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Lovin' on You

Page 5

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Maybe a little too social,” I mumble.

  “Oh, please!” Bri yells and stands up to refill our glasses, since Jen is practically drinking straight from the pitcher at the rate she’s going. “Where’s your phone?”

  “You’re not,” I warn, wide-eyed.

  “I am.”

  “What’s going on?” Jen asks, confused.

  “This is what Bri does. She gets me drinking as we talk about boys, then goes for the kill. She takes my phone and types out text messages on my behalf. One time, I was drunk and when the guy mentioned our conversation, I had no idea what he was talking about. Apparently, Bri here told him I was down for anything, including anal.”

  Jen spits out her sangria and curses. “Sorry! I’ll clean that up, but that’s hilarious!” Bri laughs with her.

  “Good times. What ever happened to Jimmy?” Bri cocks her head as she asks.

  “I don’t know, but not anal with me,” I reply.

  “I’ve told you to just let it go between your buns. It will lighten you up.”

  “Ugh!” I look up at the ceiling. They both continue laughing, as Jen cleans up her mess.

  “I’m only kidding, Liv, but definitely go for it with Cash.” Bri smiles warmly.

  “I’m taking it slow. I have no problem seeing where it goes. It’s not like he’s tried to reach me today.”

  “They were playing at a bar tonight,” Jen speaks up now.


  “Yeah, Ryder told me.” I nod. Even Mr. No-Strings let Jen know what he was up to.


  It shouldn’t bother me that Ryder told Jen the band was playing tonight, but it has me thinking. I have never been the needy type, but I thought that Cash would have reached out after last night.

  I pay the delivery guy when he arrives with our dinner and bring the food to the living room. We keep our spots on the floor and use the coffee table to dine on.

  “So, where were they playing?” I ask

  “Not sure. He simply told me they had a gig at a bar.” She takes a bite of her taco and moans. “This is sooo good!”

  We eat and drink some more, until we’re stuffed and happily buzzed. Then, Jen’s phone rings and she runs to answer it.

  “I’m so full,” Bri groans from my couch.

  “Me too. More sangria?”

  “Of course.”

  I get up and make another batch.

  “We’re going out, ladies!” Jen prances down the stairs.

  “What?” I look at my pitcher of sangria, longing to stay in and cuddle with it.

  “Yup! That was Ryder. They finished their set now and are having drinks at Riot.”

  “I’m sure that was a booty call for you.” I raise my eyebrows.

  “Nope! He told me to be sure to bring you.”

  “What about me?” Bri asks offended.

  “Once I told him you were here as well, he said you, too. Geez, who’s the defensive one now?”

  “Jen, I’m not going out now.” I stand tall.

  “It’s early! Come on. You’re already showered and your hair is half decent. The messy bun look is in.” She runs up to change while yelling, “Get dressed!”

  Bri follows me up to my room, sangria in hand, and we both look for something in my closet.

  “This will be good, Liv,” Bri says, knowing how awkward a situation like this makes me. I’m about to show up at the bar, where the guy I went out with last night is, but he didn’t invite me. In fact, we haven’t spoken since he sent me the text messages when he got home.

  “Maybe I’m being pushy,” I tell her.

  “No way! You’re not there for him. Well, kinda, but you’re going out and it just so happens to be where he is.”

  “And it so happened to be that his friend was the one who invited me?”

  “There’s that, but it must be for a reason. Ryder doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would want company just because, when he can be alone with a woman.” Bri raises an eyebrow.

  “That is true.”

  “So, we’ll go have a few drinks and add to our sangria buzz. Let it play out when you see him.”

  We get dressed quickly and touch up our makeup.

  “Let’s go show that boy up,” Bri giggles.

  “How about one more round of liquid courage?”

  “Only if you chug.” She links her arm in mine and we chug our sangria.

  Jen runs straight to Ryder when we walk into Riot. Those two need a room. I’m somewhat surprised he didn’t have a woman hanging off him. Maybe the boy can act like a man. Okay, that was mean and unnecessary.

  “Breathe,” Bri whispers, and that’s when I see Cash turn to look at Ryder. It takes him a moment to register who Jen is, then he looks around quickly, until his eyes land on mine. He steps down from his seat and approaches me.


  “Hi.” I give him a nervous smile. “Not stalking you, just coming out with Jen. You know how she can be. Ryder called and invited us.” I feel Bri elbow me in the ribs and Cash laughs.

  “I’m glad I get to see you again.” His hand lightly brushes the curve of my neck. Bri clears her throat. “Hey,” Cash says.

  “I’m going to leave you two alone and go grab a drink.” She walks away, or shall I say sways her hips towards the bar.

  “People are staring,” I tell Cash.

  “So? I’ve been thinking about you all day. They can stare all they want, but I’m going to take my time to say a proper hello.” He leans in and kisses me. I hear a few people cheer and some groan.

  “PDA?” I pull back and look at him.

  “I couldn’t resist. And now people can stop questioning who the mystery woman is.”

  “Oh, God, are they really?”

  “You have no idea.” He grabs my hand and walks me back to where he was sitting. “Peyton, this is Olivia. Peyton is our manager.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Peyton reaches out his hand and I shake it.


  I see him wink at Cash and then says, “Well, kids, I have to go.”

  “Already?” Cash teases.

  “My woman is home already and you know I need to keep her warm.” Cash laughs and says goodbye. “It was nice to meet you.” Peyton turns to me.

  I smile and Cash takes his empty seat, signaling for me to take the other one. “I wish you would’ve been here earlier, to catch our performance.”

  I shrug, “I had no idea.”

  “Fuck, I should’ve told you. Sorry. We were so busy with practice and meeting with Peyton. We got some awesome news and then I had to get ready to come here. I was actually hoping to call you tomorrow to see if you were free, but since you’re here . . .” He reaches for my hand. “How does that sound?” My breathing picks up slightly, the feel of his fingers around mine reminding me of my dream this morning when I woke up.

  “That sounds nice.” He exhales, almost as if he was expecting some form of rejection or hesitation.

  “Good. Now, while I have you here with me, how about I get to know you better.” He swivels his stool a bit, so he’s facing me, his legs connecting with mine. I notice some people are still looking our way and whispering. A few have their phones out, blatantly taking pictures of us. I have a feeling this is going to blow up come morning. I can see it now, Twitter’s headlines:

  “@CashKnightMusic didn’t end the night solo #heartbrokenfan,”


  “@CashKnightMusic shagging with mystery woman #EndTheKnightWithABang.”

  I shudder and laugh at my own terrible mock tweets.

  “Don’t stress it,” he whispers in my ear.

  “We’re being photographed.”

  “So, how about we give them something to write home about?” He kisses me again, but this time less gentle. His tongue sweeps against my lower lip and I shiver. I easily give him access to my mouth and he kisses the hell out of me. A little light-headed and a lot turned on, I stare at his smiling face and grin.

  “You think that’ll get them talking?” he asks.

  “Oh, I’m sure that picture will be all over social media in two minutes.”

  “Good. I didn’t want anyone thinking my mystery woman was just a stunt.”

  “I’m pretty sure they got the memo, but if you want to prove them wrong again, I’d be more than willing.” I smile mischievously.

  Cash groans and pulls me into his chest. How I manage to stay seated is beyond me. “I’d be more than happy to do that, but if I get started with you right now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop. I have a feeling you’re not the type of girl who would appreciate putting on a public show.” I laugh against him and he tries to still me. “Your laugh is vibrating right to my cock.”

  I look up at him and see that his eyes are darkened. I lean back as he releases me. I try not to laugh at the bulge in his pants, but it’s hard not to. He shifts uncomfortably and glares at me jokingly. “That’s your doing.”

  “I’m not the one with the bright idea of giving the crowd something to talk about. Trust me, I much rather they not know who I am.”

  “Sorry. I probably should have asked before I acted. I’m impulsive that way.”

  “I knew what I was doing, when I decided to show up here tonight.”

  “You okay with this, though? I can call Peyton. See what he can do.”

  “Calm down. I’m fine. These are photos on people’s phones. That’s pretty hard to control. They can talk, but we’re two people who met and are getting to know each other. Nothing more to it.”

  “And hopefully that will lead to more than two strangers who met once upon a time.”

  “Maybe. You are kinda cute,” I say playfully.

  He runs his fingers up the inside of my leg until he reaches my knee. “I can be more than cute.”

  “You keep running your game on me, but you fail to realize that I’m already here with you, and completely aware that you’re more than a cute face.” That seems to do something because his demeanor changes. Not in a standoffish or defensive way, but it changes.

  “Good, because I’m tired of just being a cute face to look at. I have more to offer than that, and I want to offer it to you.” It’s my turn to be surprised.

  Cash was humble last night when he spoke about his music, but tonight I see more of where that comes from. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be the face of country music’s up and coming band and be judged based on that alone.

  I give him a small smile and take a sip from my drink. I’m feeling looser than usual and I thank the liquid courage for that.

  “Hey, guys!” Ryder sounds out of breath as he holds up two fingers to the bartender.

  “What’s up?” Cash asks him.

  “Getting another round and coming to say good show. You two definitely spiked interest amongst the bar patrons.”

  “Couldn’t help myself,” Cash tells him.

  Ryder laughs and high fives him before leaving with two beers, one I assume for Jen. I look around and see her smiling my way. Bri is a few spots down the bar, talking to Jason and someone else I’m not familiar with. She seems at ease, so no need to worry about her. Since her boyfriend is deployed, I know outings help her disconnect from the worries that come with a loved one being overseas. I turn back to Cash, who is silent.

  I nudge his shoulder with mine and smile. His returning smile is gorgeous. It’s the perfect balance of mischief and boyish grin. My heart thumps in my chest.

  “How was the show tonight?”

  “It was great. We’ve been playing here for a while, so we keep coming back each week, even though we’re playing bigger venues nowadays. We gotta keep it real and this place is as real as it gets.”

  “I think fans appreciate that. Not forgetting where you came from.”

  “Yup, our roots are here and we need to come back every now and then. I think it helps to keep the other guys grounded,” he confides.

  “What about you?”

  “I’m always grounded,” he says with modesty. “We’re getting ready to take off, but we’ve also been in the public eye enough where we have a following. People know us, and they’re interested in us. People love our music, but fame can be a double-edged sword. I’m not as interested in the money, as I am in fulfilling my passion. Don’t get me wrong, the money is nice, but it would mean nothing if I were doing something I hated.”

  “Staying grounded is important. You’re right that fame can change people.”

  “The only change I’m looking for is for the better and switching out my mom for you at red carpet events.”


  “Remember, the only way to make a splash is by taking the leap,” he winks.

  With a promise of seeing me tomorrow, I say bye to Cash and the other guys after a few more drinks and head home with Bri and Jen.

  I laugh at Cash and shake my head. “You are terrible at this.”

  He shrugs and looks adorable doing so, giving me puppy dog eyes. “Golfing was never my thing. Let me sneak one in.”

  “No way! Fair is fair and this is a competition.”

  “So, you’re competitive, huh?” He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me in.

  We had brunch at a local restaurant that also offered bottomless mimosas. We definitely got our money’s worth on those.

  Cash suggested miniature golf after eating, so here we are. I’m kicking his butt at the game. Poor guy can’t work that stick of his. The golf club, of course. I’m still waiting to find out how he works his other one, but if it is anything compared to his kissing, I’d say he’s killer with that, too.

  “You could say that. I haven’t played mini golf since I was a kid, but I was always good. Even after all those mimosas.” He chuckles at my comment.

  “I’m impressed with your drinking tolerance.”

  “Good genes.” I toss my hair back and smile.

  “Those jeans sure do look good on you,” he teases and runs his hand over my hip. I playfully slap his shoulder and begin walking to the next hole.

  “So, you’re not going to let me cheat?”

  “Nope. Cheating is for losers, and you, sir, are not a loser.”

  “You boost my confidence.”

  “Don’t let it get to your head.”

  “Maybe not this head.” He places his finger above his temple.

  “Oh God,” I groan.

  He laughs. “I’m only kidding.”

  We finish up the game, me winning. Although, with the kisses he’s stolen and the wandering hands, I’d say we are both winners.

  “Do I need to take you home, already?” His question catches me off guard.

  “Um, I don’t know.” I widen my eyes a bit.

  “Good, because I don’t want to yet and if you’re hesitating that means you have no plans.” Well, he’s honest. I’ll give him that.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Cash pulls up to Centennial Park and we step out of his car. I love coming here, so the fact that this was his choice is a major plus. The Parthenon is my favorite. Although not the real deal, the replica is pretty close to it, at least until I can get myself to Greece.

  We walk hand in hand, like old lovers, down the path rounding the lake until we come face to face with the Parthenon. I stop and stare, causing Cash to pause as well. “I love this view.”

  “I’m glad.” He squeezes my hand.

  Some people are lying out on blankets, while others throw a Frisbee. We hang out around there for a while. I share my love for all things Greek with Cash. Then we get lost in the quiet areas of the park, crossing a stone bridge and entering a more wooded area. The sun peeks between the leaves of the trees. Cash pushes me up against a tree and begins to kiss my neck.

  “Well, hello there,” I joke when I feel all of him all up against me. He laughs but doesn’t let up. His mouth continues to move up my neck until it reaches my lips, his tongue demanding entry. I cling on
to the back of his tee shirt and give him what he’s looking for, rivaling his own desire. His fingers play against the sensitive skin of my stomach and I stop him.

  “Unless you want to bend me over and have your way with me right here, I’d stop. Not sure you want that all over social media.”

  “There’s a phrase I never thought you’d say. Bend you over, huh?” I blush, but really, all I want is for him to bend me over and do me how he wants. This whole celibacy thing is getting old, especially when it was unwelcomed. He kisses me hard one more time and unpins me from the trunk. I don’t know what’s harder, the bark or Cash’s boner.

  The day finally comes to an end, and Cash drops me off at home, with a memorable kiss. My mind is running wild with thoughts about our date and fantasies of what could be.

  I try to stop myself, but what woman would stop herself from imagining what sex with Cash Knight would be like? Even more, what a proposal from him would be like? Or something as simple as a relationship. Sitting together on the couch watching television as you run your fingers through his hair and pull tight before he rides you into the sunset. Yeah . . . I want Cash. Badly.

  My dick is harder than it has been in years. The image of bending Olivia over and fucking her is stuck in my mind, my imagination adding more to it. She’s cute when she just blurts things out like that. I’ve opened up to her, a lot. Not that I’ve ever been one to keep things to myself. If it’s my truth, I’ve never hesitated to express it. Like what I told her on Saturday, about staying grounded in a career that could so easily feed your ego. I meant every word, and she sat and listened instead of trying to convince me otherwise, like people have in the past. The whole take-advantage-of-your-status game never served me, but I’ve had plenty of people, my band included, that have tried to get me to use that as an excuse.

  The guys liked the song I’m working on and Cole added a few tunes to it. We each put in our part in creating music, but I’m not the only one who writes. We come together as a team. Those guys are my brothers and have been there for me since before we became a band. None of them ragged on my lyrics, because they know it makes for good music.

  “Catch,” Jason says as he throws me a beer.

  “Dude . . .” I set it on the table and give it a few, I don’t want it to explode.


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