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Breaking to Breathe

Page 29

by Lisa N. Paul

  Every author has their stories, the funniest reader interactions, the best signing events, the greatest people they’ve met along the way, etc. I’m no exception. I can’t begin to list the AMAZING people I’ve met along the way; people who have made me laugh so hard I’ve cried and those who have been there with inspiration and support when the tears weren’t from happiness, but frustration or sadness. People who have affected my everyday life, and some who are no longer strangers but not unlike the characters from Danny’s, they are my family:

  L.b Simmons – There are not enough words in the English language to express how I feel about you. I think that’s why most of our conversations are in Emojis. Seriously, this path isn’t smooth, if there is one person I’d need to travel the bumpy-ass road with…it’s you, my friend. I love you.

  Ilsa Madden-Mills – Really? How did I get so lucky to find a woman as sweet and loving as you? You are one of the most nurturing, kind hearted people I’ve ever met. You take time to process with me whether it be book “stuff” or life issues and you never act bored. There are parts of Elliot that remind me of you. So thanks for the inspiration.

  Carey Heywood – You crack me up daily! Everyone can use a little Carey in their life. I’m so glad I have you in mine.

  Amy Barber – While there is no reason to re-tell how we met, I will say that I freaking LOVE you!! Not only are you the world’s best signing assistant, but you have been loyal and true to me and I am grateful for you!

  Kathy Sizemore – Thank you for staying on my crazy train and supporting me. All of your feedback is priceless and helpful, and because of you, Kyle’s breath was as fresh as a minty breeze…Cate thanks you! <3

  Carey Bruce – You helped to guide me with the BTB storyline. I was so stuck and you applied butter and squeezed me out (Hmmm…not a lovely analogy, but the truth)!! Thank you for sticking around and supporting me.

  Joanne Schwehm (JoJo, JoJo’s Circus, Boo) – I saved you for last because I needed to collect my thoughts. I can’t remember exactly where I was in BTB when we started sprinting, but it was the beginning. As we started our nightly “runs” and over the days and weeks began chatting. I loved the back and forth “pings” telling me you were sending me Ryker lines or I was sending patches of BTB. Jo, honestly, this book would have never turned out the way it did without you, because you were such an inspiration. Earlier when I talked about laughing until I cried…take a look in the mirror, chickie…that was you. I can’t count the amount of hours I was “writing” but not writing, the mornings when my abs were sore from the laughing from the night before…it wasn’t normal. But wasn’t wonderful. Your devotion and love for Kyle was the fire I needed to keep going. So thank you, Jojo. I am wishing you much success in your career. I can’t wait to write with you again.

  I want to give a big shout out to author Emily Snow (waving…Hi Emily!). I’m not sure if you have read her Devoured series, if you haven’t you should, but it was that series that gave us the band Your Toxic Sequel. Thank you, Emily for allowing me to use YTS, and the band members Lucus and Sinjin. They totally rocked!!!

  I read/written enough books to know that it takes more than a great story to make a book awesome. The editing is just as important. Between my fantastic beta readers and my editors I think BTB is truly great. Thank you, Pamela Snyder!! You once again saved my ass. You truly are Pamatron! I’d like to also thank Jacey Mackin for the content edit. I appreciate your time and feedback.

  After my books are edited they are just words on paper. It takes some major talent, talent I am sorely lacking to turn those pages into a beautiful book. If not for the loyal, TALENTED, and sweet Julie Titus of JT Formatting none of my books would be as lovely as they are. Thank you Julie! (Hopefully this time wasn’t nearly as bad as the two previous times. See, I’m getting better.)

  Not to demean any part of the process, but I have to say, my favorite part of writing has to be seeing the finished cover for the first time, followed in close second by holding the actual book. The cover of Breaking To Breathe literally took my breath away. Regina Wamba of Mae I Design is brilliant at her craft. Thank you, Regina for bringing Kyle and Cate to life.

  There is a fun, supportive, and loving group of women who I have come to appreciate beyond words. They share my posts, they encourage my writing and they laugh with me every single week…they are Danny’s Dolls. While I couldn’t possibly name them all, I will give a shout out to the admins of the group. While she is no longer with the page, Danny’s Dolls wouldn’t be a street team without the lovely CA Borgford. Now, each week I am lucky to have the very talented, organized, and fun duo of Heidi Goodwin-Small and Erin Marie Fisher. Thank you, ladies. You rock my world.

  In a field so filled with people, books, criticism, changes, and excitement, I’m thrilled to be part of writing groups. Thank you to the many authors who have made me laugh, held my hand, and let me curse a blue streak. You are the bar I strive to hit.

  Thank you to the bloggers and the readers who have read my stories and spread my words. I’d be nowhere without you. Seriously! I mean, I’d be here, on my couch…but I certainly wouldn’t be finished with my third novel. So you have my gratitude.

  To my family and friends – Wow, I’ve kind of sucked lately. I’ve stayed tucked away in my little world trying to get my stories written. Do you know what you’ve done? You’ve kept in touch with me, loved me, stayed interested (or fiend interest) and not allowed me to completely disappear. I’m so blessed. My girl friends who live close, you know who you are, I really do love you. I’m not uninterested…I just get caught in my fake world and forget to come out. Thank you for being there when I remember there is a life outside of Charistown.

  To my Boys – I love you guys, but no, the series isn’t over yet! Just remember, you are safe and loved every single day.

  Jon – Sigh…Thank you for supporting my dream. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for making dinner for the boys on the nights when the deadlines are close and life around me stops. Your smile warms me when I’m cold (and I’m always cold…so you are always warming me). The song YTS sang when Max proposed to Janie was the first song we danced to as husband and wife… and it’s true. You say it best, when you say nothing at all.

  Thank you for reading.


  Lisa Paul

  LISA PAUL IS A wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, reader, writer, blogger, and self-proclaimed comedian—just not always in that order. Ever since she was a little girl, she has devoured books. Falling in love with the Sweet Valley High series at a young age drew Lisa to series books and inspired her to write her own. Storm Front is the second book in her Charistown series following Thursday Nights. When not writing, Lisa can be found eating french fries and Godiva raspberry truffles or hanging out with her husband and two sons.

  Visit her website at

  Other titles by Lisa N. Paul


  Thursday Nights (Book One)

  Storm Front (Book Two)

  Breaking to Breathe (Book Three)

  Cheers in Charistown - COMING SOON




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