Lovin' on You

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Lovin' on You Page 11

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Sorry,” I laugh. “What’d you think?”

  “I don’t know. Someone had broken into my room. What’s up with you staring at someone while they sleep?” She exhales and relaxes a bit.

  “I was actually kissing you.”


  “You moaned. Twice.”

  “I thought it was in my dream!”

  “So you dream about me?” She rolls her eyes and lies back down.

  “Sometimes.” She smiles. “What are you doing here?” She places her hands under her cheek and looks at me sleepily.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “How was dinner?”

  “Good. I got a bunch of questions about you, mainly why you weren’t with me.” She sighs and looks away. “What?”

  “Nothing,” she says defensively.

  “No, no. Tell me.”

  “Honestly, it’s stupid.”

  I sit on the edge of the bed and brush her hair back. “I doubt that.”

  She sits up and faces me. “It’s just that, you have a big family and that’s intimidating. I don’t know. It’s kinda scary, meeting the guy’s parents.”

  “You realize they’ve read about you?”

  “Ugh! That’s horrible! Half of those stories aren’t true.”

  “They know that. They were just excited about meeting you. I told them you would go with me soon.” I give her my best smile. The one she can’t turn down.

  “I hate you right now.”

  “Why?” I don’t stop grinning.

  “Because you know that smile gets to me.”

  “Yup.” I kiss her again. “Do you have space for me?” She scoots back and leaves enough space for me to lie down where she can wrap her arms around me. I remove my clothes and get under the covers with her.

  “You’re so tall,” she says as she drapes a leg over my waist. I turn around and look at her.

  “I was hoping for a little lovin,’ but I feel kinda bad that I woke you up.”

  “A little lovin’?” she teases. I just shrug at her and smile. Her eyes are half closed, so I kiss her forehead and tell her to go to sleep. I make sure she stays in my arms all night.

  “I love you,” I whisper and she makes a cute noise in her sleep. I need to figure out how to have this forever.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me.” I open the door to the hall bathroom upstairs in Olivia’s house and curse.

  “Hey, man. What’s up?” Ryder asks, buck-naked as he turns his head to see who it is. I close the door and walk away. I’ve already had to deal with his naked ass more times than I care to admit.

  “All yours,” Ryder calls out before I get to Olivia’s room. He pats my shoulder and I curse again. I hope he washed his hands. I do my business and go back to Olivia’s room and wait for her to finish showering so we can have breakfast.

  Olivia walks into the room from the en suite bathroom wrapped in a towel. “What happened?” Her eyes smile.

  “Ryder. Did you know he was here?”

  “Jen mentioned something last night that he might come by. Guess he spent the night.” She’s pensive.

  “What’s that look for?” I squint my eyes.

  “I don’t think he’s ever stayed the entire night. Interesting.”

  I couldn’t care less about Ryder and his relationships, especially when my girl is standing in front of me in nothing but a towel that is easily removed. I walk over to her and she smiles wickedly. I flick the towel with a finger and it falls. Olivia throws her head back and laughs. I love her confidence.

  My cocks stiffens at the view of her standing unabashedly naked in front of me with a challenge across her face. I get closer and whisper into her ear, “My dick is so hard right now.”

  “Is that right?” She palms by dick over my jeans and I groan. “I did fall asleep last night.” She runs a finger over my bare chest before planting a kiss on my lips, her breasts pushing into my chest. She’s going to ruin me.

  “You did,” I grab a piece of her hair and smell it.

  “Did you just sniff my hair?” She laughs.

  “Yeah. It smells like lavender.” I shrug and wrap my arms around her waist. “Now, what was it you were saying?” I cock an eyebrow. She gets on her toes and kisses me softly and passionately.

  “I was saying that I did fall asleep before I could give you your lovin,’” she teases. Her arms hook around my neck and I hoist her up by her thighs until her legs are around me, the feel of her bare pussy on me making me lose all self-control.

  Olivia runs her tongue along my lower lip and bites it. She leans back to look at me in the eyes and smiles. “You’re sexy when you’re turned on.” She deepens the kiss, her tongue thrusting into my mouth, taking over her desire.

  I refuse to let go of her when she drops her legs and stands in front of me. She unzips my jeans and tugs them away from me, bringing my pants down as she gets on her knees. She’s fucking gorgeous, naked and ready, but I let her do her thing. I groan loudly, not caring who can hear us, when she takes all of me into her mouth and sucks the hell out of me. Fuck, her mouth is talented.

  I lose my control and let her lead me to my release. Pleasure shoots through me. With a final lick, Olivia stands in front of me with a proud smile. I swipe my fingers across her pussy. She’s dripping. I throw her on the bed and have my way with her. She’s the only meal I want right now.

  “This is so good,” Olivia says as she takes a bit of her eggs benedict. “You want to try it?” She holds up a forkful in my direction. I chuckle and take a bite.

  “It is good.” I give her a piece of my omelet. We worked up an appetite.

  “Did you play any sports growing up?” Olivia asks me.

  I nod and reply once I swallow my food. “I played basketball.”

  “That makes sense. You’re tall enough.”

  “You’d be surprised how tall some of those players were. What were you like in high school?” I am curious about how she was growing up.

  “I was a jock, too.” She smiles.

  “Oh, yeah?” I lean forward intrigued.

  “Yeah. I was on the cross country and volleyball team.”

  “I’m impressed. So that’s where you get your stamina from?” I joke.

  She rolls her eyes and laughs. “Boys.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining. It works in my favor.” I reach for her hand and smile when she shivers from the contact.

  “Last relationship?” She catches me off guard.

  “College. We grew apart and ended things.” She nods, pensive.

  “Well, you already know about my last one,” she says dismissively.

  “I wish I didn’t,” I murmur. She tilts her head at me and offers a small smile, grabbing my hand and bringing it up to her lips, kissing my palm.


  I smile at her. “Nothing to be sorry about, babe. It’s not you, or the relationship, it’s the way he tried to play me for a fool.”

  “He’s a douche. Let’s not talk about him. So, college huh? No girlfriends since then? What about dating? You aren’t a saint.”

  “Some casual dates, but nothing serious. Music has taken priority.” She squints her eyes at me as if she was trying to figure out if that was the truth or not. I raise my eyebrows in question and she shakes her head.

  “Are you trying to not hurt my feelings?” I laugh but notice her expression is serious. I link our fingers and smile.

  “No. I’m honest, and I have no reason to hide the truth. If I had a past full of women before you, you’d know it.”

  “You’re kinda special,” she says.

  “I hope you think so.” We pay our bill and leave. I have all day to spend with her and I plan to take advantage of that.

  Cash pulls into Arrington Vineyard and says, “How does wine tasting sound?”

  “Is that a serious question?” I respond and get out of the car.

  He wraps his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear, “I thought y
ou’d like my idea.” His breath is cool against my skin. I’m falling more and more for this guy with each day that passes. When he said he was going to have dinner with his family, I tensed.

  I wasn’t sure what they had read about me and how much of the bull they thought was true. It is difficult, knowing that they may already have a preconceived idea about me, because of what the gossips like to spread. Some of the news has been positive and supportive, but some has not. From calling me a whore who is cheating on Cash, to saying that Cash is only with me because he needs to put out a new album like yesterday. It’s ridiculous. His music is growing, so there’s no reason for him to feel desperate to put out his next album. I’m glad they’re working on one, but it’s not because they need it in order to gain success.

  I have had a few people point me out in a crowd while I’m out shopping or working. One little girl was cute though. She came up to me at the coffee shop and asked if I was Cash’s girlfriend. When I nodded, her toothless smile lit up her face. She told me, “I’m a big fan. Can you give him a hug from me?” I nodded and told her I would do just that. She blushed a rosy color and ran back to her mom, who waved at me and thanked me.

  Other people haven’t been as nice. Going so far as saying in a loud whisper, “I don’t know what he sees in her.” I square my shoulders and move forward, knowing damn well what Cash sees in me and what I see in him.

  Rebel Desire has been growing immensely in the last few weeks, and people are anticipating seeing them open for Tyler Hunt in a couple of weeks. In the short time I have known them, I can say I’m insanely proud of them and their work ethics. Those guys don’t waste any time. They still play in the same joints they got started at and added a few new spots to their list. They still treat people with respect and live honestly. That’s an admirable trait.

  “What’s going on in there?” Cash asks as he points to my head. I shake my head and smile.

  We begin our tour of the vineyards. It is amazing to see the vines and learn about the different types of grapes. They show us the barrels and explain the process of making the wine and the reason some have a higher acidity level than others. At the end, we get to try two of Arrington Vineyards’ wines.

  We stay a while in their tasting room and enjoy some of their wine. Just being with Cash soothes me. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like once he gains more fame, or if I’ll even be around for that. Sometimes I think this is surreal. I know my imagination has, at times, made things seem brighter than they really are when it comes to relationships, but I can confidently say that’s not the case with Cash. I have been honest with myself, mostly because it’s easy to get caught in the musician fantasy and spin out a different story.

  With Cash, I have been enjoying the moment, knowing that our futures can lead to different paths. Being a well-known musician is demanding, and I know music is his priority. I would not want him to change that priority because of me. I love that he’s so passionate about his career.

  Today, I am going to take advantage that he’s free and offering me his undivided attention.

  Rebel Desire is playing south of Nashville today, so Bri and I are going to have a girls’ night. Cash asked me to go see him, but Bri needs me and I figured it was perfect. Josh, her boyfriend, is deployed and she hasn’t heard from him in a few weeks. In a situation like that, one always assumes the worst.

  I told her we were going out when she insisted she wanted to be alone, so I’m on my way to pick her up and have a few drinks at a bar in Midtown.

  I knock on her door and call out, “I’m here. Open the door!” She thinks she will convince me to stay in and let her sulk.

  I have no idea how I would act if I were in her shoes, but she needs to stop thinking about tragedy until she has a confirmation. Josh’s parents even told her not to assume and to wait patiently. I can imagine the waiting game is torture.

  “Hey,” Bri says, as she opens the door and walks back into her apartment.

  “Hi.” I smile.

  “Why are we going out?”

  “Because you need a distraction. Josh is safe. You will hear from him soon, but it is my duty as best friend to make sure you’re not driving yourself crazy. One drink,” I tell her.

  “Just one. I don’t want to miss his call if he tries to reach out.” I nod my head and walk out of her apartment. I can understand the need to want to be attached to your computer in case the call comes in, but when I was in my slump it was Bri who made sure to remind me all that life is about.

  We sit at a pub table and order drinks. “Thanks, Liv. I know you are just trying to cheer me up.”

  “I get that you’re nervous, but Josh knows what he’s doing out there. Besides, there could be many reasons he hasn’t be able to call. Maybe training?”

  She shakes her head. “Trainings aren’t typical when they are deployed. It’s odd.”

  I feel for her. Bri and Josh have been together since college. He decided he wanted to enlist our sophomore year and he’s been gone off and on since then. He’s been deployed more than he’s been around, but their relationship has always been solid.

  “I miss him and hate that life is so unpredictable.” She drinks her martini.

  “I know, but we’ll drive ourselves crazy with what ifs. Until anything is confirmed, just think of how happy you’ll be once he’s back.” I sigh and grab my phone, rolling my eyes.

  “What’s that for? Is it Cash?” I shake my head and hold my phone up to her. She holds her mouth, almost spitting out the sip she recently drank.

  “Oh my God! Don’t tell me that’s . . .” I nod my head in confirmation before she says his name.

  “That stuff is funny.” I glare at her. “Sorry! I mean, he gets points for creativity.” She laughs again. “Man, I needed that laugh.” She wipes the corners of her eyes to not smear her eyeliner.

  “I hate you,” I say.

  Nathan has been sending text messages for a week now. He must have gotten a new number, because I had blocked his other one. I have ignored them and silenced my phone for most of the time, but it’s getting out of hand. He has said everything from “Cash will never please you the way I did,” to “Your pussy spoiled me,” when I told him to go have a one-night stand. I shudder and Bri laughs. The man is relentless, but this is a new low for him. He had accepted that our relationship was over, but I assume seeing me move on and happy is driving him crazy. I never thought he would be this way when we were together.

  Unhappiness leads a person to become less than they are.

  “He doesn’t stop. He has been texting on and off for a week now. If Cash sees it, he’ll kill him.”

  “Maybe you should tell him,” Bri suggests.

  “What’s the point? I’m going to block his number. There’s nothing going on and it will only piss Cash off. We don’t need a repeat of the last time Nathan approached him.”

  “I guess you’re right, but block his number before he gets in between more than just your phone messages. No need to have Cash assuming the worst.” I drink my whiskey and soda and nod.

  I thought Nathan would quiet down and leave me alone if I merely ignored him, but it became such an issue one night with the non-stop messages that I responded and told him to stop. Why didn’t I just ignore him is beyond me. Now that he got one response from me, his text messages have escalated.

  “I’ll block him from my cell phone now.”

  “Good.” She stares off a second, and then looks at me. “I can’t believe he wrote that!” I laugh with her because it is ridiculous. He gave a detailed play by play of what he would do if I gave in. Needless to say, it did nothing to seduce me.

  Bri tells me about the latest romance novel she is reading and says I should grab it. She’s always been the bookworm, but I do occasionally enjoy a good story.

  “My mom asked me a bunch of questions the other day about Cash. She wants to meet him,” I roll my eyes.

  “Momma Young likes to be in the know,” Bri says.

nbsp; “Don’t we know it.” My mom used to ask us questions all the time about the boys we were dating or the parties we attended in college. I love my parents, but sometimes it’s too much. I guess that’s the downside to being an only child.

  “I told her the basics and not to believe everything that is written. She has a Twitter account now so Lord knows what she’s been reading.”

  Bri laughs and shakes her head. “I can’t believe she has a Twitter account. What does she tweet?”

  “Nothing. It’s all re-tweets of recipes or travel destinations.” My mom is a character and she loves staying up to date with the times. If Amy Schumer has a Twitter account, then my mother needs to have one, so she can follow Amy.

  “So, what did she want to know about Cash?”

  “Who he really is, as if he was some kind of psycho that pretends to be something he’s not. She asked if it was serious and told me not to become a groupie.”

  I assured my mom that Cash was a great guy, the media sucked, and I was in no way a groupie. Cash and I are exclusive, and he is an amazing person. After I told her a little about him, she eased up. I think being included made her feel better.

  It surprised my parents when I told them Nathan and I had broken up and why. They support me in my decisions and understand that my complete happiness comes first.

  Bri and I stay out longer than the one drink limit, but we have fun. When I drop her off I tell her to stay positive and let me know when she hears from Josh. I hate that she’s going through this, but I also think it’s a mix up. Nothing on the news has given us reason to believe something major has happened, but then again not everything happening overseas is broadcasted.

  “Hey, babe!” Cash’s voice comes through the line.

  “Hey.” My voice is laced with sleep and he laughs.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up but I wanted to call and tell you about our show.”

  “Tell me all about it.” I curl into my side and allow his voice to caress me through the speaker. He goes into detail, saying the crowd loved their music and many fans were there. It amazes him that people outside of Nashville know about them. What he doesn’t realize is that people all over the nation know who Rebel Desire is.


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