Lovin' on You

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Lovin' on You Page 10

by Fabiola Francisco

  “That you do.”

  “Okay . . . You two are going to get all lovey dovey and shit, so I’m going to watch them get drunk.” He stands and walks back to the table where Jen, Ryder, Jason, and one of Jason’s friends are playing beer pong.

  “You want next?” I ask him.

  “Are you just as competitive in beer pong?”

  “I’m competitive in everything, but I suck at beer pong. Since you’re such a talented player, I thought you’d lead in the game.”

  “What do I get if we win?”

  I pause to think a second. “If we win, I’ll let you drizzle chocolate over my body and clean it up with your tongue,” I whisper.

  “We got winner!” Cash yells as he stands from the sofa. I laugh loudly at his reaction and watch him impatiently shift from side to side until they finish the game.

  “Are you ready?” He asks me.

  I stand at one end of the table facing Ryder and Jen. “Yes.”

  “Okay. So this is what you do, you aim for the cup you want the ball to go in.”

  “Cash, I know how to play.”

  “Right. So . . . Let’s begin.” He claps and I have to laugh. He’s jumpy. Or excited. I can’t really tell.

  We begin playing and Ryder knocks one ball into a cup. I grab it and chug the beer while Jen shoots and misses. Cash goes for the first throw and makes it in. Ryder drinks that cup and I prepare to shoot.

  “I’ll make it worth your while, if we win,” Cash whispers into my ear; chills fill my skin. I concentrate and release thoughts of Cash licking chocolate off my body and throw the ball. It tips the rim and falls in.

  “Yes!” Cash gives me a high-five and Jen drinks the beer.

  The game continues in a similar fashion, until Jen and Ryder have two cups left and we have four. Mostly Cash has made our shots. His arms are ridiculously long and I can’t help but notice it since Cole brought it up. I start to laugh and he gives me a sideways glance. I shake my head and cover my mouth.

  After he makes his shot, he looks at me. “Sorry! I was just noticing what Cole said. Your arms are freakishly long.” I flat out laugh now and he pulls me in.

  “Long enough to reach you no matter what. Now make that shot so we can leave,” he groans. His eyes are a darker shade, and I stop laughing.

  I look at the last cup standing and focus. I raise my arm and throw it how Cash instructed earlier. It hits the edge of the cup and bounces off. Cash whines and I try not to laugh.

  “Sorry! I’m tired.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll get them in the next round.”

  Sure enough, Cash makes it and he says a hasty goodbye, dragging me out the door. We stop at a twenty-four-hour market where he picks up chocolate sauce and a pack of condoms. I try not to blush as we check out, but the cashier is looking at us with a knowing smile and my face is burning.

  We get back to Cash’s apartment in record time.

  “I’m so fucking turned on right now.” His hands are everywhere.

  “Who would’ve thought a little beer pong and chocolate sauce would turn you into a wild animal.”

  “Fuck . . . I’ve been dreaming about it ever since I brought it up.” His mouth is all over me as his hands remove my cotton dress. “I want to lick every inch of you.” I moan into him as he nips my shoulder. “Everywhere, especially here.” He presses his hand into my core and I call out his name. I’d be lying if I said Cash was the only one turned on right now. He removes the rest of my clothing as I claw off his tee shirt.

  “Lie down.” He pulls out the sauce from the bag and opens it, pouring some on his finger and spreading it over my lips. I reach out to lick it, tasting a bit of his finger. He turns the bottle over and pours some over my breasts, causing me to jerk at the coolness of the liquid. His tongue comes down to lick it up, torturing me. Then he leaves a trail from the center of my chest down my stomach. The tip of his tongue grazes me sensually, licking up the chocolate he’s poured.

  He comes up to kiss me and I taste the sweetness on his tongue. He’s going to be the death of me. My body is on edge, waiting for his next move. The next trail of chocolate is on my shoulder. Then he moves to my thighs and I wait for his tongue to hit where I want it most, but it doesn’t.

  He continues to tease me until I feel the coolness of the sauce on my pelvis. He dips his head down and licks it up, dragging his tongue from one side to the other, then lower. A little more sauce is just inches of where I want him. He dips down, pressing his tongue on my clit. I buck my hips and then settle back down as he works his magic on my body. He licks with purpose, adding pressure on my clit while fucking me with his fingers. I fall apart as his tongue takes me to the point of no return.

  Completely sated, I grab the bottle of chocolate sauce as he looks up at me and I smile. “My turn.”

  I flip him over on his back and pour sauce on his chest. I run my tongue across his heated skin and swirl his nipples. I read somewhere this was a sensitive area for men, too, but I had never actually tested that theory out. Cash responds with a groan. I guess there’s my answer. I go up to his neck, sucking the skin below his ear and biting him gently.

  “You’re right, this is fun,” I whisper, before taking his earlobe in my mouth. I run my fingers right under the band of his jeans. “I think we need some sauce here.”

  I scoot down, the sauce dripping and my tongue trailing. I undo his jeans and lick the edge of his skin. He lifts his body so I can bring down his jeans and I greedily grab hold of his cock, pumping it a few times. Then, I pour some sauce on his pelvis and very slowly lick it all up. Planting soft kisses, I reach his length and lick up the underside before putting all of him in my mouth and sucking. My teeth gently scrape him on one side and I flatten my tongue on the other.

  I continue for a few more minutes, then stop and look at him. He grabs a condom from his nightstand and puts it on.

  Flipping me over, he thrusts into me without warning, causing me to yell out loudly. Cash moves inside of me, ravishing my body. I grip the sheets while he swallows my moans and pinches my nipples. It’s wild and fast, hard thrusts filling me and I’m falling apart beneath him.

  Chocolate sauce was a success.

  Cash rolls over and catches his breath. “Fucking amazing.”

  “We can do that whenever you want.” I laugh. “There’s still some left.” I wink at him. Laughing, he kisses me and goes into the bathroom.

  He returns, holding me close to him, both of us relaxed now. He looks at me tenderly. “I love you, and not just because you let me lick chocolate sauce from your body.” I look up at him in surprise and then break out into a smile.

  “I think I kinda love you, too.”

  “You think?” I giggle at his expression.

  “I do,” I say against his lips. “Especially because you licked chocolate sauce from my body,” I joke.

  Cash pulls me onto him so I’m lying on top of him and says, “I always hoped I’d meet someone like you. Someone who understood me and accepted me. I’ve always been the creative type, making up a muse through my lyrics, but now I have my muse making up my songs.” I smile broadly and hug him. This moment, right here, is perfection.

  Today, the guys and I finished tweaking the last song we’ll be debuting for Tyler’s show, but my mind has been on Olivia all day. Last night, I told her how I felt. I hadn’t meant to say it so soon, but it’s the truth. I love the person she is and I want to know more of her. I want to continue falling in love with every piece she has yet to show me. It has been a long time since I have focused on something other than my career. Besides the occasional dating, I haven’t really been in a relationship since college. The media loves to question my relationship status and wonder if I hide a secret relationship. It’s comical, but frustrating, because now that I do have someone in my life, they are trying to dissect it.

  Thankfully, Olivia brushes off the bits of news about us. My uproar in the bar with Nathan made headlines, calling me volatile and Olivia a
two-timing whore. Fortunately, we overcame that, and I make sure the only person she’s sleeping with is me.

  I push through my workout, sweat dripping down my face as I finish my push-ups. I switch over to sit-ups, burning off tension from today’s practice. I shake it off and blame it on nerves. We had some differences on the tunes for one of the songs and the order of our new set, but we got it squared away over a few beers.

  I pick up a basketball game with the same guys I played with a couple weeks ago before heading home. I always prefer to exercise outdoors when the seasons allow for it.

  I take a shower when I get home and change into my joggers and white tee shirt.

  Cash: Hope you’re having a great day.

  I hit send on my phone and leave my apartment, heading to my parents’ house. Half way there I feel it vibrate and I check it at a red light.

  Olivia: Thanks . . . have fun with your family. See you tomorrow?

  I smile like some lovesick fool and arrive at my parents’ house. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve made it here. Partly because of our upcoming performance and new album in the works, and the other part because I’ve been busy with Olivia. And although I’ve talked to my parents during that time, it’s always good to be home.

  I see my dad coming around the back and I get out of my car. I send Olivia a quick text telling her I will see her tomorrow and tuck my phone in my pocket as I reach my dad.

  “Son,” he says as he hugs me.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Where’s that young woman of yours?”

  “She’s working.”

  “Shame. We were looking forward to meeting her. Get ready for some grilling from the rest of the family.” He laughs and walks in front of me.

  “Cash just arrived,” he announces.

  “It’s about time, boy!” My mother runs towards me and wraps me in her arms. I chuckle and hug her.

  “Hi, Mom.” I kiss her cheek.

  “Where’s . . .”

  “She didn’t’ come,” my dad says.

  “I wanted to meet her.” My mom smiles widely. “Olivia, right?” She knows damn well what her name is, because she’s been reading up on it like all the other gossip-loving people. I shake my head and laugh.

  “Did the latest article not mention it?” I tease her.

  “Oh, stop. I need to make sure that they aren’t writing things that aren’t true, and I know how to defend my boy when the old women come talking about you.” The old women she refers to are her friends. They love to gossip, but they don’t mean any harm.

  “Thanks for coming to my defense, Mom.” I wrap an arm around her shoulder and walk into their ranch home. “Where are Gavin and Luke?”

  “They’re in the sunroom.” We walk further into the house and into the sunroom. I see my two brothers with beers in hand and their wives sitting on a small sofa talking.

  “Hey,” my older brother, Gavin, says.

  “What’s up?” I shake his hand and then Luke’s. I give Amy and Maddie kisses on their cheeks and rub Maddie’s stomach. She and Luke are expecting their first baby in a few months.

  “How are you?” Luke asks, as I sit on the sofa, crossing my ankle over my knee.

  “Good, how about you?”

  “Great. We were just talking about the sex of the baby.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I sit up straighter. “And?”

  Maddie laughs. “We go in a few weeks for the ultrasound. We should know by then if baby K wants to show us.” She rubs her belly in circles and smiles. Luke and Maddie are the first to get pregnant so we’re all excited for this baby to be born. Having three boys, my mom is praying for a baby girl.

  We hang out and talk for a while, having drinks and catching up on each other’s day-to-day. Gavin started coaching a baseball league for underprivileged children not too long ago. He always loved baseball, and now he’s having fun coaching.

  “So what’s going on with that girl?” Gavin asks and Amy elbows him. “What? We’re all curious.”

  I laugh as everyone looks at me expectantly. “Nothing. We’re dating.”

  “You got into a bar fight because of her,” Luke says with a proud smile. He has always been the rowdy one. I still can’t believe he’s going to be a father.

  “You don’t mess with what’s mine,” I respond.

  “So, it’s serious?” Amy asks. She’s the first girl that became an official part of our family, and I love her like a sister.

  I smile at her and say, “Yeah.”

  “So why didn’t she come?” Luke with the third degree.

  “She had to catch up on work and couldn’t make it. I also wanted to make sure y’all didn’t scare her away.”

  “We would never,” says Maddie.

  I love my family but we’re like a small tribe. Amy and Maddie have been a part of our family for years, so they feel entitled to give their opinions as much as my brothers do.

  “Y’all will meet her soon, hopefully.”

  “So what’s going on with the band? You guys are definitely growing.” Luke leans back.

  I shrug and sip my beer. “We’re doing good. We’re making new music and opening for Tyler Hunt in a couple of weeks. That’s going to be huge for us, because it’ll be a bigger venue. Our goal is to come out with our second album in a few months. Hopefully, a bigger label signs us before then.”

  “We’re proud of you, son,” my dad says. They were all surprised when I confessed I had been writing music for some time, back when I finished college. Even more surprised that I was going to put aside my business career to become a struggling artist.

  “Thanks, Dad.” I smile at all of them and relax. I knew the questions about Olivia were coming, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

  “She’s pretty,” Amy whispers as we make our way to the dining room.

  I smile and thank her. “She’s pretty great, too. I think you two will hit it off.”

  “I’m happy for you. Now go write some more music about her.” She winks knowingly.

  After dinner, my brothers, dad, and I play some poker while Amy, Maddie and my mom talk baby stuff.

  My dad wins, as always, while Gavin, Luke and I drink more beer than necessary and fool around.

  “How are the horses?” I ask my father.

  “Good. Been riding the new mare. She’s a beauty. We’ll go out and look at her, if you want.”

  “Yeah. I’m pretty sure you kicked our asses here, so let’s go see her.”

  I follow my dad out to the barn. We used to love helping him out here when we were kids.

  “Meet Lucy.” My dad smiles proudly.

  “Lucy, Dad?” I peek into the stall and find her. He shrugs.

  “I liked the name and your momma picked it out.” That sounds more like it. I smile over at him and pat his shoulder. My parents have always been the perfect role models. Those two are still in love after years of marriage and three unruly boys.

  Lucy pops her head out of the stall and I reach out, letting her become familiar with me. I pet her softly and she nudges my arm.

  “She’s gorgeous. Strong,” I observe.

  “She is.” This keeps my dad going. I’m convinced he’s as healthy as he is because he lives out this part of his life. Every day after working in sales, he comes home and rides or cares for the horses. It’s admirable really, seeing that he’s in his early sixties and still going strong.

  “So, about this girl.” He gets ready for a heart to heart. “She the real deal?”

  “You won’t be sending this as an anonymous tip to one of those gossip sites, right?” I joke and he shakes his head. “I think so. I mean, it could be.”

  “You better be sure, boy.”

  “I am,” I nod. “For me, she’s the real deal.”

  “Does she know how you feel?”

  “Yeah, and she feels the same. We haven’t discussed our future or anything, but right now, in the present, we’re both on the same page.”

  “What about whe
n you start your own tour?”

  “We’ll figure that out. She works freelance, so she could travel with me. I’d want her to.”

  “You always were the most romantic of my boys. I blame that on your momma.” He chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulder. “Come on.”

  We go back in, just in time to say bye to Luke and Maddie. Gavin and Amy leave soon after, and I walk out with them. I promise my mom to come back soon and bring Olivia when I do.

  All I can think about on the drive home is what Olivia is doing. I change routes and head her way. I need to feel her, taste her, and I want to use up the rest of the chocolate sauce before I eat her pussy.

  I knock on her door and wait for her to answer, but I see Jen instead.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in. I thought you were Ryder. Couldn’t resist one night without her?” She teases.

  “Where is she?” I ignore the Ryder comment. I don’t want to have to wake up to his white ass tomorrow.

  “She’s up in her room.” Jen opens the door wider, and I walk in.


  “I don’t know. But, if she is, I’m sure she won’t complain about you waking her up.” She winks.

  I walk up the stairs, laughing at Jen’s honesty, and open the door to Olivia’s room slowly. When I walk in I see Olivia lying asleep on her bed with her laptop open. The laptop displays some pictures of me and the guys and our album cover. I know Cole had sent her some stuff for her to look at, but I didn’t think she had gotten around to it.

  I close her computer and place it on her desk. I walk back and watch her a second. She’s beautiful. I run my finger down her arm and she shifts but doesn’t wake up. I lean in and kiss her softly. Her soft moan shoots straight to my dick. Despite feeling a little guilty about waking her up for sex, I want to see her blue eyes as she falls apart. She’ll thank me later.

  I kiss her again, my tongue running along the seam of her lips. She moans a little louder and slowly blinks. Then she jumps back.

  “Shit!” She sits on the bed and looks at me. “You scared the crap out of me.”


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