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Restored (Shattered #2)

Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Ahhh shit babe, you’re gonna end me right here,” he gasped frantically.

  She giggled and lifted her leg to place it around his hip bringing herself so close he was now rubbing against her. “Make love to me,” she whispered into his ear as he slid his hand down her back, gripping her by the thigh.

  With a growl he lifted her up, slamming himself into her with one quick movement. As she sank down onto him, she released a contented sigh and quickly wrapped her legs around him. He began to thrust in and out of her at a lightning pace. She gripped his shoulders and buried her face in his neck as he pressed her into the wall, panting as he worked to hold her up while he kept up his assault.

  “I love you so much,” she gasped as she felt herself building. Soon she cried out in pleasure as her world began to spin and her orgasm rocketed through her body. As soon as Sean felt her constricting around him, he quickly followed her over the edge.

  She shook and shuddered as she began to come back to earth. “What a way to wake up,” she giggled. “Maybe I should stay home from class today.”

  “Not a chance.” He handed her a towel as he stepped out of the shower. “Your mom would kill me if she thought that her newest son-in-law was keeping his wife home from class to do all kinds of naughty things. Besides, we have the rest of our lives for this,” he winked.

  August 2012

  The rest of their lives she thought, if only that were true. Melanie sighed as she reached over to turn off the shower. If she knew back then that Sean would be taken away so soon, she probably would have spent more mornings like that.

  After dressing in a navy pants suit, she made her way to the kitchen to begin making breakfast for her and Katie. She could hear Katie grumbling in her room and called, “Put a move on it,” as she passed her door.

  Katie slowly pulled herself out of bed and made her way over to her closet. It wasn’t like getting dressed would take very long now since her mom had decided to put her in catholic school. She had a uniform, which she hated, to wear every day. The blue and green plaid skirt did nothing for her fair skin. The white blouse was plain and stiff. She had a navy sweater she could wear when the weather was cooler, but for now she was fighting with her knee socks.

  “Who ever heard of wearing knee socks in the summer time?” she grumbled to herself. She pulled her blonde hair back into a ponytail, brushed on some pale pink lip-gloss, and headed out to the kitchen.

  As she stalked over to the breakfast bar, she threw her backpack onto the barstool beside her. Melanie placed a plate of toast and eggs in front of her, instructing, “Eat up, you’ll need the energy.”

  Katie pushed her food around with her fork while Melanie grabbed a juice out of the fridge. “I’m not hungry mom. Why do I have to dress like this? I hate this!” she pulled at her skirt and shifted in her chair.

  “St. Vincent’s is the best school in the city. It’s where your dad and I went to school. You’ll get a great education and get into a good college.”

  “What if I don’t want to go to college?” she whined.

  “I’m not talking about this again,” Melanie scolded. “You’re going to school, you’re going to behave, and you’re going to stop this incessant whining!”

  “Fine, I’ll go, but I don’t have to like it,” Katie stuffed a piece of toast in her mouth, grabbed her backpack, stormed out the door, and headed for the L-train.

  Melanie leaned her head on her hand and sighed, “Why is this so hard? Katie has everything she could want…except a dad in her life.” Melanie knew that Sean’s absence had made life harder for both of them. She was trying, she really was, but Katie was growing up and pushing the boundaries. She knew that she needed to keep a lid on the teen angst or she wouldn’t survive adolescence.

  After finishing her own breakfast, she grabbed her keys and headed to the hospital. On her drive, her mind began to drift back to that awful day. It seemed that whenever she was alone and had time for her brain to slow down, the memories came flooding back. Like in the shower, she couldn’t help but almost zone out as her memories engulfed her.

  September 11, 2001

  “I gotta go babe, I’m gonna miss my flight,” Sean leaned in to give her one last kiss. He was on his way to DC for a medical conference.

  “Just one more,” she laughed as she pulled on his tie.

  “I gotta tell Katie bye too,” he chuckled. “I don’t want her mad at me while I’m gone.”

  As he leaned in to kiss her again she deepened it. “Melanie, I gotta go, really now. I don’t want to have to race to the airport.”

  “Fine, I wish we could go with you,” she sighed.

  “Me too, but I know you have that big surgery today.” He smiled as he turned his back to her and walked towards Katie’s room.

  After telling her goodbye he gave a final wave and left the apartment. If Melanie had known that that was the last time she would see him alive, she would have never let him go.

  August 2012

  She leaned her head against the steering wheel and let a few tears fall before pulling herself together and getting out of the car. She was here to start over. New job, new apartment, and new life she told herself. She had friends that she hadn’t seen in years and old schoolmates who would become colleagues in a matter of minutes.

  She walked into the hospital and grabbed an elevator to the tenth floor. Once arriving, she found the Chief of Surgery, Dr. Green, who introduced her to the staff. Her small corner office had a beautiful view of the city. Dr. Green told her that he kept her schedule clear for the day, so she could settle in and learn her way around. The other doctors were very welcoming and Melanie knew she had made the right choice by coming here. After thanking Dr. Green, she closed the door to her office and began setting things up to her liking.

  The room contained a large desk in one corner, which she moved to face the window, and several file cabinets that she placed along one wall. A futon that she’d had delivered from her old office in New York she placed along another wall. Boxes began to litter the floor as she began unpacking. She was busy placing pictures on the walls and her desk when she heard a soft knock on the door.

  “William!” she exclaimed as she rushed forward and offered him a hug.

  “I can’t believe you’re really here,” he laughed.

  “Yep, I’m here, at least for now,” she smiled.

  William had grown up around the corner from Melanie and gone to school with her and Sean. They’d graduated college together with the hopes of one day working together. When Melanie had married Sean and announced that she was moving to New York, William and she had parted ways. They’d kept in touch over the years, but she hadn’t seen him in forever.

  “Want to grab a cup of coffee in a little while?” he asked.

  “Sure, I’ll meet you in say, an hour? I just want to finish unpacking first,” she gestured with her hand at the mess that surrounded her.

  “Alright, an hour. I’ll come by here and meet you. It’s so nice to see you here again,” he smiled as he closed her office door and walked away.

  Melanie sat down on the futon and moved a box over in front of her. She pulled out several photos of Katie and smiled at them. The last photo in the box brought a choked sob though. It was a picture of Sean holding Katie only moments after her birth. He was smiling down at the tiny infant.

  September 11, 2001

  Melanie was frantically running around the emergency room at Long Island Memorial as nurses and rescue workers shouted orders. Two planes had struck the World Trade Center towers, and victims were being rushed in in droves. She was trying to understand what had happened, listen to the news on TV, and concentrate on treating people as best as she could. Katie was at daycare at the moment, so she didn’t need to fret about her, but Sean. Sean was on a plane. Oh god, what if Sean was on one of the planes. Her breathing became erratic and her knees felt weak. Just as she was making her way to the bathroom, her cell phone started ringing.

lo,” her voice trembled.

  “Melanie?” his voice was strangled.

  “Sean?” she sobbed.

  “Melanie, I love you!” he choked out. “My plane’s been taken over. I love you!!!” his voice was barely over a whisper.

  “Sean, I love you too!” she cried.

  “I’m not gonna make it,” he sobbed. “I love you so much! Tell Katie I love her!” he begged.

  She could tell he was struggling not to panic as he spoke.

  “Don’t leave me!” she cried. “Sean, you can’t leave me!!!”

  “Melanie, I’m so sorry,” he sobbed.

  Just then the line went dead. Melanie slumped to the floor in the hall crying uncontrollably. She had pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face in her hands. “Sean,” she cried. “How am I supposed to do this without you?”

  August 2012

  She huffed and pulled herself off the futon, wiping the tears from her eyes and placing the picture on her desk. Looking down at it in its place of reverence, she whispered, “I miss you Sean. I wish you could see her now. She’s turning into a beautiful young woman.”

  Just then William leaned in. “You ready for that coffee?”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “Coffee is just what I need.”

  As the two walked out of her office, she turned the lights off and shut the door. They turned toward the elevators to head downstairs.

  “There’s a little espresso shop on the corner that has way better coffee than the cafeteria does,” he motioned towards the door.

  “Sounds great,” she laughed as they walked out together.

  When they rounded the corner, she looked up and smiled pointing at the sign, “Cool Beans? I can’t believe you remember this.”

  “I remember everything. We were once best friends, remember?” he smiled as he held the door open.

  “Yes, but it’s been like fifteen years,” she grinned.

  “Well since you left school, they’ve opened up a chain,” he motioned around as they walked up to the counter.

  They moved to get in line to place their orders just as a short brunette came up tying her apron. “What can I get you?” she smiled at them.

  Before Melanie could open her mouth, William rambled off, “Caramel latte, no foam, and a small house blend with cream and sugar.”

  Melanie looked over at him and dropped her mouth open.

  “What?” he smirked. “It’s not like you ever ordered anything else. I mean at least in the ten plus years you went out for coffee with me anyway.”

  “You’re right,” she smiled “I’m just surprised that you remembered after all this time.”

  “I’m reliable like that,” he chuckled as he handed her the latte and made his way over to an empty table.

  “So, how are you settling in?” he reached across the table and clasped her hand.

  “Ok, I guess,” she huffed. “Katie isn’t happy about being here, and she’s making sure that I know it constantly. We’re finally settled in to a nice brownstone about ten minutes from here, so that’s a plus. Mom, Elizabeth, and Megan are glad to have me nearby again.” She glanced out the window with a wistful look in her eyes. “It’ll get better,” she sighed.

  “Yes, it will,” he reassured her. “Give it time.”

  “Well, enough about my sappy life. How are you? Any women in your life right now?” she cocked her head to the side to smile at him.

  “There’s been a few, but no one special,” he chuckled.

  “Well, we’ll have to fix that,” she giggled.

  “Are you offering?” his smile got wider as he watched a dark blush spread over her cheeks.

  “William…I…” she sputtered.

  “I’m kidding, relax,” he threw his head back in laughter. “But it is nice to see you smile.”

  She shook her head and pulled her hands down into her lap, knotting them together, a nervous habit she’d had since she was a child. Just as she began to speak again, William’s beeper went off. Letting out a sigh, he pulled it from his belt and looked down at the number.

  “I have to go, I’m being paged from Emergency,” he sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he questioned.

  “Yep, bright and early,” she chimed.

  The beeper went off again and William shook his head, grabbed his coat, and began grumbling under his breath as he raced toward the door. Offering a sideways glance over his shoulder, he waved and dashed back in the direction of the hospital.

  Melanie glanced down at her half-finished latte and began spinning the cup in her hand and smiling to herself.

  March 1993

  “You really think so?” she laughed as she pulled the backpack higher onto her shoulder.

  “Yes, Mel. He likes you,” William rolled his eyes at her giddiness. “I’ve seen the way Sean stares as you.”

  “But he’s a senior,” she whined. “Why would he be interested in a sophomore?”

  “I don’t know,” William threw his hands in the air. “Maybe because you’re smart, and pretty, and I don’t know… a girl,” he chuckled.

  “Will you talk to him for me?” she looked at him wistfully. “Please, I won’t ask you for any more favors for a long time.”

  “Mel, fixing you up with “Mr. I’m Perfect” is not my idea of fun,” he stopped walking and faced her.

  “Please William, just ask him if he likes me,” she stuck her lip out and began to pout.

  “Are we really back to middle school right now? I mean really, why don’t you just pass him a note or something?” He crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a big huff.

  “Please?” she begged again.

  Finally he threw his arms in the air and gave up. “Alright I’ll talk to him, but you owe me big time.”

  She grinned as she realized her victory and jumped up to give him a hug, “Thanks!” she squealed.

  August 2012

  She smiled at the memory. It was one of many happy ones she had over the years with William. Things had to get better for her. Having him back in her life was definitely a move in the right direction.

  She finished her latte and tossed the empty cup in the trash as she walked out the door. Letting the afternoon sun warm her face, she slowly made her way back to her new office to finish setting up and getting ready for her new life.


  Secret Regrets

  Living for Today #2

  By: Megan C. Smith


  Fight or Flight. That instinctual mechanism designed to save us, to make the decision to fight your fear or flee from it. When the demons of your past are back from hell, beating on your door, ready to claim you are you going to fight or a flight? I am a runner. I am running as fast as I can to the point my muscles are screaming in agony, feeling like someone lit them on fire. But despite my best efforts, no matter how fast I run, how much I push through, the monster always seems to catch me.

  Chapter One

  Loud screaming startled me awake. Quickly sitting up looking around, I searched to find the person being tortured and terrorized. Yet, I was tucked safely in my bed, I could see the slate grey walls, the abstract photos of sunflowers Bryant hung on the wall, knowing they are my favorite, as I laid underneath by down comforter in our big king sized sleigh bed. My eyes caught on Bryant standing beside the bed gasping for air as if he’d just finished a marathon. His chiseled chest glistening with sweat as he rested his weight on his knees trying to pull in air. Standing up to his full six-foot stature, he ran his hand through his short brown hair as he brought his soulful eyes to meet mine. Looking into their depths, I could see the fear and worry flitting across his handsome face as the caramel color of his eyes became overtaken by the black of his pupils.

  “What’s wrong? Who was screaming?” I asked completely perplexed at what awoke me.

  “Rose. Honey. You were screaming. You scared the ever-loving shit out of me! I was watching some TV when your scream made my heart seize. I came racing up the stairs
as fast as I could,” Bryant breathlessly answered.

  Well crap, nightmares were back. I’m not sure if I’m relieved my brain lets me forget them the instant I wake up or not. Regardless, I was really hoping that Bryant would never have to deal with the consequences of that night. With the terrors that haunt me to this day. Bryant’s eyes continued searching mine for an answer, as my brain scrambled in its fuzzy state to come up with something to release me from his prying gaze.

  “Just a nightmare. No worries. That damn horror movie you made me watch the other night. You know how I get with scary stuff!” I tried with a halfhearted smile to relive the tension filling the room.

  Bryant reached his hand up to my face, leaning into it I let out a sigh. How long could I keep this secret from him? Truly, I had hoped forever. I didn’t want him to find out what Darren stole from me, knowing it will change everything between us. Leaning towards me for a kiss, I felt the lingering effects of the nightmare as my body trembled; it wasn’t ready to be intimate with Bryant. Swinging my legs off the bed, I ducked out from under his reach, letting out a cough to help with my excuse to dodge his lips that I typically adored and devoured.

  “I’m going to run downstairs and get a glass of water. Why don’t you hop in the shower now so we can snuggle up when I get back,” I tossed over my shoulder as Bryant stood there watching me walk away.

  Downstairs I slipped into the guest bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I recognized the flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. The reflection of a terrified girl staring back at me that I seemed incapable of escaping. Reaching down I turned on the cold water and splashed my face hoping to cool my cheeks and help my heart rate return to a more normal rhythm. Knowing my time was limited; I pulled myself together and got back to my bedroom.


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