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Out of the Spotlight [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 4

by Tymber Dalton

  The Sunshine State, the cheaper, crazier little sister of California. Only with more concealed carry permits and no state income tax.

  He’d thought about buying a house here. Or investing in a condo, except unless you went to the high-dollar east coast, in Miami or Ft. Lauderdale, it was difficult to find an exclusive building with a manned front desk to keep the stalkarazzi at bay. And he had no desire to live on the east coast. Hell, he already lived in LA. That was crazy enough.

  In Cali, that was a cottage industry all its own, providing services to try to maintain control over a building and prevent incursions. A few of the paparazzi had even switched sides since they already knew the tricks of the trade, parlaying their experience into practical and more sustainable income over the long haul as security consultants.

  Creative and predictable. Although now that everyone had a cell phone with a camera, it had become nearly impossible to prevent all privacy intrusions in a building. Hell, with drones now, the high-walled compounds some stars preferred had become fair game, legal or not.

  First-world problems.

  At one point he’d driven down to Manasota Key, a place he’d spent a lot of time at on weekends and when cutting classes in high school. The gorgeous beaches there.

  When people raved about how gorgeous California was, he would keep his mouth firmly shut, smile, and nod.

  Nothing beat Florida.

  Nowhere beat Florida.

  I really need to spend more time here.

  Hell, even Travolta had a spread up near Ocala. He’d never been there even though he’d received an invite to a special political fundraiser or something there once. Unfortunately, his filming schedule at the time had prevented him from going, but he wished he could have attended.

  He’d missed his home state.

  By the time Saturday rolled around, he was ready to jump out of his skin. Before going to the club, Lucas and Leigh were going out to dinner with friends of theirs, apparently a regular occurrence. Many of them people who had either attended or usually attended the dinner munch he’d been to.

  And Lucas and Leigh had invited him to meet them there.

  He got it, it was a way for him to meet more of the group, and a safety measure for them to spend more face time with him in a no-pressure environment.

  Well, no-pressure environment for them, maybe.

  He studied his appearance in the mirror. No dark blond roots peeking through yet. With the glasses on, and the haircut, he really did look like someone else.

  And that he’d been all over the Sarasota area the past several days, in public, busy public spaces, and hadn’t been recognized meant he was playing his part perfectly.

  What sad irony that the part he was playing was his real self.

  Even sadder, that it felt so unfamiliar at times he wasn’t always sure who the real him was anymore.

  * * * *

  Lucas had made sure to speak with Tilly and the others ahead of time and let them know he’d invited Nick along.

  Leigh, who was seated facing the front of the restaurant, spotted Nick first. She eagerly stuck a hand up, waving at him.

  Tilly Cardinal, seated one chair over on Leigh’s other side, leaned across the space. “That’s him?” she muttered. “Holy crap, he’s farking hawt!”

  “I know, right?” Leigh mumbled back.

  Landry, Tilly’s husband, motioned for her to sit up straight. “Don’t scare him off, my vicious little Redbird.”

  “I’m not going to scare him off, Lan. Sheesh.” She looked at Leigh. “Do I look scary to you?”

  Leigh giggled. “Not to me, you don’t.”

  “You don’t know her like we do,” Cris snarked from the other side of Landry.

  Lucas stood, shaking hands with Nick after the other man rounded the table to join them. Tonight, he’d deliberately seated Nick between Leigh and Tilly. Tilly had a finely tuned bullshit radar that could be marketed as a defense-department-quality machine. If she sniffed anything wrong about the guy, she would tell Lucas.

  He knew this, because he’d already arranged it with her.

  Lucas made the introductions of the people Nick hadn’t met at the munch before retaking his seat. Leigh turned and flashed him a grateful smile, making Lucas’ heart swell even more. All week, they’d been chatting with Nick when they weren’t at work, and the two of them had been talking about Nick when home.

  They were in agreement that they were both interested in getting to know Nick better. No, they wouldn’t be taking him to bed tonight, but maybe they would be playing with him at the club, at least.

  If things worked out, maybe they could take him to bed in a couple of weeks.

  Then again, he wasn’t going to be there in Florida for very long. They might not even make it that far in the wooing process before Nick had to return to California, and neither Lucas nor Leigh were interested in a long-distance relationship.

  Take it slow, take it easy. There’s no rush.

  Those were nearly iron-clad rules in BDSM. Anyone who violated them did so at their own risk. He’d counseled dozens of newbies with that same sage advice in the past several years, and had witnessed plenty of relationship train wrecks when it wasn’t heeded.

  Time to make sure I don’t flub it.

  * * * *

  “So, are you visiting any family while you’re here?” Tilly asked Nick.

  Leigh winced, too late to give her friend the high sign not to ask that.

  “Um, no. No family in the area,” Nick said. “My parents died when I was in college.”

  Tilly’s expression fell. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay. It was years ago. I’d forgotten how pretty this area is, though.”

  “We were just out in LA,” Tilly said. “That’s why we missed the munch. Lan’s other office is out there. Let me tell you something, I prefer it here. Now I remember why I don’t beg him to take me out there more often. Every time I go, I think nah, it’ll be better than I remember. Nope. It’s so crowded. I’ll take our traffic any day.”

  “I agree the traffic’s bad. LA is an acquired taste. That’s why a lot of people don’t actually live there, they live somewhere nearby.”

  “What kind of writer are you?” Tilly asked.

  Leigh wished her friend would steer the conversation back to kinkiness, but Leigh had agreed with Lucas that Tilly was the perfect bullshit detector.

  If Tilly didn’t sign off on him, play wouldn’t be an option that night, anyway. Lucas wanted a neutral third opinion about the man. Leigh didn’t disagree with that theory.

  “I do some ghostwriting, screenplays, developmental stuff.”

  Tilly looked impressed. “Oh. That sounds interesting.”

  He shrugged. “It’s a living. One of these days, I’ll write a novel, if I ever get the time.”

  “Too busy writing to write?” Tilly asked.

  “Something like that. I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be mysterious, but for such a big city, LA’s a pretty small town. I really don’t want to get too detailed. I can’t afford for this to get around. It’s one reason I decided to come here to work on this project, to finally have a chance to try this out. I can’t risk it in California.”

  “No, not a problem. Believe me, I understand. If I’m too nosy, just say so.” She pointed at Leigh. “She’ll tell you, I can handle honesty.”

  “Thanks,” he said. “I appreciate that.”

  “You know,” Tilly said, “you look really familiar.”

  “I get that a lot,” he said.

  Fortunately, dinner went smoothly. And when Leigh went to use the bathroom, Tilly followed her.

  “I sign off on him,” Tilly said. “I didn’t sense anything weird. But I could swear I know him from somewhere.”

  “I thought you were going to go after him when he wasn’t specific about what he does for a living.”

  Tilly snorted. “Not even. Have you guys told him what you two do?”

They hadn’t revealed that much about themselves yet.

  Tilly expounded. “Jobs, I get it. Especially out there in LA. Everyone is up everyone else’s asshole, and in the entertainment industry, people don’t hesitate to get an edge up wherever they can. Even if it means dropping a dime on someone else to sic the tabloids on them. I won’t hold wanting some privacy against him.”

  “I thought I had it bad with my bosses.”

  “No, you’re small fry, sweetheart.” She grinned. “No offense. I mean, even someone like Tony is pushing it by teaching the way he does. But especially people like Gabe and Bill. Hell, they’re law enforcement. They have as much to lose as you and Lucas.”

  When they returned to the table a few minutes later, Leigh slid into her chair next to Lucas and caught his slightly arched eyebrow.

  She grinned and winked at him in reply, earning her a nod of his head.

  Message received and understood—Tilly doesn’t see red flags.

  It was nice having that deep of a rapport with him. She’d never had that level of communication with anyone she’d ever had a relationship with, before Lucas.

  Maybe even more of a reason the two of them belonged together.

  She thought back to their conversation about marriage the week before. Yes, she could easily marry Lucas. And if he was sure he could be married to her—and stay married to her for the long-haul—then why not be happy and do it?

  Why let fear and what-ifs stand in her way?

  Once their checks were paid and they were all back in their respective vehicles and heading toward the club, Leigh spoke up. “Back to the wedding conversation,” she said.


  “Yeah. The more I think about it, yes, I do want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “No more worries?”

  “No. I trust you. If you say it’s what you want, too, then why shouldn’t I believe you?”

  He smiled. “Thank you.” He laid his hand over hers on his thigh and gently squeezed. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  Chapter Seven

  Nick wasn’t sure exactly what to expect when he pulled into the parking lot at the club, even though he sort of knew what the club’s interior would look like based on pictures on their website. Instinctively, he looked around, making sure there wasn’t anyone standing nearby ready to take his picture.

  Not a camera in sight.

  He got out and locked the rental before walking over to where Lucas had parked. After Lucas helped Leigh out, he went around to the trunk and pulled out a rolling suitcase and a round, black tube with a shoulder strap.

  “What’s that?” Nick asked him.

  Lucas grinned. “Canes and crops. It’s a blueprint tube. Cool, huh?”

  “Never realized they had more than one use.”

  Leigh giggled. “If you can’t pervert it, you’re just not kinky enough.”

  He followed the couple to the club’s front door. A nondescript warehouse building like most any other in the US, the word VENTURE was posted in capital letters over a large roll-up door. The club’s office looked normal.


  Normal in that it didn’t look like anything in porn videos or what some books described. It appeared to be an average, everyday office.

  Except for the kinky shit hanging on the walls, merchandise for sale.

  Lucas and Leigh explained to the woman at the counter that it was Nick’s first time, and they’d vouch for him. The woman got Nick set up with standard waiver forms and used his driver’s license to verify he wasn’t on the USDOJ’s sex offender registry.

  For a moment, he felt a cold sweat break out on the back of his neck, but when the woman returned his license with a clueless smile and a polite thank-you, he realized, once again, he’d passed as one of the common people. Not that he’d worried about cropping up on that registry. He had no criminal record.

  He was simply worried about someone recognizing him.

  How strange that, early in his career, he’d longed for recognition.

  Now that he had it, part of him wished he could have his normal life back. His old life.

  Now I know why Johnny Depp likes living in France.

  Heaven help him if pics ever got out of him looking like this. He’d never again be able to resort to it as a disguise.

  And he cherished the anonymity.

  After paying the membership fee in cash, and waiting while Lucas and Leigh got checked in and paid their entry fees, he followed them through the other door that presumably led into the dungeon.

  The lights were low, the music thumping, reminding him vaguely of a dance club…with no one dancing.

  He stopped, taking everything in. The pictures on the website hadn’t done the place justice. This was his dream brought to life. To the right, half of the space was a social area with tables and chairs. To the left, play equipment. An upstairs area for specialized kinds of play, and…

  He took a deep breath and let it out.

  “You all right?” Lucas asked.

  “Just…taking it in.”

  “Sometimes, people are disappointed,” Leigh told him. “They get this image in their heads based on movies or porn or romance books, and they think it’s some ritzy, high-end resort or something. It’s just a dungeon.” She grinned. “We like it.”

  He nodded. “So do I.”

  After the couple stashed their belongings, Leigh went to change while Lucas showed him around and explained the rules to him.

  “Am I dressed okay?” he asked. He’d worn jeans and a black, button-up shirt.

  “You’re fine. There’s no dress code inside, except that everyone going outside needs to be street-legal. Some of the events have special themes, but for the most part, you’ll see people dressed from full fetish to full naked, and everywhere in between. And if you go for naked, sit on a towel,” he added.

  “Roger roger.” Nick longingly eyed the play equipment. He could easily envision himself strapped down on one of them, getting his ass thoroughly beaten by Lucas.

  A chubby tried to rise at that thought and he mentally beat it down into submission.

  “When Leigh rejoins us,” Lucas said, “we’ll talk some more. Hopefully someone will start playing soon, and you can watch and ask questions.”

  He wanted to blurt out, “And then we can play?” but knew that was too soon. Way too soon.

  Instead, he forced himself to say, “That sounds like a plan.”

  * * * *

  After two hours, Nick had witnessed several scenes, mostly with male Doms topping female submissives, but Landry topped Cris and Abbey topped Gilo.

  His heart especially raced as he watched those scenes, his imagination fired up and ready to play.

  As was his cock, even though he knew tonight would not be about sexual play.

  It was Lucas who finally came close to broaching the subject. “Well, what do you think so far?”

  Nick eagerly nodded. “So far, this is way better than my imagination.”

  “Talk to us and tell us what’s going through your mind right now.”

  “That I don’t want to breach protocol and ask to play too soon, but I’d really like to try something.”

  “Okay,” Lucas said. “That’s a good start. I go out of my way not to pressure a newbie. I’d prefer a newbie ask me to play, rather than me asking them to play and they feel they can’t say no.”

  “I want to play,” Nick said.

  Lucas smiled. “I’m getting that feeling.”

  “I want to play with him, too, Sir,” Leigh asked, playfully wheedling.

  Nick smiled. “I’m fine with that, too.”

  “Serious discussion,” Lucas said. “No is always perfectly acceptable. Are you really okay with her helping me co-Top you? Because it won’t hurt her or my feelings if you say no.”

  “I’m good with it. As long as it’s just the two of you and no one else.” He was already taking a huge risk as it was. He didn’t want to extend the persona
l contact any more than he already had.

  “It would only be us.” Lucas looked around. “There’s a cross in the far corner that looks like it’s vacant. It’s a little more secluded over there. How’s that sound?”


  Lucas retrieved his bag and tube and led the way. “I won’t be restraining you tonight,” Lucas said. “The first time I play with someone, unless they’re an experienced player with their own cuffs, I prefer to leave them unrestrained.”


  “Because some people don’t realize they’re claustrophobic like that. New sensations, a feeling of vulnerability, and being restrained combined together can trigger a panic attack in someone. This way, you know you’re always free to stand up and stop things with no worries about anything going too far.”

  That made sense. “Okay.” Even more, he was coming to respect Lucas and Leigh for their caution and level-headedness.

  Lucas opened his bag and cane tube and started laying implements out, showing them to Nick, getting his opinion on them.

  When Lucas pulled a couple of items to the side, Nick asked why. One of them was a flexible, rubber baton.

  Lucas handed it to him. “Smack yourself in the thigh with it. Gently.”

  He did, and winced. “Ow.” He handed it back to Lucas and rubbed the spot on his leg, He really hadn’t thought he’d used much force.


  Leigh giggled. “That’s one of my favorites,” she said. “Leaves nice big bruises on my ass and thighs.”

  “That’s another point,” Lucas said. “Are you concerned about marks?”

  “Marks where?”

  “Ass, thighs, shoulders, back of your arms.”

  “Oh. Not my face or anything?”

  Lucas smiled. “No.”

  “Sure. That’s fine.” He’d have plenty of time to heal up from anything before he’d have to film and be measured head to toe by a wardrobe assistant for costumes.

  “I can go light and easy this time, if you’d prefer.”

  “No, go ahead and play how you normally would.”

  Leigh snorted. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen tonight.”


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