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Loving Lucas

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by Lily Ryan

  Loving Lucas

  Lily Ryan

  Loving Lucas

  First printing, 2017

  Copyright © 2017 by Lily Ryan

  Cover art copyright © by Imagination Uncovered

  Cover photograph copyright © Imagination Uncovered

  Book design by Lily Ryan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

  The persons and events portrayed in this work of fiction are the creations of the author, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Publisher’s Note: The author and publisher have taken care in preparation of this book but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information contained herein.

  Printed in the United States of America

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  Lainey Da Silvayou may be on the other side of world, but I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  Chapter 1


  Trying to do the impossible, I transform myself into a female version of Speed Racer. The pursuit: finding a place to park. I fight through the heavy traffic, cutting off before being cut off. Head first I duck my car into a tight spot a block away from the all-night grocery store.

  I begin my short walk with a deep breath. The rank smell of dead fish brings to mind all the things I miss most about Brooklyn. Bouts of home sickness had me longing to blanket myself in the haze of exhaust fumes and the deafening noise of the city for the weekend.

  I enjoy coming home. Especially since graduation. It’s lonely in my apartment. Just me, myself and I. I didn’t make the long lasting friendships in college some of my friends back home made. I chose a different route.

  Sometimes I give serious consideration to living with a roommate. But I don’t want to move, and there’s only one bedroom in my apartment. Instead I make a point of visiting my parents and sister at least once every two weeks.

  Loud, thumping music I feel in my throat blares out of car windows. A red light turns green, bringing with it the sound of screeching tires; that, I don’t miss: the immature guys cruising down the avenue trying to impress girls with their way-too-loud-base-heavy-music.

  Last night was the first time in months I stayed overnight in Brooklyn. I haven’t partied like that in ages. Tired and hung over from a night of club hopping with my high school friends, I hoped to get home and in bed early. I didn’t plan on reminiscing with my family. But nostalgia took over.

  Once my mother pulled out the old photo albums I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. The truth is, I didn’t want to. Even my sister, Ava, put her social life on hold for the evening. The four of us poured over old photographs of life before our digital cameras.

  Only now, I’m not sure I can make it back to my apartment. I’m fighting to keep my tired, burning eyes open. I need to grab a snack packed with enough sugar and caffeine to keep me awake for the drive.

  I look around at the stores and shops, most are closed. Metal grates cover the windows. A stark contrast to my current neighborhood. That and the sheer amount of stores.

  Here, they are packed close together. In Jersey, the stores and restaurants on the main streets tend to be close, but only for a few blocks. All of Brooklyn has this tight squeezed-in feel.

  I’ve reached my limit of city life. At least for the time being. Right now I want to escape the beeping cars, screeching buses and blaring music. I want to climb into bed and feel my cool, crisp, sheets cradle my bare skin. I walk faster, check my watch, and yawn.

  “Son of a bitch!” a male voice barks, as I bounce off what feels like a brick wall.

  I look up, stunned. He’s beautiful. Sexy. Solid.


  The striking man shakes his head at me. He looks down at his chest to assess the damage. I follow his gaze, and gasp as I make out the egg carton oozing gook all over his chest.

  I reach into my pocket, pull a tissue out and dab the wet spot on his suit jacket. I stop suddenly. Embarrassed at the liberty I’ve taken. My hand is still touching him. Heat fills my face as I look up, and meet his eyes for the first time.

  I don’t just meet his eyes, I’m lost in them. My stomach tumbles in nervous anticipation as I stand frozen, mesmerized, by his steely grey eyes.

  “Forget it,” the stranger says.

  I don’t want to forget it. Or him.

  “The yolks on you,” I recover.

  “Very funny,” he snaps.

  “I didn’t mean …” I look away, disappointed he didn’t get my humor. Why should he be any different than the rest of the guys I’ve come into contact with?

  “Yes, you did.” After a moment he continues. “Good thing I like my eggs scrambled,” the corners of his lips turn up ever so slightly.

  Time stops. Captivated by the gleam in his eyes, I try to speak. My mouth opens, but no sound leaves it. I pull my eyes from his, once again self-conscious.

  It takes an instant for me to realize how close we are. Close enough that I feel him block the cool breeze blowing behind him. We’re inches away. Much too close for strangers on a Brooklyn street corner.

  I step back, retreat. If I can create space between us I can catch my breath and regain my composure. The distance helps. But he still unnerves me. Just a quick glance at him through the corner of my eye has me floating six feet off the ground.

  I open my purse and reach inside, “The least I can do is pay for the dry cleaning.”

  With a light touch he places his hand on my wrist. My whole arm tingles. I never felt anything like this before. I’ve read about it in romance novels, but I don’t believe anything like this happens in real life. Until I look up and meet his eyes.

  “I don’t want your money. How about a cup of coffee instead?”

  “You want me to buy you coffee?”

  He smiles, showing off a set of deep dimples. “I want you to join me for a cup of coffee in the café across the street.”

  I look away and shake my head, “I shouldn’t. I have a long drive.”

  “You do owe me,” he reminds me, with a raised brow.

  I press my lips into a thin line contemplating the offer. A nervous rumbling in my belly makes it clear that I want to go. I really want to go with him.

  But I don’t know if I should because he has me off balance. My heart flutters like mad with every glance, and he’s so easy on the eyes, all I want to do is stare at him.

  Besides, it’s late. And I am tired. Aren’t I?

  My nerve endings have been leaping and swirling since we touched. Not only my nerve endings, my entire body. What better than a cup of Joe to wear off some of the surging adrenaline? Given enough time and motivation, I can justify anything.

  Seeing my hesitation he coaxes me. “Just a cup of coffee.”

  I’m unable to resist. What harm could come of one cup of coffee? I need caffeine. Caffeine is my friend. That’s why I bumped into him in the first place.

  “Sure,” I say with a smile, “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 2


  I don’t say much during the quick walk across the street to the café. The night just keeps getting worse. Instead of dinner with a potential investor, the man’s daughter showed up and informed me we’d been set up on a blind date.

  Blind date! A guy would need to be blind and deaf to be with her.

  She was pretty. I’ll give her that much. But that’s i
t. While at first I felt annoyed, I thought maybe something good could come out of it. Win her over and the funding will follow. And then, the most hideous sound I ever heard came out of her mouth.

  She laughed and I almost fell out of my chair. Her laugh resonated throughout the restaurant like a truck horn during Sunday mass. Every eye turned to us.

  I couldn’t wait for dinner to end. If she’d been just a random girl I took to dinner, I would’ve gone to the men’s room and never come back. I couldn’t do that. I had to be a fucking gentleman.

  Instead I suffered her intolerable laugh, wishing I had ear plugs to drown her out. I did my best to stay away from anything even remotely funny. It was the most depressing dinner date I’d ever had. I kept turning our conversation to poverty, the increase in violence around the country and the threat of nuclear war.

  Ready to call it a night, I wanted to retreat to the quiet of my house. I need silence after this dinner. Then I remembered I need eggs for my morning protein shake.

  I saw the light at the end of the tunnel as I reached for my change from the cashier. Just another hour and I’ll be home in my nice comfortable bed. I never imagined a minute later I’ll wear the eggs.

  I give the girl a sideward glance as I toss the gooey carton of cracked eggs in the metal trash basket at the corner. It was an accident and she apologized. Why can’t I leave it at that? Because one look into those golden brown eyes and I want to delve deeper.

  “Do you have a name?” I ask.

  “Of course.” A nervous giggle escapes her. A giggle that intrigues me. Is she really this shy or is this just an act?

  I imagine her naked, riding me with her long brown hair draped around her face. I don’t anticipate I’ll hear her giggle. Moan. Scream out in passion, yes. Giggle. Not so much.

  “Do you want to tell me what it is? Or am I supposed to guess?” I hope I sound playful. I’m afraid that came out too snarky.


  Olivia fits. It’s like Olivia Newton-john in Grease. She’s showing me her good girl persona now. I’m more interested in the skin-tight-spandex-pant-wearing version of her.

  I push the thought from my mind as I try to ascertain her age. Probably still in college. Although, if she puts her hair up in pig-tails, she could easily pass for high school. If I play my cards right, maybe we can role-play a naughty school girl being sent to the principal’s office.

  I close my eyes for a second, not intending to see the image of her nipples peeking through a too-tight, white, button-down shirt, and a much-too-short, plaid skirt rolled to a scandalous height. Fuck do I want to see her like that for real.

  I want to bend her over a desk with a paddle in my hand ready to pinken the creamy skin of her ass. My cock likes the idea as well. It’s growing with excitement.

  We’re on the street. I doubt she’s the type of girl that will let me take her into a public bathroom and fuck her here and now. No. Not with that nervous giggle. I let out a sigh, and force the vision from my mind.

  Nuns playing baseball. Old nuns in long, black habits on the baseball field. I repeat to myself to clear the enticing image of Olivia holding onto the desk with her legs spread, waiting for me to plunge inside her.

  The more I fight it, the clearer I see it. She’s sucking on a lollipop, causing the side of her cheek to bulge, teasing my cock. Begging to lick and suck me like the sweet treat in her mouth.

  “Hey Liv, Lucas Wells. Do you drink coffee?”

  “Liv?” she asks, with raised eyebrows.

  “I like Liv. It’s sexy. Like you,” I brush the hair from her face behind her shoulder.

  Not only does she let me touch her, she seems receptive to it. A good sign. Only now I want to touch much more than her hair. My eyes drop to her tits. I can see her perky nipples at attention, begging to be sucked.

  “I did agree to a cup, didn’t I?”

  “And here I thought you came because you’re hypnotized by my good looks.” I struggle to keep focused and on the offensive. Since touching her I have an overwhelming, all-consuming, urge to pull her head to mine and kiss her.

  “You’re awfully full of yourself.”

  “I just call it the way I see it,” I tease, before turning my attention to the girl at the counter.

  “Two caramel cappuccinos, please.”

  “Why did you order for me?” Olivia asks, as we head to a table in the back.

  “You don’t like caramel cappuccino?” I ask as I settle into a chair.

  “That’s not the point. You don’t know what I like,” she challenges, following close behind.

  “You agreed to coffee. I ordered you coffee.”

  “I never mentioned cappuccino.”

  “You can’t like coffee and not like cappuccino. It goes against the rules.”

  “I wasn’t aware there were coffee rules. Where can you find them? In the Coffee Diary or Chicken Soup for the Coffee Lover’s Soul?”

  A sense of humor. Refreshing. Sacrificing a suit seems a small price to pay in exchange for meeting an extraordinary woman. I haven’t felt such a strong attraction to anyone in a long time. I almost forgot how exhilarating this kind of innocent flirting is.

  An awkward silence brakes the banter. I have to get her talking again or I risk having another X-rated fantasy. One I might be tempted to act on.

  “What’s the success rate?”

  “Of what?”

  “The klutz act.”

  “Act?” Olivia asks full of indignation.

  “It worked far too well for me to believe this was your first time.”

  She’s insulted. I see the change, the hurt in her eyes. I didn’t mean to upset her. I guess I’m so used to turning girls off, pushing them away, I do it without thinking.

  “You cocky, arrogant….”

  Feisty little thing. I like that! Bet she’s a hellcat in bed. I want to get her worked up and get under her skin. I give her a sly smile, hoping this adds fuel to her fire.

  “I’m not complaining. I mean it worked. We’re here right, Liv?”

  “My name is Olivia. And coming here was your idea! I need to get going.” She stands.

  She can’t leave. She just can’t. I’ll stop her any way I can. I reach out to touch her. She’s not having it, and snatches her hand away before I make contact.

  “Just to clarify,” she says, her eyes alight. “I didn’t see you and I didn’t want to go anywhere with you.”

  She’s full of a fire that burns bright in her brown eyes. I can’t let her leave. Not like this. Not until she agrees to see me again. I stand blocking her path.

  “I’m sorry. I’m acting like a jerk.” I lay my hands on her shoulders.

  I think I feel her shudder at my touch, but I can’t be sure. I know she wants to pull away, I feel it in the tension beneath my hands. She doesn’t though. That’s curious.

  “Jerk doesn’t even begin to …”

  “I guess it’s because I’m covered in yolk.”

  “It was funny the first time. Now, not so much.”

  I inch closer to her. Half a step maybe. Close enough to cause her to look up at me, giving me the upper hand.

  “Olivia.” She softens hearing her name. “Can we start over?”

  She stares into my eyes not making a sound. I can’t tell which way she’s going to go. She looks torn. Confused. I wish I had a clue how to get her to teeter over to the side where she’ll say yes. I just have to be convincing. I could do that.

  “Go out with me tomorrow night.”

  I watch her swallow hard and give it consideration.

  “I don’t live around here. I’m just visiting.”

  “Really?” An excuse. Luckily enough she used an easy one to counter. I cross one arm across my chest while stroking my chin with the other hand, “Where do you live?”

  “New Jersey.”

  “What a coincidence. So do I.”


  “Where in Jersey?”

  I chuckle and bend my head down a little closer to hers as I whisper. “We were destined to meet.” I brush her cheek with my index finger, bringing color to it. “I live in Metuchen. Right in the center of Edison.”

  I wait for her to toss out another excuse. I hope whatever she throws at me is as easy to counter as the first one.

  “C’mon, let me apologize properly for my inexcusable behavior and rotten mood.”

  “Okay, fine. But if there’s even a trace of this arrogant attitude, I’m out of there.”


  Chapter 3


  The light on my home phone blinks as I walk through the door. Voicemail. Most likely my parents are freaking out that I haven’t yet called to tell them I made it home.

  Stuck somewhere in the Middle Ages they won’t call my cell phone. Not while I’m driving. They worry I might get into an accident if I take my eyes off the road to answer. Apparently they don’t get the whole premise of Bluetooth.

  Before I check my messages, my cell phone chimes. I assume it’s my parents since it’s late, and really who else would be calling? If I’m not picking up my home phone, might as well try something new.

  “Hello,” I answer with a yawn.

  “Why haven’t you called?” my sister Ava scolds. “Mom and dad are having a cow. They’re ready to start calling hospitals, and every police station from Bay Ridge to New Jersey”

  “Calm down. I haven’t had a chance. I just got in.”

  “You hit traffic this late? Was there an accident?”

  “Sort of. I kind of bumped into someone.”

  “Omigod, are you okay? Is there a lot of damage?”

  “Only to his suit.”

  “What? Livie, what’s with you?”

  After yelling out to my parents that I’m fine, my sister turns her attention back to me. “Start explaining.”

  I tell her about accidentally bumping into Lucas, the cup of coffee after, and the pending date for tomorrow.

  “Was he hot?”


  “Come on, Livie. That’s what you need, a good fuck to get your head back in the game.”


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