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Restored (Shattered #2)

Page 9

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Morning,” he offered a soft smile.

  “Morning. What are you doing?” I sat up and clutched the sheet to my bare chest.

  “Watching you sleep,” he lifted the mug to his lips to take a sip.

  I wrinkled my forehead, “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I like watching you sleep. It’s a beautiful sight. You looked so peaceful. I wanted to enjoy it,” he shrugged as he leaned forward and stood. “Besides,” he took a seat on the bed beside me, “I knew you needed to sleep after last night.”

  “Why’s that?” I grinned as I looked up at him through my lashes.

  “I don’t know,” his nose crinkled adorably as he leaned in to place a light kiss to my lips. “I could do a repeat performance and remind you?”

  “Really?” I grinned at him as I twisted the sheet tighter around me.

  “Mmmm hmmmm,” he nodded as he touched his forehead to mine.

  Before our banter could continue there was a knock on my door, “Hey…you two have plenty of time to screw around when you get back to your house. This is my time. Get your asses out here,” Avery shouted.

  “Ugh,” I flopped back against the soft pillows as I watched Nick shake his head.

  “In a minute,” I called back.

  “It’ll take me more than minute,” Nick snickered.

  “Not you,” I punched him in the arm as I moved to climb out of bed.

  “Grrrr,” Nick shifted so he could watch me dress. “You can’t do that.”

  “Do what?” I looked over my shoulder at him as he moved around on the bed as if he were uncomfortable.

  “Parade your perfect body around naked in front of me. It’s just cruel,” he groaned.

  “Sorry babe, she’s right,” I tipped my head in the direction of the door. “I’ve got lots of time with you. This is my last day here until Avery comes out to see us,” I waved my hand in the air as I watched his face fall.

  “Fine,” he sighed as he shifted again to adjust himself.

  I giggled as I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. “I’m gonna grab myself some coffee, you coming?”

  “Yeah…give me a minute,” he smirked as I stepped through the door.


  “So what do you want to do today?” Avery glanced over at me before going back to buttering her toast.

  “Doesn’t matter to me,” I sat down at the table and sipped my coffee. “We can hang out here.”

  Avery grumbled something before she turned toward me, “Is there something wrong with me?”

  “What? Why would you ask that?” I gasped.

  “Logan didn’t stay over last night. He said he needed some space. What does that even mean?” tears welled in her eyes.

  “I…I don’t know,” I swallowed as I wracked my brain for an answer. This was something I’d been afraid of all along. Logan was not known for staying with one woman.

  “Things have been great, at least they were…then we decided to make it official, and things seemed to go downhill from there,” she moved to sit across from me and dropped her head into her hands. “I don’t know what I did wrong,” she began sob. “I don’t do the clingy girlfriend thing. I don’t bug him, I don’t show up unannounced, I don’t beg to come over, the sex is AMazing…I mean, I don’t know what I did,” she peered up at me with red eyes and anger began to settle in my gut.

  “I don’t know what to tell you. I’ll ask Nick, but Logan seemed happy last night. Did he give any other reason than space to not want to stay over?” I reached across the table and placed my hand on her arm.

  “No,” she shook her head as a tear began to trail down her cheek.

  “He’s a dumb ass,” I muttered. “He wants space, so give him space,” I narrowed my eyes. “We’re going to have a good day, and ignore him. If he calls you better not answer,” I pointed at her.

  “Do you really think that will work?” she looked up at me in defeat.

  “We’re going to make it work. He wants space, so give it to him. Maybe if you’re not readily available for his booty call or whatever he thinks he’s getting when he calls you late at night…he’ll think about how much space he really wants,” I shrugged as I stood and made my way over to put my mug in the dishwasher.

  “Right,” she nodded. “No sex for Logan.”

  I came around the table and wrapped her in a hug just as Nick stepped in the room.

  “What’s wrong?” he took in Avery’s tear stained face and darted his eyes between the two of us.

  “Your ass of a best friend asked her for space,” I glared at him. “They’ve only been together for a week, and he wants space.”

  Nick huffed, “I was afraid of this. Logan’s never had a girlfriend before. This is new territory for him, and I don’t think he knows how to handle it.”

  “I don’t care whom he has or hasn’t dated. I deserve better,” Avery growled and stomped her foot.

  “You’re right, you do…maybe Logan’s not it,” Nick lifted a shoulder as he moved to put his mug in the sink. “I’m staying out this.”

  As he was leaving the room, the doorbell chimed. Avery and I both wrinkled our foreheads as we glanced at Nick’s back.

  “I’ll get it,” he called in our direction as we heard him open the door.

  “Who could that be?” I looked at Avery.

  “Not Logan,” she groaned just as we heard a familiar male voice.



  “Dude…what’s up?” I smiled as I opened the door to see my little brother standing there grinning at me.

  “I wanted to come see you guys before you headed back. I can help if one of the girls will watch the little guy,” Cam stepped through the door and sat the baby carrier down in front of the couch.

  “So this is my nephew?” I squatted down to peer at the ball of blankets that surrounded what had to be the tiniest baby I’d ever seen.

  “Yeah…thanks for coming back to see me bro,” Cam rolled his eyes as the sarcasm rolled off his tongue.

  “I’ve had a rough year,” I muttered as I pulled the blanket back to see wide brown eyes peer up at me. “So how’s Sarah?”

  “Wouldn’t know,” he shrugged as he leaned over to undo the harness on the carrier. “We tried to make it work…we really did, but we weren’t meant to be I guess. She told me I could still be part of Aaron’s life, but she couldn’t be with me anymore. We share our time with him,” Cam nodded his head at the baby. “It’s my weekend,” he grinned up at me.

  “Shit Bro. I’m sorry I didn’t know about this sooner,” I scrubbed my palms down my face.

  “It’s alright,” Cam continued to pull the straps loose as he lifted his son out of the carrier. “Want to hold him?” he smiled at me.

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled. “I’ve never been much into babies.”

  “Here,” he handed me the ball of blankets and grinned at my lack of comfort. “It’s easy, just support his head.”

  Cam stepped back and sank down onto the couch as I stood there awkwardly holding my nephew. My arms ached I was tensing so badly, and I was worried I’d drop the little guy any minute.

  “He won’t bite,” Cam snickered. “He doesn’t have any teeth yet.”

  I rolled my eyes as I listened to my little brother take jabs at me. Before I could offer a retort, Leah and Avery came bouncing into the room.

  “Oh my gosh!” Avery gasped. “Is that whom I think it is?”

  Cam nodded, “Yeah. Come save your boyfriend, Leah.”

  Her eyes darted between the two of us as she took in the situation. Without missing a beat, she came up in front of me and lifted the baby out my arms. “He’s beautiful,” she sighed as she sat herself on the couch beside my brother. “What’s his name?” she glanced over at Cam.

  “This is Aaron,” Cam leaned forward and began digging around in a blue bag that was sitting by the carrier. “You wanna feed him?” he looked over at Leah.

  She nodded as she
took the bottle from his hand, and placed it in Aaron’s mouth. “He’s so little,” she mused.

  “He was born premature. Sarah didn’t take care of herself during the pregnancy,” a scowl formed on Cam’s face.

  “Is she a good mom?” I nudged him in the side.

  “She tries to be,” he grumbled as he flopped back on the couch. “I have a feeling I’m going to be spending more and more time with him as he grows up. She just doesn’t seem to want to be a mom.”

  “My turn,” Avery called as she reached for the baby.

  Leah handed him over and smiled softly when he rooted around and began to drift off to sleep in Avery’s arms. When I glanced back at my brother he had a strange look on his face. A silly grin had slipped into place as he stared at my girl’s best friend holding his son.

  “Wanna help me load the bed into the trailer?” I shoved his shoulder. “It’s the last big thing that I need to move.”

  “Sure,” he stood and followed me back to the bedroom.


  “So what’s up with Avery?” Cam grunted as we lifted the mattress into the trailer that was behind my truck.

  “What do you mean?” I sighed.

  “Is she seeing anyone?” he hedged.

  “I’m not touching that,” I grumbled. “She’s been sleeping with Logan. He’s my best friend, you’re my brother. I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever storm is brewing.”

  “I hear ya,” Cam threw his hands up. “Do you mind if I ask her out?”

  “How long have you and Sarah been split up?” I cocked my head to the side as I tried to change the subject.

  “I don’t think we were ever really together,” he squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We messed around…and she got pregnant. We tried to be more to each other, but we didn’t have the connection.”

  I came around the trailer and placed my hand on his shoulder as I looked him in the eye, “Avery and Logan are rocky right now. I have no idea what’s going to happen with them. She likes him…a lot, but I don’t think he likes her as much as she wants him to. You are going to walk into a shitstorm if you get involved with her. Is that something that you think you’re ready for? You have a son to think about,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “I know bro. I just never really noticed how pretty she was until she held Aaron. I want a woman to look at him the way she does. He deserves a mother that loves him,” Cam shook his head.

  “Whoa dude! Mother? You can’t think like that. Whoever you choose to be with can’t be someone you pick for him. You need to be with someone you love, someone who loves you and Aaron. You’ll be right back where you are now if you don’t do that. Aaron deserves for you to be happy,” my eyes widened as I stressed the point. “If you like Avery…ask her out, but I’m warning you…she’s still hung up on Logan, and I’m not getting in the middle of this when he comes to beat your ass for being with his girl.”

  “Gee thanks bro,” Cam rolled his eyes. “If they’re fighting then I still have a chance.”

  “Why now? If you like her as much as you say you do…why now?” I tossed my arms out to the side.

  “I think I always have, I just needed to grow up a bit,” he shook his head.

  “Well, like I said. I’m staying out of it. You can call me when you’re licking your wounds,” I shoved him in the shoulder as I turned to head back into the house.

  What was going on today? How did I become Dr. Phil over night? I needed to get Leah, and leave this town before the fireworks started. If I knew my brother like I thought I did, he wasn’t going to let the dust settle before making his move. When Logan found out about this, regardless of how he felt about Avery, he was going to go nuts. I knew him too well. He wasn’t going to let Avery slip through his fingers. If he truly liked her as much as I thought he did, he was going to have one hell of a fight on his hands. My brother didn’t back down easily and neither did my best friend.

  Chapter 13


  After promising to call every day, I had given Avery a tearful goodbye, and Nick and I had hit the road. I was tired after packing all weekend. Avery and I had stayed up most of the night talking and reminiscing about high school. Nick had come into the room a few times, but when we would look over at him and begin laughing like school girls, he’d quickly leave.

  After Cam had gone home, Nick had confided in me that he was interested in Avery. Of course, I had to tell her, and that was the main topic of conversation on Monday afternoon. I warned her that she needed to sort things out with Logan before jumping into something else. Cam had a son to think about. Avery needed to make sure she was ready to take that on, and that she wasn’t interested just because she and Logan were fighting. I had a feeling that things would get worse before they got better, but Avery was stubborn like me. I knew she wasn’t going to listen to me, I just needed to be prepared to be there when it all came crashing down.

  By the time we got back to Nick’s house, it was dark. We’d stopped for fast food on the way, so we just decided to leave the trailer and unpack in the morning. As we trudged up the stairs, I couldn’t help but feel a little lost. This was my home now, and I still felt like a guest. When we reached the stop of the steps, Nick grabbed my arm and halted me.

  “Wait,” he tugged gently on my elbow.

  I turned and glanced over my shoulder as confusion marred my face, “What?”

  “Here,” he handed me a key “you let us in.”

  I took the small silver key from his hand and rubbed my fingers over it. It wasn’t on a key ring or anything. I turned it over in my palm a few times before I noticed the small sticker still clinging to the top. My lips curled up as I looked back up at him. “Is this mine?” I grinned.

  “Yep,” he gave a quick nod. “You live here now. You need a key.”

  I don’t know why that small gesture made such an impact on me, but it did. I threw my arms around his neck, and squeezed as tears rose in my eyes. Happiness and exhaustion permeated me as I sunk into his embrace.

  “Thanks,” I sniffled into his chest as I fought to keep the tears at bay.

  “You’re welcome, but it’s no big deal. I mean…” Nick stammered “you live here now. It’s only right…” he trailed off.

  “I know but,” I wiped at my eyes “I never thought we’d get here,” I waved my arm in the air as I stepped back out of his embrace. “Us…here…together. I didn’t think it would ever happen…and now it has. That just means something to me,” I sobbed.

  “Leah,” he put his finger under my chin, and tipped my face up to look into his eyes, “we’ve been destined to do this since we first met. We’ve always been heading in this direction, we just took a few wrong turns on the way here.”

  “Oh Nick,” I rose up on my toes and brushed a light kiss across his lips, “thank you.”

  Nick chuckled, “If I’d known all I needed was to give you a key to get this reaction, I’d have done it a long time ago. Why don’t you try it out, or do you want to spend the night out here?”

  I glanced around at the stars and moon reflecting off the waves, and then back at Nick. “It’s really pretty out here. It would be nice to sleep out here sometime, but tonight I think I’ll choose inside. I can’t do what I have in mind out here.”

  “You are a naughty girl,” he shook his head as he leaned down and kissed my shoulder.

  “Maybe…but that’s why you love me,” I grinned back as I slipped my new key into the lock, and let the two of us inside.

  Once we stepped into the living room, Nick lifted his arms and offered me a soft smile, “Welcome home Baby!”


  Morning came way too fast for my liking. It seemed like we’d just fallen asleep when I heard Nick’s alarm sound. I grumbled as I placed my pillow over my head to drown out the offending noise. I felt the bed shift as Nick rolled to the side. After he had slipped out of bed, I stretched my sore limbs and spread out in the center of the bed
. He was up, I didn’t need to worry about crowding him anymore.

  “I’m going for a run,” he whispered as he lifted the pillow off my head. He placed a kiss to my temple before stepping out of the room to leave me in a light slumber.

  It didn’t take long to fall back asleep, and I was grateful that I had a boyfriend who understood what I was like when I didn’t get my eight hours of required sleep.

  When I awoke later that morning, I found a note propped up on the nightstand. I grinned as I grabbed the spare pillow, Nick’s pillow, and hugged it to my chest. After taking a deep breath and letting the smell of Nick’s body wash wash over me, I grabbed the note.

  Had to head into work. I’ll be home around dinner time. Hope you have a great day. Help yourself to whatever you’d like, this is your home now too. We’ll unpack when I get home. I love you!!!

  Love, Nicky

  My home…it still didn’t seem real. I’d been here a week already before we’d gotten my stuff, but this was it. I had a trailer sitting in the driveway full of my belongings. By the end of the day, all my stuff would be placed in this house…Nick’s house…mine and Nick’s house. It still baffled me that we were here.

  I knew I shouldn’t have let the doubt creep in, but it did. What if things didn’t work out? I didn’t have anywhere to go now if we fought. This was it. There was no escaping, no running away.


  After putting my yoga pants from the day before back on, I rummaged through Nick’s drawers to claim another t-shirt. I glanced in the mirror at my reflection before making my way out to the kitchen. I dug through the cabinets looking for something other than cereal and bagels, but Nick didn’t have much to choose from. When I yanked open the refrigerator and saw it only contained milk and beer, I made a mental note to go grocery shopping as soon as I could. I had a car now. Last night when Nick had driven his truck, I had followed him in my car. He’d given me a hard time about making the drive, but I had insisted. I did not want to be stuck all the time without a car.

  I sighed as I grabbed the milk and shut the door. I guess I was eating cereal again. After fixing myself a bowl, I sat down at the kitchen table, and began eating. If I’d been paying better attention, I would have noticed the girl walk by the window, but all I saw was a flash of purple.


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