and Elaine and Tasha went to the hotel.

  At last, came the dress. It was absolutely exquisite. Tasha looked at herself in the mirror, and had to blink back tears. Elaine had made her waist look so tiny, it was unbelievable. The dress was incredibly flattering, in every way!

  There was a knock on the door. It was Brent. He smiled grimly at Tasha when he came in. He was followed by his attorney, John Lambert.

  Tasha kissed her father, and smiled at John. "Hello, John." she greeted him hesitantly. She wasn't sure why he was in her dressing room, but it did not bode well. Brent hadn't mentioned any prenuptial agreement, and she didn't plan on signing one, anyway.

  "Hello, Tasha. You look wonderful. I hate to come here this way, Tash." He said lamely.

  "Whatever it is, John, it's going to have to wait. I won't have anything spoiling one second of this day." She cut him off firmly.

  Brent stepped forward, and took her arm. "Tasha. It can't wait. I'm sorry."

  Tasha paled. Staring into her father's eyes, she knew there was no room for negotiation. The scary part was that w
hen it came to Brent Charles, there was almost always room for negotiation. It had to be a very serious matter.

  She dropped her eyes, then folded her arms and lifted her chin. "All right. But this had better be good." She warned firmly.

  John did not waste time, or mince words. "Mrs. Lynda Smith has left her husband, and filed for divorce. Mr. Deming Smith has filed suit against you for defamation of character."

  Tasha snorted her disgust. "That old … child molester! I wondered when he was going to come out of the woodwork."

  "Well, whatever he may be, Tasha, if he wins his case, he will wipe out all of your assets, and your father's assets."

  "But it's impossible! How could he win?" she protested with a short laugh. "There were two police officers who responded and took me home!"

  "Both officers have mysteriously quit their jobs and disappeared, within the past two weeks. In addition, the police archives have been thoroughly searched, and no record of the incident report can be found anywhere. The dispatch records show no such incident. There is no corroborating evidence."

  Tasha looked at him blankly. "Are you telling me that he is setting me up? John, his daughter can testify! She called my house and was told I was at the cabin with her father.”

  “She says she doesn't know anything.”

  “Lucinda can testify! She's the one who figured it out, and called the police."

  "Lucinda has already been taken into protective custody."

  "Well, you can take her out of protective custody, and get her to this wedding!" Tasha ordered him pointedly.

  "Tasha, we have to keep her alive. She is your only hope." Her father pleaded with her to understand.

  "There is Pattie Danniels." Tasha pointed out sweetly. "She found out somehow about Deming, or none of this would have happened. Why don't you ask her what she knows?"

  "Someone is with Miss Danniels right now, taking her into protective custody." John agreed. "Her files will be confiscated by the police, as well. However, Miss Danniels is not currently perceived as being terribly credible. I would suggest, Tasha, that you request interrogation and a lie detector test. We could also arrange for you to undergo hypnosis, to help establish your testimony.”

  Tasha made a sound of disgust. "What a bunch of garbage."

  John sighed, and lifted his eyes to Tasha reluctantly. "There is one more recommendation that I am forced to make."

  "What, John? Get it over with." She snapped. She just couldn't help it.

  "You also need to be taken into protective custody – right now.”

  "Maybe. I'll talk to Tim about it, after the wedding." She said, trembling with anger.

  "No. It just won't be possible. You see, Tasha, if you get married with this suit pending, you also run the risk of wiping out Mr. Rain, and his parents as well. They could lose the ranch, both homes – everything. I strongly suggest that you not give Smith access to the Rain financial holdings by getting legally married at this time."

  Tasha crumbled, and groped for a chair to sit in, as all the blood in her body drained to her feet.

  "Otherwise, Mr. Rain's assets, and they are fairly considerable, will also be at risk. None of your family or his family would be left with even a place to live. You see, Mr. Rain's holdings are tied in with his parents'. They signed the deed for the entire ranch over to your fiance some years ago. It is a very dire prospect we are facing."

  "This is preposterous!" She said weakly.

  "Mr. Smith is sparing no cost in the preparation of his case. A friend of mine has tipped me off that he's already lining up witnesses to testify about the matter. In particular, he has carefully arranged an alibi and stories to show the impossibility that he had anything to do with the disappearance of the two police officers."

  "I don't believe this." She protested, wiping a tear away quickly.

  "Tasha. It is vitally important that you go into protective custody, this moment. I hope that you can understand; Mr. Smith would not likely hesitate to harm you. I fear that he may have a plan laid that won't lead back to him. Your testimony is key in this case. Tasha, please. May we go?"

  "You can go – to hell! I'm getting married today! My mother is here from France! And what about Timothy? That man has been to hell and back on my account! No! No, I will not go with you. Now, get out."

  Brent stepped forward, and took her in his arms. "Honey. Honey, there is no other way. Honey, please think. Think, Tasha."

  Tasha closed her eyes, trembling hard, and pulled away. She tried to think, but her brain was numb.

  "All right. All right. But I will not leave without talking to Tim. I could not do that."

  Brent groaned, and held her face in his hands. "Honey, think. You know what would happen if you do that. Tim is not going to take this lying down! Think about his safety, and his ranch. It's not fair to his parents, even if Tim were to be willing to take the risk."

  "I owe him that much, Daddy. I will not go unless I speak to him, first. You bring him here to me, or I don't budge." She said coldly. Though her words were calmly spoken, Brent saw the steel in her eyes.

  "Why endanger your fiance, Tasha? It's not necessary."

  "If I leave Tim at the altar today, it will be the end. He can't take any more. I don't care who tells him it's for his own good, he would never understand it. Bring him in here. You are wasting time."

  Brent nodded. "All right. I'll get him. Tasha, take off the dress, and put on something else, will you? Have a heart for the guy."

  Tasha gave her father a wooden stare, and nodded. Brent shook his head, and left.

  When they were gone, Tasha looked at Elaine, and just shook her head as the tears brimmed in her eyes.

  "Honey, don't." Elaine advised strongly. "Don't give in! It's not over yet. Tim isn't going to take this sitting down. Now, turn around so I can get you out of this dress. Be strong."

  Tasha obeyed, and tried to stop the tears from flowing. Oh, how her heart was breaking! She slipped back into the jumpsuit she'd been wearing that morning. Just as she finished zipping, there was a knock on the door. Elaine gave her a heartbroken look and went out through the side door, with the wedding dress in her arms.

  "Come in." She said sadly.

  Tim came in, looking calm, but wary. John and her father flanked him.

  She looked at them pointedly. "If you gentlemen will excuse us, please."

  "Tasha, John will need to help explain some things."

  "You will have to wait outside. Please be available in case Tim has questions." She answered sweetly.

  Brent sighed, and tugged on John's arm. "Come on, time is of the essence." He grumbled. He gave Tasha a harsh look. "Just a minute, or two." He insisted quietly.

  When she heard the door shut, she turned and looked into Tim's clear, calm eyes bravely.

  "What's wrong?" he asked evenly.

  "This is very hard, Tim. I've caused you so much pain, already."

  He was quiet for a moment. Tasha couldn't look at him, again.

  "So, just get it over with." He urged in a grim voice.

  Tasha sighed, and tried to look into his eyes. She couldn't do it, her eyes kept faltering. "Tim – I can't marry you today." She said bleakly.

  Tim had thought he was prepared for anything. This, he was not quite prepared for. He tried to take it without reacting, but all of a sudden his legs weren't supporting him so well. He found a chair, and abruptly sat down. Then, he looked up at her as if she'd grown two heads. "What do you mean, today? Or have you just completely changed your mind?"

  Tasha shot him a tortured glance. "No, Tim. I have not changed my mind. My father's lawyer changed my mind."

  Tim bit the inside of his cheek hard, while he tried to get his senses restored, get a hold on himself, and what she was saying. He sighed deeply.

  "Tasha, you know, I'm kind of a black and white guy. I need things spelled out pretty clearly. If you want to get married, I'm here, and I'm ready. If you don't, just say so. It would be nice to know why, b
ut that's really up to you."

  She turned away, and closed her eyes. She covered her mouth to stifle a sob, and Tim looked at her sharply. "Tim, I'm trying to explain. Please. Just ... give me a sec, okay?"

  "All right." He agreed quietly. The hurt in his voice stabbed at her heart. She turned and looked at him with such despair that it cut him deeply. He stood up, and went to her. She went into his arms, and cried helplessly while he just held her, kissed her, murmured in her ear how much he loved her.

  "Honey, listen to me. There is nothing that we can't work out. You've got to understand; I don't want to do this anymore. I love you, Tasha. Don't let anything come between us. If you love me, go through with the wedding, all right? We'll deal the rest of it, somehow."

  "Tim, I can't! Don't you think I fought them? I'm being sued. For millions, by Deming Smith. Enough to wipe out my father, me. And if we get married, you and your parents. My attorney is afraid that we won't be able to fight him. The police records have been altered. There is no record, and the two policemen who came to the cabin and saw what happened, are missing. They both disappeared without a trace, within the past two weeks.”

  “They're taking everybody into protective custody, me included. If I married you, and Deming wins – you'll lose the ranch, Tim. And your parents -- I can't do that. If we wait," she stressed, "to get married until the suit is over, that won't happen to you."

  Tim closed his eyes, and shook his head. "This is about money?" he asked wearily, as if it were hard to believe. "Honey, listen to me. If we had been married yesterday, that would be a moot point, right?"

  Tasha nodded her agreement.

  "And you would have heard me say the words, 'for better or for worse’. Right?"

  "Yes." She answered dubiously.

  He rubbed her lower lip with his thumb, and watched her shudder inside. "If you will think back, I've already said them. But I'll say them again, right now. I, Timothy, take you Tasha, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse. Now. What's mine is yours. If it comes to it, I'll give the ranch to this bloodsucker on a silver platter. So, let's get on with it."


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