Jax (A Neveah Short Story)

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Jax (A Neveah Short Story) Page 3

by Angie Merriam

  “Who's here with you?” He asked immediately. No hello, hey how are ya, no greeting whatsoever.

  “Uhh, no one. Are you okay Jax?” James sounded worried about him, concerned about him. Well, he should be concerned. There were many things about Jax that were born that day, and most of them were very concerning.

  “No, I'm not okay. Let me in,” he ordered but didn't give his enemy a chance to contest the request, he pushed him to the side and marched right in.

  “Are you in love with Annika?” Jax asked, ready to get things started but he had to hear it from James mouth.

  “What? What do you want Jax. What happens between Annie and me is none of your business,” James replied, standing his ground.

  “Don't you call her Annie! Only the people that love her and are close to her call her Annie, like me... Not you!” How dare that bastard call her Annie as though they are best of friends.

  “I do love her and I am very close to her,” James taunted, clearly irritated with his visitor and not the least bit afraid as Jax had assumed when he first arrived. Time to change that.

  “Did you fuck her today?” Jax whispered low, but his eyes spoke of danger when he looked at James.

  “No,” he said and Jax let out a breath, relaxing his shoulders slightly. She had lied to him. Why? It didn't matter, now Jax knew he was her first and suddenly felt a wave of guilt, but the wave washed right over him with James' next words.

  “I don't just fuck the woman I love, the woman I'm going to marry and have children with, I made love to her,” James said softly and noticed yet another change in Jax's demeanor. The man had run through dozens of emotions since his arrival. It was almost impressive.

  “Not that it's any business of yours. Annie and I are to be married. She will be my wife. I assume that's why you're here, she told you that. She thought you would be happy for her, being her best friend and all.” Jax looked up at him, and Jax saw the guilt there.

  “But I knew different. I'm a man after all and she's the most beautiful, amazing woman in all of Neveah. Of course you love her. You’ve probably been waiting for her to realize that she loves you too right?” He paused but didn't give time to answer.

  “Sorry, my friend but I got to her first. I love her. She is mine and I swear to whomever might be listening right now, if you so much as laid a hand on her I will kill your sorry ass.” James was close to Jax now, in his face and Jax began laughing wildly. Hysterically. “Ahhh, that's great James, it really is. You're going to kill me. Well, my friend good luck to you. You see, Annika is set to be my wife. She doesn't have a choice in the matter. She is lying limpless as we speak because she tried to betray me.” Jax wasn't able to continue the rest of his taunt. James’ fist smashing into his mouth stopped him short.

  Jax was slightly stunned and could taste the blood pooling on his lips, but he just offered a smile. “What did you do to her? Where is Annie?” James demanded, his eyes crazy but determined. If Jax didn't loathe the man, he may have been impressed. If he wasn't fighting for his Annika, he might have liked the man. As it was though, he was fighting for Annika, and he could barely stomach looking at James knowing he had been inside of her.

  “Oh, I've done many things to her. I've taught her how to behave. As to her whereabouts, I don't see how that's any of your business. We will be announcing our engagement tonight, so you see, I can't have you in the way. She may have doubts about me if you're still around. No, she can't have doubts. That's why I came here James. Not for this friendly talk, which has been wonderful, but I really must be going so let's get on with this,” Jax said before offering a wide smile that showed the red fluid swimming around in his mouth, covering his white teeth.

  James lunged first, swinging wildly, trying to do as much damage as possible with his fists. Jax let the man have his fun for a little while. It was amusing to see the triumph he wore when he looked at Jax, bloody and spread out on the floor. He let his guard down thinking he'd beaten Jax. He was wrong.

  Jax flew up from the floor and landed a jab on James' face, and both men could hear his bones crush. Jax reveled in the fear the brave James now showed. Finally, the idiot saw what he was dealing with. Jax was not just a regular man. No, he was a force. He continued the beating until James looked defeated, ready to give up. Then he began the torture.

  James was bruised, broken, and bloody but those wounds would heal. His body would recover, and he would go on. Jax couldn't have that. He also couldn't have James just walking around Neveah, waiting for Annika. He lifted James' lifeless body into a chair and slapped him repeatedly until he regained consciousness. “Wake up you fool,” he taunted and when James' eyes fluttered open Jax leaned in real close to him. “Are you awake, James, really awake? I need you fully aware of the words I'm about to tell you. If you so much as move a muscle I will kill you. Is that clear?” James allowed his head to fall forward before using all of his strength to pull it back up in response.

  “I'm going to tell you what I did to Annika but remember I did it because I love her and knowing your hands and your dick touched her made me ill. I couldn't control myself. You tainted her, dirtied her. I was supposed to be her first and only and you took that away from us, from me. She had to be punished. I had to make her understand that she is mine, her body is mine.” He paused, making sure his one man audience was listening, understanding.

  “So I took her to my place in The Dark Forest and I showed her that only my body will ever connect with her body. I hurt her, my friend. I hit her. I pinched her nipples and I bit her until she bled. I pounded into her until her weak body could take no more and she fell into unconsciousness. When she wakes she will see my note telling her of your death at my hands. She will be angry, sure, but she will not cross me. I've taught her it's best not to cross me.” He paused again and was pleased to see the horror in James' eyes.

  “You're a sick man, Jax. How could you hurt her like that? You say you love her but you.” He couldn't say the words. Jax saw the disgust in the man's eyes. He saw James' throat move as he swallowed hard, trying to find the words. “You will pay for this. I will make you pay,” was all he could manage.

  “No, you will go away. This is the deal. I promise not to kill you as long as you disappear. Never contact Annie again. She will believe you are dead as will your family and friends. If you try to cross me I will kill her and not think twice about it. Is that clear? It's not you I will kill, well maybe I will, but it will be Annika first. You'll have to feel the pain I felt when I heard of your trespassing in my territory. Don't cross me you foolish man. You have until sun fall to be away from Neveah.”

  “I can't leave her here Jax. I love her and I will not let you hurt her. I can't leave her here with you. Kill me if you must but I'm not leaving Annika,” James responded before spitting bloodied spit at Jax.

  “Well, killing you is tempting but I can't. Not yet. If I can't convince you maybe Annika can.” Jax laughed as James' eyes flew wide open. Jax undid the rope around his waist, using it to tie James to the chair, thankful that he was still too beaten and weak to put up a fight.

  “You wait here dear friend. I'll bring Annika to you and the two of you can say your goodbyes. See, isn't that kind of me? I'm not all bad. Now you wait here.”

  He was almost to the door when he heard James whisper, “I'll go.” Jax turned toward the beaten man, a smile spread across his face. He felt a surge of pride at the blood splattered around the room that was his handiwork. He approached James slowly, pleased with the defeat the man wore so clearly.

  “What was that dear friend? I didn't hear you,” Jax taunted, holding his hand to his ear.

  “I'll go, just leave Annika alone. Don't hurt her please. I'll go and never come back but you have to promise me that you will never hurt her.” James choked on his last words, and Jax thought he heard a sob break through. What a stupid, weak man, Jax thought. To be able to walk away from Annika so easily, without a real fight. Sure, Jax beat him bloody but wasn't she wo
rth more? Wasn't Annika Levannah worth fighting to the death for? In that moment, Jax convinced himself that he was doing right by Annika. Her pathetic little man wouldn't even stand and fight for her.

  He shrugged away his thoughts, happy that James agreed to go without actually having to kill him. Yes, Jax had always known deep down inside he was rotten, evil, it wasn't until he listened to Annika talk about James Mender that the fragile string holding back that evil snapped, allowing it flow through every vein in his body. It was consuming, freeing but still raw. He wasn't sure he was ready to murder yet. Some day, just not yet.

  He untied the rope holding James in place and bowed before the man. “You are free to go and never come back. It has been a pleasure James.” He leaned in close enough to smell the blood that adorned the fair skinned pussy. “If you even think about her I will know my friend and I will hunt you down and stop your beating heart. Don't cross me. Are we clear?”

  James shook his head. “Yes, we are clear. I leave Neveah and never contact Annika again and you agree to never lay a hand on her because if you do I will know and it will be my hands that stop your beating heart. Clear?”

  Jax laughed wildly again. This guy was either braver than Jax thought or an idiot, but he had to respect that little bit of fight he had left in him.

  “Nightfall my friend,” Jax said before straightening and patting James on his shoulder, causing him to wince in pain. He left the broken man behind, sure he would be far away from Neveah as promised. Jax walked with a new sense of authority. He was going to get the girl, his girl. He whistled a sad tune as he walked in the direction of home and found it ironic, the sad deathly tune actually made him happy.

  Later that night he and his parents joined Annika and her family at their home. Jax was ready to announce Annika and his engagement. He had washed the blood from his hands, literally and found it easy to dismiss and even forget what he had done not only to James but to Annika. His reasons were founded, he told himself. Annika had to be put in her place, made to understand and James, well he was useless and Neveah would be better off without him.

  Jax noticed Adair Levannah in the corner. He wore a look of worry on his face, and Jax couldn't help but wonder why. This night was going to be perfect. The Levannah manor was decorated beautifully, and all of their family and friends were in attendance. The night couldn't be more perfect, well it would be when Annika finally arrived and agreed to be his forever, but he was a patient man. He was sure she was taking her time getting ready, after all she knew what the night was for, and she'd want to look her best. However, he couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was wrong, and her father's face didn't help to calm Jax down.

  He joined the older man in the corner of the Great Room and asked, “Is everything alright, you look troubled sir?” Jax laid the concern on thick. He was so charming when he needed to be and the Levannah family loved Jax as their own. Lord Levannah laughed nervously, his eyes darting around the room. “Nothing to concern yourself with son. This is a big night for you and my daughter. Memorable.”

  “Yes, sir it will be memorable.”

  “You will take good care of my little girl, won't you Jax?” Adair said, and Jax thought he may have heard a slight accusatory tone in his voice. Jax pushed the thought away. There is no way the old man knew what he's done to Annika, unless she told him. Suddenly, Jax felt nervous and he didn't like feeling nervous. The man's ice blue eyes bore into him, and Jax visibly shivered. Adair Levannah may be the only man alive that intimidated Jax.

  “Of course I will. I love her, you know that.” The old man just shook his head and looked away, the look of worry still there.

  “Um, where is Annika?” Jax asked but something deep inside him told him something was terribly wrong. Had he killed her? She was breathing when he left her. She had been alive. No, he still felt her inside of him. If she were dead he would know it. Where the hell was she? He turned to go look for her when he saw her brother, Denali coming at him.

  Denali's usually gentle and kind face was twisted and angry. His soft blue eyes were hard and focused on Jax. “Hey Denali,” Jax tried, his smile in place and his hand outstretched. Instead of taking his hand though, Denali pulled back before rushing forward, his fist pounding into Jax's face.

  “Where is she Jax? Where's Annika? Where's my sister?” He screamed as the two manor guards, Renny and Diallo pulled him away from Jax.

  “What are you talking about Denali? She's supposed to be here. I've been waiting for her,” Jax replied trying his best to sound naïve to what Denali was saying. How did he know? Did she tell him? She couldn't have. Jax was sure he wouldn't be standing there talking about her if she had. No, Denali didn't know the half of what had happened with Annika, but the look on his face told Jax that he would figure it out before long. Where the hell was Annika?

  “You're a liar! You did something to her. What did you do to my sister, Jax?” Denali struggled against the men holding him though judging by their expressions Jax guessed they were as willing to kill him as Denali was. Of course, everyone loved Annika.

  “What are you talking about son? Why would Jax know where your sister is?” Lord Levannah said, trying to calm his son and convince himself that his own fears were not real.

  “Did you know that Annika was in love with another man? She didn't want to marry Jax,” Denali began and Jax shrank back. She'd told her brother. Of course, she had. The only man who had ever come before Jax was Denali, until James that is. She loved her brother more than anything. Of course, she'd told him.

  “Yes, she told me this afternoon,” Adair said sadly. “What does that have to do with Jax and you accusing him of... I don't know. What are you saying Denali?”

  “Yes Denali, what exactly are you trying to say?” Jax said, his patience wearing thin and his cool demeanor threatening to crumble. He looked over at his parents and for a split second, he felt remorse. He loved his mother endlessly, and his father had been a good father. They would be heartbroken if Denali spilled his secrets. They would blame themselves and nothing Jax could say would change their minds about their fault in his blackness. That was his one regret, his parents, but he couldn't change what he was inside. He'd tried to hide it, deny it, his entire life. He can't deny it any longer. He prepared himself for Denali's words but wondered briefly what he would do once they were spoken.

  “She went to Jax today. She went to tell him that she loved James Mender and that she couldn't marry him. He grew angry and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her toward The Dark Forest. Now, she's missing and so is James Mender.” The room was silent, allowing Denali's words to penetrate.

  “I have no idea what you're talking about Denali. I don't know where Annika is. Surely you have been given false information. Maybe she ran away with James Mender,” Jax tried.

  “Oh, no Jax. My information is not false. You took her to The Dark Forest and you hurt her! You hurt her badly then you went to James and you killed him. You must have disposed of his body because he's nowhere to be found but his house is covered in his blood. Now for the last time Jax, where is my sister?”

  Jax cleared his throat and risked a glance at his mother. Her face was broken, and her eyes told him that she knew. She's always known something inside of Jax was just a little off. She tried to raise him a good boy. Hoped her love would suppress the darkness forever. She was wrong and the pain and defeat she reflected nearly broke Jax's heart. Would have broken it if Annika hadn't already shattered it. Yes, his one regret was hurting his parents but what choice did he have. As black as his soul might be, he wouldn't bring his parents into his darkness. They were good through and through. He wondered what happened to him. Why did he have to carry the burden of evil? If only he'd been born with light.

  He looked around the room, everyone waiting for his response. His mother included and damn it he just couldn't admit the truth with her there. He saw the tears pooling in her innocent eyes and felt some of his own trickle down his face. He gav
e her a look that told her he was sorry, please forgive him, and he saw her intake a large breath of air, readying herself for his next move. “I love you mama. Everything you hear about me is true but please know you are not responsible for me. I made my own decisions and I'm not sorry for them but I love you mama. Please go on and be happy. Forget you ever had a son.”

  Jax felt his body begin to tremble and didn't try to suppress the need to shift. Seconds later he took form as the lion he had become so accustomed to. He let out a growl that shook the room. He sauntered over to Denali and thought about raking a claw across the pretty boy but decided against it, his mother had seen enough. Instead, he ran. He ran from his family. He ran from those that had been his friends. He ran from happiness. He ran from shame. He ran from the pain that consumed him. He ran from Jax Androni. He was dead and in his place, Jax Bane was born. Neveah would never be the same.

  The End or the Beginning

  If you enjoyed this short story read Neveah A Broken Forever and Neveah Standing Broken, the first two full length novels in the Neveah series. Also available is Serephina, a Neveah short story!

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  I love to hear feedback so please let me know if you review this book anywhere online so I can thank you personally.

  Thank you to my editor Kathy Krick who is really fantastic. I got lucky finding her. Thank you to my readers who have fallen in love with Neveah and given me a reason to continue writing these stories. You all Rock!!!! Of course my family and friends..I love you!


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